
Admin ye

Apr 11th, 2016
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  1. msg ="Message")
  2. msg.Parent = game.Workspace
  3. msg.Text = "NegativeAttention Admin Skulls Have Loaded" --Leave this credit alone
  4. wait(2)
  5. msg:Remove()
  7. Admins = {
  8. ["NegativeAttention"] = 3, -- djface203
  9. [""] = 3, -- Friends names
  10. [""] = 3,
  11. ["djface203"] = 3 --Leave this credit alone
  12. }
  13. local Levels = {
  14. [0] = {"Peasant","Really black")};
  15. [1] = {"Knight","Black")};
  16. [2] = {"Lord","Dark stone grey")};
  17. [3] = {"King","red")}
  18. }
  19. Players = Game:GetService("Players")
  20. Workspace = Game:GetService("Workspace")
  21. Debris = Game:GetService("Debris")
  22. Lighting = Game:GetService("Lighting")
  23. Teams = Game:GetService("Teams")
  24. MR = math.rad
  25. MD = math.deg
  26. IPStore = {}
  27. IPBans = {}
  28. Banned = {"Network Server"}
  29. PrivateServer = {}
  30. PrivateServerWarnings = {}
  31. function IncommingConnection(IPAddress, Replicator)
  32. local IP = IPAddress:sub(1, IPAddress:find(":")-1)
  33. local ThePlayer
  34. Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(NewPlayer)
  35. if not ThePlayer then
  36. ThePlayer = NewPlayer
  37. end
  38. end)
  39. repeat wait() until ThePlayer
  40. IPStore[ThePlayer.Name] = IP
  41. for i=1, #IPBans do
  42. if IPBans[i] == IP then
  43. ThePlayer:Remove()
  44. end
  45. end
  46. end
  47. function Round(Number, ToWhatExtent)
  48. if ToWhatExtent then
  49. return math.floor(Number/ToWhatExtent+0.5)*ToWhatExtent
  50. else
  51. return math.floor(Number + 0.5)
  52. end
  53. end
  54. Settings = {
  55. Color ="Medium stone grey"), --Its bright red...
  56. Name = "ProLevi27 Scythe Admin",
  57. Version = "0.0.8"
  58. }
  59. function ShowInCircle(Prompter,...)
  60. local Args = {...}
  61. local Books = {}
  62. Args[#Args + 1] = "Dismiss"
  63. local Ans = nil
  64. local Rank = Admins[Prompter.Name]
  65. for i=1, #Args do
  66. local IsKings
  67. if Args[i]:find("(Kings Only)") then
  68. IsKings = true
  69. end
  70. local Book ="Part", Game:GetService("Workspace"))
  71. Book.Anchored = false
  72. Book.Locked = true
  73. Book.CanCollide = false
  74. Book.TopSurface, Book.BottomSurface = 0, 0
  75. Book.Transparency = 0
  76. Book.Reflectance = 0
  77. Book.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  78. Book.Size =, 1, 3)
  79. if IsKings and Admins[Prompter.Name] < 3 then
  80. Book.BrickColor ="Bright red")
  81. else
  82. Book.BrickColor = Settings.Color
  83. end
  84. table.insert(Books, Book)
  85. local Mesh ="SpecialMesh", Book)
  86. Mesh.MeshId = ""
  87. Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh"
  88. local BG ="BodyGyro", Book)
  89. local BP ="BodyPosition", Book)
  90. if (IsKings and Admins[Prompter.Name] == 3) or not IsKings then
  91. local Fire ="Fire", Book)
  92. Fire.Heat = 0
  93. Fire.Color = Settings.Color.Color
  94. Fire.SecondaryColor = Settings.Color.Color
  95. end
  96. local Billboard ="BillboardGui", Book)
  97. Billboard.Adornee = Book
  98. Billboard.Enabled = true
  99. Billboard.Active = true
  100. Billboard.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
  101. Billboard.ExtentsOffset =, 2.5, 0)
  102. local Text ="TextLabel", Billboard)
  103. Text.Text = Args[i]
  104. if IsKings and Admins[Prompter.Name] ~= 3 then
  105. Text.TextColor3 ="White").Color
  106. else
  107. Text.TextColor3 = Settings.Color.Color
  108. end
  109. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  110. Text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  111. local ClickDetector ="ClickDetector", Book)
  112. ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(Player)
  113. if Player == Prompter and Args[i] == "Dismiss" then
  114. Ans = Args[i]
  115. for _, v in pairs(Books) do
  116. v:Remove()
  117. end
  118. Books = {}
  119. end
  120. end)
  121. end
  122. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  123. local radius = 3 + (#Books*.7)
  124. while wait() do
