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- local component = require("component")
- local unicode = require("unicode")
- local color = require("color")
- local image = require("image")
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local bufferWidth, bufferHeight
- local currentFrameBackgrounds, currentFrameForegrounds, currentFrameSymbols, newFrameBackgrounds, newFrameForegrounds, newFrameSymbols
- local drawLimitX1, drawLimitX2, drawLimitY1, drawLimitY2
- local GPUProxy, GPUProxyGetResolution, GPUProxySetResolution, GPUProxyBind, GPUProxyGetBackground, GPUProxyGetForeground, GPUProxySetBackground, GPUProxySetForeground, GPUProxyGet, GPUProxySet, GPUProxyFill
- local mathCeil, mathFloor, mathModf, mathAbs = math.ceil, math.floor, math.modf, math.abs
- local tableInsert, tableConcat = table.insert, table.concat
- local colorBlend = color.blend
- local unicodeLen, unicodeSub = unicode.len, unicode.sub
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function getIndex(x, y)
- return bufferWidth * (y - 1) + x
- end
- local function getCurrentFrameTables()
- return currentFrameBackgrounds, currentFrameForegrounds, currentFrameSymbols
- end
- local function getNewFrameTables()
- return newFrameBackgrounds, newFrameForegrounds, newFrameSymbols
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function setDrawLimit(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- drawLimitX1, drawLimitY1, drawLimitX2, drawLimitY2 = x1, y1, x2, y2
- end
- local function resetDrawLimit()
- drawLimitX1, drawLimitY1, drawLimitX2, drawLimitY2 = 1, 1, bufferWidth, bufferHeight
- end
- local function getDrawLimit()
- return drawLimitX1, drawLimitY1, drawLimitX2, drawLimitY2
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function flush(width, height)
- if not width or not height then
- width, height = GPUProxyGetResolution()
- end
- currentFrameBackgrounds, currentFrameForegrounds, currentFrameSymbols, newFrameBackgrounds, newFrameForegrounds, newFrameSymbols = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
- bufferWidth = width
- bufferHeight = height
- resetDrawLimit()
- for y = 1, bufferHeight do
- for x = 1, bufferWidth do
- tableInsert(currentFrameBackgrounds, 0x010101)
- tableInsert(currentFrameForegrounds, 0xFEFEFE)
- tableInsert(currentFrameSymbols, " ")
- tableInsert(newFrameBackgrounds, 0x010101)
- tableInsert(newFrameForegrounds, 0xFEFEFE)
- tableInsert(newFrameSymbols, " ")
- end
- end
- end
- local function setResolution(width, height)
- GPUProxySetResolution(width, height)
- flush(width, height)
- end
- local function getResolution()
- return bufferWidth, bufferHeight
- end
- local function getWidth()
- return bufferWidth
- end
- local function getHeight()
- return bufferHeight
- end
- local function bindScreen(...)
- GPUProxyBind(...)
- flush(GPUProxyGetResolution())
- end
- local function getGPUProxy()
- return GPUProxy
- end
- local function updateGPUProxyMethods()
- GPUProxyGet = GPUProxy.get
- GPUProxyGetResolution = GPUProxy.getResolution
- GPUProxyGetBackground = GPUProxy.getBackground
- GPUProxyGetForeground = GPUProxy.getForeground
- GPUProxySet = GPUProxy.set
- GPUProxySetResolution = GPUProxy.setResolution
- GPUProxySetBackground = GPUProxy.setBackground
- GPUProxySetForeground = GPUProxy.setForeground
- GPUProxyBind = GPUProxy.bind
- GPUProxyFill = GPUProxy.fill
- end
- local function bindGPU(address)
- GPUProxy = component.proxy(address)
- updateGPUProxyMethods()
- flush(GPUProxyGetResolution())
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function rawSet(index, background, foreground, symbol)
- newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index] = background, foreground, symbol
- end
- local function rawGet(index)
- return newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index]
- end
- local function get(x, y)
- if x >= 1 and y >= 1 and x <= bufferWidth and y <= bufferHeight then
- local index = bufferWidth * (y - 1) + x
- return newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index]
- else
- return 0x000000, 0x000000, " "
- end
- end
- local function set(x, y, background, foreground, symbol)
- if x >= drawLimitX1 and y >= drawLimitY1 and x <= drawLimitX2 and y <= drawLimitY2 then
- local index = bufferWidth * (y - 1) + x
- newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index] = background, foreground, symbol
- end
- end
