
Sanguinary Stories 1

Jun 5th, 2014
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  1. The continent you inhabit is named Seril. It's currently known that's the only continent of the world, and ships never leave its edges for long, as no one has returned from a trip to the "edge of the world". You're in the manlands, an empire united by chance and necessity. Necessity of survival, of course, as no other race likes humans. Its center of rule is the city of Lances.
  3. Languages you might speak/learn:
  5. Azdalen - Dragon tongue, one of the primary magic languages.
  6. Darekien - Dragon-elf tongue, not too different from Azdalen, but adapted to humanoid speech. Losing most of the uppers mystical prowess, it sounds quite different, and requires specific learning.
  7. Galovor - Northern human reaches speak this language.
  8. Paliesin - An official human language. Used for ritual processions and politics. Most of the books are written in this language.
  9. Hiacint - Nomad tongue, used by Nomad Forest Elves.
  10. Caladion - City-elf tongue, known for it's use in matters of trade.
  11. Makatish - Wild tongue, used by demi-humans: Goblins, Kobolds and others.
  12. Ponochnik - Mud-elf tongue, known as hell-speak. Used by reptillian tribes and ogres, too.
  13. Old elven - Used by ancient elven tribes, which dated todays elves. Tongue of magic.
  15. Races of the world: (Races are the PC options, and the common fact is that they're physically interchangeable considering matters of equipment)
  17. Humans are the most diverse beings living on Seril. The youngest specie to inhabit a meaningful part of the continent, humans adapt. Their adaptivity is the reason for their global hate. Most of the older races consider humans a taint on the world, not different than rats. Humans expanded to everywhere, and a lot of ancient glory is lost because of their constantly growing expansion. They aren't capable of magic, which makes them heavily religious. Human deity, their maker and protector is Cyriel gold-bound. Humans are as diverse as their surroundings, so it's hard to go into detail with their race.
  19. Elves were lords of the lands in an era long past. As the younger races arrived, their influence decimated the unity elves once had. Elven kingdoms have split into fragmented empires. All elves are vulnerable to magic, unless stated otherwise. Most elves see humans as cattle, clay-made figurines without a soul, as proven by their lack of magic. Their lack of soul also makes them spread so fast, as contrary to the elves, which are all almost-infertile. A couple of elves can live together for their whole life and not have progeny. An elf lives for 150-200 years and achieves adulthood with 30.
  21. Dragon elves are ruled by dragon monarchs. They split into two blood-forged empires: Chromatic Empire and Metallic Empire. The empires aren't in direct conflict. Chromatic Empire trades with men and is neutrally aligned towards them, while Metallic Empire doesn't shy away from conquering human lands and using them as slaves. Elves are susceptible to strong magic, so Dragons, founts of that power, were their natural overlords. Their skin is influenced by the lifelong proximity to the magic of a dragon, so it can change tint or gain slightly different properties.
  23. City elves saw the rise of humans firsthand and decided to adapt. They're a race of independent city-states brought into existence with hard labour and meticulous use of magic. They strictly adhere to their principles and deem humans unworthy of entering their mighty cities. Their cities are smaller, their defenses are stronger. There are no real peasants under their wing, as they collectively work on everything, including the farmlands.
  25. Forest elves follow their old tradition. They're also called Nomad elves. They try to stay in direct contact with nature and the balance of the world. They're mostly left alone by other races, apart from the Chromatic Empire, which wants to annex them into it's ranks, often forcefully. Their caravans are strong trade-centers, as they travel through the whole world. They're the race which breeds most of the druids and hunters of the world.
  27. Mud elves are a race of hidden elves, moving across the swamps of the world, along with other hardly hospitable locales. They're very hostile towards all other races and considered almost savage. Vicious in their territorial defence, not a lot is known about this race.
  29. Halflings and Gnomes are almost extinct. Their homes became human cities and their lands human lands. Halflings are left in small enclaves, surrounded by humans and made to live cramped lives, while gnomes went to their underground roots, keeping close to the vast caverns of dwarvenfolk.
  31. Dwarves had an empire which was impregnable until it got fragmented by human influence. Their empire was huge both on surface and underground. While the surface empire keeps to a small valley, fortified with hardest metals and dwarves known to the surface world, the underground empire expands into all directions. They're highly protective and xenophobic, not allowing anyone to enter their self-supporting lands.
  33. Orcs are a bestial race inhabiting rocky deserts and mountainous regions. Used to dry and cruel weather, Orcish Union trains the perfect mercenaries and soldiers, well versed with any odds. Orcish tribes will not shy away from selling their children as a trade good. They keep to sources of water and are friendly only when they can use it to their advantage.
  35. Human money:
  37. 1 Golden Throne (platinum coin) = 10 Silver Swords (gold coin) = 100 Bronze Moons (silver coin) = 1000 Bronze Stars (copper coin)
  39. Parentheses mark the 3.5 alternative.
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