  125. if #Books == 0 then break end
  126. for _, Book in pairs(Books) do
  127. local BP = Book:FindFirstChild("BodyPosition") or"BodyPosition", Book)
  128. BP.maxForce =, 1000000000, 1000000000)
  129. local BG = Book:FindFirstChild("BodyGyro") or"BodyGyro", Book)
  130. BG.maxTorque =, 1000000000, 1000000000)
  131. local Pos = (Prompter.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") or Prompter.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")).CFrame
  132. local x = math.cos((tonumber(_)/#Books - (0.5/#Books)) * math.pi*2) * radius -- cos
  133. local y = 0
  134. local z = math.sin((tonumber(_)/#Books - (0.5/#Books)) * math.pi*2) * radius -- sin
  135. BP.position = Pos:toWorldSpace(,y,z):inverse()).p
  136. BG.cframe =, Pos.p) * CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2, 0, 0)
  137. end
  138. end
  139. end))
  140. end
  141. function Prompt(Prompter, ...)
  142. local Args = {...}
  143. local Books = {} --Dismiss sounds cooler :3
  144. Args[#Args + 1] = "Dismiss"
  145. local Ans = nil
  146. for i=1, #Args do
  147. local Book ="Part", Game:GetService("Workspace"))
  148. Book.Anchored = false
  149. Book.Locked = true
  150. Book.CanCollide = false
  151. Book.TopSurface, Book.BottomSurface = 0, 0
  152. Book.Transparency = 0
  153. Book.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  154. Book.Size =, 1, 3)
  155. Book.BrickColor = Settings.Color
  156. table.insert(Books, Book)
  157. local Mesh ="SpecialMesh", Book)
  158. Mesh.MeshId = ""
  159. Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh"
  160. local Fire ="Fire", Book)
  161. Fire.Heat = 0
  162. Fire.Color = Settings.Color.Color
  163. Fire.SecondaryColor = Settings.Color.Color
  164. local Billboard ="BillboardGui", Book)
  165. Billboard.Adornee = Book
  166. Billboard.Enabled = true
  167. Billboard.Active = true
  168. Billboard.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
  169. Billboard.ExtentsOffset =, 2.5, 0)
  170. local Text ="TextLabel", Billboard)
  171. Text.Text = Args[i]
  172. Text.TextColor3 = Settings.Color.Color
  173. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  174. Text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  175. local AttemptToFixPrompt = i
  176. local ClickDetector ="ClickDetector", Book)
  177. ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(Player)
  178. if Player == Prompter then
  179. Ans = Args[i]
  180. local BackupBooks = Books
  181. Books = {}
  182. local AnimationOver
  183. pcall(function() BP.Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position end)
  184. Book.Touched:connect(function(zPart)
  185. pcall(function()
  186. if zPart == Player.Character.Torso then
  187. AnimationOver = true
  188. end
  189. end)
  190. end)
  191. delay(5, function() AnimationOver = true end)
  192. for _, v in pairs(BackupBooks) do
  193. v:Remove()
  194. end
  195. BackupBooks = nil
  196. return AttemptToFixPrompt
  197. end
  198. end)
  199. end
  200. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  201. local radius = 3 + (#Books)
  202. while wait() do
  203. if #Books == 0 then break end
  204. for _, Book in pairs(Books) do
  205. local BP = Book:FindFirstChild("BodyPosition") or"BodyPosition", Book)
  206. BP.maxForce =, 1000000000, 1000000000)
  207. local BG = Book:FindFirstChild("BodyGyro") or"BodyGyro", Book)
  208. BG.maxTorque =, 1000000000, 1000000000)
  209. local Pos = (Prompter.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") or Prompter.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")).CFrame
  210. local x = math.cos((tonumber(_)/#Books - (0.5/#Books)) * math.pi) * radius -- cos
  211. local y = 0
  212. local z = math.sin((tonumber(_)/#Books - (0.5/#Books)) * math.pi) * radius -- sin
  213. BP.position = Pos:toWorldSpace(,y,z):inverse()).p
  214. BG.cframe =, Pos.p) * CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2, 0, 0)
  215. end
  216. end
  217. end))
  218. while (Ans == nil) and (#Books > 0) do
  219. wait()
  220. end
  221. return Ans
  222. end
  223. function ParseMessage(Message)