- local function drawRectangle(x, y, width, height, background, foreground, symbol, transparency)
- local index, indexStepOnReachOfSquareWidth = bufferWidth * (y - 1) + x, bufferWidth - width
- for j = y, y + height - 1 do
- if j >= drawLimitY1 and j <= drawLimitY2 then
- for i = x, x + width - 1 do
- if i >= drawLimitX1 and i <= drawLimitX2 then
- if transparency then
- newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index] =
- colorBlend(newFrameBackgrounds[index], background, transparency),
- colorBlend(newFrameForegrounds[index], background, transparency)
- else
- newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index] = background, foreground, symbol
- end
- end
- index = index + 1
- end
- index = index + indexStepOnReachOfSquareWidth
- else
- index = index + bufferWidth
- end
- end
- end
- local function clear(color, transparency)
- drawRectangle(1, 1, bufferWidth, bufferHeight, color or 0x0, 0x000000, " ", transparency)
- end
- local function copy(x, y, width, height)
- local copyArray, index = { width, height }
- for j = y, y + height - 1 do
- for i = x, x + width - 1 do
- if i >= 1 and j >= 1 and i <= bufferWidth and j <= bufferHeight then
- index = bufferWidth * (j - 1) + i
- tableInsert(copyArray, newFrameBackgrounds[index])
- tableInsert(copyArray, newFrameForegrounds[index])
- tableInsert(copyArray, newFrameSymbols[index])
- else
- tableInsert(copyArray, 0x0)
- tableInsert(copyArray, 0x0)
- tableInsert(copyArray, " ")
- end
- end
- end
- return copyArray
- end
- local function paste(startX, startY, picture)
- local imageWidth = picture[1]
- local bufferIndex, pictureIndex, bufferIndexStepOnReachOfImageWidth = bufferWidth * (startY - 1) + startX, 3, bufferWidth - imageWidth
- for y = startY, startY + picture[2] - 1 do
- if y >= drawLimitY1 and y <= drawLimitY2 then
- for x = startX, startX + imageWidth - 1 do
- if x >= drawLimitX1 and x <= drawLimitX2 then
- newFrameBackgrounds[bufferIndex] = picture[pictureIndex]
- newFrameForegrounds[bufferIndex] = picture[pictureIndex + 1]
- newFrameSymbols[bufferIndex] = picture[pictureIndex + 2]
- end
- bufferIndex, pictureIndex = bufferIndex + 1, pictureIndex + 3
- end
- bufferIndex = bufferIndex + bufferIndexStepOnReachOfImageWidth
- else
- bufferIndex, pictureIndex = bufferIndex + bufferWidth, pictureIndex + imageWidth * 3
- end
- end
- end
- local function rasterizeLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, method)
- local inLoopValueFrom, inLoopValueTo, outLoopValueFrom, outLoopValueTo, isReversed, inLoopValueDelta, outLoopValueDelta = x1, x2, y1, y2, false, mathAbs(x2 - x1), mathAbs(y2 - y1)
- if inLoopValueDelta < outLoopValueDelta then
- inLoopValueFrom, inLoopValueTo, outLoopValueFrom, outLoopValueTo, isReversed, inLoopValueDelta, outLoopValueDelta = y1, y2, x1, x2, true, outLoopValueDelta, inLoopValueDelta
- end
- if outLoopValueFrom > outLoopValueTo then
- outLoopValueFrom, outLoopValueTo = outLoopValueTo, outLoopValueFrom
- inLoopValueFrom, inLoopValueTo = inLoopValueTo, inLoopValueFrom
- end
- local outLoopValue, outLoopValueCounter, outLoopValueTriggerIncrement = outLoopValueFrom, 1, inLoopValueDelta / outLoopValueDelta
- local outLoopValueTrigger = outLoopValueTriggerIncrement
- for inLoopValue = inLoopValueFrom, inLoopValueTo, inLoopValueFrom < inLoopValueTo and 1 or -1 do
- if isReversed then
- method(outLoopValue, inLoopValue)
- else
- method(inLoopValue, outLoopValue)
- end
- outLoopValueCounter = outLoopValueCounter + 1
- if outLoopValueCounter > outLoopValueTrigger then
- outLoopValue, outLoopValueTrigger = outLoopValue + 1, outLoopValueTrigger + outLoopValueTriggerIncrement
- end
- end
- end
- local function rasterizeEllipse(centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, method)
- local function rasterizeEllipsePoints(XP, YP)
- method(centerX + XP, centerY + YP)
- method(centerX - XP, centerY + YP)
- method(centerX - XP, centerY - YP)
- method(centerX + XP, centerY - YP)
- end
- local x, y, changeX, changeY, ellipseError, twoASquare, twoBSquare = radiusX, 0, radiusY * radiusY * (1 - 2 * radiusX), radiusX * radiusX, 0, 2 * radiusX * radiusX, 2 * radiusY * radiusY
- local stoppingX, stoppingY = twoBSquare * radiusX, 0
- while stoppingX >= stoppingY do
- rasterizeEllipsePoints(x, y)
- y, stoppingY, ellipseError = y + 1, stoppingY + twoASquare, ellipseError + changeY
- changeY = changeY + twoASquare
- if (2 * ellipseError + changeX) > 0 then
