
pq-dos fdc decoder

Dec 5th, 2023
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VHDL 1.43 KB | Source Code | 0 0
  1. -- RQ VG93
  2. RT_F2_1 <='1' when (adress(7 downto 5)="001" and adress(1 downto 0)="11" and iorq='0' and dos='0' and rom14='0') or                         -- ROM14=0 BAS=0 ПЗУ SYS 3F
  3.                         (adress(7 downto 5)="001" and adress(1 downto 0)="11" and iorq='0' and CPM='0' and rom14='1') else '0';                 -- CPM=1 & ROM14=1 ПЗУ DOS/ SOS 3F
  4. RT_F2_2 <='1' when adress(7 downto 5)="101" and adress(1 downto 0)="11" and iorq='0' and CPM='0' and dos='1' and rom14='0' else '0';    -- CPM=1 & ROM14=0 BAS=1 ПЗУ 128 BF
  5. RT_F2_3 <='1' when adress(7 downto 5)="111" and adress(1 downto 0)="11" and iorq='0' and CPM='1' and rom14='1' and dos='0' else '0';    -- CPM=0 & ROM14=1 BAS=0 ПЗУ DOS / SOS FF
  7. csff <= RT_F2_1 or RT_F2_2 or RT_F2_3;
  9. -- CS_VG93
  10. RT_F1_1 <= '0' when adress(7)='0' and adress(1 downto 0)="11" and iorq='0' and CPM='0' and dos='1' and rom14='0' else '1';  -- CPM=1 & ROM14=0 BAS=1 ПЗУ 128 1F-7F
  11. RT_F1_2 <= '0' when adress(7)='0' and adress(1 downto 0)="11" and iorq='0' and CPM='1' and rom14='1' and dos='0' else '1';  -- CPM=0 & ROM14=1 BAS=0 ПЗУ DOS / SOS 1F-7F
  12. RT_F1 <= RT_F1_1 and RT_F1_2;
  14. P0 <='0' when (adress(7)='1' and adress(4 downto 0)="00011" and iorq='0' and dos='0' and rom14='0') or          -- ROM14=0 BAS=0 ПЗУ SYS 83-E3
  15.                     (adress(7)='1' and adress(4 downto 0)="00011" and iorq='0' and CPM='0' and rom14='1') else '1'; -- CPM=1 & ROM14=1 ПЗУ DOS/ SOS 83-E3
  17. cswg <= RT_F1 and P0;
  19. tr_dos_en <= dos or reg_dffd(4);
  20. tr_dos <= tr_dos_en;
Tags: pq-dos
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