  224. Message = Message:gsub("lego%s", "")
  225. Message = Message:gsub("runescape%s", "")
  226. Message = Message:gsub("minecraft%s", "")
  227. local Command
  228. local Args = {}
  229. for Word in Message:gmatch("%w+") do
  230. if not Command then
  231. Command = Word
  232. else
  233. table.insert(Args, Word)
  234. end
  235. end
  236. return Command, Args
  237. end
  238. function ErrorHandler(Error)
  239. print(Error)
  240. local Message ="Message", Workspace)
  241. Message.Text = "!ERROR!: " .. Error:gsub("(.-:)","")
  242. Game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(Message, 5)
  243. end
  244. function onPlayerAdded(NewPlayer)
  245. for b=1, #Banned do
  246. if NewPlayer.Name == Banned[b] then
  247. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  248. for i=1, 25 do
  249. pcall(function() NewPlayer:Destroy() end)
  250. wait(0.5)
  251. end
  252. end))
  253. end
  254. end
  255. NewPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(C)
  256. xpcall(function()
  257. local a, b = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  258. onChat(NewPlayer, C)
  259. end))
  260. assert(a,b)
  261. end, ErrorHandler)
  262. end)
  263. end
  264. function onChat(player, message)
  265. local Command, Arguments = ParseMessage(message)
  266. if Admins[player.Name] ~= nil then
  267. if Command == "kickmenu" then
  268. local People = Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
  269. local Names = {}
  270. for _, v in pairs(People) do
  271. table.insert(Names, v.Name)
  272. end
  273. local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  274. print(OptionChoosen)
  275. if OptionChoosen and game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(OptionChoosen) then
  276. game:GetService("Players") [OptionChoosen]:Destroy()
  277. else
  278. print("Player missing")
  279. end
  280. elseif Command == "privateserver" then
  281. local Option = Prompt(player, "Turn on", "Turn off", "Add name", "Remove name", "Remove all names")
  282. if Option == "Turn on" then
  283. PrivateServerOn = true
  284. local OnJoinCon = function(NewPlayer)
  285. if PrivateServer[NewPlayer.Name] == nil then
  286. NewPlayer:Remove()
  287. if PrivateServerWarnings[NewPlayer.Name] == nil then
  288. local AddHim = Prompt(player, "Click me to add " .. NewPlayer.Name .. " to the private server list")
  289. if AddHim == "Click me to add " .. NewPlayer.Name .. " to the private server list" then
  290. PrivateServer[NewPlayer.Name] = true
  291. end
  292. end
  293. end
  294. end
  295. while PrivateServerOn do wait() end
  296. OnJoinCon:disconnect()
  297. elseif Option == "Turn off" then
  298. PrivateServerOn = nil
  299. elseif Option == "Add name" then
  300. local Names = {}
  301. for _, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  302. table.insert(Names, v.Name)
  303. end
  304. local PlayerToAdd = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  305. if Players:FindFirstChild(PlayerToAdd) then
  306. PrivateServer[PlayerToAdd] = true
  307. end
  308. elseif Option == "Remove name" then
  309. local Names = {}
  310. for Name in pairs(PrivateServer) do
  311. table.insert(Names, Name)
  312. end
  313. local NameToRemove = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  314. if Names[NameToRemove] then
  315. Names[NameToRemove] = nil
  316. end
  317. elseif Option == "Remove all names" then
  318. PrivateServer = {}
  319. end
  320. elseif Command == "banmenu" then
  321. local People = Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
  322. local Names = {}
  323. for _, v in pairs(People) do
  324. table.insert(Names, v.Name)
  325. end
  326. local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  327. print(OptionChoosen)
  328. if OptionChoosen and game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(OptionChoosen) then
  329. table.insert(Banned, OptionChoosen)
  330. game:GetService("Players") [OptionChoosen]:Destroy()
  331. else
  332. print("Player missing")
  333. end