- x, stoppingX, ellipseError = x - 1, stoppingX - twoBSquare, ellipseError + changeX
- changeX = changeX + twoBSquare
- end
- end
- x, y, changeX, changeY, ellipseError, stoppingX, stoppingY = 0, radiusY, radiusY * radiusY, radiusX * radiusX * (1 - 2 * radiusY), 0, 0, twoASquare * radiusY
- while stoppingX <= stoppingY do
- rasterizeEllipsePoints(x, y)
- x, stoppingX, ellipseError = x + 1, stoppingX + twoBSquare, ellipseError + changeX
- changeX = changeX + twoBSquare
- if (2 * ellipseError + changeY) > 0 then
- y, stoppingY, ellipseError = y - 1, stoppingY - twoASquare, ellipseError + changeY
- changeY = changeY + twoASquare
- end
- end
- end
- local function drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, background, foreground, symbol)
- rasterizeLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, function(x, y)
- set(x, y, background, foreground, symbol)
- end)
- end
- local function drawEllipse(centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, background, foreground, symbol)
- rasterizeEllipse(centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, function(x, y)
- set(x, y, background, foreground, symbol)
- end)
- end
- local function drawText(x, y, textColor, data, transparency)
- if y >= drawLimitY1 and y <= drawLimitY2 then
- local charIndex, bufferIndex = 1, bufferWidth * (y - 1) + x
- for charIndex = 1, unicodeLen(data) do
- if x >= drawLimitX1 and x <= drawLimitX2 then
- if transparency then
- newFrameForegrounds[bufferIndex] = colorBlend(newFrameBackgrounds[bufferIndex], textColor, transparency)
- else
- newFrameForegrounds[bufferIndex] = textColor
- end
- newFrameSymbols[bufferIndex] = unicodeSub(data, charIndex, charIndex)
- end
- x, bufferIndex = x + 1, bufferIndex + 1
- end
- end
- end
- local function drawImage(startX, startY, picture, blendForeground)
- local bufferIndex, pictureIndex, imageWidth, backgrounds, foregrounds, alphas, symbols = bufferWidth * (startY - 1) + startX, 1, picture[1], picture[3], picture[4], picture[5], picture[6]
- local bufferIndexStepOnReachOfImageWidth = bufferWidth - imageWidth
- for y = startY, startY + picture[2] - 1 do
- if y >= drawLimitY1 and y <= drawLimitY2 then
- for x = startX, startX + imageWidth - 1 do
- if x >= drawLimitX1 and x <= drawLimitX2 then
- if alphas[pictureIndex] == 0 then
- newFrameBackgrounds[bufferIndex], newFrameForegrounds[bufferIndex] = backgrounds[pictureIndex], foregrounds[pictureIndex]
- elseif alphas[pictureIndex] > 0 and alphas[pictureIndex] < 1 then
- newFrameBackgrounds[bufferIndex] = colorBlend(newFrameBackgrounds[bufferIndex], backgrounds[pictureIndex], alphas[pictureIndex])
- if blendForeground then
- newFrameForegrounds[bufferIndex] = colorBlend(newFrameForegrounds[bufferIndex], foregrounds[pictureIndex], alphas[pictureIndex])
- else
- newFrameForegrounds[bufferIndex] = foregrounds[pictureIndex]
- end
- elseif alphas[pictureIndex] == 1 and symbols[pictureIndex] ~= " " then
- newFrameForegrounds[bufferIndex] = foregrounds[pictureIndex]
- end
- newFrameSymbols[bufferIndex] = symbols[pictureIndex]
- end
- bufferIndex, pictureIndex = bufferIndex + 1, pictureIndex + 1
- end
- bufferIndex = bufferIndex + bufferIndexStepOnReachOfImageWidth
- else
- bufferIndex, pictureIndex = bufferIndex + bufferWidth, pictureIndex + imageWidth
- end
- end
- end
- local function drawFrame(x, y, width, height, color)
- local stringUp, stringDown, x2 = "┌" .. string.rep("─", width - 2) .. "┐", "└" .. string.rep("─", width - 2) .. "┘", x + width - 1
- drawText(x, y, color, stringUp); y = y + 1
- for i = 1, height - 2 do
- drawText(x, y, color, "│")
- drawText(x2, y, color, "│")
- y = y + 1
- end
- drawText(x, y, color, stringDown)
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function semiPixelRawSet(index, color, yPercentTwoEqualsZero)
- local upperPixel, lowerPixel, bothPixel = "▀", "▄", " "
- local background, foreground, symbol = newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index]
- if yPercentTwoEqualsZero then
- if symbol == upperPixel then
- if color == foreground then
- newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index] = color, foreground, bothPixel
- else
- newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index] = color, foreground, symbol
- end
- elseif symbol == bothPixel then
- if color ~= background then
- newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index] = background, color, lowerPixel
