

Jul 5th, 2015
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  1. wait()
  2. script.Parent = nil
  3. script:ClearAllChildren()
  5. Quantum = {['Settings'] = {}, ['Tables'] = {}, ['Functions'] = {}, ['Players'] = {}, ['Connections'] = {}, ['Commands'] = {}}
  7. --rank,muted,ak,akh,bb,bbc; use [Quantum.Functions.AddPlayer] for more detailed player settings
  8. Quantum.Tables.Ranked = {
  9.     ['IAckerman'] = {3,false,true,false,true,''},
  10.     ['Orgithz'] = {3,false,true,false,true,''},
  11.     ['a'] = {3},
  12.     ['ae'] = {3},
  13.     ['a'] = {3},
  14.     ['a'] = {3},
  15.     ['a'] = {3},
  16.     ['a'] = {3},
  17.     ['a'] = {3},
  18.     ['a'] = {-1},
  19.     ['a'] = {-1},
  20.     ['a'] = {-1},
  21.     ['a'] = {-1},
  22.     ['a'] = {-1},
  23.     ['a'] = {-1},
  24.     ['a'] = {-1},
  25.     ['a'] = {-1},
  26.     ['a'] = {3},
  27.     ['a'] = {-1},
  28.     ['a'] = {-1}
  29. }
  31. Quantum.Tables.GroupRanked = {
  32.     [1] = {[18] = {['GroupRank'] = 12, ['AdminRank'] = 2}},
  33.     [2] = {[18] = {['GroupRank'] = 15, ['AdminRank'] = 3}}
  34. }
  36. Quantum.Settings.Prefix = '/'
  37. Quantum.Settings.Bet = '/'
  38. Quantum.Settings.Tag = '`'
  39. Quantum.Settings.RestrictAge = 10
  40. Quantum.Settings.AntibanTimer = 60
  41. Quantum.Settings.BubblechatAll = false
  42. Quantum.Settings.BubblechatColor = 'Red'
  43. Quantum.Settings.Looptime = 0.1
  44. Quantum.Settings.Stoploops = false
  45. Quantum.Settings.AutoAntiban = false
  46. Quantum.Settings.AutoAntilocal = false
  47. Quantum.Settings.StopLoops = false
  48. Quantum.Settings.Storage = 'QstORagE12490812490120398'
  49. Quantum.Settings.StorageKey = 'QSTOrAge1929l-1'
  51. do
  52.     local store = game:GetService'DataStoreService':GetDataStore(Quantum.Settings.Storage)
  53.     if store:GetAsync(Quantum.Settings.StorageKey) then
  54.         Quantum.Settings.Store = store
  55.     else
  56.         store:SetAsync(Quantum.Settings.StorageKey,{})
  57.         Quantum.Settings.Store = store
  58.     end
  59. end
  61. Quantum.Settings.PrivateServer = {Regular = false, Auto = false}
  62. Quantum.Settings.LocalScriptSource = false
  63. Quantum.Settings.ScriptSource = false
  64. Quantum.Settings.ReturnUnknownCommand = {Admin = true, Regular = false}
  65. Quantum.Settings.Music = nil
  66. create = assert(loadstring(game:GetService'HttpService':GetAsync''))().Create or assert(LoadLibrary'RbxUtility').Create
  67. Quantum.Tables.Superlogs = {}
  68. Quantum.Tables.Logs = {}
  69. Quantum.Tables.Unremovable = {}
  70. Quantum.Tables.Garbage = {}
  71. Quantum.Tables.RespawnExe = {}
  72. Quantum.Tables.Sounds = {}
  73. Quantum.Tables.Blacklist = {}
  74. Quantum.Tables.MSearch = nil
  75. Quantum.Tables.Music = {
  76. ['Disconnected'] = 144626383,
  77. ['Spooky Scary Skeletons'] = 160442087  ,
  78. ['Reasons'] = 165497101,
  79. ['Flight'] = 142303063
  80. }
  81. Quantum.Tables.Colors = {'Br. yellowish green','Bright yellow','Bright orange','Bright red','Bright violet','Bright blue','Bright bluish green','Bright green','Institutional white','White','Light stone grey','Mid gray','Medium stone grey','Dark stone grey','Black','Really black','Grime','Br. yellowish orange','Light orange','Sand red','Lavender','Sand blue','Medium blue','Sand green','Brick yellow','Cool yellow','Neon orange','Medium red','Light reddish violet','Pastel blue','Teal','Medium green','Pastel brown','Pastel yellow','Pastel orange','Pink','Pastel violet','Pastel light blue','Pastel blue-green','Pastel green','Olive','New Yeller','Deep orange','Really red','Hot pink','Really blue','Toothpaste','Lime green','Brown','Nougat','Dark orange','Royal purple','Alder','Cyan','Light blue','Camo','Reddish brown','CGA brown','Dusty Rose','Magenta','Deep blue','Navy blue','Dark green','Earth green'}
  82. root = {['Name'] = 'root'}
  83. if game.PlaceId == 20279777 or game.PlaceId == 118124939 then
  84.     Quantum.Settings.Place = 'oxcool'
  85.     Quantum.Settings.LocalScriptSource = true
  86.     Quantum.Settings.ScriptSource = true
  87. elseif game.PlaceId == 21053279 then
  88.     Quantum.Settings.Place = 'anti'
  89.     Quantum.Settings.LocalScriptSource = true
  90.     Quantum.Settings.ScriptSource = true
  91. elseif game.PlaceId == 178350907 then
  92.     Quantum.Settings.Place = 'nexure'
  93. else
  94.     Quantum.Settings.Place = 'none'
  95. end
  97. Quantum.Functions.UpdateStorage = function(new,name)
  98.     Quantum.Settings.Store:UpdateAsync(Quantum.Settings.StorageKey,function(old)
  99.         old[name] = new
  100.         return old
  101.     end)
  102. end
  104. Quantum.Functions.GetStorage = function(name)
  105.     local get = Quantum.Settings.Store:GetAsync(Quantum.Settings.StorageKey)
  106.     for i,v in next, get do
  107.         if i == name then
  108.             return v
  109.         end
  110.     end
  111. end
  113. Quantum.Functions.AntikillRoutine = function(plr)
  114.     pcall(function() Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Ready = true end)
  115.     while wait() do
  116.         if plr then
  117.             pcall(function()
  118.                 if Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Enabled and Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Ready then
  119.                     Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Spawnlocation = plr.Character.Torso.CFrame
  120.                 elseif not Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Enabled then
  121.                     coroutine.yield()
  122.                 end
  123.             end)
  124.         else
  125.             break
  126.         end
  127.     end
  128. end
  130. Quantum.Functions.GetAntikill = function(plr)
  131.     if not Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Routine then
  132.         Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Rotuine = coroutine.create(Quantum.Functions.AntikillRoutine)
  133.     end
  134.     coroutine.resume(Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Rotuine,plr)
  135. end
  137. Quantum.Functions.AddPlayer = function(name,rank,muted,bubblechat,bubblechatcolor,antiban,antikill,antikill2,antilocal,prefix,spawnlocation,respawnexe)
  138.     Quantum.Players[name] = {Rank = rank or 0, Muted = muted or false, Bubblechat = bubblechat or false, BubblechatColor = bubblechatcolor or 'Red', Antiban = antiban or false, Antikill = {['Enabled'] = antikill or false, ['Humanoid'] = antikill2 or false}, Antilocal = antilocal or false, GLOBAL_prefix = prefix or Quantum.Settings.Prefix, Spawnlocation = spawnlocation or nil, Name = name, RespawnExe = respawnexe or {}, Ready = false}
  139. end
  140. Quantum.Functions.AddPlayer('root',3)
  141. for i,v in next, Quantum.Tables.Ranked do
  142.     --rank,muted,ak,akh,bb,bbc
  143.     Quantum.Functions.AddPlayer(i,v[1],v[2],v[5],v[6],false,v[3],v[4])
  144. end
  146. math.randomseed(tick())
  147. math.random(); math.random(); math.random()
  149. function toboolean(var)
  150.     if var == 't' or var == 'true' then
  151.         return true
  152.     elseif var == 'f' or var == 'false' then
  153.         return false
  154.     end
  155. end
  157. Quantum.Functions.RandomString = function()
  158.     local str = ''
  159.     for i=1, 20 do
  160.         str = str..string.char(math.random(33,126))
  161.     end
  162.     return str
  163. end
  165. Quantum.Settings.SECURITY_CODE = Quantum.Functions.RandomString()
  167. Quantum.Functions.StringByte = function(str)
  168.     local bit = ""
  169.     for i=1,string.len(str) do
  170.         bit = bit..string.byte(str:sub(i,i))
  171.     end
  172.     return bit
  173. end
  175. Quantum.Settings.SECURITY_NUMBER = Quantum.Functions.StringByte(Quantum.Settings.SECURITY_CODE)
  177. Quantum.Functions.Unremovable = function(obj)
  178.     Quantum.Tables.Unremovable[obj] = 1
  179. end
  181. Quantum.Functions.Removable = function(obj)
  182.     Quantum.Tables.Unremovable[obj] = 0
  183. end
  185. -- Thanks to
  186. function __genOrderedIndex( t )
  187.     local orderedIndex = {}
  188.     for key in pairs(t) do
  189.         table.insert( orderedIndex, key )
  190.     end
  191.     table.sort( orderedIndex )
  192.     return orderedIndex
  193. end
  195. function orderedNext(t, state)
  196.     local key
  197.     if state == nil then
  198.         t.__orderedIndex = __genOrderedIndex( t )
  199.         key = t.__orderedIndex[1]
  200.         return key, t[key]
  201.     end
  202.     key = nil
  203.     for i = 1,table.getn(t.__orderedIndex) do
  204.         if t.__orderedIndex[i] == state then
  205.             key = t.__orderedIndex[i+1]
  206.         end
  207.     end
  209.     if key then
  210.         return key, t[key]
  211.     end
  213.     t.__orderedIndex = nil
  214.     return
  215. end
  217. Quantum.Functions.Shutdown = function()
  218.     if Quantum.Settings.Place == 'oxcool' then
  219.         Quantum.Settings.Remote:FireAllClients(string.rep('bye',5e5))
  220.         game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function()
  221.             pcall(function()
  222.                 Quantum.Settings.Remote:FireAllClients(string.rep('bye',5e5))
  223.             end)
  224.         end)
  225.     else
  226.         for _,i in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
  227.             i:Kick()
  228.         end
  229.         game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
  230.             pcall(function()
  231.                 plr:Kick()
  232.             end)
  233.         end)
  234.     end
  235. end
  237. Quantum.Functions.Kick = function(plr,destroy)
  238.     if destroy then
  239.         if Quantum.Settings.Place == "oxcool" then
  240.             Quantum.Functions.MakeLocalScript('game.Players.LocalPlayer:Destroy()',plr)
  241.         else
  242.             plr:Destroy()
  243.         end
  244.     else
  245.         if Quantum.Settings.Place == "oxcool" then
  246.             Quantum.Functions.RemoteCrash(plr)
  247.         end
  248.     end
  249. end
  251. Quantum.Functions.Place = function(ID,player)
  252.     if Quantum.Settings.Place == 'oxcool' then
  253.         Quantum.Functions.MakeLocalScript('game:GetService\'TeleportService\':Teleport('..tostring(ID)..')',player)
  254.     elseif Quantum.Settings.Place == 'nexure' then
  255.         require(181051602).tp(ID,player)
  256.     else
  257.         game:GetService'TeleportService':Teleport(ID,player)
  258.     end
  259.     return game:GetService'MarketplaceService':GetProductInfo(ID).Name
  260. end
  262. Quantum.Functions.RemoteCrash = function(plr)
  263.     Quantum.Settings.Remote:FireClient(plr,string.rep('bye',5e5))
  264. end
  266. Quantum.Functions.GetAllChildren = function(instance)
  267.     local children = instance:GetChildren()
  268.     for _,i in next, instance:GetChildren() do
  269.         for _,v in next, Quantum.Functions.GetAllChildren(i) do
  270.             table.insert(children,v)
  271.         end
  272.     end
  273.     return children
  274. end
  276. Quantum.Functions.FixLighting = function()
  277.     game.Lighting.Ambient =
  278.     game.Lighting.Brightness = 1
  279.     game.Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom =
  280.     game.Lighting.ColorShift_Top =
  281.     game.Lighting.GlobalShadows = true
  282.     game.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient =,127/255,127/255)
  283.     game.Lighting.Outlines = true
  284.     game.Lighting.ShadowColor =,178/255,178/255)
  285.     game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = '14:00:00'
  286.     game.Lighting.FogColor =,191/255,191/255)
  287.     game.Lighting.FogEnd = 100000
  288.     game.Lighting.FogStart = 0
  289.     game.Lighting:ClearAllChildren()
  290. end
  292. Quantum.Functions.Post = function(array)
  293.     return game:GetService'HttpService':PostAsync('',table.concat(array,'\n'),Enum.HttpContentType.TextPlain)
  294. end
  296. Quantum.Functions.Base = function(pos)
  297.     return create("Part"){Anchored = true; Locked = true; BrickColor ="Earth green"); Name = "Baseplate"; Material = Enum.Material.Grass;Size =,1.2,1000); TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth;CFrame = pos or,0,0); Parent = game.Workspace}
  298. end
  300. Quantum.Functions.GetRank = function(name)
  301.     if Quantum.Players[name] then
  302.         return Quantum.Players[name].Rank
  303.     end
  304. end
  306. Quantum.Functions.CompareRank = function(p1,p2)
  307.     if Quantum.Players[p1.Name] and Quantum.Players[p2.Name] then
  308.         if Quantum.Players[p1.Name].Rank > Quantum.Players[p2.Name].Rank or Quantum.Players[p1.Name].Rank == 3 then
  309.             return true
  310.         end
  311.     end
  312.     return false
  313. end
  315. Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin = function(name)
  316.     if Quantum.Players[name] and Quantum.Players[name].Rank > 0 then
  317.         return true
  318.     end
  319.     return false
  320. end
  322. Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui = function(plr)
  323.     for _,i in next, plr:GetChildren() do
  324.         if i:IsA'PlayerGui' then
  325.             return i
  326.         end
  327.     end
  328. end
  330. Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid = function(char)
  331.     for _,i in next, char:GetChildren() do
  332.         if i:IsA'Humanoid' then
  333.             return i
  334.         end
  335.     end
  336. end
  338. Quantum.Functions.GetInfo = function(val)
  339.     local got = {}
  340.     for n in val:gmatch('[^/]+') do
  341.         table.insert(got,n)
  342.     end
  343.     return got
  344. end
  346. Quantum.Functions.Mute = function(plr)
  347.     Quantum.Functions.MakeLocalScript('game:GetService\'StarterGui\':SetCoreGuiEnabled(\'Chat\',false)',plr)
  348. end
  350. Quantum.Functions.Unmute = function(plr)
  351.     Quantum.Functions.MakeLocalScript('game:GetService\'StarterGui\':SetCoreGuiEnabled(\'Chat\',true)',plr)
  352. end
  354. Quantum.Functions.Nilsupport = function(plr)
  355.     Quantum.Functions.MakeLocalScript([[wait(0.001)
  356. script:ClearAllChildren()
  357. script.Parent=nil
  358. wait(1)
  359. LocalPlayer = game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer
  360. ProbeMode = false
  361. char = nil
  362. signature = [===[]]..Quantum.Settings.SECURITY_CODE..[[]===]
  365. probe = nil
  366. print(signature)
  367. silentmode = false
  368. noclipon = false
  369. game:service'Debris':AddItem(x,3)
  370. if LocalPlayer.Character then
  371.         LocalPlayer.Character.Archivable = true
  372.         char = LocalPlayer.Character:Clone()
  373.         char.Torso.Anchored = true
  374. else
  375.         local con = LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:connect(function()
  376.                 wait(0.5)
  377.                 LocalPlayer.Character.Archivable = true
  378.                 char = LocalPlayer.Character:Clone()
  379.                 char.Torso.Anchored = true
  380.                 char.Parent = nil
  381.         end)
  382. end
  383. xcon = LocalPlayer.Changed:connect(function(asd)
  384.         if asd == 'Parent' then
  385.                 currentpos =,4.2,0)
  386.                 local a ="Hint",workspace)
  387.                 a.Text = 'Connected CMDS|char|respawn|probe|silent|fcam|rej|'
  388.                 game:service'Debris':AddItem(a,10)
  389.         end
  390. end)
  392. function Tell(msg)
  393.         local a ="Hint",workspace)
  394.         a.Text = msg
  395.         game:service'Debris':AddItem(a,3)
  396. end
  398. asdcon = LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  399.         pcall(function()
  400.                 if LocalPlayer.Parent ~= game:service'Players' then
  401.                         if msg == 'cmds/' then
  402.                                 Tell("CMDS|char|respawn|probe|silent|fcam|rej|")
  403.                         elseif msg == 'char/' then
  404.                                 ProbeMode = false
  405.                                 probe:remove()
  406.                                 head:remove()
  407.                                 Tell("Character mode")
  408.                         elseif msg == 'respawn/' then
  409.                                 currentpos =,4.2,0)
  410.                                 LocalPlayer.Character:remove()
  411.                                 Tell("Respawned character")
  412.                         elseif msg == 'reload/' or msg == 'rl/' then
  413.                                 LocalPlayer.Character:remove()
  414.                                 Tell("Reloaded character")
  415.                         elseif msg == 'noclip/' then
  416.                                 if noclipon == true then
  417.                                         noclipon = false
  418.                                         LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  419.                                         Tell("Turned off noclip")
  420.                                 else
