
The Bigot: Why Prejudice Persists by Stephen Eric Bronner

Aug 7th, 2014
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  6. The Bigot: Why Prejudice Persists by Stephen Eric Bronner [PDF/ePUB]
  8. Publisher: Yale University Press (December 2, 2013)
  10. Stephen Eric Bronner is a prolific author, activist, and one of America’s leading political thinkers. His new book presents bigotry as a systematic, all-encompassing mindset that has a special affinity for right-wing movements. In what will surely prove a seminal study, Bronner explores its appeal, the self-image it justifies, the interests it serves, and its complex connection with modernity. He reveals how prejudice shapes the conspiratorial and paranoid worldview of the true believer, the elitist, and the chauvinist. In the process, it becomes apparent how the bigot hides behind mainstream conservative labels in order to support policies designed to disadvantage the targets of his contempt. Examining bigotry in its various dimensions—anthropological, historical, psychological, sociological, and political—Professor Bronner illustrates how the bigot’s intense hatred of “the other” is a direct reaction to social progress, liberal values, secularism, and an increasingly complex and diverse world. A sobering look at the bigot in the twenty-first century, this volume is essential for making sense of the dangers facing democracy now and in the future.
  12. Hardcover: 248 pages
  13. Publisher: Yale University Press (December 2, 2013)
  14. Language: English
  15. ISBN-10: 0300162510
  16. ISBN-13: 978-0300162516
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