- end
- else
- newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index] = background, color, lowerPixel
- end
- else
- if symbol == lowerPixel then
- if color == foreground then
- newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index] = color, foreground, bothPixel
- else
- newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index] = color, foreground, symbol
- end
- elseif symbol == bothPixel then
- if color ~= background then
- newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index] = background, color, upperPixel
- end
- else
- newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index] = background, color, upperPixel
- end
- end
- end
- local function semiPixelSet(x, y, color)
- local yFixed = mathCeil(y / 2)
- if x >= drawLimitX1 and yFixed >= drawLimitY1 and x <= drawLimitX2 and yFixed <= drawLimitY2 then
- semiPixelRawSet(bufferWidth * (yFixed - 1) + x, color, y % 2 == 0)
- end
- end
- local function drawSemiPixelRectangle(x, y, width, height, color)
- local index, evenYIndexStep, oddYIndexStep, realY, evenY =
- bufferWidth * (mathCeil(y / 2) - 1) + x,
- (bufferWidth - width),
- width
- for pseudoY = y, y + height - 1 do
- realY = mathCeil(pseudoY / 2)
- if realY >= drawLimitY1 and realY <= drawLimitY2 then
- evenY = pseudoY % 2 == 0
- for pseudoX = x, x + width - 1 do
- if pseudoX >= drawLimitX1 and pseudoX <= drawLimitX2 then
- semiPixelRawSet(index, color, evenY)
- end
- index = index + 1
- end
- else
- index = index + width
- end
- if evenY then
- index = index + evenYIndexStep
- else
- index = index - oddYIndexStep
- end
- end
- end
- local function drawSemiPixelLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
- rasterizeLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, function(x, y)
- semiPixelSet(x, y, color)
- end)
- end
- local function drawSemiPixelEllipse(centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, color)
- rasterizeEllipse(centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, function(x, y)
- semiPixelSet(x, y, color)
- end)
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function getPointTimedPosition(firstPoint, secondPoint, time)
- return {
- x = firstPoint.x + (secondPoint.x - firstPoint.x) * time,
- y = firstPoint.y + (secondPoint.y - firstPoint.y) * time
- }
- end
- local function getConnectionPoints(points, time)
- local connectionPoints = {}
- for point = 1, #points - 1 do
- tableInsert(connectionPoints, getPointTimedPosition(points[point], points[point + 1], time))
- end
- return connectionPoints
- end
- local function getMainPointPosition(points, time)
- if #points > 1 then
- return getMainPointPosition(getConnectionPoints(points, time), time)
- else
- return points[1]
- end
- end
- local function drawSemiPixelCurve(points, color, precision)
- local linePoints = {}
- for time = 0, 1, precision or 0.01 do
- tableInsert(linePoints, getMainPointPosition(points, time))
- end
- for point = 1, #linePoints - 1 do
- drawSemiPixelLine(mathFloor(linePoints[point].x), mathFloor(linePoints[point].y), mathFloor(linePoints[point + 1].x), mathFloor(linePoints[point + 1].y), color)
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function drawChanges(force)
- local index, indexStepOnEveryLine, changes = bufferWidth * (drawLimitY1 - 1) + drawLimitX1, (bufferWidth - drawLimitX2 + drawLimitX1 - 1), {}
- local x, equalChars, equalCharsIndex, charX, charIndex, currentForeground
- local currentFrameBackground, currentFrameForeground, currentFrameSymbol, changesCurrentFrameBackground, changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForeground
- local changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForegroundIndex
- for y = drawLimitY1, drawLimitY2 do
- x = drawLimitX1
- while x <= drawLimitX2 do
- -- Determine if some pixel data was changed (or if <force> argument was passed)
- if
- currentFrameBackgrounds[index] ~= newFrameBackgrounds[index] or
- currentFrameForegrounds[index] ~= newFrameForegrounds[index] or
- currentFrameSymbols[index] ~= newFrameSymbols[index] or
- force
- then
- -- Make pixel at both frames equal
- currentFrameBackground, currentFrameForeground, currentFrameSymbol = newFrameBackgrounds[index], newFrameForegrounds[index], newFrameSymbols[index]
- currentFrameBackgrounds[index] = currentFrameBackground
- currentFrameForegrounds[index] = currentFrameForeground