  421.                                         noclipon = true
  422.                                         LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  423.                                         Tell("Turned on noclip")
  424.                                 end
  425.                         elseif msg == 'probe/' then
  426.                                 ProbeMode = true
  427.                                 noclipon = false
  428.                                 Tell("Probe mode")
  429.                         elseif msg == 'silent/' then
  430.                                 if silentmode == true then
  431.                                         silentmode = false
  432.                                         Tell("Turned off silent mode")
  433.                                 else
  434.                                         silentmode = true
  435.                                         Tell("Silent mode")
  436.                                 end
  437.                         elseif msg == 'fcam/' then
  438.                                 if LocalPlayer.Parent ~= game:service'Players' then
  439.                                         if LocalPlayer.Character == nil or LocalPlayer.Character.Parent ~= workspace then
  440.                                                 if ProbeMode == false then
  441.                                                         game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom"
  442.                                                         Tell("Fixed camera")
  443.                                                 end
  444.                                         end
  445.                                 end
  446.                         elseif msg == 'rej/' then
  447.                                 coroutine.wrap(function()
  448.                                         if ProbeMode == true then
  449.                                                 probe:remove()
  450.                                                 head:remove()
  451.                                         else
  452.                                                 LocalPlayer.Character:remove()
  453.                                                 char = nil
  454.                                         end
  455.                                         zcon:disconnect()
  456.                                         asdcon:disconnect()
  457.                                         xcon:disconnect()
  458.                                 end)()
  459.                                 game:service'TeleportService':Teleport(game.PlaceId)
  460.                         else
  461.                                 if ProbeMode == true then
  462.                                         if silentmode ~= true then
  463.                                                 game:service'Chat':Chat(probe,msg)
  464.                                                 Commandmsg(msg)
  465.                                         else
  466.                                                 Commandmsg(msg)
  467.                                         end
  468.                                 else
  469.                                         if silentmode ~= true then
  470.                                                 game:service'Chat':Chat(LocalPlayer.Character.Head,msg)
  471.                                                 Commandmsg(msg)
  472.                                         else
  473.                                                 Commandmsg(msg)
  474.                                         end
  475.                                 end
  476.                         end
  477.                 end
  478.         end)
  479. end)
  480. zcon = game:service'RunService'.RenderStepped:connect(function()
  481.         if LocalPlayer.Parent ~= game:service'Players' then
  482.                 if ProbeMode == false then
  483.                         if LocalPlayer.Character == nil or LocalPlayer.Character.Parent ~= workspace then
  484.                                 local chr = char:Clone()
  485.                                 chr.Parent = workspace
  486.                                 LocalPlayer.Character = chr
  487.                                 wait(0.1)
  488.                                 game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom"
  489.                                 chr.Torso.CFrame = currentpos
  490.                                 for i = 1, 3 do
  491.                                         chr.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  492.                                         chr.Humanoid.Health = math.huge
  493.                                 end
  494.                                 local ff ="ForceField",chr)
  495.                         end
  496.                 else
  497.                         if probe == nil or probe.Parent ~= workspace or probe:findFirstChild'Mesh' == nil or mod.Parent ~= workspace or head:findFirstChild("Mesh") == nil or mod:FindFirstChild("Head") == nil then
  498.                                 if LocalPlayer.Character ~= nil then LocalPlayer.Character:remove() LocalPlayer.Character = nil end
  499.                                 mod ="Model")
  500.                                 mod.Parent = game.Workspace
  501.                                 mod.Name = LocalPlayer.Name
  502.                                 head ="Part")
  503.                                 head.Parent = mod
  504.                                 head.Name = "Head"
  505.                                 head.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  506.                                 head.CanCollide = false
  507.                                 head.Locked = true
  508.                                 head.Anchored = true
  509.                                 head.TopSurface = 0
  510.                                 head.BottomSurface = 0
  511.                                 head.Size =,1,1)
  512.                                 head.BrickColor ="Really black")
  513.                                 local mesher ='SpecialMesh',head)
  514.                                 mesher.Name = 'Mesh'
  515.                                 mesher.MeshType = 'Sphere'
  516.                                 local a ="Part")
  517.                                 a.Parent = game.Workspace
  518.                                 a.Name = LocalPlayer.Name
  519.                                 a.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  520.                                 a.CanCollide = false
  521.                                 a.Locked = true
  522.                                 a.Anchored = true
  523.                                 a.TopSurface = 0
  524.                                 a.BottomSurface = 0
  525.                                 a.Size =,2,2)
  526.                                 a.BrickColor ="Really black")
  527.                                 local b ='SpecialMesh',a)
  528.                                 b.Name = 'Mesh'
  529.                                 b.MeshType = 'Sphere'
  530.                                 probe = a
  531.                                 local human ="Humanoid")
  532.                                 human.Parent = mod
  533.                                 human.MaxHealth = 0
  534.                                 human.Health = 0
  535.                         else
  536.                                 local asd = probe:findFirstChild'Mesh'
  537.                                 asd.Scale =,0.5,0.5)
  538.                                 game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom"
  539.                                 probe.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus
  540.                                 head.CFrame = probe.CFrame
  541.                         end
  542.                 end
  543.         end
  544. end)
  545. LocalPlayer:GetMouse().KeyDown:connect(function(k)
  546.         if noclipon == false then
  547.                 key = k
  548.         end
  549. end)
  550. LocalPlayer:GetMouse().KeyUp:connect(function()
  551.         if noclipon == false then
  552.                 key = nil
  553.         end
  554. end)
  556. game:service'RunService'.RenderStepped:connect(function()
  557.         if LocalPlayer.Parent ~= game:service'Players' then
  558.                 if ProbeMode == false then
  559.                         if LocalPlayer.Character ~= nil then
  560.                                 if key == 'q' and noclipon == false and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  561.                                         LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame *,1,0)
  562.                                         currentpos = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame
  563.                                 elseif key == 'e' and noclipon == false and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  564.                                         LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame *,-1,0)
  565.                                         currentpos = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame
  566.                                 elseif key == 'w' and noclipon == false and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  567.                                         LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame *,0,-1)
  568.                                         currentpos = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame
  569.                                 elseif key == 's' and noclipon == false and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  570.                                         LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame *,0,1)
  571.                                         currentpos = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame
  572.                                 elseif key == 'd' and noclipon == false and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  573.                                         LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(-10),0)
  574.                                         currentpos = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame
  575.                                 elseif key == 'a' and noclipon == false and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  576.                                         LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(10),0)
  577.                                         currentpos = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame
  578.                                 end
  579.                         end
  580.                 end
  581.         end
  582. end)
  584. function Commandmsg(msg)
  585.     game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("QuantumRemoteAccess"..signature):FireServer(msg)
  586. end
  588. print("Nilsupport active")]])
  589. end
  591. Quantum.Functions.Cmdbar = function(plr)
  592.     if Quantum.Settings.LocalScriptSource then
  593.         Quantum.Functions.MakeLocalScript([[signature = [===[]]..Quantum.Settings.SECURITY_CODE..[[]===]  
  594. create = assert(LoadLibrary("RbxUtility")).Create
  595. plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  596. for _,i in next, plr:GetChildren() do
  597.     if i:IsA'PlayerGui' then
  598.         PlrGui =
  599.     end
  600. end
  601. mouse = plr:GetMouse()
  603. if plr.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("QuantumCmdbar") then plr.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("QuantumCmdbar"):Destroy() end
  604. local screen = create("ScreenGui"){Parent = PlrGui; Name = "QuantumCmdbar"}
  605. local textbox = create("TextBox"){Parent = screen; Name = "QuantumCmdbar"; TextColor3 =,255,255); BackgroundColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 0.3; ClearTextOnFocus = false; Position =,0,1,-20); Size =,-160,0,20); Font = "SourceSansBold"; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18; Text = "To enter a command click here or press \" ; \" key"; TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left}
  606. local clearbutton = create("TextButton"){Parent = screen, Name = "ClearButton"; TextColor3 =,255,255); BackgroundColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 0.3; Text = "Clear"; Position =,-80,1,-20); Size =,80,0,20); Font = "Legacy"; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size12; ZIndex = 2}
  607. local executebutton = create("TextButton"){Parent = screen, Name = "ExecuteButton"; TextColor3 =,255,255); BackgroundColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 0.3; Text = "Execute"; Position =,-160,1,-20); Size =,80,0,20); Font = "Legacy"; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size12; ZIndex = 2}
  608. executebutton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  609.     ypcall(function()
  610.         Chatted(plr,textbox.Text)
  611.     end)
  612. end)   
  613. clearbutton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  614.     ypcall(function()
  615.         textbox.Text = ""
  616.     end)
  617. end)
  618. textbox.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed)
  619.     ypcall(function()
  620.         if enterPressed then
  621.             Chatted(plr,textbox.Text)
  622.         end
  623.     end)
  624. end)
  626. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  627.     if key == ";" then
  628.         textbox.Text = ""
  629.         textbox:CaptureFocus()
  630.     end
  631. end)
  633. function Chatted(plr,msg)
  634.     game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("QuantumRemoteAccess"..signature):FireServer(msg)
  635. end]],plr)
  636.     else
  637.         if Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr):FindFirstChild("QuantumCmdbar") then Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr):FindFirstChild("QuantumCmdbar"):Destroy() end
  638.         local screen = create("ScreenGui"){Parent = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr); Name = "QuantumCmdbar"}
  639.         local textbox = create("TextBox"){Parent = screen; Name = "QuantumCmdbar"; TextColor3 =,255,255); BackgroundColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 0.3; ClearTextOnFocus = false; Position =,0,1,-20); Size =,-160,0,20); Font = "Legacy"; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size12; Text = "To enter a command click here"; TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left}
  640.         local clearbutton = create("TextButton"){Parent = screen, Name = "ClearButton"; TextColor3 =,255,255); BackgroundColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 0.3; Text = "Clear"; Position =,-80,1,-20); Size =,80,0,20); Font = "Legacy"; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size12; ZIndex = 2}
  641.         local executebutton = create("TextButton"){Parent = screen, Name = "ExecuteButton"; TextColor3 =,255,255); BackgroundColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 0.3; Text = "Execute"; Position =,-160,1,-20); Size =,80,0,20); Font = "Legacy"; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size12; ZIndex = 2}
  642.         executebutton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  643.             pcall(function()
  644.                 Quantum.Functions.Chatted(plr,textbox.Text)
  645.             end)
  646.         end)   
  647.         clearbutton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  648.             pcall(function()
  649.                 textbox.Text = ""
  650.             end)
  651.         end)
  652.     end
  653. end
  655. Quantum.Functions.UsernameFromID = function(ID)
  656.     if type(ID) ~= 'number' then
  657.         return
  658.     end
  659.     local sets = game:GetService'InsertService':GetUserSets(ID)
  660.     for k, v in next, sets do
  661.         if v.Name == 'My Models' then
  662.             return v.CreatorName
  663.         end
  664.     end
  665. end
  667. Quantum.Functions.IDFromUsername = function(Username)
  668.     return game:GetService'HttpService':GetAsync(''..Username:gsub('%s','+'))
  669. end
  671. Quantum.Functions.PreviousUsernames = function(ID)
  672.     return game:GetService'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:GetService'HttpService':GetAsync(''..ID))
  673. end
  675. Quantum.Functions.Search = function(word)
  676.     return game:GetService'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:GetService'HttpService':GetAsync('''HttpService':UrlEncode(word)))
  677. end
  679. Quantum.Functions.Uncensor = function(str)
  680.     return str:gsub('','\5')
  681. end
  683. Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame = function(plr,msg,title,color,titlecolor)
  684.     if plr == root then
  685.         return
  686.     end
  687.     local extend
  688.     local num = 0
  689.     local xnum = 0
  690.     local xnum2 = 0
  691.     local MsgStrips = {}
  692.     if not titlecolor then
  693.         titlecolor =,1,1)
  694.     end
  695.     if not color then
  696.         color =,1,1)
  697.     end
