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- % Main predicate to find the owner of the fish
- zebra_owner(Owner) :-
- % Initialize Houses and exists_props
- init_houses(['S', ['S', ['S', ['S', ['S', 'Z']]]]]), % Equivalent to 5
- b_setval(exists_props, 'Nil'),
- % Clue 1: The Brit lives in the red house.
- declare(nationality, Brit, brit),
- declare(color, Brit, red),
- % Clue 2: The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
- declare(nationality, Swede, swede),
- declare(pet, Swede, dog),
- % Clue 3: The Dane drinks tea.
- declare(nationality, Dane, dane),
- declare(drink, Dane, tea),
- % Clue 4: The green house is immediately to the left of the white house.
- left_of(Green, White),
- declare(color, Green, green),
- declare(color, White, white),
- % Clue 5: The owner of the green house drinks coffee.
- declare(color, Green, green),
- declare(drink, Green, coffee),
- % Clue 6: The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
- declare(smokes, PallMallSmoker, 'PallMall'),
- declare(pet, PallMallSmoker, 'Birds'),
- % Clue 7: The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
- declare(color, Yellow, yellow),
- declare(smokes, Yellow, 'Dunhill'),
- % Clue 8: The man living in the center house drinks milk.
- center_house(CenterHouse),
- declare(drink, CenterHouse, milk),
- % Clue 9: The Norwegian lives in the first house.
- first_house(FirstHouse),
- declare(nationality, FirstHouse, norwegian),
- % Clue 10: The man who smokes Blends lives next to the one who keeps cats.
- declare(smokes, SmokesBlends, 'Blends'),
- next_to(SmokesBlends, HouseCat),
- declare(pet, HouseCat, cat),
- % Clue 11: The man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.
- declare(pet, HorseKeeper, horse),
- next_to(HorseKeeper, SmokesDunhills),
- declare(smokes, SmokesDunhills, 'Dunhill'),
- % Clue 12: The owner who smokes BlueMaster drinks beer.
- declare(smokes, SmokesBlueMaster, 'BlueMaster'),
- declare(drink, SmokesBlueMaster, beer),
- % Clue 13: The German smokes Prince.
- declare(nationality, German, german),
- declare(smokes, German, 'Prince'),
- % Clue 14: The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
- declare(nationality, Norwegian, norwegian),
- next_to(Norwegian, HouseBlue),
- declare(color, HouseBlue, blue),
- % Clue 15: The man who smokes Blends has a neighbor who drinks water.
- declare(smokes, BlendsSmoker, 'Blends'),
- next_to(BlendsSmoker, WaterDrinker),
- declare(drink, WaterDrinker, water),
- % Determine who owns the fish
- declare(pet, FishOwner, fish),
- declare(nationality, FishOwner, Owner).
- % Initialize Houses as a list of uninitialized existss
- init_houses(NatNumber) :-
- create_empty_list(NatNumber, Houses),
- b_setval(neighborhood, Houses).
- % Create an empty list of length N using Nat numbers
- create_empty_list('Z', 'Nil').
- create_empty_list(['S', N], '[|]'(Exists, Tail)) :-
- create_exists(Exists),
- create_empty_list(N, Tail).
- create_exists('[|]'(_, _)).
- % Helper predicates
- % Predicate: L is immediately to the left of R in the list
- left_of(L, R) :-
- b_getval(neighborhood, Houses),
- left_of_list(L, R, Houses).
- left_of_list(L, R, '[|]'(L, '[|]'(R, _))).
- left_of_list(L, R, '[|]'(_, Rest)) :-
- left_of_list(L, R, Rest).
- % Predicate: A and B are next to each other in the list
- next_to(A, B) :-
- left_of(A, B);
- left_of(B, A).
- % Predicate to get the first house in the list
- first_house(First) :-
- % left_of(First, H2), left_of(H2, Center), left_of(Center, H4), left_of(H4, _H5).
- b_getval(neighborhood, Houses),
- nth0_nat('Z', Houses, First).
- % Predicate to get the center house in the list
- center_house(Center) :-
- %left_of(_H1, H2), left_of(H2, Center), left_of(Center, H4), left_of(H4, _H5).
- b_getval(neighborhood, Houses),
- nth0_nat(['S', ['S', 'Z']], Houses, Center).
- % =============================
- % Property handling predicates
- % =============================
- % General property declaration predicate
- declare(PropName, Exists, PropValue) :-
- prop(PropName, Exists, PropValue).
- prop(PropName, Object, PropValue) :-
- get_prop_num(PropName, NumNat), !,
- nth0_nat(NumNat, Object, PropValue), !,
- something_existing(Object).
- % General property access predicate
- prop2(PropName, Exists, PropValue) :-
- get_prop_num(PropName, NumNat),
- nth0_nat(NumNat, Object, PropValue), !,
- something_existing(Object), Exists = Object.
- % Ensure Exists is a member of Houses
- something_existing(Exists) :-
- b_getval(neighborhood, Houses),
- member_cons(Exists, Houses).
- % Member predicate for '[|]'/'Nil' lists
- member_cons(Elem, '[|]'(Elem, _)).
- member_cons(Elem, '[|]'(_, Tail)) :-
- member_cons(Elem, Tail).
- % Map property names to their positions (numbers) using Nat
- get_prop_num(PropName, NumNat) :-
- b_getval(exists_props, PropList),
- ( nth0_nat_exists(NumNat, PropList, Prop),
- Prop == PropName -> true
- ; append_cons(PropList, '[|]'(PropName, 'Nil'), NewPropList),
- length_nat(PropList, NumNat),
- b_setval(exists_props, NewPropList)
- ).
- % Zero-based nth predicate using Nat that might extend an open list
- nth0_nat('Z', '[|]'(Elem, _), Elem).
- nth0_nat(['S', N], '[|]'(_, Rest), Elem) :-
- nth0_nat(N, Rest, Elem).
- % Zero-based nth predicate using Nat that requires bound existss
- nth0_nat_exists('Z', '[|]'(Elem, _), Elem) :- nonvar(Elem).
- nth0_nat_exists(['S', N], '[|]'(_, Rest), Elem) :-
- nonvar(Rest),
- nth0_nat_exists(N, Rest, Elem).
- % Length of list using Nat
- length_nat('Nil', 'Z').
- length_nat('[|]'(_, Rest), ['S', N]) :-
- length_nat(Rest, N).
- % Append two '[|]'/'Nil' lists
- append_cons('Nil', List2, List2).
- append_cons('[|]'(H, T), List2, '[|]'(H, T2)) :-
- append_cons(T, List2, T2).
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