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- var
- IGNORE_COLORS_L = [0, $FFFFFF, $00FFFF, $80FF00];
- IGNORE_COLORS_R = [0, $FFFFFF, $00FFFF, $80FF00];
- type
- TRSItemImage = type TMufasaBitmap;
- TRSItemFinder = array of TRSItemImage;
- TRSItemMatch = record
- Item, Edge: Double;
- end;
- var
- ItemFinder: TRSItemFinder;
- operator >= (Left: TRSItemMatch; Right: Double): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Left.Item >= Right) and (Left.Edge >= Right);
- end;
- procedure TRSItemImage.FromData(Data: String);
- var
- Stream: TStringStream;
- Picture: TPicture;
- begin
- Stream.Init(Data);
- Picture.Init();
- try
- Picture.LoadFromStream(Stream);
- LoadFromTBitmap(Picture.GetBitmap());
- finally
- Picture.Free();
- Stream.Free();
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRSItemImage.FromFile(FilePath: String);
- begin
- if (Self = nil) then
- Self.Init(Client.GetMBitmaps());
- LoadFromFile(FilePath);
- end;
- procedure TRSItemImage.FromURL(URL: String);
- begin
- if (Self = nil) then
- Self.Init(Client.GetMBitmaps());
- FromData(GetPage(URL));
- end;
- procedure TRSItemImage.FromGE(Identifer: String);
- function FindID: Int32;
- const
- URL = '';
- var
- Data: String;
- begin
- Data := GetPage(URL + '?query=' + LowerCase(Identifer));
- Data := Between('class=''table-item-link''', '</a>', Data);
- Result := StrToIntDef(Between('obj=', '"', Data), -1);
- end;
- function GetVersion: UInt64;
- begin
- Result := StrToUInt64Def(Between('<img src=''', '_obj_sprite.gif',
- GetPage('')), -1);
- if (Result = -1) then
- raise 'Unknown database version';
- end;
- var
- ID: Int32;
- begin
- ID := StrToIntDef(Identifer, -1);
- if (ID = -1) then
- ID := FindID();
- if (ID = -1) then
- raise 'Unknown item ID for "' + Identifer + '"';
- Self.FromURL(Format('', [GetVersion(), ID]));
- Self.ReplaceColor(16711935, 0);
- end;
- procedure TRSItemImage.Align(Other: TRSItemImage);
- var
- TPA1, TPA2: TPointArray;
- P1, P2: TPoint;
- BMP: TMufasaBitmap;
- begin
- if Self.FindColors(TPA1, $10000) and Other.FindColors(TPA2, $10000) then
- begin
- TPA1.SortByRow(True);
- TPA2.SortByRow(True);
- P1 := TPA1[0];
- P2 := TPA2[0];
- BMP := Self.Copy();
- BMP.DrawTransparent(Max(0, P2.X - P1.X), Max(0, P2.Y - P1.Y), Self);
- BMP.Free();
- Self.Crop(Abs(Min(0, P2.X - P1.X)), Abs(Min(0, P2.Y - P1.Y)), 31, 31);
- Self.SetSize(32, 32);
- end;
- end;
- function TRSItemFinder.Get(Identifer: String): TRSItemImage;
- const
- IMAGES_PATH = IncludePath + 'SRL/utils/items/';
- var
- i: Int32;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(Self) do
- if (Self[i].GetName() = Identifer) then
- Exit(Self[i]);
- if FileExists(Identifer) then
- Result.FromFile(Identifer)
- else
- if FileExists(IMAGES_PATH + Identifer + '.png') then
- Result.FromFile(IMAGES_PATH + Identifer + '.png')
- else
- begin
- Result.FromGE(Identifer);
- Result.SaveToFile(IMAGES_PATH + Identifer + '.png');
- end;
- Result.SetName(Identifer);
- if (Result.GetWidth() <> 32) or (Result.GetHeight() <> 32) then
- raise 'Invaild image dimensions';
- Self += Result;
- end;
- procedure TRSItemFinder.Free;
- var