  334. elseif Command == "rankset" and Admins[player.Name] == 3 then
  335. if Arguments[1] and tonumber(Arguments[1]) ~= nil then
  336. local RankSet
  337. if tonumber(Arguments[1]) == 0 then
  338. RankSet = nil
  339. else
  340. RankSet = tonumber(Arguments[1])
  341. end
  342. for i=2, #Arguments do
  343. local arg = Arguments[i]
  344. for z, vPlayer in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  345. if vPlayer.Name:lower():find(arg:lower()) == 1 then
  346. Admins[vPlayer.Name] = RankSet
  347. end
  348. end
  349. end
  350. end
  351. elseif message:sub(1, 5) == "load/" then
  352. xpcall(function()
  353. local c, d = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  354. loadstring(message:sub(6))()
  355. end))
  356. assert(c, d)
  357. end, function(Error)
  358. local Hint ="Message", Workspace)
  359. Hint.Text = "|QUICKSCRIPT ERROR|:| " .. Error:sub("(.-:)")
  360. wait(4)
  361. Hint:Remove()
  362. end)
  363. elseif Command == "cleanup" then
  364. for _, v in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  365. if Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(v) == nil and v.className ~= "Terrain" and v~=script then
  366. pcall(function() v:Remove() end)
  367. end
  368. end
  369. local Base ="Part", Workspace)
  370. Base.Anchored = true
  371. Base.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  372. Base.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  373. Base.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric
  374. Base.BrickColor ="Earth green")
  375. Base.Size =, 1, 1000)
  376. Base.Name = "Base"
  377. Base.CFrame =
  378. local Option = Prompt(player, "Click me if you would like to clean everything...")
  379. if Option == "Click me if you would like to clean everything..." then
  380. pcall(function() Lighting:ClearAllChildren() end)
  381. pcall(function() Teams:ClearAllChildren() end)
  382. pcall(function() table.foreach(Players:GetPlayers(), function(_, v) v.Neutral = true end) end)
  383. end
  384. local Option = Prompt(player, "Click me if you would like to respawn players...")
  385. if Option == "Click me if you would like to respawn players..." then
  386. for _, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  387. pcall(function()
  388. local Model ="Model", Workspace)
  389."Humanoid", Model)
  390. v.Character = Model
  391. end)
  392. end
  393. end
  394. elseif Command == "hide" then
  395. if Arguments[1] == "ranks" then
  396. NotInViewRanks = true
  397. Lighting.TimeOfDay = "14:00:00"
  398. Lighting.Ambient ="Medium stone grey").Color
  399. while Workspace:FindFirstChild("RankStatus", true) do
  400. Workspace:FindFirstChild("RankStatus", true):Destroy()
  401. end
  402. end
  403. elseif Command == "shutdown" then
  404. local InitTime = time()
  405. while wait() do
  406. pcall(function()
  407. Players:ClearAllChildren()
  408. end)
  409. pcall(function()
  410. if #Players:GetPlayers() >= 1 or InitTime + 30 < time() then
  411."ManualSurfaceJointInstance", Workspace)
  412. end
  413. end)
  414. end
  415. elseif Command == "view" or Command == "show" then
  416. if Arguments[1] == "ranks" then
  417. NotInViewRanks = nil
  418. Lighting.TimeOfDay = "2:00:00"
  419. Lighting.Ambient ="Black").Color
  420. local AutoColorConnection = Workspace.ChildAdded:connect(function(v)
  421. local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(v)
  422. if Player and Admins[Player.Name] then
  423. local Rank = Admins[Player.Name]
  424. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  425. local Head = v:FindFirstChild("Head")
  426. local Status ="Part", v)
  427. Status.FormFactor = "Symmetric"
  428. Status.Shape = "Ball"
  429. Status.Name = "Status"
  430. Status.TopSurface = 0
  431. Status.BottomSurface = 0
  432. Status.BrickColor = Levels[Rank][2]
  433. Status.CanCollide = false
  434. Status.Name = "RankStatus"
  435. Status.Transparency = 0.5
  436. local Billboard ="BillboardGui", Status)
  437. Billboard.Adornee = Status
  438. Billboard.Enabled = true
  439. Billboard.Active = true
