

Apr 6th, 2024
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  1. Premonition
  3. TL;DR: I’m pessimistic about the future and ranting here.
  5. ~I do not entirely understand how this works; however, I have attempted to add a comment. I apologize if anything breaks. I also apologize if this is not how I should be apologizing. (Adapted from 1692. Man Page)
  7. Lately I’ve been worried about the future. THoughts of possible scenarios have occupied me and made me unable to concentrate.
  9. I feel a great need to write something down, but I’m afraid I have nothing useful to contribute. What I worry about are all discussed so much that they are already clich?: war, AI, moral degradation, etc etc. The point is, there is basically nothing useful to dig in the analyses anymore, I’ve seen the arguments already, hopeful and despair and anything in between, and what I’ve found, reading them no longer provide any solace.
  11. I try to look back into history in search for an analogy, about the previous industrial rivulutions and international conflicts, reading about how people at that time coped with change. It’s easy to see that the world will not end easily, despite disasters left and right (pun?). For those in-the-spot however the future seems unpredictable and frightening.
  13. Other things... Overpopulation and education. Especially education. Students trampling over each other competing on a standardized score, a number that dictates their (self-)value. If war? Yes, a war will break out. (So says premonition) that effect named from some mythology is at play; the precious values taught to people will be their unshakeable faith to victory 1dC>?G
  15. Too much information. The brain can only hold seven (7) pieces of information at one time, it is said. It’d be impossible to consider what all these factors will influence each other and how the pot is green the sky is blue it is raining lampshade hanging true / from the canopy of laughter and trepination and iconyamic growth
  17. Retracing to last break-point... There are those ideas so ingrained that we don’t question them. A dogma. Sometimes I queitly re-examine the truisms that society mandates, for that spiky feeling of cognitive dissonance... Yes I’m a psychochist (very awkward, combining words to form novel "blend-words", let’s try that again: manufracture, distandardism, languorthodoxy!) Now I’ve completely forgotten where I left off and I’m not gonna proofread this fr fr buddy
  19. K lool goto sleep end<!-- checksum: 178261452 -->
Tags: WHY Dumb sleepy
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