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- /*
- Project: Wifi controlled LED matrix display
- NodeMCU pins -> EasyMatrix pins
- CLK-D5-GPIO14 -> Clk
- GPIO0-D3 -> LOAD
- Pin Name GPIO # HSPI Function
- GPIO0 = 3
- GPIO1 = 10
- GPIO2 = 4
- GPIO3 = 9
- GPIO4 = 2
- GPIO5 = 1
- GPIO9 = 11
- GPIO10 = 12
- GPIO12 = 6
- GPIO13 = 7
- GPIO14 = 5
- GPIO15 = 8
- GPIO16 = 0
- */
- #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
- #include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
- #include <SPI.h>
- #include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
- #include <Max72xxPanel.h>
- #include <ArduinoOTA.h>
- #include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
- #include <DNSServer.h>
- #include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
- // Helps with connecting to internet
- #include <WiFiManager.h>
- // HOSTNAME for OTA update
- #define HOSTNAME "ESP8266-OTA-"
- void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager);
- // ******************* String form to sent to the client-browser ************************************
- String form =
- "<p>"
- "<center>"
- "<h1>ESP8266 Web Server</h1>"
- "<form action='msg'><p>Type your message <input type='text' name='msg' size=100 autofocus> <input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>"
- "</center>";
- ESP8266WebServer server(80); // HTTP server will listen at port 80
- long period;
- int offset=1,refresh=0;
- int pinCS = 0; // Attach CS to this pin, DIN to MOSI and CLK to SCK (cf )
- int numberOfHorizontalDisplays = 8;
- int numberOfVerticalDisplays = 1;
- String decodedMsg;
- Max72xxPanel matrix = Max72xxPanel(pinCS, numberOfHorizontalDisplays, numberOfVerticalDisplays);
- String tape = "Arduino";
- int wait = 80; // In milliseconds
- int spacer = 1;
- int width = 5 + spacer; // The font width is 5 pixels
- /*
- handles the messages coming from the webbrowser, restores a few special characters and
- constructs the strings that can be sent to the oled display
- */
- void handle_msg() {
- matrix.fillScreen(LOW);
- server.send(200, "text/html", form); // Send same page so they can send another msg
- refresh=1;
- // Display msg on Oled
- String msg = server.arg("msg");
- Serial.println(msg);
- decodedMsg = msg;
- // Restore special characters that are misformed to %char by the client browser
- decodedMsg.replace(0xc4, 0x8e);
- decodedMsg.replace(0xd6, 0x99);
- decodedMsg.replace(0xDC, 0x9A);
- decodedMsg.replace(0xE4, 0x84);
- decodedMsg.replace(0xF6, 0x94);
- decodedMsg.replace(0xFC, 0x81);
- decodedMsg.replace(0xDF, 0xE0);
- decodedMsg.replace(0xA7, 0x15);
- decodedMsg.replace("+", " ");
- decodedMsg.replace("%21", "!");
- decodedMsg.replace("%22", "");
- decodedMsg.replace("%23", "#");
- decodedMsg.replace("%24", "$");
- decodedMsg.replace("%25", "%");
- decodedMsg.replace("%26", "&");
- decodedMsg.replace("%27", "'");
- decodedMsg.replace("%28", "(");
- decodedMsg.replace("%29", ")");
- decodedMsg.replace("%2A", "*");
- decodedMsg.replace("%2B", "+");
- decodedMsg.replace("%2C", ",");
- decodedMsg.replace("%2F", "/");
- decodedMsg.replace("%3A", ":");
- decodedMsg.replace("%3B", ";");
- decodedMsg.replace("%3C", "<");
- decodedMsg.replace("%3D", "=");
- decodedMsg.replace("%3E", ">");
- decodedMsg.replace("%3F", "?");
- decodedMsg.replace("%40", "@");
- Serial.println(decodedMsg); // print original string to monitor
- Serial.println(' '); // new line in monitor
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void setup(void) {
- matrix.setIntensity(3); // Use a value between 0 and 15 for brightness
- // Adjust to your own needs
