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- #include<bits/stdc++.h>
- using namespace std;
- struct node;
- typedef node* pnode;
- struct node{
- int key , prior , freq , cnt;
- pnode l , r;
- static pnode empt;
- node(){
- key=prior=freq=cnt=0;
- l=r=this;
- }
- node(int V){
- key = V; prior = rand(); freq=cnt=1;
- l=r=empt;
- }
- };
- pnode node::empt = new node();
- pnode dummy = node::empt;
- class Treap{
- pnode root;
- private:
- void update(pnode &it){
- it->cnt = it->l->cnt + it->r->cnt + it->freq;
- }
- void split(pnode it , int K , pnode&l , pnode&r){
- if(it == dummy)
- l = r = dummy;
- else if(it->key > K)
- split(it->l , K , l , it->l) , r = it; // pay attention
- else
- split(it->r , K , it->r , r) , l = it; // these are , not ;
- update(it);
- }
- void merge_(pnode &it , pnode l , pnode r){
- if(l==dummy || r==dummy)
- it = (l==dummy)? r : l;
- else if(l->prior > r->prior) merge_(l->r , l->r , r) , it=l;
- else merge_(r->l , l , r->l) , it=r;
- update(it);
- }
- void insert_(pnode &it, pnode item) {
- if (it == dummy)
- it = item;
- else if(item -> prior > it -> prior)
- split(it , item->key , item->l , item->r) , it = item;
- else insert_(it->key > item->key ? it->l : it->r , item);
- update(it);
- }
- void erase_(pnode &it , int K){
- // cout<<it->key<<endl;
- if(it->key == K) merge_(it , it->l , it->r);
- else erase_(it->key > K ? it->l : it->r , K);
- update(it);
- }
- void inc(pnode it , int K , int V){
- if(it->key == K) it->freq += V;
- else inc(it->key > K ? it->l : it->r , K , V);
- update(it);
- }
- int find_(pnode it , int K){
- if(it == dummy) return 0;
- if(it->key == K) return it->freq;
- return find_(it->key > K ? it->l : it->r , K);
- }
- int Kth(pnode it , int K){
- if(it->l->cnt >= K) return Kth(it->l , K);
- if(it->l->cnt + it->freq < K) return Kth(it->r , K-it->l->cnt-it->freq);
- return it->key;
- }
- int countless(pnode it , int K){
- if(it == dummy) return 0;
- if(it->key > K) return countless(it->l , K);
- return it->l->cnt + it->freq + countless(it->r , K);
- }
- void Clear( pnode &it ){
- if(!it || it == dummy) return;
- Clear(it->l); Clear(it->r);
- delete(it);
- }
- public:
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // these are the functions you call
- void init(){
- Clear(root);
- root = dummy;
- }
- void Insert(int K){
- if(find_(root , K)) inc(root , K , 1);
- else insert_(root , new node(K));
- }
- void Delete(int K){
- int tt = find_(root , K);
- if(tt > 1) inc(root , K , -1);
- else if(tt==1) erase_(root , K);
- }
- int Count(int K){ // you can use count as a find :D
- return find_(root , K);
- }
- int Get_Kth(int K){
- return Kth(root , K);
- }
- int Rank(int K){ // this function returns how many elements less than or equal
- return countless(root , K);
- }
- int Size(){
- return root->cnt;
- }
- } ;
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