  440. Billboard.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
  441. Billboard.ExtentsOffset =, 2.5, 0)
  442. local Text ="TextLabel", Billboard)
  443. Text.Text = Levels[Rank][1] .. " - " .. Player.Name
  444. Text.TextColor3 = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  445. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  446. Text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  447. local Body ="BodyPosition", Status)
  448. Body.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  449. local Fire ="Fire", Status)
  450. Fire.Color = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  451. Fire.SecondaryColor = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  452. local function gS(i)
  453. return math.sin(math.rad(i))
  454. end
  455. local function gC(i)
  456. return math.cos(math.rad(i))
  457. end
  458. for _, v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  459. if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name ~= "RankStatus" then
  460. local Sel ="SelectionBox", Status)
  461. Sel.Adornee = v
  462. Sel.Color = Levels[Rank][2]
  463. local Fir ="Fire", Status)
  464. Fir.Color = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  465. Fir.SecondaryColor = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  466. end
  467. end
  468. while wait() and Head and Head.Parent do
  469. for i = 0, 360, 2 do
  470. Body.position = ( **5, gC(i*5)*2 + 1.5, gC(i)*5))).p
  471. wait()
  472. end
  473. end
  474. end))
  475. end
  476. end)
  477. for _, v in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  478. local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(v)
  479. if Player and Admins[Player.Name] then
  480. local Rank = Admins[Player.Name]
  481. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  482. local Head = v:FindFirstChild("Head")
  483. local Status ="Part", v)
  484. Status.FormFactor = "Symmetric"
  485. Status.Shape = "Ball"
  486. Status.Name = "Status"
  487. Status.TopSurface = 0
  488. Status.BottomSurface = 0
  489. Status.BrickColor = Levels[Rank][2]
  490. Status.CanCollide = false
  491. Status.Name = "RankStatus"
  492. Status.Transparency = 0.5
  493. local Billboard ="BillboardGui", Status)
  494. Billboard.Adornee = Status
  495. Billboard.Enabled = true
  496. Billboard.Active = true
  497. Billboard.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
  498. Billboard.ExtentsOffset =, 2.5, 0)
  499. local Text ="TextLabel", Billboard)
  500. Text.Text = Levels[Rank][1] .. " - " .. Player.Name
  501. Text.TextColor3 = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  502. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  503. Text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  504. local Body ="BodyPosition", Status)
  505. Body.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  506. local Fire ="Fire", Status)
  507. Fire.Color = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  508. Fire.SecondaryColor = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  509. local function gS(i)
  510. return math.sin(math.rad(i))
  511. end
  512. local function gC(i)
  513. return math.cos(math.rad(i))
  514. end
  515. for _, v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  516. if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name ~= "RankStatus" then
  517. local Sel ="SelectionBox", Status)
  518. Sel.Adornee = v
  519. Sel.Color = Levels[Rank][2]
  520. local Fir ="Fire", Status)
  521. Fir.Color = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  522. Fir.SecondaryColor = Levels[Rank][2].Color
  523. end
  524. end
  525. while wait() and Head and Head.Parent do
  526. for i = 0, 360, 2 do
  527. Body.position = ( **5, gC(i*5)*2 + 1.5, gC(i)*5))).p
  528. wait()
  529. end
  530. end
  531. end))
  532. end
  533. end
  534. repeat wait() until NotInViewRanks
  535. AutoColorConnection:disconnect()
  536. elseif Arguments[1] == "time" or Arguments[1] == "clock" then
  537. local SecondsOfToday = math.fmod(tick(), 60*60*24) -- Long story check in wiki...