- currentFrameSymbols[index] = currentFrameSymbol
- -- Look for pixels with equal chars from right of current pixel
- equalChars, equalCharsIndex, charX, charIndex = {currentFrameSymbol}, 2, x + 1, index + 1
- while charX <= drawLimitX2 do
- -- Pixels becomes equal only if they have same background and (whitespace char or same foreground)
- if
- currentFrameBackground == newFrameBackgrounds[charIndex] and
- (
- newFrameSymbols[charIndex] == " " or
- currentFrameForeground == newFrameForegrounds[charIndex]
- )
- then
- -- Make pixel at both frames equal
- currentFrameBackgrounds[charIndex] = newFrameBackgrounds[charIndex]
- currentFrameForegrounds[charIndex] = newFrameForegrounds[charIndex]
- currentFrameSymbols[charIndex] = newFrameSymbols[charIndex]
- equalChars[equalCharsIndex], equalCharsIndex = currentFrameSymbols[charIndex], equalCharsIndex + 1
- else
- break
- end
- charX, charIndex = charX + 1, charIndex + 1
- end
- -- Group pixels that need to be drawn by background and foreground
- changes[currentFrameBackground] = changes[currentFrameBackground] or {}
- changesCurrentFrameBackground = changes[currentFrameBackground]
- changesCurrentFrameBackground[currentFrameForeground] = changesCurrentFrameBackground[currentFrameForeground] or {index = 1}
- changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForeground = changesCurrentFrameBackground[currentFrameForeground]
- changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForegroundIndex = changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForeground.index
- changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForeground[changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForegroundIndex], changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForegroundIndex = x, changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForegroundIndex + 1
- changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForeground[changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForegroundIndex], changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForegroundIndex = y, changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForegroundIndex + 1
- changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForeground[changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForegroundIndex], changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForegroundIndex = tableConcat(equalChars), changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForegroundIndex + 1
- x, index, changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForeground.index = x + equalCharsIndex - 2, index + equalCharsIndex - 2, changesCurrentFrameBackgroundCurrentFrameForegroundIndex
- end
- x, index = x + 1, index + 1
- end
- index = index + indexStepOnEveryLine
- end
- -- Draw grouped pixels on screen
- for background, foregrounds in pairs(changes) do
- GPUProxySetBackground(background)
- for foreground, pixels in pairs(foregrounds) do
- if currentForeground ~= foreground then
- GPUProxySetForeground(foreground)
- currentForeground = foreground
- end
- for i = 1, #pixels, 3 do
- GPUProxySet(pixels[i], pixels[i + 1], pixels[i + 2])
- end
- end
- end
- changes = nil
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bindGPU(component.getPrimary("gpu").address)
- return {
- getCoordinates = getCoordinates,
- getIndex = getIndex,
- setDrawLimit = setDrawLimit,
- resetDrawLimit = resetDrawLimit,
- getDrawLimit = getDrawLimit,
- flush = flush,
- setResolution = setResolution,
- bindScreen = bindScreen,
- bindGPU = bindGPU,
- getGPUProxy = getGPUProxy,
- getResolution = getResolution,
- getWidth = getWidth,
- getHeight = getHeight,
- getCurrentFrameTables = getCurrentFrameTables,
- getNewFrameTables = getNewFrameTables,
- rawSet = rawSet,
- rawGet = rawGet,
- get = get,
- set = set,
- clear = clear,
- copy = copy,
- paste = paste,
- rasterizeLine = rasterizeLine,
- rasterizeEllipse = rasterizeEllipse,
- semiPixelRawSet = semiPixelRawSet,
- semiPixelSet = semiPixelSet,
- drawChanges = drawChanges,
- drawRectangle = drawRectangle,
- drawLine = drawLine,
- drawEllipse = drawEllipse,
- drawText = drawText,
- drawImage = drawImage,
- drawFrame = drawFrame,
- drawSemiPixelRectangle = drawSemiPixelRectangle,
- drawSemiPixelLine = drawSemiPixelLine,
- drawSemiPixelEllipse = drawSemiPixelEllipse,
- drawSemiPixelCurve = drawSemiPixelCurve,
- }
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