
arcanist needs

Jan 7th, 2016
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  1. 06:20 < jilles> dteske, it may be more productive if someone starts and creates
  2. a replacement with the functionality they need
  3. 06:21 < dteske> well, I know how I use arc ;D
  4. 06:21 < dteske> jilles: I really don't use any more than 2 or 3 commands it
  5. provides
  6. 06:22 < dteske> jilles: arc diff create, arc diff update, maybe one other
  7. 06:22 < BigKnife> arc list
  8. 06:22 < BigKnife> arc patch I use quite a bit
  9. 06:22 * dteske starts making a list
  10. 06:22 < BigKnife> since I arc diff --create from git
  11. 06:22 < BigKnife> then arc patch into a clean svn tree to stage the commit
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