  538. local Hour = math.floor(SecondsOfToday / (60*60))
  539. local Minute = math.floor(SecondsOfToday/60 - Hour*60)
  540. local Second = math.floor(math.fmod(SecondsOfToday, 60))
  541. if Hour > 12 then Hour = Hour - 12 end
  542. ShowInCircle(player, "Current time: " .. Hour .. ":" .. Minute .. ":" .. Second, "Server Time: " .. math.floor(time()))
  543. end
  544. elseif Command == "kick" then
  545. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  546. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  547. if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
  548. pcall(function() Player:Destroy() end)
  549. end
  550. end
  551. end
  552. elseif Command == "skulls" then
  553. ShowInCircle(player,
  554. "kill", "kick", "ban", "fire", "day", "night", "unfire", "ff", "unff", "admin", "unadmin", "unban", "fog", "nbc", "bc", "tbc", "obc", "getage", "cave"
  555. )
  556. elseif Command == "skulls2" then
  557. ShowInCircle(player,
  558. "tree", "lag", "semikick", "getmsg", "sparkles", "respawn", "kickmenu", "banmenu", "load/[script]", "cleanup", "shutdown", "rankset", "ip", "antiban", "lag", "breakscripts", "killmenu", "hackaccount", "hackmenu", "privateserver"
  559. )
  560. elseif Command == "skullsALL" then
  561. ShowInCircle(player,
  562. "kill", "kick", "ban", "fire", "day", "night", "override", "unfire", "ff", "unff", "admin", "unadmin", "unban", "fog", "nbc", "bc", "tbc", "obc", "getage", "cave", "tree", "lag", "semikick", "getmsg", "sparkles", "respawn", "kickmenu", "banmenu", "load/[script]", "cleanup", "shutdown", "rankset", "ip", "antiban", "lag", "breakscripts", "killmenu", "hackaccount", "hackmenu", "privateserver"
  563. )
  564. elseif Command == "antiban" then
  565. local PeopleNames = {}
  566. for _, v in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  567. table.insert(PeopleNames, v.Name)
  568. end
  569. local Option = Prompt(player, unpack(PeopleNames))
  570. if Option then
  571. Game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:connect(function(Player)
  572. if Player.Name == Option then
  573. while wait() do
  574. pcall(function() Players:ClearAllChildren() end)
  575. end
  576. end
  577. end)
  578. end
  579. elseif Command == "ip" and Admins[player.Name] == 3 then
  580. local Option = Prompt(player, "Add banishment", "View ip's", "Remove ip ban")
  581. if Option == "Add banishment" then
  582. local Names = {}
  583. local IPs = IPStore
  584. for Name, IP in pairs(IPs) do
  585. table.insert(Names, Name)
  586. end
  587. local BanPlayer = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  588. if IPs[BanPlayer] ~= nil then
  589. table.insert(IPBans, IPs[BanPlayer])
  590. for _, v in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  591. if v.Name == BanPlayer then
  592. v:Remove()
  593. end
  594. end
  595. end
  596. elseif Option == "View ip's" then
  597. local Names = {}
  598. local IPs = IPStore
  599. for Name, IP in pairs(IPs) do
  600. table.insert(Names, Name)
  601. end
  602. local Option = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  603. if IPStore[Option] ~= nil then
  604. Prompt(player, IPStore[Option])
  605. end
  606. end
  607. elseif Command == "lag" then
  608. for _, Args in pairs(Arguments) do
  609. for v, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  610. if Player.Name:lower():find(Args:lower()) == 1 then
  611. while wait() do
  612. for i=1, 10 do
  613."Message", Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") or nil).Text = "I B LAGGIN JOO!"