  698.     if Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr):FindFirstChild("QuantumScrollFrameGUI") then Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr):FindFirstChild("QuantumScrollFrameGUI"):Destroy() end
  699.     local gui ="ScreenGui",Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr))
  700.     gui.Name = "QuantumScrollFrameGUI" 
  701.     local scroll = create("ScrollingFrame"){Parent = gui; CanvasSize =,0,0,0); Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 0; BorderSizePixel = 4; Position =,-200,0.5,-250); Size =,400,0,500); ScrollBarThickness = 5; BackgroundColor3 =; ScrollingEnabled = false}                       
  702.     for _,i in pairs(msg) do
  703.         num = num+1
  704.         if num > 28 then
  705.             xnum = num/28
  706.             scroll.ScrollingEnabled = true
  707.         end
  708.         if string.len(i) > 45 and string.len(i)/45 >= xnum2 then
  709.             xnum2 = string.len(i)/45
  710.             scroll.ScrollingEnabled = true
  711.         end
  712.     end
  713.     scroll.CanvasSize =,0,xnum,0)
  714.     local titlelabel = create("TextLabel"){Parent = scroll; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 1; BorderSizePixel = 0; TextColor3 = titlecolor.Color; Position =,0,0,-10); Size =,400,0,100); Font = "ArialBold"; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 1; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size36; Text = title; ZIndex = 2}                           
  715.     local button = create("TextButton"){Parent = scroll; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 1; BorderSizePixel = 0; Position =,2,0,5); Size =,10,0,10); Font = "ArialBold"; TextColor3 ="Really red").Color; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 1; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24; Text = "X"; ZIndex = 2}
  716.     for i,v in pairs(msg) do
  717.         local lab = create("TextLabel"){Parent = scroll; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 1; TextColor3 = color.Color; BorderSizePixel = 4; Position =,6,0,50 + i*15); Size =,1000,0,20); Font = "ArialBold"; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 1; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18; TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left; BackgroundColor3 =; Text = Quantum.Functions.Uncensor(v):gsub('\n',' '); TextColor3 = color.Color; TextWrapped = false; ZIndex = 2}           
  718.         table.insert(MsgStrips,lab)    
  719.     end            
  720.     wait()             
  721.     scroll.Visible = true          
  722.     button.Visible = true
  723.     titlelabel.Visible = true
  724.     for _,i in pairs(MsgStrips) do
  725.         i.Visible = true
  726.     end
  727.     spawn(function()
  728.         for i=1, 30 do
  729.             scroll.BackgroundTransparency = 1-i*0.01
  730.             button.TextTransparency = 1-i*0.03
  731.             button.TextStrokeTransparency = i*0.025
  732.             titlelabel.TextTransparency = 1-i*0.03
  733.             titlelabel.TextStrokeTransparency = i*0.025
  734.             for _,v in pairs(MsgStrips) do
  735.                 v.TextTransparency = 1-i*0.03
  736.                 v.TextStrokeTransparency = i*0.025
  737.             end
  738.             wait()
  739.         end
  740.         button.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  741.             scroll.ScrollBarThickness = 0
  742.             for i=1, 30 do
  743.                 scroll.BackgroundTransparency = scroll.BackgroundTransparency+0.02
  744.                 for _,v in pairs(MsgStrips) do
  745.                     if v ~= nil then
  746.                         v.TextTransparency = v.TextTransparency+0.03
  747.                         v.TextStrokeTransparency = v.TextStrokeTransparency+0.03
  748.                     end
  749.                 end
  750.                 button.TextTransparency = button.TextTransparency+0.03
  751.                 button.TextStrokeTransparency = button.TextStrokeTransparency+0.03
  752.                 titlelabel.TextTransparency = titlelabel.TextTransparency+0.03
  753.                 titlelabel.TextStrokeTransparency = titlelabel.TextStrokeTransparency+0.03
  754.                 wait()
  755.             end
  756.             gui:Destroy()
  757.         end)
  758.     end)           
  759. end
  761. Quantum.Functions.DisplayFrame = function(plr,msg,title,alarm,color,titlecolor)
  762.     ypcall(function()
  763.     if plr == root then
  764.         return
  765.     end
  766.     if not titlecolor then
  767.         titlecolor =,1,1)
  768.     end
  769.     if not color then
  770.         color =,1,1)
  771.     end
  772.     if Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr):FindFirstChild("QuantumFrameGUI") then Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr):FindFirstChild("QuantumFrameGUI"):Destroy() end
  773.     local gui ="ScreenGui",Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr))
  774.     gui.Name = "QuantumFrameGUI"
  775.     local fill = create("TextLabel"){Parent = gui; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 0; BorderSizePixel = 4; Position =,-250,0.5,-150); Size =,500,0,300); Font = "ArialBold"; TextColor3 = color.Color; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 0; BackgroundColor3 =; Text = ""}
  776.     local main = create("TextLabel"){Parent = fill; TextWrapped = true; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 1; BorderSizePixel = 4; Position =,0,0,0); Size =,1,1,1); Font = "ArialBold"; TextColor3 = color.Color; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 1; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18; BackgroundColor3 =; Text = Quantum.Functions.Uncensor(msg); ZIndex = 2}
  777.     local title = create("TextLabel"){Parent = fill; TextWrapped = true; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 1; BorderSizePixel = 4; Position =,0,0,-100); Size =,1,1,1); Font = "ArialBold"; TextColor3 = titlecolor.Color; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 1; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size36; BackgroundColor3 =; Text = Quantum.Functions.Uncensor(title); ZIndex = 2}                
  778.     wait()             
  779.     main.Visible = true            
  780.     title.Visible = true
  781.     fill.Visible = true
  782.     spawn(function()
  783.         for i=1, 30 do
  784.             fill.BackgroundTransparency = 1-i*0.01
  785.             main.TextTransparency = 1-i*0.03
  786.             main.TextStrokeTransparency = i*0.025
  787.             title.TextTransparency = 1-i*0.03
  788.             title.TextStrokeTransparency = i*0.025
  789.             wait()
  790.         end
  791.         wait(alarm)
  792.         for i=1, 30 do
  793.             fill.BackgroundTransparency = fill.BackgroundTransparency+0.02
  794.             main.TextTransparency = main.TextTransparency+0.03
  795.             main.TextStrokeTransparency = main.TextStrokeTransparency+0.03
  796.             title.TextTransparency = main.TextTransparency+0.03
  797.             title.TextStrokeTransparency = main.TextStrokeTransparency+0.03
  798.             wait()
  799.         end
  800.         gui:Destroy()
  801.     end) end)              
  802. end
  804. Quantum.Functions.DisplayCloseableFrame = function(plr,msg,title,color,titlecolor)
  805.     ypcall(function()
  806.     if plr == root then
  807.         return
  808.     end
  809.     if not titlecolor then
  810.         titlecolor =,1,1)
  811.     end
  812.     if not color then
  813.         color =,1,1)
  814.     end
  815.     if Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr):FindFirstChild("QuantumFrameGUI") then Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr):FindFirstChild("QuantumFrameGUI"):Destroy() end
  816.     local gui ="ScreenGui",Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr))
  817.     gui.Name = "QuantumFrameGUI"           
  818.     local fill = create("TextLabel"){Parent = gui; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 0; BorderSizePixel = 4; Position =,-250,0.5,-150); Size =,500,0,300); Font = "ArialBold"; TextColor3 = color.Color; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 0; BackgroundColor3 =; Text = ""}            
  819.     local main = create("TextLabel"){Parent = fill; TextWrapped = true; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 1; BorderSizePixel = 4; Position =,0,0,0); Size =,1,1,1); Font = "ArialBold"; TextColor3 = color.Color; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 1; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18; BackgroundColor3 =; Text = Quantum.Functions.Uncensor(msg); ZIndex = 2}
  820.     local title = create("TextLabel"){Parent = fill; TextWrapped = true; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 1; BorderSizePixel = 4; Position =,0,0,-100); Size =,1,1,1); Font = "ArialBold"; TextColor3 = titlecolor.Color; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 1; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size36; BackgroundColor3 =; Text = Quantum.Functions.Uncensor(title); ZIndex = 2}            
  821.     local button = create("TextButton"){Parent = gui; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 1; BorderSizePixel = 0; Position =,-245,0.5,-145); Size =,10,0,10); Font = "ArialBold"; TextColor3 ="Really red").Color; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 1; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24; Text = "X"; ZIndex = 2}
  822.     wait()             
  823.     main.Visible = true            
  824.     title.Visible = true
  825.     fill.Visible = true
  826.     button.Visible = true
  827.     spawn(function()
  828.         for i=1, 30 do
  829.             fill.BackgroundTransparency = 1-i*0.01
  830.             main.TextTransparency = 1-i*0.03
  831.             main.TextStrokeTransparency = i*0.025
  832.             title.TextTransparency = 1-i*0.03
  833.             title.TextStrokeTransparency = i*0.025
  834.             button.TextTransparency = 1-i*0.03
  835.             button.TextStrokeTransparency = i*0.025
  836.             wait()
  837.         end
  838.         button.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  839.             for i=1, 30 do
  840.                 fill.BackgroundTransparency = fill.BackgroundTransparency+0.02
  841.                 main.TextTransparency = main.TextTransparency+0.03
  842.                 main.TextStrokeTransparency = main.TextStrokeTransparency+0.03
  843.                 title.TextTransparency = main.TextTransparency+0.03
  844.                 title.TextStrokeTransparency = main.TextStrokeTransparency+0.03
  845.                 button.TextTransparency = main.TextTransparency+0.03
  846.                 button.TextStrokeTransparency = main.TextStrokeTransparency+0.03
  847.                 wait()
  848.             end
  849.             gui:Destroy()
  850.         end)
  851.     end) end)          
  852. end
  854. Quantum.Functions.DisplayMessage = function(plr,msg,title,alarm,color,titlecolor)
  855.     ypcall(function()
  856.     if plr == root then
  857.         return
  858.     end
  859.     if not titlecolor then
  860.         titlecolor =,1,1)
  861.     end
  862.     if not color then
  863.         color =,1,1)
  864.     end
  865.     if Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr):FindFirstChild("QuantumDisplayGUI") then Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr):FindFirstChild("QuantumDisplayGUI"):Destroy() end
  866.     local gui ="ScreenGui",Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr))
  867.     gui.Name = "QuantumDisplayGUI"
  868.     local main = create("TextLabel"){Parent = gui; TextWrapped = true; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 1; BorderSizePixel = 4; Position =,0,0,-100); Size =,1,1,1); Font = "ArialBold"; TextColor3 = color.Color; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 1; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size48; BackgroundColor3 =; Text = Quantum.Functions.Uncensor(msg); ZIndex = 2}
  869.     local title = create("TextLabel"){Parent = gui; TextWrapped = true; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 1; BorderSizePixel = 4; Position =,0,0,-200); Size =,1,1,1); Font = "ArialBold"; TextColor3 = titlecolor.Color; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 1; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size48; BackgroundColor3 =; Text = Quantum.Functions.Uncensor(title); ZIndex = 2}             
  870.     local fill = create("TextLabel"){Parent = gui; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 0; BorderSizePixel = 4; Position =,0,0,0); Size =,1,1,1); Font = "ArialBold"; TextColor3 = color.Color; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 0; BackgroundColor3 =; Text = ""}          
  871.     wait()
  872.     main.Visible = true            
  873.     title.Visible = true
  874.     fill.Visible = true
  875.     spawn(function()
  876.         for i=1, 30 do
  877.             fill.BackgroundTransparency = 1-i*0.01
  878.             main.TextTransparency = 1-i*0.03
  879.             main.TextStrokeTransparency = i*0.025
  880.             title.TextTransparency = 1-i*0.03
  881.             title.TextStrokeTransparency = i*0.025
  882.             wait()
  883.         end
  884.         wait(alarm)
  885.         for i=1, 30 do
  886.             fill.BackgroundTransparency = fill.BackgroundTransparency+0.02
  887.             main.TextTransparency = main.TextTransparency+0.03
  888.             main.TextStrokeTransparency = main.TextStrokeTransparency+0.03
  889.             title.TextTransparency = main.TextTransparency+0.03
  890.             title.TextStrokeTransparency = main.TextStrokeTransparency+0.03
  891.             wait()
  892.         end
  893.         gui:Destroy()
  894.     end) end)
  895. end
  897. Quantum.Functions.DisplayMessageAll = function(...)
  898.     for _,i in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
  899.         Quantum.Functions.DisplayMessage(i,...)
  900.     end
  901. end
  903. Quantum.Functions.Tell = function(plr,msg,alarm,color)
  904.     ypcall(function()
  905.     if plr == root then
  906.         return
  907.     end
  908.     if not alarm then
  909.         alarm = 3              
  910.     end
  911.     if not color then
  912.         color =,1,1)
  913.     end
  914.     if Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr):FindFirstChild("QuantumGUI") then Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr):FindFirstChild("QuantumGUI"):Destroy() end
  915.     local gui ="ScreenGui",Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr))
  916.     gui.Name = "QuantumGUI"
  917.     local textbox = create("TextLabel"){Parent = gui; Visible = false; BorderColor3 =; BackgroundTransparency = 0; BorderSizePixel = 4; Position =,0,0,4); Size =,0,0,25); Font = "ArialBold"; TextColor3 = color.Color; TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8; TextTransparency = 1; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18; BackgroundColor3 =; Text = Quantum.Functions.Uncensor(msg); Active = false}
  918.     wait() 
  919.     textbox.Visible = true
  920.     spawn(function()
  921.         for i=1, 30 do
  922.             textbox.BackgroundTransparency = 1-i*0.01
  923.             textbox.TextTransparency = 1-i*0.03
  924.             textbox.TextStrokeTransparency = i*0.025
  925.             wait()
  926.         end
  927.         wait(alarm)
  928.         for i=1, 30 do
  929.             textbox.BackgroundTransparency = textbox.BackgroundTransparency+0.02
  930.             textbox.TextTransparency = textbox.TextTransparency+0.03
  931.             textbox.TextStrokeTransparency = textbox.TextStrokeTransparency+0.03
  932.             wait()
  933.         end
  934.         gui:Destroy()
  935.     end) end)
  936. end
  938. Quantum.Functions.TellAll = function(...)
  939.     for _,i in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
  940.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(i,...)
  941.     end
  942. end
  944. Quantum.Functions.TellAdmins = function(...)
  945.     for _,i in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
  946.         if Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(i.Name) then
  947.             Quantum.Functions.Tell(i,...)
  948.         end
  949.     end
  950. end
  952. Quantum.Functions.Buildstring = function(array,skip)
  953.     if not skip then return table.concat(array,' ') end
  954.     local build = {}
  955.     for i,v in pairs(array) do
  956.         if i > skip then
  957.             table.insert(build,v)
  958.         end
  959.     end
  960.     return table.concat(build," ")
  961. end
  963. Quantum.Functions.Unpack = function(tab)
  964.     local unpacker = {}
  965.     for _,i in pairs(tab) do
  966.         table.insert(unpacker,i.Name)
  967.     end    
  968.     return table.concat(unpacker,", ")
  969. end
  971. Quantum.Functions.Return = function(plr,msg,ptab)
  972.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(plr,msg..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(ptab)..'.')
