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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Company:
- -- Engineer:
- --
- -- Create Date: 16:55:43 10/12/2015
- -- Design Name:
- -- Module Name: DNALock - Behavioral
- -- Project Name:
- -- Target Devices:
- -- Tool versions:
- -- Description:
- --
- -- Dependencies:
- --
- -- Revision:
- -- Revision 0.01 - File Created
- -- Additional Comments:
- --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- library IEEE;
- use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
- use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
- library UNISIM;
- entity DNALock is
- port(
- CLK_98MHz : in std_logic;
- readDNACmd : in std_logic;
- DNA_SerailIn : in std_logic;
- SR_Clear : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- DNA_Shift : out std_logic:='0';
- DNA_Read : out std_logic:='0';
- DNA_CLK : buffer std_logic;
- DNAVerify : out std_logic:='0';
- DNAReady : out std_logic:='0');
- end DNALock;
- architecture Behavioral of DNALock is
- -- Defining medium signals for shift register
- signal SR_read: std_logic:= '0';
- signal SR_clk : std_logic:= '0';
- signal SR_Out: std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- signal SR_DataReady:std_logic:= '0';
- --DNA clock medium signal
- signal DNA_CLK_Temp: std_logic :='0';
- --10MHz signal period
- constant DNA_CLK_period : time := 100 ns;
- --Device DNA
- constant DeviceDNA :std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) :=X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF";
- signal clkCounter: unsigned(7 downto 0):= "00000000";
- signal clkCounter2: unsigned(7 downto 0):= "00000000";
- signal SR_Readb :std_logic:= '1';
- --Defining state machine states:
- type controllerState is (zeroState,initState,readState,endReadState);
- signal state : controllerState;
- begin
- --Magic clock generator!
- DNA_CLK_Temp <= not DNA_CLK_Temp after DNA_CLK_period/2;
- SR_Readb <= '1';
- --This process make read and shift signals for DNA device
- -- controller:process(DNA_CLK_Temp)
- --
- -- variable COUNT :unsigned(7 downto 0) := "00000000";
- -- variable readFlag :bit:='0';
- -- variable busyFlag :bit:='0';
- --
- -- begin
- -- if (DNA_CLK_Temp'event and DNA_CLK_Temp = '1') then
- -- if readFlag = '1' then
- -- DNA_Read <= '0';
- -- DNA_Shift <= '1';--after 20 ns;
- -- readFlag := '0';
- -- end if;
- --
- -- if readDNACmd = '1' and busyFlag = '0' then
- -- busyFlag := '1';
- -- readFlag := '1';
- -- DNA_Read <= '1';
- -- SR_read <= '1';
- -- SR_clk <= DNA_CLK;
- -- end if;
- --
- -- if busyFlag = '1' then
- -- COUNT := COUNT + 1;
- -- end if;
- --
- -- if COUNT = 66 then
- -- busyFlag := '0';
- -- DNA_Shift <= '0' after 20 ns;
- -- SR_read <= '0';
- -- SR_clk <= '0';
- -- end if;
- -- end if;
- -- end process Controller;
- --Implementing controller using FSM
- FSMStateController:process(DNA_CLK_Temp,areset)
- --variable clkCounter :unsigned(7 downto 0) := "00000000";
- begin
- if (areset = '1') then
- state <= zeroState;
- elsif (DNA_CLK_Temp'event and DNA_CLK_Temp = '1') then
- case state is
- when zeroState =>
- if readDnaCmd = '1' then
- state <= initState;
- end if;
- when initState =>
- state <= readState;
- when readState =>
- --clkCounter := clkCounter + 1;
- clkCounter <= clkCounter + X"01";
- if clkCounter = X"40" then
- state <= endReadState;
- end if;
- when endReadState =>
- state <= zeroState;
- end case;
- end if;
- end process FSMStateController;
- FSMOutputController:process(state,readDnaCmd)
- variable clkCounter :unsigned(7 downto 0) := "00000000";
- begin
- case state is
- when zeroState =>
- if readDnaCmd = '1' then
- DNA_Read <= '1';
- SR_read <= '0';
- else
- SR_read <= '1';
- end if;
- when initState =>
- DNA_Read <= '0';
- SR_read <= '1';
- SR_clk <= DNA_CLK_temp;
- DNA_Shift <= '1';
- when endReadState =>
- DNA_shift <= '0';
- SR_read <= '0';
- when readState =>
- clkCounter := clkCounter + 1;
- --clkCounter2 <= clkCounter2 + X"01";
- SR_read <= '0';
- end case;
- end process FSMOutputController;
- --Implementing a 64-bit shift register to read from DNA device
- shiftRegister:process(DNA_CLK_Temp)
- variable COUNT2:unsigned(7 downto 0):= "00000000";
- begin
- if (DNA_CLK_Temp'event and DNA_CLK_Temp = '1') then
- if SR_read = '1' then
- SR_Out(to_integer(COUNT2)) <= DNA_SerailIn;
- COUNT2 := COUNT2 + 1;
- end if;
- if COUNT2 = 64 then
- SR_DataReady <= '1';
- COUNT2 := "00000000";
- end if;
- end if;
- end process shiftRegister;
- checkDNA:process(SR_DataReady)
- begin
- if (SR_DataReady = '1') then
- DNAReady <= '1';
- if DeviceDNA = SR_Out then
- DNAVerify <= '1';
- end if;
- DNAReady <= '0' after 500 ns;
- end if;
- end process checkDNA;
- DNA_CLK <= DNA_CLK_Temp;
- end Behavioral;
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