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it unlocks many cool features!
- // This builds on TSlackTree which is a 2D implementation of KD-Tree.
- // wrote this to see how well it would work (Comparable to SplitTPA)
- // It's a lot faster as soon as we are talking about +/-400 points and up.
- // This is O(n log n), and effectively come close to linear performance.
- //
- // For a proper implementation in n dimensions, with optimizations see:
- //
- function TSlackTree.Clusters(radX,radY: Double): T2DPointArray;
- var
- rescount, qcount: Int32;
- sqx, sqy, sqxy: Double;
- function Fits(p,c: TPoint): Boolean;
- begin
- //Result := (Abs(p.x-c.x) < radX) and (Abs(p.y-c.y) < radY);
- Result := (Sqr(p.x-c.x)*sqy)+(Sqr(p.y-c.y)*sqx) <= sqxy;
- end;
- procedure Cluster(test: TPoint; var result:TPointArray; this: PSlackNode; depth:Int32=0);
- var
- goright:Boolean = False;
- goleft: Boolean = False;
- begin
- if depth and 1 = 0 then begin
- goleft := test.x - radX <= this^.split.x;
- goright := test.x + radX >= this^.split.x;
- end else begin
- goleft := test.y - radY <= this^.split.y;
- goright := test.y + radY >= this^.split.y;
- end;
- if (not this^.hidden) and ((goleft=goright)=True) and Fits(test, this^.split) then
- begin
- if rescount = Length(result) then Setlength(result, rescount*2);
- result[rescount] := this^.split;
- Inc(rescount);
- this^.hidden := True;
- Cluster(this^.split, result,[0], 0);
- end;
- if goleft and (this^.l <> -1) then Cluster(test, result,[this^.l], depth+1);
- if goright and (this^.r <> -1) then Cluster(test, result,[this^.r], depth+1);
- end;
- var
- i,j,r:Int32;
- t: TIntegerArray;
- begin
- sqx := Sqr(radx);
- sqy := Sqr(rady);
- sqxy := sqx*sqy;
- j := 0;
- for i:=0 to High( do
- begin
- if[i].hidden then
- continue;
- SetLength(result, j+1);
- rescount := 0;
- SetLength(result[j], 64);
- Cluster([i].split, result[j],[0]);
-[i].hidden := True;
- SetLength(result[j], rescount);
- Inc(j);
- end;
- end;
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