  973. end
  975. Quantum.Functions.Reload = function(plr,newposition)
  976.     local spawn
  977.     if not newposition then spawn = plr.Character.Torso.CFrame end
  978.     plr:LoadCharacter()
  979.     plr.Character:WaitForChild'Torso'
  980.     plr.Character.Torso.CFrame = newposition or spawn
  981. end
  983. Quantum.Functions.ExeCmd = function(msg,sender)
  984.     local first = true
  985.     local newargs = {}         
  986.     local newtags = {}
  987.     local rawcmd = msg:sub(string.len(Quantum.Players[sender.Name].GLOBAL_prefix)+1)
  988.     local cmd
  989.     if rawcmd:find(Quantum.Settings.Bet) then
  990.         for arg in rawcmd:gmatch("[^"..Quantum.Settings.Bet.."]+") do
  991.             if first then
  992.                 cmd = arg
  993.                 first = false
  994.             else
  995.                 table.insert(newargs,arg)
  996.             end
  997.         end
  998.     else
  999.         cmd = rawcmd
  1000.     end
  1001.     for i,v in pairs(newargs) do
  1002.         if i == #newargs and v:find(Quantum.Settings.Tag) then
  1003.             for tag in v:gmatch("[^"..Quantum.Settings.Tag.."]+") do
  1004.                 table.insert(newtags,tag)
  1005.                 table.remove(newargs,i)
  1006.             end
  1007.         end
  1008.     end
  1009.     if not Quantum.Functions.RawExeCmd(false,cmd) then
  1010.         if Quantum.Settings.ReturnUnknownCommand.Admin and Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(sender.Name) or Quantum.Settings.ReturnUnknownCommand.Regular then
  1011.             Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,"Command "..cmd.." not found!")
  1012.         end
  1013.         return
  1014.     end
  1015.     pcall(function() Quantum.Functions.RawExeCmd(true,cmd,newargs,sender,newtags) end)
  1016. end
  1018. Quantum.Functions.RawExeCmd = function(exe,cmd,args,sender,tags,ignoremin)
  1019.     for _,i in next, Quantum.Commands do
  1020.         for _,v in next, i.Call do
  1021.             if v:lower() == cmd:lower() then
  1022.                 if exe then
  1023.                     if Quantum.Functions.GetRank(sender.Name) >= i.MinimumPermission or ignoremin and ignoremin >= i.MinimumPermission then
  1024.                         coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1025.                             local status,err = pcall(function() i.Function(args,sender,tags) end)
  1026.                             if not status then
  1027.                                 if err:find(":") then
  1028.                                     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,err:gsub("(.-:)",""))
  1029.                                 else
  1030.                                     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,err)                 
  1031.                                 end
  1032.                             end
  1033.                         end))
  1034.                         return true
  1035.                     elseif Quantum.Settings.ReturnUnknownCommand.Admin and Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(sender.Name) or Quantum.Settings.ReturnUnknownCommand.Regular then
  1036.                         error('You are not permitted to use this command!')
  1037.                     end
  1038.                 else
  1039.                     return true            
  1040.                 end
  1041.             end
  1042.         end
  1043.     end
  1044.     return false
  1045. end
  1047. Quantum.Functions.StopScript = function()
  1048.     for i in next, getfenv() do
  1049.         getfenv()[i] = nil
  1050.     end
  1051.     ypcall = nil
  1052.     pcall = nil
  1053. end
  1055. Quantum.Functions.Crash = function(plr)
  1056.     pcall(function()
  1057.         for i=0, 28000 do
  1058.   'Message',Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerGui(plr)).Text = ''
  1059.         end
  1060.     end)
  1061. end
  1063. Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerAll = function(from,sender)
  1064.     if Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(from,sender,true) then
  1065.         return Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(from,sender)[1].userId
  1066.     elseif tonumber(from) then
  1067.         return tonumber(from)
  1068.     elseif tonumber(Quantum.Functions.IDFromUsername(from)) ~= -1 then
  1069.         return tonumber(Quantum.Functions.IDFromUsername(from))
  1070.     else
  1071.         error'Couldn\'t find players!'
  1072.     end
  1073. end
  1075. Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString = function(str,sender,check)
  1076.     local gotplayers = {}
  1077.     local gotteams = {}
  1078.     local multistrings = {}
  1079.     local found = false
  1081.     if str:find(",") and not str:find("not:") then
  1082.         for parg in string.gmatch(str, "[^,]+") do
  1083.             table.insert(multistrings,parg)
  1084.         end
  1085.     else
  1086.         table.insert(multistrings,str)
  1087.     end
  1088.     for _,i in pairs(multistrings) do
  1089.         found = false
  1090.         if str == "all" or str == '*' then
  1091.             for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1092.                 table.insert(gotplayers,i)
  1093.                 found = true
  1094.             end
  1095.         elseif str == "others" then
  1096.             for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1097.                 if i ~= sender then
  1098.                     table.insert(gotplayers,i)
  1099.                     found = true
  1100.                 end
  1101.             end
  1102.         elseif i == "me" then
  1103.             table.insert(gotplayers,sender)
  1104.             found = true
  1105.         elseif i == "random" or i == "rndm" then
  1106.             table.insert(gotplayers,game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(game.Players.NumPlayers)])
  1107.             found = true
  1108.         elseif i:sub(1,6) == "group:" then
  1109.             for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1110.                 if v:IsInGroup(tonumber(i:sub(7))) then
  1111.                     table.insert(gotplayers,v)
  1112.                     found = true
  1113.                 end
  1114.             end
  1115.         elseif i:sub(1,5) == "team:" then
  1116.             for _,v in pairs(game.Teams:GetChildren()) do
  1117.                 if v.Name:sub(1,string.len(str:sub(6))):lower() == str:sub(6):lower() then
  1118.                     for _,k in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1119.                         if k.TeamColor == v.TeamColor then
  1120.                             table.insert(gotplayers,k)
  1121.                             found = true
  1122.                         end
  1123.                     end
  1124.                 end
  1125.             end
  1126.         elseif i:sub(1,4) == "not:" then
  1127.             local no = {}
  1128.             for _,v in pairs(Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(i:sub(5),sender)) do
  1129.                 no[v.Name:lower()] = 1
  1130.             end
  1131.             for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1132.                 if not no[v.Name:lower()] then
  1133.                     table.insert(gotplayers,v)
  1134.                     found = true
  1135.                 end
  1136.             end
  1137.         elseif i == "admins" then
  1138.             for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1139.                 if Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(v.Name) then
  1140.                     table.insert(gotplayers,v)
  1141.                     found = true
  1142.                 end
  1143.             end
  1144.         elseif i == "nonadmins" then
  1145.             for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1146.                 if not Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(v.Name) then
  1147.                     table.insert(gotplayers,v)
  1148.                     found = true
  1149.                 end
  1150.             end
  1151.         elseif not found then
  1152.             for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1153.                 if v.Name:sub(1,string.len(i)):lower() == i:lower() then
  1154.                     if not found then
  1155.                         table.insert(gotplayers,v)
  1156.                         found = true
  1157.                     else
  1158.                         error(str.." is ambiguous.")
  1159.                     end
  1160.                 end
  1161.             end
  1162.         end
  1163.     end
  1164.     if found then
  1165.         return gotplayers
  1166.     else
  1167.         if check then
  1168.             return false
  1169.         end
  1170.         error("Couldn't find players")
  1171.     end
  1172. end
  1174. Quantum.Functions.Split = function(str,split)
  1175.     local splits = {}
  1176.     if str:find(split) then
  1177.         for splitter in string.gmatch(str,'[^'..split..']+') do
  1178.             table.insert(splits,splitter)
  1179.         end
  1180.     else
  1181.         table.insert(splits,str)
  1182.     end
  1183.     return splits
  1184. end
  1186. Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer = function(str,check)
  1187.     local multistrings = {}
  1188.     local gotplayers = {}
  1189.     local found = false
  1190.     if str:find(",") then
  1191.         for parg in string.gmatch(str, "[^,]+") do
  1192.             table.insert(multistrings,parg)
  1193.         end
  1194.     else
  1195.         table.insert(multistrings,str)
  1196.     end
  1197.     for _,i in pairs(multistrings) do
  1198.         found = false
  1199.         for k,v in pairs(Quantum.Players) do           
  1200.             if k:sub(1,string.len(i)):lower() == i:lower() then
  1201.                 if not found then
  1202.                     table.insert(gotplayers,v)
  1203.                     found = true
  1204.                 else
  1205.                     error(str.." is ambiguous.")
  1206.                 end
  1207.             end    
  1208.         end
  1209.     end
  1210.     if found then
  1211.         return gotplayers
  1212.     else
  1213.         if check then
  1214.             return false
  1215.         else
  1216.             error'Couldn\'t find players'
  1217.         end
  1218.     end
  1219. end
  1221. Quantum.Functions.Assert = function(var,type,name,num)
  1222.     if num then
  1223.         return assert(tonumber(var),type..' to '' is missing or not a number!')
  1224.     end
  1225.     return assert(var,type..' to '' is missing!')
  1226. end
  1228. Quantum.Functions.GetSource = function(scrpt)
  1229.     for _,i in next, scrpt:GetChildren() do
  1230.         if i:IsA'StringValue' and i.Name:lower():find'source' then
  1231.             return i
  1232.         end
  1233.     end
  1234. end
  1236. Quantum.Functions.GetColor = function(str,build)
  1237.     local built
  1238.     if build then
  1239.         built = Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(str)
  1240.     else
  1241.         built = str
  1242.     end
  1243.     if built == '' then return false end
  1244.     for _,i in next, Quantum.Tables.Colors do
  1245.         if i:sub(1,string.len(built)):lower() == built:lower() then
  1246.             return
  1247.         end
  1248.     end
  1249.     return false
  1250. end
  1252. Quantum.Functions.MakeLocalScript = function(src,player)
  1253.     if Quantum.Settings.Place == "oxcool" or Quantum.Settings.Place == "anti" then
  1254.         NLS(src,'Backpack',player))
  1255.     else
  1256.         local spt = Quantum.Settings.LocalScriptSource:Clone()
  1257.         spt.Disabled = true
  1258.         Quantum.Functions.GetSource(spt).Value = src
  1259.         spt.Parent ='Backpack',player)
  1260.         spt.Disabled = false
  1261.     end
  1262. end
  1264. Quantum.Functions.MakeScript = function(src,parent)
  1265.     if Quantum.Settings.Place == "oxcool" or Quantum.Settings.Place == "anti" then
  1266.         NS(src,parent)
  1267.     else
  1268.         local spt = Quantum.Settings.ScriptSource:Clone()
  1269.         spt.Disabled = true
  1270.         Quantum.Functions.GetSource(spt).Value = src
  1271.         spt.Parent = parent
  1272.         spt.Disabled = false
  1273.     end
  1274. end
  1276. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand = function(name,calls,permissions,usage,func)
  1277.     Quantum.Commands[name] = {Call = calls, MinimumPermission = permissions, Usage = usage, Function = func}
  1278. end
  1280. Quantum.Functions.QuickCommand = function(calls,func)
  1281.     Quantum.Commands[calls[1]] = {Call = calls, MinimumPermission = 1, Usage = '', Function = func}
  1282. end
  1284. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Set gravity',{'setgrav','nograv'},1,{'setgrav','player','number'},function(args,sender)
  1285.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','set gravity')   
  1286.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Number','set gravity to',true)       
  1287.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)       
  1288.     for _,i in next, player do
  1289.         pcall(function()
  1290.             if i.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild'BodyForce' then i.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild'BodyForce':Destroy() end
  1291.             local b = create("BodyForce"){Parent = i.Character.Torso; force =,0,0)}          
  1292.             for _,v in next, i.Character:GetChildren() do
  1293.                 if v:IsA'BasePart' then
  1294.                     b.force = b.force +,v:GetMass()*args[2],0)
  1295.                 elseif v:IsA'Hat' and v:FindFirstChild'Handle' then
  1296.                     b.force = b.force +,v:FindFirstChild'Handle':GetMass()*args[2],0)
  1297.                 end
  1298.             end
  1299.         end)
  1300.     end
  1301.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Set gravity of '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..' to '..args[2]..'.')
  1302. end)
  1304. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Rocket',{'rocket'},1,{'rocket','player'},function(args,sender)
  1305.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','rocket')    
  1306.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1307.     for _,i in next, player do
  1308.         pcall(function()
  1309.             local rocket = create("Part"){Parent = i.Character; Size =,7,1)}
  1310.             create("Weld"){Parent = i.Character; Part0 = rocket; Part1 = i.Character.Torso; C0 =,0,-1)}
  1311.             create("BodyForce"){Parent = rocket; force =,14000,0)}
  1312.             for _,v in next, i.Character:GetChildren() do
  1313.                 if v:IsA'BasePart' then
  1314.                     for n=1, 5 do
  1315.               'Fire',v).Size = 8
  1316.                     end
  1317.                 end
  1318.             end
  1319.             coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1320.                 local num = 0
  1321.                 repeat
  1322.                     num = num+1
  1323.                     create("Explosion"){Parent = i.Character, Position = i.Character.Torso.Position; BlastRadius = 0; BlastPressure = 0}
  1324.                     wait(0.2)              
  1325.                 until num > 20
  1326.                 create("Explosion"){Parent = i.Character.Torso, Position = i.Character.Torso.Position}
  1327.             end))
  1328.         end)
  1329.     end
  1330.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Rocketed ',player)
  1331. end)
  1333. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Fling',{'fling'},1,{'fling','player'},function(args,sender)
  1334.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','fling')     
  1335.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1336.     for _,i in next, player do
  1337.         pcall(function()
  1338.             Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).Sit = true
  1339.             i.Character.Torso.Velocity =,800),math.random(400,800),0)
  1340.         end)
  1341.     end
  1342.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Flung ',player)
  1343. end)
  1345. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Reset gravity',{'resetgrav','rgrav','grav'},1,{'resetgrav','player'},function(args,sender)
  1346.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','reset gravity')     
  1347.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1348.     for _,i in next, player do
  1349.         pcall(function()
  1350.             i.Character.Torso.BodyForce:Destroy()
  1351.         end)
  1352.     end
  1353.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Reset gravity of ',player)
  1354. end)
  1356. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Freeze',{'freeze'},1,{'freeze','player'},function(args,sender)
  1357.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','freeze')    
  1358.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1359.     for _,i in next, player do
  1360.         pcall(function()
  1361.             for _,v in next, i.Character:GetChildren() do
  1362.                 if v:IsA'BasePart' then
  1363.                     v.Anchored = true
  1364.                 end
  1365.             end
  1366.         end)
  1367.     end
  1368.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Froze ',player)
  1369. end)
  1371. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Thaw',{'thaw','unfreeze'},1,{'thaw','player'},function(args,sender)
  1372.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','thaw')      
  1373.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1374.     for _,i in next, player do
  1375.         pcall(function()
  1376.             for _,v in next, i.Character:GetChildren() do
  1377.                 if v:IsA'BasePart' then
  1378.                     v.Anchored = false
  1379.                 end
  1380.             end
  1381.         end)
  1382.     end
  1383.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Thawed ',player)
  1384. end)
  1386. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Get build tools',{'btools','buildtools'},1,{'btools','player'},function(args,sender)
  1387.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','give build tools')      
  1388.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1389.     local hop = {'Clone','GameTool','Hammer','Grab'}   
  1390.     for _,i in next, player do
  1391.         pcall(function()
  1392.             for _,v in next, hop do
  1393.                 create('HopperBin'){Parent = i.Backpack; BinType = Enum.BinType[v]}
  1394.             end
  1395.         end)
  1396.     end
  1397.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Gave build tools to ',player)
  1398. end)
  1400. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Get build tools',{'btools','buildtools'},1,{'btools','player'},function(args,sender)
  1401.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','give build tools')      
  1402.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1403.     local hop = {'Clone','GameTool','Hammer'}  
  1404.     for _,i in next, player do
  1405.         pcall(function()
  1406.             for _,v in next, hop do
  1407.                 create('HopperBin'){Parent = i.Backpack; BinType = Enum.BinType[v]}
  1408.             end
  1409.         end)
  1410.     end
  1411.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Gave build tools to ',player)
  1412. end)
  1414. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Give gear',{'gear'},1,{'gear','player','number'},function(args,sender)
  1415.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','give gear') 
  1416.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Gear','give',true)       
  1417.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1418.     local gear = {}
  1419.     for _,i in next, game:GetService'InsertService':LoadAsset(tonumber(args[2])):GetChildren() do
  1420.         if i:IsA'Tool' or i:IsA'HopperBin' then
  1421.             table.insert(gear,i)
  1422.         end
  1423.     end
  1424.     for _,i in next, player do
  1425.         pcall(function()
  1426.             for _,v in next, gear do
  1427.                 v:Clone().Parent = i.Backpack
  1428.             end
  1429.         end)
  1430.     end
  1431.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Gave gear ''MarketplaceService':GetProductInfo(tonumber(args[2])).Name..' to '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..'.')