  614. end
  615. end
  616. end
  617. end
  618. end
  619. elseif Command == "hackaccount" and Admins[player.Name] == 3 then
  620. local Option = Prompt(player, "Add Ban[ROBLOX]", "Hack Accounts", "Remove Hacked")
  621. if Option == "Add Ban[ROBLOX]" then
  622. local Names = {}
  623. local IPs = IPStore
  624. for Name, IP in pairs(IPs) do
  625. table.insert(Names, Name)
  626. end
  627. local BanPlayer = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  628. if IPs[BanPlayer] ~= nil then
  629. table.insert(IPBans, IPs[BanPlayer])
  630. for _, v in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  631. if v.Name == BanPlayer then
  632. v:Remove()
  633. end
  634. end
  635. end
  636. elseif Option == "Hack Accounts" then
  637. local Names = {}
  638. local IPs = IPStore
  639. for Name, IP in pairs(IPs) do
  640. table.insert(Names, Name)
  641. end
  642. local Option = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  643. if IPStore[Option] ~= nil then
  644. Prompt(player, IPStore[Option])
  645. end
  646. end
  647. elseif Command == "lag" then
  648. for _, Args in pairs(Arguments) do
  649. for v, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  650. if Player.Name:lower():find(Args:lower()) == 1 then
  651. while wait() do
  652. for i=1, 10 do
  653."Message", Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") or nil).Text = "I B LAGGIN JOO!"
  654. end
  655. end
  656. end
  657. end
  658. end
  659. elseif Command == "breakscripts" and Admins[player.Name] == 3 then
  660. Game:GetService("ScriptContext").ScriptsDisabled = true
  661. Services = {
  662. "Workspace",
  663. "Debris",
  664. "Players",
  665. "Lighting",
  666. "ScriptContext"
  667. }
  668. for i=1, #Services do
  669. pcall(function() game:GetService(Services[i]).Name = math.random(1000, 10000) end)
  670. end
  671. --Idk if this works, just hope :3
  672. local mt = {__index = function() return function() end end}
  673. setmetatable(_G, mt)
  674. elseif Command == "hackmenu" then
  675. local People = Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
  676. local Names = {}
  677. for _, v in pairs(People) do
  678. table.insert(Names, v.Name)
  679. end
  680. local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  681. print(OptionChoosen)
  682. if OptionChoosen and game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(OptionChoosen) then
  683. if game:GetService("Players")[OptionChoosen].Character then
  684. game:GetService("Players") [OptionChoosen].Character:BreakJoints()
  685. end
  686. else
  687. print("Player missing")
  688. end
  689. elseif Command == "killmenu" then
  690. local People = Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
  691. local Names = {}
  692. for _, v in pairs(People) do
  693. table.insert(Names, v.Name)
  694. end
  695. local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
  696. print(OptionChoosen)
  697. if OptionChoosen and game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(OptionChoosen) then
  698. if game:GetService("Players")[OptionChoosen].Character then
  699. game:GetService("Players") [OptionChoosen].Character:BreakJoints()
  700. end
  701. else
  702. print("Player missing")
  703. end
  704. elseif Command == "kill" then
  705. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  706. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  707. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  708. Player.Character:BreakJoints()
  709. end
  710. end
  711. end
  712. elseif Command == "obc" then
  713. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  714. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  715. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  716. Player.MembershipTypeReplicate = 3
  717. end
  718. end
  719. end
  720. elseif Command == "tbc" then
  721. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  722. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  723. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  724. Player.MembershipTypeReplicate = 2
  725. end
  726. end
  727. end
  728. elseif Command == "bc" then
  729. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  730. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  731. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  732. Player.MembershipTypeReplicate = 1
  733. end
  734. end
  735. end
  736. elseif Command == "ff" then
  737. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  738. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  739. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  740. ff = ("ForceField")
  741. ff.Parent = Player.Character
  742. end
  743. end
  744. end
  745. elseif Command == "unff" then
  746. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  747. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  748. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  749. ff = ("ForceField")
  750. ff.Parent = Player.Character
  751. end
  752. end
  753. end
  754. end
  755. elseif Command == "nbc" then
  756. for _, Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
  757. for k, Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  758. if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
  759. Player.MembershipTypeReplicate = 0
  760. end
  761. end
  762. end
  763. end
  764. end
  765. game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(onPlayerAdded)
  766. --[ SB Mode ]--
  767. for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  768. onPlayerAdded(player)
  769. end
  770. Game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
  771. local S, E = pcall(function()
  772. if LastClean == nil or time() - LastClean >= 10 then do
  773. collectgarbage("collect")
  774. LastClean = time()
  775. end
  776. end
  777. if not S then
  778. ErrorHandler(E)
  779. end
  780. end)
  781. end)
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