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- local Webhook = ""
- getgenv().Discord_RoleID = "1257433926243455068" -- Replace with your Discord Role ID
- if getgenv().ScriptExecuted then
- return
- end
- getgenv().ScriptExecuted = true
- local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local joinDate ="!*t", os.time() - (player.AccountAge * 86400))
- local premium = false
- local alt = true
- local ping = string.format('%.0f', game.Stats.Network.ServerStatsItem["Data Ping"]:GetValue())
- local FPS = string.split(game.Stats.Workspace.Heartbeat:GetValueString(), ".")
- local executor = identifyexecutor() or "Unknown"
- local Thing = game:HttpGet(string.format("", player.UserId))
- Thing = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(Thing).data[1]
- local AvatarImage = Thing.imageUrl
- if player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.Premium then
- premium = true
- alt = false
- end
- local isInGroup = false
- local groupRole = "None"
- local groupId = 12836673
- local groups = game:HttpGet(string.format("", player.UserId))
- groups = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(groups)
- for _, group in pairs( do
- if == groupId then
- isInGroup = true
- groupRole =
- break
- end
- end
- local premiumEmoji = premium and ":white_check_mark:" or ":x:"
- local altEmoji = alt and ":white_check_mark:" or ":x:"
- local groupEmoji = isInGroup and ":white_check_mark:" or ":x:"
- -- Random detection status
- local detectionStatus = math.random() < 0.5 and ":white_check_mark:" or ":x:"
- -- Determine detection time
- local detectionTime = ""
- if detectionStatus == ":white_check_mark:" then
- detectionTime = "Instant"
- else
- local randomDetectionTime = math.random(1000, 22521) / 1000 -- Random number between 0.1000 and 22.521
- detectionTime = string.format("%.4f", randomDetectionTime)
- end
- if executor == "Wave" then
- executor = "[Wave]("
- executor_image = ""
- elseif executor == "Fluxus" then
- executor = "[Fluxus]("
- executor_image = ""
- elseif executor == "VegaX" then
- executor = "[VegaX]("
- executor_image = ""
- elseif executor == "Codex" then
- executor = "[Codex]("
- executor_image = ""
- elseif executor == "Arceus X" then
- executor = "[Arceus X]("
- executor_image = ""
- elseif executor == "Delta" then
- executor = "[Delta]("
- executor_image = ""
- elseif executor == "Solora" then
- executor = "[Solora]("
- executor_image = ""
- else
- executor = "Unknown Executor"
- end
- local msg = {
- ["username"] = "exploiter catcher",
- ["avatar_url"] = "",
- ["embeds"] = {{
- ["color"] = 0x1E1E1E, -- Dark gray color
- ["title"] = "Infinite rewards | v1.93",
- ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = AvatarImage},
- ["fields"] = {
- {["name"] = "Player:", ["value"] = "[ " .. player.Name .. "](" .. player.UserId .. "/profile) ", ["inline"] = true},
- {["name"] = "Executor:", ["value"] = executor .. "", ["inline"] = true},
- {["name"] = "────────────────────────", ["value"] = "", ["inline"] = false}, -- Separator
- {["name"] = "Premium:", ["value"] = premiumEmoji, ["inline"] = true},
- {["name"] = "Alt:", ["value"] = altEmoji, ["inline"] = true},
- {["name"] = "In-Group:", ["value"] = (isInGroup and "[ " .. groupEmoji .. "](" or ":x:"), ["inline"] = true}, -- Display TRUE/FALSE with emoji
- {["name"] = "Group Role:", ["value"] = groupRole, ["inline"] = true}, -- Display group role
- {["name"] = "Account Age:", ["value"] = player.AccountAge .. " day(s)", ["inline"] = true},
- {["name"] = "────────────────────────", ["value"] = "", ["inline"] = false}, -- Separator
- {["name"] = "Network:", ["value"] = tostring(FPS[1]) .. " FPS, " .. tostring(ping) .. " ping", ["inline"] = true},
- {["name"] = "Date Joined:", ["value"] = .. "/" .. joinDate.month .. "/" .. joinDate.year, ["inline"] = true},
- {["name"] = "Detection Time:", ["value"] = detectionTime, ["inline"] = true},
- {["name"] = "Detected Instantly?:", ["value"] = detectionStatus, ["inline"] = true},
- },
- ["footer"] = {["icon_url"] = "", ["text"] = "date and time"},
- ['timestamp'] ="!%Y-%m-%dT%X.000Z"),
- ["image"] = {["url"] = executor_image}, -- Include executor image
- }}
- }
- request = http_request or request or HttpPost or syn.request
- request({
- Url = Webhook,
- Method = "POST",
- Headers = {["Content-Type"] = "application/json"},
- Body = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(msg)
- })
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