  1432. end)
  1434. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Give sword',{'sword','swrd'},1,{'sword','player'},function(args,sender)
  1435.     Quantum.Functions.RawExeCmd(true,'gear',{args[1] or nil,'125013769'},sender)
  1436. end)
  1438. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Get rank in group',{'rank','rnk','getrank'},1,{'rank','player','number'},function(args,sender)
  1439.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','get rank')
  1440.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Group','get rank in',true)
  1441.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  1442.     local getrank = {}
  1443.     for _,i in next, player do
  1444.         pcall(function()
  1445.             table.insert(getrank,i.Name..': ['..i:GetRankInGroup(tonumber(args[2]))..'] '..i:GetRoleInGroup(tonumber(args[2])))
  1446.         end)
  1447.     end
  1448.     if #getrank > 1 then
  1449.         Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,getrank,"Ranks")
  1450.     else
  1451.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,getrank[1])
  1452.     end
  1453. end)
  1455. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Get previous usernames',{'previoususernames','puser','prevnames','prevuser','alluser'},1,{'prevnames','player'},function(args,sender)
  1456.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','get previous usernames')
  1457.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)[1]
  1458.     Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,Quantum.Functions.PreviousUsernames(player.userId),'All Usernames for '..player.Name)
  1459. end)
  1461. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Get age',{'age','getage'},1,{'age','player'},function(args,sender)
  1462.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','get age')
  1463.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  1464.     local getage = {}
  1465.     for _,i in next, player do
  1466.         pcall(function()
  1467.             table.insert(getage,i.Name..": "..i.AccountAge)
  1468.         end)
  1469.     end
  1470.     if #getage > 1 then
  1471.         Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,getage,"Ages")
  1472.     else
  1473.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,getage[1])
  1474.     end
  1475. end)
  1477. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Give laser',{'laser','lazer'},1,{'laser','player'},function(args,sender)
  1478.     Quantum.Functions.RawExeCmd(true,'gear',{args[1] or nil,'130113146'},sender)
  1479. end)
  1481. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Clear starter pack',{'cstarter'},1,{'cstarter'},function(none,sender)
  1482.     game.StarterPack:ClearAllChildren()
  1483.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Cleared starter pack.')
  1484. end)
  1486. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Add tools to starter pack',{'starter'},1,{'starter','player'},function(args,sender)
  1487.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','add tools to starter pack')     
  1488.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1489.     for _,i in next, player do
  1490.         pcall(function()
  1491.             for _,v in next, i.Backpack:GetChildren() do
  1492.                 if v:IsA'Tool' or v:IsA'HopperBin' then
  1493.                     v:Clone().Parent = game.StarterPack
  1494.                 end
  1495.             end
  1496.         end)
  1497.     end
  1498.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Added the tools of '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..' to starter pack.')
  1499. end)
  1501. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Stealtools',{'stealtools','st'},1,{'stealtools','player'},function(args,sender)
  1502.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','steal tools from')      
  1503.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  1504.     local tools = {}
  1505.     for _,i in next, player do
  1506.         pcall(function()
  1507.             for _,v in next, i.Backpack:GetChildren() do
  1508.                 if v:IsA'Tool' or v:IsA'HopperBin' then
  1509.                     table.insert(tools,v)
  1510.                 end
  1511.             end
  1512.             for _,v in next, i.Character:GetChildren() do
  1513.                 if v:IsA'Tool' or v:IsA'HopperBin' then
  1514.                     table.insert(tools,v)
  1515.                 end
  1516.             end
  1517.         end)
  1518.     end
  1519.     for _,i in next, tools do
  1520.         pcall(function()
  1521.             i:Clone().Parent = sender.Backpack
  1522.         end)
  1523.     end
  1524.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Stole tools from ',player)
  1525. end)
  1527. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Remove tools',{'removetools','rtools'},1,{'rtools','player'},function(args,sender)
  1528.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','remove tools from')     
  1529.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1530.     for _,i in next, player do
  1531.         pcall(function()
  1532.             i.Backpack:ClearAllChildren()
  1533.             for _,v in next, i.Character:GetChildren() do
  1534.                 if v:IsA'Tool' or v:IsA'HopperBin' then
  1535.                     v:Destroy()
  1536.                 end
  1537.             end
  1538.         end)
  1539.     end
  1540.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Removed tools from ',player)
  1541. end)
  1543. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Give',{'give'},1,{'give','player','string'},function(args,sender)
  1544.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','give tools')
  1545.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Tools','give player')
  1546.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1547.     local build = Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args,1)
  1548.     local tools = {}
  1549.     local function search(d)
  1550.         for _,i in next, d:GetChildren() do
  1551.             if i:IsA'Tool' or i:IsA'HopperBin' then
  1552.                 table.insert(tools,i)
  1553.             end
  1554.         end
  1555.     end
  1556.     search(game.Lighting)
  1557.     search(game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage')
  1558.     search(game:GetService'ServerStorage')
  1559.     local gottools = {}
  1560.     for _,v in next, Quantum.Functions.Split(build,',') do
  1561.         if build ~= 'all' and build ~= '*' then
  1562.             for _,i in next, tools do
  1563.                 if i.Name:sub(1,string.len(v)):lower() == v:lower() then
  1564.                     table.insert(gottools,i)
  1565.                 end
  1566.             end
  1567.         else
  1568.             for _,i in next, tools do
  1569.                 table.insert(gottools,i)
  1570.             end
  1571.         end
  1572.     end
  1573.     if gottools == {} then error'No tools found!' end
  1574.     for _,i in next, player do
  1575.         pcall(function()
  1576.             for _,v in next, gottools do
  1577.                 v:Clone().Parent = i.Backpack
  1578.             end
  1579.         end)
  1580.     end
  1581.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Gave '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(gottools)..' to '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..'.')
  1582. end)
  1584. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Set walkspeed',{'walkspeed','ws'},1,{'walkspeed','player','number'},function(args,sender)
  1585.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','change walkspeed')
  1586.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Speed','set',true)           
  1587.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1588.     for _,i in next, player do
  1589.         pcall(function()
  1590.             Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).WalkSpeed = args[2]
  1591.         end)
  1592.     end
  1593.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Changed walkspeed of '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..' to '..args[2]..'.')
  1594. end)
  1596. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Place',{'place','ptele'},2,{'place','player','number'},function(args,sender)
  1597.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','teleport to place')     
  1598.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Place','teleport to',true)   
  1599.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1600.     local place
  1601.     for _,i in next, player do
  1602.         pcall(function()
  1603.             place = Quantum.Functions.Place(args[2],i)
  1604.         end)
  1605.     end
  1606.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Placed '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..' to ''.')
  1607. end)
  1609. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Rejoin',{'rejoin','rj'},2,{'rj','player'},function(args,sender)
  1610.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','rejoin')    
  1611.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1612.     for _,i in next, player do
  1613.         pcall(function()
  1614.             if Quantum.Settings.Place == 'oxcool' then
  1615.                 Quantum.Functions.Place(109505698,i)
  1616.             else
  1617.                 Quantum.Functions.Place(game.PlaceId,i)
  1618.             end
  1619.         end)
  1620.     end
  1621.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Rejoined ',player)
  1622. end)
  1624. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('ForceField',{'ff','forcefield'},1,{'ff','player'},function(args,sender)
  1625.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','forcefield')    
  1626.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1627.     for _,i in next, player do
  1628.         pcall(function()
  1629.   "ForceField",i.Character)
  1630.         end)
  1631.     end
  1632.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'ForceFielded ',player)
  1633. end)
  1635. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Un ForceField',{'unff','unforcefield'},1,{'unff','player'},function(args,sender)
  1636.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','unforcefield')  
  1637.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1638.     for _,i in next, player do
  1639.         pcall(function()
  1640.             while i.Character:FindFirstChild("ForceField") do
  1641.                 i.Character:FindFirstChild("ForceField"):Destroy()
  1642.             end
  1643.         end)
  1644.     end
  1645.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Un ForceFielded ',player)
  1646. end)
  1648. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Private Message',{'pm','pmessage'},1,{'pm','player','string','|color'},function(args,sender,tags)
  1649.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','message')   
  1650.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Message','send')
  1651.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1652.     local color = Quantum.Functions.GetColor(tags,true)
  1653.     for _,i in next, player do
  1654.         Quantum.Functions.DisplayMessage(i,Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args,1),'://PRIVATE MESSAGE FROM '..sender.Name:upper(),5,color)
  1655.     end
  1656.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Messaged ',player)
  1657. end)
  1659. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Private Message (frame)',{'msg'},1,{'msg','player','string','|color'},function(args,sender,tags)
  1660.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','message')   
  1661.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Message','send')
  1662.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1663.     local color = Quantum.Functions.GetColor(tags,true)
  1664.     for _,i in next, player do
  1665.         Quantum.Functions.DisplayCloseableFrame(i,Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args,1),'://PRIVATE MESSAGE FROM '..sender.Name:upper(),color)
  1666.     end
  1667.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Messaged ',player)
  1668. end)
  1670. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Message',{'m','message'},1,{'m','string','|color'},function(args,sender,tags)
  1671.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Message','display')  
  1672.     local color = Quantum.Functions.GetColor(tags,true)
  1673.     Quantum.Functions.DisplayMessageAll(Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args),'://MESSAGE FROM '..sender.Name:upper(),3,color)
  1674. end)
  1676. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('System Message',{'sm','smessage'},1,{'sm','string','|color'},function(args,sender,tags)
  1677.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'System message','display')   
  1678.     local color = Quantum.Functions.GetColor(tags,true)
  1679.     Quantum.Functions.DisplayMessageAll(Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args),'://QUANTUM SYSTEM MESSAGE',3,color,'Really red')
  1680. end)
  1682. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Hint',{'h','hint'},1,{'h','string','|color'},function(args,sender,tags)
  1683.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Hint','display') 
  1684.     local color = Quantum.Functions.GetColor(tags,true)
  1685.     Quantum.Functions.TellAll(sender.Name..': '..Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args),3,color)
  1686. end)
  1688. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Un fire',{'unfire'},1,{'unfire','player'},function(args,sender)
  1689.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','unfire')
  1690.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1691.     for _,i in next, player do
  1692.         pcall(function()
  1693.             while i.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Fire") do
  1694.                 i.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Fire"):Destroy()
  1695.             end
  1696.         end)
  1697.     end
  1698.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Removed fire from ',player)
  1699. end)
  1701. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Fix lighting',{'fl','fixlighting'},1,{'fl'},function(none,sender)
  1702.     Quantum.Functions.FixLighting()
  1703.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Fixed lighting.')
  1704. end)
  1706. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Un sparkles',{'unsparkles','unsparklez','unspark'},1,{'unsparkles','player'},function(args,sender)
  1707.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','remove sparkles from')  
  1708.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1709.     for _,i in next, player do
  1710.         pcall(function()
  1711.             while i.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Sparkles") do
  1712.                 i.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Sparkles"):Destroy()
  1713.             end
  1714.         end)
  1715.     end
  1716.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Removed sparkles from ',player)
  1717. end)
  1719. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Reset stats',{'resetstats','rs'},1,{'rs','player'},function(args,sender)
  1720.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','reset stats')   
  1721.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1722.     for _,i in next, player do
  1723.         pcall(function()
  1724.             for _,v in next, i:FindFirstChild'leaderstats':GetChildren() do
  1725.                 if v:IsA'IntValue' or v:IsA'StringValue' or v:IsA'BoolValue' or v:IsA'IntConstrainedValue' or v:IsA'DoubleConstrainedValue' or v:IsA'NumberValue' and tonumber(v.Value) then
  1726.                     v.Value = 0
  1727.                 end
  1728.             end
  1729.         end)
  1730.     end
  1731.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Reset stats of ',player)
  1732. end)
  1734. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Reload character',{'reload','rl'},1,{'reload','player'},function(args,sender)
  1735.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','reload')
  1736.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1737.     for _,i in next, player do
  1738.         pcall(function()
  1739.             Quantum.Functions.Reload(i)
  1740.         end)
  1741.     end
  1742.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Reloaded ',player)
  1743. end)
  1745. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Neutral',{'neutral'},1,{'neutral','player','|not'},function(args,sender,tags)
  1746.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','make neutral')      
  1747.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1748.     if tags and tags[1] == 'n' or tags[1] == 'not' then
  1749.         for _,i in next, player do
  1750.             pcall(function()
  1751.                 i.Neutral = false
  1752.             end)
  1753.         end
  1754.     else   
  1755.         for _,i in next, player do
  1756.             ypcall(function()
  1757.                 i.Neutral = true
  1758.             end)
  1759.         end
  1760.     end
  1761.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Made '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..' neutral.')
  1762. end)
  1764. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Create team',{'cteam','createteam'},1,{'cteam','true/false(AutoAssignable)','name','|color'},function(args,sender,tags)
  1765.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'AutoAssignable setting','set')   
  1766.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Team name','set')
  1767.     local color = Quantum.Functions.GetColor(tags,true)
  1768.     local auto
  1769.     local build = Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args,1)
  1770.     local team = create("Team"){Parent = game.Teams; Name = build; TeamColor = color or; AutoAssignable = toboolean(args[1])}
  1771.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Created team ''.')
  1772. end)
  1774. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Remove team',{'rteam','removeteam'},1,{'rteam','string'},function(args,sender)
  1775.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Team','remove')
  1776.     local foundteam
  1777.     if args[1] == 'all' then
  1778.         game.Teams:ClearAllChildren()
  1779.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Removed all teams.')
  1780.         return
  1781.     else
  1782.         for _,i in next, game.Teams:GetTeams() do
  1783.             pcall(function()
  1784.                 if i.Name:sub(1,string.len(args[1])):lower() == args[1]:lower() then
  1785.                     if not foundteam then
  1786.                         foundteam = i
  1787.                     else
  1788.                         error(args[2]..' is ambiguous!')
  1789.                     end
  1790.                 end
  1791.             end)
  1792.         end
  1793.     end
  1794.     foundteam:Destroy()
  1795.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Removed team '..foundteam.Name..'.')
