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- using NUnit.Framework;
- using System;
- namespace Tests
- {
- [TestFixture]
- public class AxeTests
- {
- private Dummy target;
- [SetUp]
- public void SetTarget()
- {
- target = new Dummy(20, 50); // replace with target
- }
- [Test]
- public void AxeShouldLosesDurabilityAfterEachAttack()
- {
- //Arrange
- Axe axe = new Axe(30, 40);
- //Act
- axe.Attack(; // replace with target
- var result = axe.DurabilityPoints;
- //Assert
- Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(39), "Axe loses durability after attack.");
- }
- [Test]
- public void AttackingWithBrokenAxeShouldThrowExeption()
- {
- //Arrage
- Axe axe = new Axe(10, 1);
- //Act
- axe.Attack(; // replace with target
- //Assert
- Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => throw new InvalidOperationException("Axe is broken"));
- }
- }
- [TestFixture]
- public class DummyTest
- {
- private Dummy aliveDummy;
- private Dummy deadDummy;
- [SetUp]
- public void SetUpDummies ()
- {
- deadDummy = new Dummy(0, 10);
- aliveDummy = new Dummy(40, 10);
- }
- [Test]
- public void DummyShouldLosesHealthIfAttacked()
- {
- // Arrange
- // Act
- aliveDummy.TakeAttack(30);
- // Assert
- Assert.That(this.aliveDummy.Health, Is.EqualTo(10));
- }
- [Test]
- public void DeadDummyShouldThrowsExceptionIfAttacked()
- {
- // Arrange
- // Act
- // Assert
- Assert.That(() => this.deadDummy.TakeAttack(30), Throws.InvalidOperationException.With.Message.EqualTo("Dummy is dead."), "Dead Dummy can't be attacked");
- }
- [Test]
- public void DeadDummyCanGiveXP()
- {
- // Arrange
- // Act
- var experience = this.deadDummy.GiveExperience();
- // Assert
- Assert.That(experience, Is.EqualTo(10), "Dead Dummy Can give experiance");
- }
- [Test]
- public void AliveDummyCantGiveXP()
- {
- // Arrange
- // Act
- // Assert
- Assert.That(() => this.aliveDummy.GiveExperience(),Throws.InvalidOperationException.With.Message.EqualTo("Target is not dead."));
- }
- }
- }
- // Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => extendedDatabase.FindById(-1), "Id should be a positive number!");
- Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(()=> productStock.FindByLabel("testProduct5"),"The product does not exist in Stock")
- // Assert.That(() => arena.Warriors, Has.Member(firstWarrior));
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