- // matrix.setPosition(0, 1, 0); // The first display is at <0, 0>
- // matrix.setPosition(1, 0, 0); // The second display is at <1, 0>
- /*
- // Adjust to your own needs
- matrix.setPosition(0, 7, 0); // The first display is at <0, 7>
- matrix.setPosition(1, 6, 0); // The second display is at <1, 0>
- matrix.setPosition(2, 5, 0); // The third display is at <2, 0>
- matrix.setPosition(3, 4, 0); // And the last display is at <3, 0>
- matrix.setPosition(4, 3, 0); // The first display is at <0, 0>
- matrix.setPosition(5, 2, 0); // The second display is at <1, 0>
- matrix.setPosition(6, 1, 0); // The third display is at <2, 0>
- matrix.setPosition(7, 0, 0); // And the last display is at <3, 0>
- */
- // начальные координаты матриц 8*8
- matrix.setRotation(0, 1); // 1 матрица
- matrix.setRotation(1, 1); // 2 матрица
- matrix.setRotation(2, 1); // 3 матрица
- matrix.setRotation(3, 1); // 4 матрица
- matrix.setRotation(4, 1); // 4 матрица
- matrix.setRotation(5, 1); // 4 матрица
- matrix.setRotation(6, 1); // 4 матрица
- matrix.setRotation(7, 1); // 4 матрица
- matrix.fillScreen(LOW); // clear display
- matrix.write(); // Send bitmap to display
- //ESP.wdtDisable(); // used to debug, disable wachdog timer,
- Serial.begin(115200); // full speed to monitor
- //WiFiManager
- //Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
- WiFiManager wifiManager;
- // Uncomment for testing wifi manager
- //wifiManager.resetSettings();
- wifiManager.setAPCallback(configModeCallback);
- //or use this for auto generated name ESP + ChipID
- wifiManager.autoConnect();
- // OTA Setup
- String hostname(HOSTNAME);
- hostname += String(ESP.getChipId(), HEX);
- WiFi.hostname(hostname);
- ArduinoOTA.setHostname((const char *)hostname.c_str());
- ArduinoOTA.begin();
- while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { // Wait for connection
- delay(500);
- Serial.print(".");
- }
- // Set up the endpoints for HTTP server, Endpoints can be written as inline functions:
- server.on("/", []() {
- server.send(200, "text/html", form);
- });
- server.on("/msg", handle_msg); // And as regular external functions:
- server.begin(); // Start the server
- char result[255];
- sprintf(result, "WebServer ready! Send Message using http://%1d.%1d.%1d.%1d", WiFi.localIP()[0], WiFi.localIP()[1], WiFi.localIP()[2], WiFi.localIP()[3]);
- Serial.println();
- Serial.println(result);
- decodedMsg = result;
- Serial.println("WebServer ready! ");
- Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); // Serial monitor prints localIP
- // Serial.print(analogRead(A0));
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void loop(void) {
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < width * decodedMsg.length() + matrix.width() - 1 - spacer; i++ ) {
- server.handleClient(); // checks for incoming messages
- if (refresh==1) i=0;
- refresh=0;
- matrix.fillScreen(LOW);
- int letter = i / width;
- int x = (matrix.width() - 1) - i % width;
- int y = (matrix.height() - 8) / 2; // center the text vertically
- while ( x + width - spacer >= 0 && letter >= 0 ) {
- if ( letter < decodedMsg.length() ) {
- matrix.drawChar(x, y, decodedMsg[letter], HIGH, LOW, 1);
- }
- letter--;
- x -= width;
- }
- matrix.write(); // Send bitmap to display
- delay(wait);
- }
- }
- // Called if WiFi has not been configured yet
- void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) {
- Serial.println("Wifi Manager");
- Serial.println("Please connect to AP");
- Serial.println(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID());
- Serial.println("To setup Wifi Configuration");
- }
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