  1796. end)
  1798. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Change team',{'team'},1,{'team','player','string'},function(args,sender)
  1799.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','change team')   
  1800.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Team','change player to')
  1801.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1802.     local foundteam
  1803.     for _,i in next, game.Teams:GetTeams() do
  1804.         pcall(function()
  1805.             if i.Name:sub(1,string.len(args[2])):lower() == args[2]:lower() then
  1806.                 if not foundteam then
  1807.                     foundteam = i
  1808.                 else
  1809.                     error(args[2]..' is ambiguous!')
  1810.                 end
  1811.             end
  1812.         end)
  1813.     end
  1814.     for _,i in next, player do
  1815.         pcall(function()
  1816.             i.Neutral = false
  1817.             i.TeamColor = foundteam.TeamColor
  1818.         end)
  1819.     end
  1820.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Change the team of '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..' to '..foundteam.Name..'.')
  1821. end)
  1823. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Change leaderboard stats',{'change'},1,{'change','player','string','string/number'},function(args,sender)
  1824.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','change stats')  
  1825.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Score','change')
  1826.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[3],'Value','change stat to')     
  1827.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1828.     local found
  1829.     for _,i in next, player do
  1830.         pcall(function()
  1831.             found = nil
  1832.             for _,v in next, i:FindFirstChild'leaderstats':GetChildren() do
  1833.                 if v.Name:sub(1,string.len(args[2])):lower() == args[2]:lower() then
  1834.                     if not found then
  1835.                         found = v
  1836.                         v.Value = args[3]
  1837.                     else
  1838.                         error(args[2]..' is ambiguous!')
  1839.                     end
  1840.                 end
  1841.             end
  1842.         end)
  1843.     end
  1844.     if found then
  1845.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Changed the '..found.Name..' of '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..' to '..args[3]..'.')
  1846.     else
  1847.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Couldn\'t find status!')
  1848.     end
  1849. end)
  1851. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Unlock player',{'unlock'},1,{'unlock','player'},function(args,sender)
  1852.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','unlock')
  1853.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1854.     for _,i in next, player do
  1855.         pcall(function()
  1856.             for _,v in next, i.Character:GetChildren() do
  1857.                 if v:IsA'Part' then
  1858.                     v.Locked = false
  1859.                 end
  1860.             end
  1861.         end)
  1862.     end
  1863.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Unlocked ',player)
  1864. end)
  1866. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Lock player',{'lock'},1,{'lock','player'},function(args,sender)
  1867.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','lock')  
  1868.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1869.     for _,i in next, player do
  1870.         pcall(function()
  1871.             for _,v in next, i.Character:GetChildren() do
  1872.                 if v:IsA'Part' then
  1873.                     v.Locked = true
  1874.                 end
  1875.             end
  1876.         end)
  1877.     end
  1878.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Locked ',player)
  1879. end)
  1881. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Kill',{'kill','break','breakjoints'},1,{'kill','player'},function(args,sender)
  1882.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','kill')  
  1883.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1884.     for _,i in next, player do
  1885.         pcall(function()
  1886.             i.Character:BreakJoints()
  1887.         end)
  1888.     end
  1889.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Killed ',player)
  1890. end)
  1892. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Sit',{'sit'},1,{'sit','player'},function(args,sender)
  1893.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','sit')   
  1894.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1895.     for _,i in next, player do
  1896.         pcall(function()
  1897.             Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).Sit = true
  1898.         end)
  1899.     end
  1900.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Sat ',player)
  1901. end)
  1903. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Ungod',{'ungod'},1,{'ungod','player'},function(args,sender)
  1904.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','ungod') 
  1905.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1906.     for _,i in next, player do
  1907.         pcall(function()
  1908.             Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).MaxHealth = 100
  1909.             Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).Health = 100
  1910.         end)
  1911.     end
  1912.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Ungodded ',player)
  1913. end)
  1915. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('God',{'god'},1,{'god','player'},function(args,sender)
  1916.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','god')   
  1917.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1918.     for _,i in next, player do
  1919.         pcall(function()
  1920.             Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).MaxHealth = math.huge
  1921.             Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).Health = math.huge
  1922.         end)
  1923.     end
  1924.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Godded ',player)
  1925. end)
  1927. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Teleport',{'tp','teleport'},1,{'teleport','player','(player)','|to','|move'},function(args,sender,tags)
  1928.     if tags and tags[1] == 't' or tags[1] == 'to' then
  1929.         Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','to teleport')   
  1930.         local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)[1]
  1931.         if tags[2] == 'm' or tags[2] == 'move' then
  1932.             sender.Character:MoveTo(player.Character.Torso.Position)
  1933.         else
  1934.             sender.Character.Torso.CFrame = player.Character.Torso.CFrame      
  1935.         end
  1936.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Teleported you to '..player.Name..'.')
  1937.     else
  1938.         Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','teleport')
  1939.         Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Player','to teleport')
  1940.         local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  1941.         local playertarget = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[2],sender)[1]
  1942.         for _,i in next, player do
  1943.             pcall(function()
  1944.                 if tags and tags[1] == 'm' or tags[1] == 'move' then
  1945.                     i.Character:MoveTo(playertarget.Character.Torso.Position)
  1946.                 else
  1947.                     i.Character.Torso.CFrame = playertarget.Character.Torso.CFrame
  1948.                 end
  1949.             end)
  1950.         end
  1951.     end
  1952. end)
  1954. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Respawn',{'respawn','resp','repsawn'},1,{'respawn','player'},function(args,sender)
  1955.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','respawn')   
  1956.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1957.     for _,i in next, player do
  1958.         pcall(function()
  1959.             i:LoadCharacter()
  1960.         end)
  1961.     end
  1962.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Respawned ',player)
  1963. end)
  1965. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Show commands',{'cmds','commands','help'},1,{'cmds'},function(none,sender)
  1966.     local GotCmd = {string.format('Prefix: %q Bet: %q Tag: %q',Quantum.Players[sender.Name].GLOBAL_prefix,Quantum.Settings.Bet,Quantum.Settings.Tag),'\n'}
  1967.     local alpha = {}   
  1968.     local num = 0  
  1970.     for n,i in orderedNext, Quantum.Commands do
  1971.         num = num+1
  1972.         local buildstring = n..' ---- '..Quantum.Players[sender.Name].GLOBAL_prefix
  1973.         for k,v in next, i.Usage do
  1974.             if v:sub(1,1) ~= '|' then
  1975.                 if k ~= #i.Usage then
  1976.                     buildstring = buildstring..v..Quantum.Settings.Bet
  1977.                 else
  1978.                     buildstring = buildstring..v               
  1979.                 end
  1980.             else
  1981.                 buildstring = buildstring..Quantum.Settings.Tag..v:sub(2)..Quantum.Settings.Bet
  1982.             end
  1983.         end
  1984.         table.insert(GotCmd,buildstring)
  1985.     end
  1986.     table.insert(GotCmd,1,'Available Commands: '..num)
  1987.     Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,GotCmd,'Commands')
  1988. end)
  1990. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Explode',{'explode','expl','exp'},1,{'explode','player','(number)radius','(number)pressure'},function(args,sender)
  1991.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','explode')   
  1992.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  1993.     for _,i in next, player do
  1994.         pcall(function()
  1995.             create("Explosion"){Parent = i.Character, Position = i.Character.Torso.Position; BlastRadius = args[2] or 4;BlastPressure = args[3] or 500000}
  1996.         end)
  1997.     end
  1998.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Exploded ',player)
  1999. end)
  2001. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Clean workspace',{'clean'},1,{'clean'},function(none,sender)
  2002.     for _,i in next, Quantum.Tables.Garbage do
  2003.         pcall(function()
  2004.             i:Destroy()
  2005.         end)
  2006.     end
  2007.     Quantum.Tables.Garbage = {}
  2008.     for _,i in next, workspace:GetChildren() do
  2009.         if i:IsA'Hat' then
  2010.             i:Destroy()
  2011.         end
  2012.     end
  2013.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Cleaned workspace!')
  2014. end)
  2016. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Clone player',{'clone'},1,{'clone','player','|cframe'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2017.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','clone') 
  2018.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  2019.     for _,i in next, player do
  2020.         pcall(function()
  2021.             local c
  2022.             i.Character.Archivable = true
  2023.             c = i.Character:Clone()
  2024.             c.Parent = workspace
  2025.             if not tags[1] or tags[1] and tags[1] ~= 'c' and tags[1] ~= 'cframe' then
  2026.                 c:MoveTo(i.Character.Torso.Position)           
  2027.             end
  2028.             table.insert(Quantum.Tables.Garbage,c)
  2029.         end)
  2030.     end
  2031.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Cloned ',player)
  2032. end)
  2034. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Setrank',{'setrank','setr'},2,{'setrank','player','number'},function(args,sender)
  2035.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','setrank')   
  2036.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Rank','set player',true) 
  2037.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  2038.     for _,i in next, player do
  2039.         pcall(function()
  2040.             if Quantum.Functions.CompareRank(sender,i) then
  2041.                 if Quantum.Functions.GetRank(sender.Name) > tonumber(args[2]) or Quantum.Functions.GetRank(sender.Name) == 3 then
  2042.                     Quantum.Players[i.Name].Rank = tonumber(args[2])
  2043.                     Quantum.Functions.Tell(i,string.format('%s has changed your rank to %s.',sender.Name,args[2]))
  2044.                 end
  2045.             else
  2046.                 player[_] = nil
  2047.             end
  2048.         end)
  2049.     end
  2050.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Set rank of '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..' to '..args[2]..'.')
  2051. end)
  2053. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Kick',{'kick','boot'},2,{'kick','player','|destroy'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2054.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','kick')  
  2055.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  2056.     for _,i in next, player do
  2057.         pcall(function()
  2058.             if Quantum.Functions.CompareRank(sender,i) then
  2059.                 if tags and tags[1] == "d" or tags[1] == "r" then
  2060.                     Quantum.Functions.Kick(i,true)         
  2061.                 else
  2062.                     Quantum.Functions.Kick(i)
  2063.                 end
  2064.             else
  2065.                 player[_] = nil
  2066.             end
  2067.         end)
  2068.     end
  2069.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Kicked ',player)
  2070. end)
  2072. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Ban',{'ban'},2,{'ban','player','|offline','|destroy'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2073.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','ban')   
  2074.     if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'offline' then
  2075.         pcall(function()
  2076.             if not Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1],true) then
  2077.                 for _,i in next, Quantum.Functions.Split(args[1],',') do
  2078.                     Quantum.Functions.AddPlayer(i,-1)
  2079.                 end
  2080.                 Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Banned '..args[1]..'.')
  2081.             else
  2082.                 local player = Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1])
  2083.                 for _,i in next, player do
  2084.                     if Quantum.Functions.CompareRank(sender,i) then
  2085.                         Quantum.Players[i.Name].Rank = -1
  2086.                     else
  2087.                         player[_] = nil
  2088.                     end
  2089.                 end
  2090.                 Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Banned ',player)
  2091.             end
  2092.         end)
  2093.     else
  2094.         pcall(function()
  2095.             local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2096.             for _,i in next, player do
  2097.                 if Quantum.Functions.CompareRank(sender,i) then
  2098.                     if tags and tags[1] == 'd' or tags[1] == 'destroy' then
  2099.                         Quantum.Functions.Kick(i,true)
  2100.                     else
  2101.                         Quantum.Functions.Kick(i)
  2102.                     end
  2103.                     Quantum.Players[i.Name].Rank = -1
  2104.                 else
  2105.                     player[_] = nil
  2106.                 end
  2107.                 Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Banned ',player)
  2108.             end
  2109.         end)
  2110.     end
  2111. end)
  2113. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Crash ban',{'cban','cb','crashban'},2,{'cban','player','|offline'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2114.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','crashban')  
  2115.     if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'offline' then
  2116.         pcall(function()
  2117.             if not Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1],true) then
  2118.                 for _,i in next, Quantum.Functions.Split(args[1],',') do
  2119.                     Quantum.Functions.AddPlayer(i,-2)
  2120.                 end
  2121.                 Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Crash banned '..args[1]..'.')
  2122.             else
  2123.                 local player = Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1])
  2124.                 for _,i in next, player do
  2125.                     if Quantum.Functions.CompareRank(sender,i) then
  2126.                         Quantum.Functions.Crash(i)
  2127.                         Quantum.Players[i.Name].Rank = -2
  2128.                     else
  2129.                         player[_] = nil
  2130.                     end
  2131.                 end
  2132.                 Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Crash banned ',player)
  2133.             end
  2134.         end)
  2135.     else
  2136.         pcall(function()
  2137.             local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2138.             for _,i in next, player do
  2139.                 if Quantum.Functions.CompareRank(sender,i) then
  2140.                     Quantum.Functions.Crash(i)
  2141.                     Quantum.Players[i.Name].Rank = -2
  2142.                 else
  2143.                     player[_] = nil
  2144.                 end
  2145.             end
  2146.             Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Crash banned ',player)
  2147.         end)
  2148.     end
  2149. end)
  2151. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Search music',{'searchm','search','musicsearch','smusic'},1,{'searchm','string','|get(list)'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2152.     if tags and tags[1] == 'g' or tags[1] == 'get' then
  2153.         if Quantum.Tables.MSearch then
  2154.             local m = {}
  2155.             local n = 0
  2156.             for _,i in next, Quantum.Tables.MSearch do
  2157.                 n = n+1
  2158.                 table.insert(m,n..'. '..i.Name)
  2159.             end
  2160.             Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,m,'Found Music')
  2161.         else
  2162.             Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'No stored search!') 
  2163.         end
  2164.     else
  2165.         Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Music','search for')
  2166.         local m = {}
  2167.         local n = 0
  2168.         Quantum.Tables.MSearch = Quantum.Functions.Search(Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args))
  2169.         for _,i in next, Quantum.Tables.MSearch do
  2170.             n = n+1
  2171.             table.insert(m,n..'. '..i.Name)
  2172.         end
  2173.         Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,m,'Found Music')
  2174.     end
  2175. end)
  2177. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Music',{'music','play'},1,{'music','(string/number)','|searched','|number(pitch)'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2178.     local build = Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args)
  2179.     local found
  2180.     if tags and tags[1] == 's' or tags[1] == 'searched' then
  2181.         Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Music index','play',true)
  2182.         if Quantum.Tables.MSearch ~= nil then
  2183.             Quantum.Functions.ExeCmd(string.format('%smusic%s%d',Quantum.Players[sender.Name].GLOBAL_prefix,Quantum.Settings.Bet,tonumber(Quantum.Tables.MSearch[tonumber(args[1])].AssetId)),sender)
  2184.         else
  2185.             Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'No stored search!')
  2186.         end
  2187.         return
  2188.     end
  2189.     if not args[1] and Quantum.Settings.Music and tags and tonumber(tags[1]) then
  2190.         local change = (tonumber(tags[1])-Quantum.Settings.Music.Pitch)/30
  2191.         for i=1, 30 do
  2192.             Quantum.Settings.Music.Pitch = Quantum.Settings.Music.Pitch+change
  2193.             wait(0.07)
  2194.         end
  2195.         Quantum.Settings.Music.Pitch = tonumber(tags[1])
  2196.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Changed pitch to '..tags[1]..'.')