- i: Int32;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(Self) do
- Self[i].Free();
- end;
- function TRSItemFinder.Match(Img1, Img2: TMufasaBitmap;
- Ignore1: TIntArray = IGNORE_COLORS_L;
- Ignore2: TIntArray = IGNORE_COLORS_R;
- HuePower: Double = 5.0): TRSItemMatch;
- var
- i, off, Color1, Color2, Ignore, EdgeCount: Int32;
- deltaH, H1, S1, L1, H2, S2, L2, Diff, Sum, EdgeDiff: Extended;
- Data1, Data2: PRGB32;
- DoIgnore: Boolean;
- FACT := 1 / Sqrt(Sqr(100) + Sqr(100) + Sqr(50 * HuePower));
- begin
- Data1 := Img1.GetData();
- Data2 := Img2.GetData();
- EdgeCount := 1;
- for i := 0 to Img1.GetWidth() * Img1.GetHeight() - 1 do
- begin
- Color1 := RGBToColor(Data1^.R, Data1^.G, Data1^.B);
- Color2 := RGBToColor(Data2^.R, Data2^.G, Data2^.B);
- if (Ignore1.Find(Color1) = -1) and (Ignore2.Find(Color2) = -1) then
- begin
- RGBToHSL(Data1^.R, Data1^.G, Data1^.B, H1, S1, L1);
- RGBToHSL(Data2^.R, Data2^.G, Data2^.B, H2, S2, L2);
- deltaH := Abs(H1 - H2);
- if deltaH >= 50 then deltaH := 100 - deltaH;
- deltaH *= HuePower;
- Diff := Sqrt(Sqr(deltaH) + Sqr(S1-S2) + Sqr(L1-L2)) * FACT;
- Sum := Sum + Diff;
- if (Color1 = $10000) then
- begin
- if (Color2 = $10000) then
- EdgeDiff := EdgeDiff + 1;
- Inc(EdgeCount);
- end;
- end else
- Inc(off);
- Inc(Data1); Inc(Data2);
- end;
- if (Img1.GetWidth() * Img1.GetHeight() - off) = 0 then
- Exit; // bad image
- Result := [1 - sum / (Img1.GetWidth() * Img1.GetHeight() - off), EdgeDiff / EdgeCount];
- end;
- function TRSItemFinder.FindAll(Identifer: String; Arr: TBoxArray; Similarity: Double = ITEM_FINDER_SIMILARITY): TIntegerArray;
- var
- i, X, Y: Int32;
- imgDB, imgRS: TRSItemImage;
- Matches: array of TRSItemMatch;
- Match, Best: TRSItemMatch;
- begin
- SetLength(Matches, Length(Arr));
- for i := 0 to High(Arr) do
- if FindColor(X, Y, $10000, Arr[i]) then // Has item
- begin
- imgDB := Self.Get(Identifer).Copy();
- imgRS.FromClient(Arr[i].ExpandFunc(2));
- imgRS.Align(imgDB);
- Match := Self.Match(imgDB, imgRS);
- Matches[i] := Match;
- if (Match.Item >= Best.Item) then
- Best := Match;
- imgDB.Free();
- imgRS.Free();
- end;
- for i := 0 to High(Arr) do
- if (Matches[i] >= Similarity) and (Matches[i].Item >= Best.Item - 0.01) then
- Result += i;
- end;
- // ------------------------------ Inventory --------------------------------- \\
- // Indices of all matches
- function TRSInventory.FindAll(Identifers: TStringArray; Similarity: Double = ITEM_FINDER_SIMILARITY): TIntegerArray; overload;
- var
- Identifer: String;
- begin
- if Self.Open() then
- for Identifer in Identifers do
- Result += ItemFinder.FindAll(Identifer, Self.FSlots, Similarity);
- end;
- function TRSInventory.FindAll(Identifer: String; Similarity: Double = ITEM_FINDER_SIMILARITY): TIntegerArray; overload;
- begin
- Result := Self.FindAll([Identifer]);
- end;
- // Index of first match
- function TRSInventory.Find(Identifers: TStringArray; Similarity: Double = ITEM_FINDER_SIMILARITY): Int32; overload;
- var
- Identifer: String;
- Matches: TIntegerArray;
- begin
- for Identifer in Identifers do
- begin
- Matches := Self.FindAll(Identifer, Similarity);
- if Length(Matches) > 0 then
- Exit(Matches[0]);
- end;
- Exit(-1);
- end;
