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- # ZZZ
- import tkinter as tk
- from math import *
- from random import *
- # create a tkinter root
- root = tk.Tk()
- # create a canvas
- canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=1200, height=600, bg="black")
- canvas.pack()
- # create a track
- track = canvas.create_polygon(100, 100, 200, 50, 300, 100, fill="gray")
- # create a car
- car = canvas.create_rectangle(50, 50, 100, 100, fill="red")
- # set initial position and direction of car
- x = 300
- y = 300
- direction = 0
- # distance traveled
- distance = 0
- # set initial speed of car
- speed = 0
- # create a car
- car_x = 0
- car_y = 0
- car_z = 0
- car_direction = 0
- car_speed = 0
- # create a game loop
- def game_loop():
- global x, y, direction, speed
- # accelerate the car if the up arrow is pressed
- if canvas.keys[tk.K_UP]:
- speed += 0.1
- # decelerate the car if the down arrow is pressed
- if canvas.keys[tk.K_DOWN]:
- speed -= 0.1
- # turn the car left if the left arrow is pressed
- if canvas.keys[tk.K_LEFT]:
- direction -= 10
- # turn the car right if the right arrow is pressed
- if canvas.keys[tk.K_RIGHT]:
- direction += 10
- # move the car in the direction it is facing
- x += speed * cos(radians(direction))
- y += speed * sin(radians(direction))
- # update the distance traveled
- distance += speed
- # update the position of the car on the canvas
- canvas.coords(car, x, y, x + 50, y + 50)
- # update the game state
- root.after(1, game_loop)
- # start the game loop
- game_loop()
- # bind the canvas to the key press and release events
- canvas.bind("<KeyPress>", game_loop)
- canvas.bind("<KeyRelease>", game_loop)
- # create a track
- track_points = [
- (100, 100, 0), # segment 1
- (200, 50, 0),
- (300, 100, 0),
- (400, 50, 0), # segment 2
- (500, 100, 0),
- (600, 50, 0), # segment 3
- (700, 100, 0),
- (800, 50, 0)
- ]
- # create a function to project a 3D point onto the screen
- def project_3d_point(point):
- x, y, z = point
- # calculate the position of the point on the screen
- screen_x = x - camera_x
- screen_y = y - camera_y
- screen_z = z - camera_z
- # apply 3D projection to the point
- projected_x = screen_x * camera_fov / screen_z
- projected_y = screen_y * camera_fov / screen_z
- return projected_x, projected_y
- # create a camera
- camera_x = 0
- camera_y = 0
- camera_z = -100
- camera_fov = 300
- track_segments = []
- for i in range(len(track_points) - 1):
- segment = [
- project_3d_point(track_points[i]),
- project_3d_point(track_points[i + 1])
- ]
- track_segments.append(segment)
- create a function to draw the track on the screen
- def draw_track():
- # loop through each segment of the track
- for segment in track_segments:
- x1, y1 = segment[0]
- x2, y2 = segment[1]
- # draw the segment on the screen
- canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill="gray")
- draw the track on the screen
- draw_track()
- update the camera position and direction
- camera_x += car_speed * cos(radians(car_direction))
- camera_y += car_speed * sin(radians(car_direction))
- redraw the track to update the camera view
- canvas.delete("all")
- draw_track()
- canvas.coords(car, car_x, car_y, car_x + 50, car_y + 50)
- add some obstacles to the track
- obstacles = [
- (200, 0, 100), # obstacle 1
- (400, 0, 150), # obstacle 2
- (600, 0, 50) # obstacle 3
- ]
- create a function to detect collisions between the car and an obstacle
- def detect_collision(car_x, car_y, car_z, obstacle):
- x, y, z = obstacle
- # calculate the distance between the car and the obstacle
- distance = sqrt((x - car_x)**2 + (y - car_y)**2 + (z - car_z)**2)
- # check if the distance is less than the collision radius
- if distance < 25:
- return True
- return False
- create a function to handle collisions
- def handle_collision():
- # stop the car
- car_speed = 0
- # show a message on the screen
- canvas.create_text(600, 300, text="Collision!", fill="white")
- create a function to update the game state
- def update_game_state():
- ... to be continued...
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