  2197.         return
  2198.     end
  2199.     if args[1] == 'stop' then
  2200.         if Quantum.Settings.Music then
  2201.             pcall(function()
  2202.                 Quantum.Settings.Music:Pause()
  2203.             end)
  2204.             Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Stopped music!')
  2205.         else
  2206.             Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'No music is playing.')      
  2207.         end
  2208.     else
  2209.         local soundid = nil
  2210.         if tonumber(build) then
  2211.             found = build
  2212.         else
  2213.             for i,v in next, Quantum.Tables.Music do
  2214.                 if i:sub(1,string.len(build)):lower() == build:lower() then
  2215.                     if not found then
  2216.                         found = v
  2217.                     else
  2218.                         error(build..' is ambiguous!')
  2219.                     end
  2220.                 end
  2221.             end
  2222.         end
  2223.         if not found then error'Couldn\'t find sound!' end
  2224.         if Quantum.Settings.Music then
  2225.             pcall(function()
  2226.                 Quantum.Settings.Music:Pause()
  2227.             end)
  2228.         end
  2229.         Quantum.Settings.Music = create("Sound"){Parent = workspace, Name = 'QuantumSound', SoundId = ''..tostring(found), Volume = 1, Pitch = tonumber(tags[1]) or 1}
  2230.         Quantum.Settings.Music:Play()
  2231.         Quantum.Functions.TellAll('Now Playing - ''MarketplaceService':GetProductInfo(found).Name)
  2232.     end
  2233. end)
  2235. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Mute',{'mute'},2,{'mute','player','|offline'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2236.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','mute')  
  2237.     if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'offline' then
  2238.         pcall(function()
  2239.             if not Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1],true) then
  2240.                 for _,i in next, Quantum.Functions.Split(args[1],',') do
  2241.                     Quantum.Functions.AddPlayer(i,0,true)
  2242.                 end
  2243.                 Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Muted '..args[1]..'.')
  2244.             else
  2245.                 local player = Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1])
  2246.                 for _,i in next, player do
  2247.                     if Quantum.Functions.CompareRank(sender,i) then
  2248.                         Quantum.Functions.Mute(i)
  2249.                         Quantum.Players[i.Name].Muted = true
  2250.                     else
  2251.                         player[_] = nil
  2252.                     end
  2253.                 end
  2254.                 Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Muted ',player)
  2255.             end
  2256.         end)
  2257.     else
  2258.         pcall(function()
  2259.             local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2260.             for _,i in next, player do
  2261.                 if Quantum.Functions.CompareRank(sender,i) then
  2262.                     Quantum.Functions.Mute(i)
  2263.                     Quantum.Players[i.Name].Muted = true
  2264.                 else
  2265.                     player[_] = nil
  2266.                 end
  2267.                 Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Muted ',player)
  2268.             end
  2269.         end)
  2270.     end
  2271. end)
  2273. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Unmute',{'unmute'},2,{'unmute','player'},function(args,sender)
  2274.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','unmute')
  2275.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1]) 
  2276.     for _,i in next, player do
  2277.         pcall(function()
  2278.             if i.Muted then
  2279.                 i.Muted = false
  2280.                 if game:GetService'Players':FindFirstChild(i.Name) then
  2281.                     Quantum.Functions.Unmute(game:GetService'Players':FindFirstChild(i.Name))
  2282.                 end
  2283.             elseif game:GetService'Players':FindFirstChild(i.Name) then
  2284.                 Quantum.Functions.Unmute(game:GetService'Players':FindFirstChild(i.Name))
  2285.             end
  2286.         end)
  2287.     end
  2288.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Unmuted ',player)
  2289. end)
  2291. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Music list',{'mlist','musiclist'},1,{'mlist'},function(none,sender)
  2292.     local got = {}
  2293.     for i,v in orderedNext, Quantum.Tables.Music do
  2294.         table.insert(got,i..' ('..v..')')
  2295.     end
  2296.     Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,got,'Music List')
  2297. end)
  2299. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Get admins',{'admins'},1,{'admins'},function(none,sender)
  2300.     local players = {'3 = Ultra Admin','2 = Super Admin','1 = Admin','\n'}
  2301.     for i,v in orderedNext, Quantum.Players do
  2302.         pcall(function()
  2303.             if v.Rank > 0 and v.Muted == false then
  2304.                 table.insert(players,i..': '..v.Rank)
  2305.             elseif v.Rank > 0 and v.Muted == true then
  2306.                 table.insert(players,i..': '..v.Rank..' (Muted)')
  2307.             end
  2308.         end)
  2309.     end
  2310.     Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,players,'Admins')
  2311. end)
  2313. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Get banned',{'banned'},1,{'banned'},function(none,sender)
  2314.     local players = {'-1 = Banned','-2 = Crash banned','\n'}
  2315.     for i,v in orderedNext, Quantum.Players do
  2316.         pcall(function()
  2317.             if v.Rank < 0 and v.Muted == false then
  2318.                 table.insert(players,i..': '..v.Rank)
  2319.             elseif v.Muted == true then
  2320.                 table.insert(players,i..': '..v.Rank..' (Muted)')
  2321.             end
  2322.         end)
  2323.     end
  2324.     Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,players,'Banned')
  2325. end)
  2327. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Get ranked',{'ranked','getranked'},1,{'ranked','|all'},function(none,sender,tags)
  2328.     local players = {'3 = Ultra Admin','2 = Super Admin','1 = Admin','0 = Regular','-1 = Banned','-2 = Crash banned','\n'}
  2329.     if tags and tags[1] == 'a' or tags[1] == 'all' then
  2330.         for i,v in orderedNext, Quantum.Players do
  2331.             pcall(function()
  2332.                 if v.Muted == false then
  2333.                     table.insert(players,i..': '..v.Rank)
  2334.                 elseif v.Muted == true then
  2335.                     table.insert(players,i..': '..v.Rank..' (Muted)')
  2336.                 end
  2337.             end)
  2338.         end
  2339.     else
  2340.         for i,v in orderedNext, Quantum.Players do
  2341.             pcall(function()
  2342.                 if v.Rank ~= 0 and v.Muted == false then
  2343.                     table.insert(players,i..': '..v.Rank)
  2344.                 elseif v.Muted == true then
  2345.                     table.insert(players,i..': '..v.Rank..' (Muted)')
  2346.                 end
  2347.             end)
  2348.         end
  2349.     end
  2350.     Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,players,'Ranked')
  2351. end)
  2353. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Un crashban',{'uncban','uncb','uncrashban'},2,{'uncban','player'},function(args,sender)
  2354.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','un crashban')   
  2355.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1]) 
  2356.     for _,i in next, player do
  2357.         pcall(function()
  2358.             if i.Rank == -2 then
  2359.                 i.Rank = 0
  2360.             else
  2361.                 player[_] = nil
  2362.             end
  2363.         end)
  2364.     end
  2365.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Un crashbanned ',player)
  2366. end)
  2368. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Crash',{'crash'},2,{'crash','player'},function(args,sender)
  2369.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','crash') 
  2370.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  2371.     for _,i in next, player do
  2372.         pcall(function()
  2373.             Quantum.Functions.Crash(i)
  2374.         end)
  2375.     end
  2376.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Crashed ',player)
  2377. end)
  2379. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Destroy instances of type',{'rtype','removetype','destroy','dtype'},1,{'dtype','string'},function(args,sender)
  2380.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Type of instance','destroy')     
  2381.     for _,i in next, workspace:GetChildren() do
  2382.         pcall(function()
  2383.             if i:IsA(args[1]) then
  2384.                 i:Destroy()
  2385.             end
  2386.         end)
  2387.     end
  2388.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Destroyed all instances of type '..args[1]..'.')
  2389. end)
  2391. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Unban',{'unban'},2,{'unban','player'},function(args,sender)
  2392.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','unban') 
  2393.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1]) 
  2394.     for _,i in next, player do
  2395.         pcall(function()
  2396.             if i.Rank == -1 then
  2397.                 i.Rank = 0
  2398.             else
  2399.                 player[_] = nil
  2400.             end
  2401.         end)
  2402.     end
  2403.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Unbanned ',player)
  2404. end)
  2406. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Damage',{'damage','dmg'},1,{'dmg','player','number'},function(args,sender)
  2407.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','damage')
  2408.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Damage','deal',true) 
  2409.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2410.     for _,i in next, player do
  2411.         pcall(function()
  2412.             Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).Health = Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).Health - args[2]
  2413.         end)
  2414.     end
  2415.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Damaged '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..' by '..args[2]..'.')
  2416. end)
  2418. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Shutdown',{'sd','shutdown'},2,{'shutdown'},function(none,sender)
  2419.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Shutting down...')
  2420.     wait(0.5)
  2421.     Quantum.Functions.Shutdown()
  2422. end)
  2424. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Disable_G',{'disableg','dg','disable_g'},1,{'disableg'},function(none,sender)
  2425.     setmetatable(_G,{__newindex = function() error("_G is disabled!") end})
  2426.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Disabled _G')
  2427. end)
  2429. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Lock_G',{'lockg','lg','lock_g'},1,{'lockg'},function(none,sender)
  2430.     setmetatable(_G, {__metatable = 'Locked'})
  2431.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Locked _G')
  2432. end)
  2434. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Enable_G',{'enablg','eg','enable_g'},1,{'enableg'},function(none,sender)
  2435.     setmetatable(_G,_G)
  2436.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Enabled _G')
  2437. end)
  2439. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Clear_G',{'clearg','cg','clear_g'},1,{'clearg'},function(none,sender)
  2440.     for i in next, _G do
  2441.         _G[i] = nil
  2442.     end
  2443.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Cleared _G')
  2444. end)
  2446. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Get_G',{'getg','gg','get_g'},1,{'getg'},function(none,sender)
  2447.     for i,v in next, _G do
  2448.         print(i,v)
  2449.     end
  2450.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Got _G')
  2451. end)
  2453. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Set Health',{'health'},1,{'health','player','number'},function(args,sender)
  2454.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','change health') 
  2455.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Health','change to',true)
  2456.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2457.     for _,i in next, player do
  2458.         pcall(function()
  2459.             Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).MaxHealth = args[2] Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).Health = args[2]
  2460.         end)
  2461.     end
  2462.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Changed health of '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..' to '..args[2]..'.')
  2463. end)
  2465. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Execute',{'exe'},3,{'exe','string'},function(args,sender)
  2466.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'String','execute')
  2467.     local status,err = pcall(function() loadstring(Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args))() end)
  2468.     if status then
  2469.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Successfully executed!')
  2470.     else
  2471.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,err)
  2472.     end
  2473. end)
  2475. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Stop all sounds',{'stopmusic','nosounds','nosound','soff','nos'},1,{'nosounds'},function(none,sender)
  2476.     for _,i in next, Quantum.Tables.Sounds do
  2477.         pcall(function()
  2478.             i.Volume = 0
  2479.         end)
  2480.     end
  2481.     Quantum.Tables.Sounds = {}
  2482.     for _,i in next, Quantum.Functions.GetAllChildren(workspace) do
  2483.         if i:IsA'Sound' then
  2484.             pcall(function()
  2485.                 i.Volume = 0
  2486.             end)
  2487.         end
  2488.     end
  2489.     if Quantum.Settings.Music then pcall(function() Quantum.Settings.Music:Pause() end) end
  2490.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Stopped all sounds.')
  2491. end)
  2493. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Prefix',{'prefix','pre','setprefix'},1,{'prefix','string'},function(args,sender)
  2494.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Prefix','set')
  2495.     local build = Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args)
  2496.     Quantum.Players[sender.Name].GLOBAL_prefix = build
  2497.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,string.format('Changed your prefix to %q.',build))
  2498. end)
  2500. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Clear',{'clear','clr'},1,{'clear'},function(args,sender)
  2501.     for _,i in next, workspace:GetChildren() do
  2502.         pcall(function()
  2503.             if not game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(i) and not i:IsA'Terrain' then
  2504.                 i:Destroy()
  2505.             end
  2506.         end)
  2507.     end
  2508.     for _,i in next, Quantum.Tables.Sounds do
  2509.         pcall(function()
  2510.             i:Pause()
  2511.         end)
  2512.     end
  2513.     Quantum.Tables.Sounds = {}
  2514.     Quantum.Functions.FixLighting()
  2515.     Quantum.Functions.Base()
  2516.     workspace.Terrain:Clear()
  2517.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Cleared.')
  2518. end)
  2520. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Change ambient',{'ambient','ambience','amb'},1,{'ambient','number','number','number'},function(args,sender)
  2521.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'First number','set')
  2522.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Seconds number','set')
  2523.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[3],'Third number','set')
  2524.     game.Lighting.Ambient =[1]/255,args[2]/255,args[3]/255)
  2525.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,string.format('Changed ambient to %s %s %s',args[1],args[2],args[3]))
  2526. end)
  2528. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Create baseplate',{'base'},1,{'base'},function(none,sender)
  2529.     Quantum.Functions.Base()
  2530.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Made baseplate.')
  2531. end)
  2533. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Change unremovable baseplate',{'permbase','ubase'},1,{'permbase','|off'},function(none,sender,tags)
  2534.     if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'off' then
  2535.         Quantum.Functions.Removable(game.Workspace:FindFirstChild'Baseplate')
  2536.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Turned off permanent baseplate.')
  2537.     else
  2538.         local base = Quantum.Functions.Base()
  2539.         Quantum.Functions.Unremovable(base)
  2540.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Turned on permanent baseplate.')
  2541.     end
  2542. end)
  2544. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Personal base',{'pbase','pb'},1,{'pbase','player'},function(args,sender)
  2545.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','give personal base')
  2546.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  2547.     for _,i in pairs(player) do
  2548.         pcall(function()
  2549.             local rndmpos =,2000),math.random(1000,2000),math.random(1000,2000))
  2550.             local base = Quantum.Functions.Base(rndmpos)
  2551.             base.Name = i.Name..'-PERSONAL_BASEPLATE'  
  2552.             i.Character:MoveTo(base.Position)
  2553.             Quantum.Players[i.Name].Spawnlocation = i.Character.Torso.CFrame
  2554.             Quantum.Functions.Unremovable(base)
  2555.         end)
  2556.     end
  2557.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Gave personal base to ',player)
  2558. end)
  2560. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Remove personal base',{'unpbase','unpb'},1,{'unpbase','player'},function(args,sender)
  2561.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','remove personal base')  
  2562.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  2563.     for _,i in next, player do
  2564.         pcall(function()
  2565.             local base = workspace:FindFirstChild(i.Name..'-PERSONAL_BASEPLATE')
  2566.             Quantum.Players[i.Name].Spawnlocation = nil
  2567.             Quantum.Functions.Removable(base)
  2568.             i:LoadCharacter()
  2569.         end)
  2570.     end
  2571.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Removed personal base from ',player)
  2572. end)
  2574. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Set spawnpoint',{'setspawn','ss','setspawnpoint'},1,{'setspawn','player'},function(args,sender)
  2575.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','setspawn')  
  2576.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  2577.     for _,i in next, player do
  2578.         pcall(function()
  2579.             Quantum.Players[i.Name].Spawnlocation = i.Character.Torso.CFrame
  2580.         end)
  2581.     end
  2582.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Set the spawn of ',player)
  2583. end)
  2585. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Magic',{'magic'},1,{'magic','player'},function(args,sender)
  2586.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','make magical')  
  2587.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)   
  2588.     local colors = {'Lime green','Really red','Toothpaste','Hot pink','Royal purple','New Yeller'}
  2589.     for _,i in next, player do
  2590.         pcall(function()
  2591.             for n=1, 100 do
  2592.                 for _,v in next, colors do
  2593.                     create("Sparkles"){Parent = i.Character.Torso, SparkleColor =}
  2594.                 end
  2595.             end
  2596.         end)
  2597.     end
  2598.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Made '..Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player)..' magical.')