- function TRSInventory.Find(Identifer: String; Similarity: Double = ITEM_FINDER_SIMILARITY): Int32; overload;
- begin
- Result := Self.Find([Identifer]);
- end;
- // Counts all items
- function TRSInventory.Count(Identifers: TStringArray; Similarity: Double = ITEM_FINDER_SIMILARITY): Int32; overload;
- var
- Identifer: String;
- begin
- for Identifer in Identifers do
- Result += Length(Self.FindAll(Identifer, Similarity));
- end;
- // Counts a item
- function TRSInventory.Count(Identifer: String; Similarity: Double = ITEM_FINDER_SIMILARITY): Int32; overload;
- begin
- Result := Self.Count([Identifer], Similarity);
- end;
- // Counts a item stack
- function TRSInventory.CountStack(Identifer: String; Similarity: Double = ITEM_FINDER_SIMILARITY): Int32;
- var
- Slot: Int32;
- begin
- Slot := Self.Find(Identifer, Similarity);
- if (Slot > -1) then
- Result := srl.GetItemAmount(Self.GetSlotBox(Slot));
- end;
- // Clicks first item match
- function TRSInventory.Click(Identifers: TStringArray; Option: String = ''; Similarity: Double = ITEM_FINDER_SIMILARITY): Boolean; overload;
- var
- Slot: Int32;
- begin
- Slot := Self.Find(Identifers, Similarity);
- if (Slot > -1) then
- begin
- Self.MouseSlot(Slot, mouse_Move);
- if (Option = '') then
- Mouse.Click(mouse_Left)
- else
- if (not ChooseOption.Open()) or (not ChooseOption.Select(Option)) then
- Exit(False);
- Exit(True);
- end;
- end;
- function TRSInventory.Click(Identifer: String; Option: String = ''; Similarity: Double = ITEM_FINDER_SIMILARITY): Boolean; overload;
- begin
- Result := Self.Click([Identifer], Option, Similarity);
- end;
- // -------------------------------- Bank ------------------------------------ \\
- // Index of first match
- function TRSBankScreen.Find(Identifers: TStringArray; Similarity: Double = ITEM_FINDER_SIMILARITY): Int32; overload;
- var
- Identifer: String;
- Matches: TIntegerArray;
- begin
- Self.FixSlots();
- for Identifer in Identifers do
- begin
- Matches := ItemFinder.FindAll(Identifer, Self.FSlots, Similarity);
- if Length(Matches) > 0 then
- Exit(Matches[0]);
- end;
- Exit(-1);
- end;
- function TRSBankScreen.Find(Identifer: String; Similarity: Double = ITEM_FINDER_SIMILARITY): Int32; overload;
- begin
- Result := Self.Find([Identifer]);
- end;
- // Withdraw first match
- function TRSBankScreen.Withdraw(Identifier: String; Amount: Int32; Mode: EBankButton = bbItem): Boolean; overload;
- var
- Slot: Int32;
- begin
- Slot := Self.Find(Identifier);
- if (Slot > -1) then
- Result := Self.Withdraw(Slot, Amount, TStringArray([]), Mode);
- end;
- // Contains
- function TRSBankScreen.Contains(Identifer: String): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := Self.Find(Identifer) >= 0;
- end;
- // Counts a item stack
- function TRSBankScreen.CountStack(Identifer: String): Int32;
- var
- Slot: Int32;
- begin
- Slot := Self.Find(Identifer);
- if (Slot > -1) then
- Result := srl.GetItemAmount(Self.GetSlotBox(Slot));
- end;
- begin
- AddOnTerminate(@ItemFinder.Free);
- (*
- SetTargetBitmap(LoadBitmap('Images/client.png'));
- WriteLn Bankscreen.Find('mind rune');
- *)
- end;
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