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- function createMenu(sx,sy,type)
- if(not sx or not sy or not type)then
- error("Argumets invalid - start x, starty, type - valid types are (mouse and key)")
- end
- menu = {
- mtype = type,
- x=sx,
- y=sy,
- selop = 1,
- options = {
- },
- addOption = function(self,name,textcolor,backcolor,selectedtextcolor,selectedbackcolor,mfunction)
- self.options[#self.options+1] = {name=name,textcolor=textcolor,backcolor=backcolor,selectedtextcolor=selectedtextcolor,selectedbackcolor=selectedbackcolor,func=mfunction}
- end,
- update = function(self)
- if(#self.options <= 0)then
- error("Menu empty! run <menu>:addOption(option) ")
- end
- if(self.mtype == "mouse")then
- for i = 1, #self.options do
- term.setCursorPos(sx,sy+i)
- term.setTextColor(self.options[i].textcolor)
- term.setBackgroundColor(self.options[i].backcolor)
- print(" "..self.options[i].name.." ")
- end
- elseif(self.mtype == "key")then
- for i = 1, #self.options do
- if(self.selop == i)then
- term.setCursorPos(sx,sy+i)
- term.setTextColor(self.options[i].selectedtextcolor)
- term.setBackgroundColor(self.options[i].selectedbackcolor)
- print("> "..self.options[i].name.." <")
- else
- term.setCursorPos(sx,sy+i)
- term.setTextColor(self.options[i].textcolor)
- term.setBackgroundColor(self.options[i].backcolor)
- print(" "..self.options[i].name.." ")
- end
- end
- end
- a = {os.pullEvent()}
- if(self.mtype == "mouse" and a[1] == "mouse_click" and a[2] == 1)then
- for i = 1, #self.options do
- if(a[3] >= self.x and a[3] <= self.x+(#self.options[i].name)+2 and a[4] == math.floor(self.y+i))then
- term.setCursorPos(sx,sy+i)
- term.setTextColor(self.options[i].selectedtextcolor)
- term.setBackgroundColor(self.options[i].selectedbackcolor)
- print(" "..self.options[i].name.." ")
- sleep(0.3)
- self.options[i].func()
- --else
- --error(a[3].."|"..self.x.."| "..self.x+(#self.options[i].name+2).."|"..a[4].."|"..(self.y+i) )
- end
- end
- elseif(self.mtype == "key" and a[1] == "key")then
- if(a[2] == keys.up and self.selop > 1)then self.selop = self.selop - 1 end
- if(a[2] == keys.down and self.selop < (#self.options))then self.selop = self.selop + 1 end
- if(a[2] == keys.enter)then self.options[self.selop].func() end
- end
- end,
- }
- return menu
- end
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