  2599. end)
  2601. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Give sparkles',{'sparkles','sparklez','spark'},1,{'sparkles','player','|color'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2602.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','give sparkles') 
  2603.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2604.     local color = Quantum.Functions.GetColor(tags,true)
  2605.     for _,i in next, player do
  2606.         pcall(function()
  2607.             create("Sparkles"){Parent = i.Character.Torso, SparkleColor = color.Color or nil}
  2608.         end)
  2609.     end
  2610.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Gave sparkles to ',player)
  2611. end)
  2613. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Reset spawnpoint',{'rspawn','resetspawn','resetspawnpoint'},1,{'rspawn','player'},function(args,sender)
  2614.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','reset spawnpoint')  
  2615.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2616.     for _,i in next, player do
  2617.         Quantum.Players[i.Name].Spawnlocation = nil
  2618.     end
  2619.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Reset spawn of ',player)
  2620. end)
  2622. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Give fire',{'fire'},1,{'fire','player','number','|color'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2623.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','give fire') 
  2624.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2625.     local color = Quantum.Functions.GetColor(tags,true)
  2626.     for _,i in next, player do
  2627.         pcall(function()
  2628.             create("Fire"){Parent = i.Character.Torso, Color = (color and color.Color or nil), Size = args[2] or 5}
  2629.         end)
  2630.     end
  2631.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Gave fire to ',player)
  2632. end)
  2634. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Give pointlight',{'pointlight','light'},1,{'light','player','number(brightness)','number(range)','|color'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2635.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','give pointlight')   
  2636.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2637.     local color = Quantum.Functions.GetColor(tags,true)
  2638.     for _,i in next, player do
  2639.         pcall(function()
  2640.             create("PointLight"){Parent = i.Character.Torso, Color = (color and color.Color or nil), Brightness = args[2] or 1; Range = args[3] or 8}
  2641.         end)
  2642.     end
  2643.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Gave pointlight to ',player)
  2644. end)
  2646. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Unlight',{'unlight','rlight'},1,{'unlight','player'},function(args,sender)
  2647.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','unlight')   
  2648.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2649.     for _,i in next, player do
  2650.         pcall(function()
  2651.             while i.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("PointLight") do
  2652.                 i.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("PointLight"):Destroy()
  2653.             end
  2654.         end)
  2655.     end
  2656.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Removed pointlight from ',player)
  2657. end)
  2659. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Give smoke',{'smoke'},1,{'smoke','player','number','|color'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2660.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','give smoke')
  2661.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2662.     local color = Quantum.Functions.GetColor(tags,true)
  2663.     for _,i in next, player do
  2664.         pcall(function()
  2665.             create("Smoke"){Parent = i.Character.Torso, Color = (color and color.Color or nil), Size = args[2] or 1}
  2666.         end)
  2667.     end
  2668.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Gave smoke to ',player)
  2669. end)
  2671. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Get colors',{'colors','getcolors','getcolor'},1,{'colors'},function(none,sender)
  2672.     Quantum.Functions.DisplayCloseableFrame(sender,table.concat(Quantum.Tables.Colors,' '),'Available Colors')
  2673. end)
  2675. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Show chat log',{'superlogs','slogs','chatlogs'},1,{'superlogs','(player)','|clear','|post'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2676.     if tags and tags[1] then
  2677.         if tags[1] == 'p' or tags[1] == 'post' then
  2678.             if args and args[1] then
  2679.                 local plrlogs = {}
  2680.                 local player
  2681.                 if not Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender,true) then
  2682.                     player = Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1])
  2683.                 else
  2684.                     player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2685.                 end
  2686.                 for _,i in next, player do
  2687.                     for _,v in next, Quantum.Tables.Superlogs do
  2688.                         if v:sub(2,string.len(i.Name)+1) == i.Name then
  2689.                             table.insert(plrlogs,v:sub(string.len(i.Name)+4))
  2690.                         end
  2691.                     end
  2692.                 end
  2693.                 Quantum.Functions.DisplayCloseableFrame(sender,Quantum.Functions.Post(plrlogs),'')
  2694.             else
  2695.                 Quantum.Functions.DisplayCloseableFrame(sender,Quantum.Functions.Post(Quantum.Tables.Logs),'')
  2696.             end
  2697.         elseif tags[1] == 'c' or tags[1] == 'clear' then
  2698.             Quantum.Tables.Superlogs = {}
  2699.             Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Cleared chat log')
  2700.         end
  2701.     elseif args and args[1] then
  2702.         local plrlogs = {}
  2703.         local player
  2704.         if not Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender,true) then
  2705.             player = Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1])
  2706.         else
  2707.             player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2708.         end
  2709.         for _,i in next, player do
  2710.             for _,v in next, Quantum.Tables.Superlogs do
  2711.                 if v:sub(2,string.len(i.Name)+1) == i.Name then
  2712.                     table.insert(plrlogs,v:sub(string.len(i.Name)+4))
  2713.                 end
  2714.             end
  2715.         end
  2716.         Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,plrlogs,'Chat logs for '..player[1].Name)
  2717.     else
  2718.         Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,Quantum.Tables.Superlogs,'Chat Logs')  
  2719.     end
  2720. end)
  2722. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Name player',{'name'},1,{'name','player','string','|off'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2723.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','name')
  2724.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2725.     local name = Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args,1)
  2726.     if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'off' then
  2727.         for _,i in next, player do
  2728.             pcall(function()
  2729.                 for _,v in next, i.Character:GetChildren() do
  2730.                     if v:IsA'Model' and v:FindFirstChild'FakeHumanoid' then
  2731.                         v:Destroy()
  2732.                     end
  2733.                 end
  2734.                 i.Character.Head.Transparency = 0
  2735.             end)
  2736.         end
  2737.         Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Unnamed ',player)
  2738.     else
  2739.         for _,i in next, player do
  2740.             ypcall(function()
  2741.                 i.Character:WaitForChild'Body Colors'
  2742.                 for _,v in next, i.Character:GetChildren() do
  2743.                     if v:IsA'Model' and v:FindFirstChild'FakeHumanoid' then
  2744.                         v:Destroy()
  2745.                     end
  2746.                 end
  2747.                 i.Character.Head.Transparency = 0
  2748.                 local new = i.Character.Head:Clone()
  2749.                 i.Character.Head.Transparency = 1
  2750.                 local model ='Model',i.Character)
  2751.                 model.Name = name
  2752.                 new.Parent = model
  2753.                 local hum ='Humanoid',model)
  2754.                 hum.Name = 'FakeHumanoid'
  2755.                 local w ='Weld',i.Character)
  2756.                 w.Part0 = new
  2757.                 w.Part1 = i.Character.Head
  2758.                 local realhum = Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character)
  2759.                 realhum.Changed:connect(function(prop)
  2760.                     hum.MaxHealth = realhum.MaxHealth
  2761.                     hum.Health = realhum.Health
  2762.                     if realhum.MaxHealth == math.huge then hum.MaxHealth = 0 end
  2763.                 end)
  2764.             end)
  2765.         end
  2766.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,string.format('Named %s to %q.',Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player),name))
  2767.     end
  2768. end)
  2770. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Change character',{'char'},1,{'char','player','string/number','|off'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2771.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','char')
  2772.     local target = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2773.     if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'off' then
  2774.         for _,i in next, target do
  2775.             pcall(function()
  2776.                 i.CharacterAppearance = ''..i.userId
  2777.                 Quantum.Functions.Reload(i)
  2778.                 Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Reset character of ',target)
  2779.             end)
  2780.         end
  2781.         return
  2782.     end
  2783.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerAll(args[2],sender)
  2784.     for _,i in next, target do
  2785.         pcall(function()
  2786.             i.CharacterAppearance = ''..player
  2787.             Quantum.Functions.Reload(i)
  2788.             Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,string.format('Changed the character of %s to %s.',Quantum.Functions.Unpack(target),Quantum.Functions.UsernameFromID(player)))
  2789.         end)
  2790.     end
  2791. end)
  2793. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Show command logs',{'logs','clogs','commandlogs'},1,{'logs','(player)','|clear','|post'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2794.     if tags and tags[1] then
  2795.         if tags[1] == 'p' or tags[1] == 'post' then
  2796.             if args and args[1] then
  2797.                 local plrlogs = {}
  2798.                 local player
  2799.                 if not Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender,true) then
  2800.                     player = Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1])
  2801.                 else
  2802.                     player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2803.                 end
  2804.                 for _,i in next, player do
  2805.                     for _,v in next, Quantum.Tables.Logs do
  2806.                         if v:sub(2,string.len(i.Name)+1) == i.Name then
  2807.                             table.insert(plrlogs,v:sub(string.len(i.Name)+4))
  2808.                         end
  2809.                     end
  2810.                 end
  2811.                 Quantum.Functions.DisplayCloseableFrame(sender,Quantum.Functions.Post(plrlogs),'')
  2812.             else
  2813.                 Quantum.Functions.DisplayCloseableFrame(sender,Quantum.Functions.Post(Quantum.Tables.Logs),'')
  2814.             end
  2815.         elseif tags[1] == 'c' or tags[1] == 'clear' then
  2816.             Quantum.Tables.Logs = {}
  2817.             Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Cleared command logs')
  2818.         end
  2819.     elseif args and args[1] then
  2820.         local plrlogs = {}
  2821.         local player
  2822.         if not Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender,true) then
  2823.             player = Quantum.Functions.GetOfflinePlayer(args[1])
  2824.         else
  2825.             player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2826.         end
  2827.         for _,i in next, player do
  2828.             for _,v in next, Quantum.Tables.Logs do
  2829.                 if v:sub(2,string.len(i.Name)+1) == i.Name then
  2830.                     table.insert(plrlogs,v:sub(string.len(i.Name)+4))
  2831.                 end
  2832.             end
  2833.         end
  2834.         Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,plrlogs,'Logs for '..player[1].Name)
  2835.     else
  2836.         Quantum.Functions.DisplayScrollFrame(sender,Quantum.Tables.Logs,'Command Logs')
  2837.     end
  2838. end)
  2840. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Lock/unlock server',{'slock','lockdown','pri'},2,{'slock','|autoload','|kick','|off'},function(none,sender,tags)
  2841.     if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'off' then
  2842.         Quantum.Settings.PrivateServer.Regular = false
  2843.         Quantum.Settings.PrivateServer.Auto = false
  2844.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Unlocked server!')
  2845.     elseif tags and tags[1] == 'a' or tags[1] == 'autoload' then
  2846.         Quantum.Settings.PrivateServer.Regular = false     
  2847.         Quantum.Settings.PrivateServer.Auto = true
  2848.         if tags and tags[2] == 'k' or tags[2] == 'kick' then
  2849.             for _,i in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
  2850.                 if not Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(i.Name) then
  2851.                     Quantum.Functions.Kick(i)
  2852.                 end
  2853.             end
  2854.         end
  2855.     else
  2856.         Quantum.Settings.PrivateServer.Auto = false
  2857.         Quantum.Settings.Regular = true
  2858.         if tags and tags[2] == 'k' or tags[2] == 'kick' then
  2859.             for _,i in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
  2860.                 if not Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(i.Name) then
  2861.                     Quantum.Functions.Kick(i)
  2862.                 end
  2863.             end
  2864.         end
  2865.     end
  2866. end)
  2868. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Update script',{'update','updt'},3,{'update'},function(none,sender)
  2869.     Quantum.Functions.MakeScript("loadstring(game:GetService'HttpService':GetAsync'')()",game:GetService'ServerScriptService')
  2870.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Updating script...')
  2871.     Quantum.Functions.StopScript()
  2872. end)
  2874. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Stop script',{'stop','stopscript','removescript'},3,{'stop'},function(none,sender)
  2875.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Stopping script...')
  2876.     Quantum.Functions.StopScript()
  2877. end)
  2879. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Make script',{'s','c','script'},2,{'s','string'},function(args,sender)
  2880.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Script','execute')
  2881.     local build = Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args)
  2882.     local status,err = loadstring(build)
  2883.     if status then
  2884.         Quantum.Functions.MakeScript(Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args),workspace)
  2885.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Successfully made script!')
  2886.     else
  2887.         Quantum.Functions.DisplayCloseableFrame(sender,err,'Script Error')
  2888.     end
  2889. end)
  2891. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Make local script',{'ls','l','localscript'},2,{'ls','string','|player'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2892.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Local script','execute')
  2893.     if tags and tags[1] == "p" or tags[1] == "player" then
  2894.         for _,i in next, Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender) do
  2895.             Quantum.Functions.MakeLocalScript(Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args,1),i)
  2896.         end
  2897.     else
  2898.         Quantum.Functions.MakeLocalScript(Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args),sender)
  2899.     end
  2900. end)
  2902. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Anti local',{'al','antilocal','antil'},1,{'antilocal','player','|off'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2903.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','change antilocal status')   
  2904.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2905.     for _,i in next, player do
  2906.         if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'off' then
  2907.             Quantum.Players[i.Name].Antilocal = false
  2908.             Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Turned antilocal off for ',player)
  2909.         else
  2910.             Quantum.Players[i.Name].Antilocal = true
  2911.             Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Turned antilocal on for ',player)
  2912.         end
  2913.     end
  2914. end)
  2916. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Anti kill',{'ak','antikill','antik'},1,{'antikill','player','|off'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2917.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','change antikill status')
  2918.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2919.     if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'off' then
  2920.         for _,i in next, player do
  2921.             Quantum.Players[i.Name].Antikill.Enabled = false
  2922.             Quantum.Players[i.Name].Spawnlocation = nil
  2923.             if Quantum.Players[i.Name].Antikill.Humanoid then
  2924.                 Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).Name = 'Humanoid'
  2925.             end
  2926.             Quantum.Players[i.Name].Antikill.Humanoid = false
  2927.         end
  2928.         Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Turned antikill off for ',player)
  2929.     else
  2930.         for _,i in next, player do
  2931.             if not Quantum.Players[i.Name].Antikill.Enabled then
  2932.                 Quantum.Players[i.Name].Antikill.Enabled = true
  2933.                 Quantum.Players[i.Name].Ready = true
  2934.                 Quantum.Functions.GetAntikill(i)
  2935.                 if tags and tags[1] == 'h' or tags[1] == 'humanoid' then
  2936.                     Quantum.Players[i.Name].Antikill.Humanoid = true
  2937.                     Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).Name = 'RHumanoid'
  2938.                 end
  2939.                 Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(i.Character).Died:connect(function()
  2940.                     pcall(function()
  2941.                         if Quantum.Players[i.Name].Antikill.Enabled then
  2942.                             i:LoadCharacter()
  2943.                         end
  2944.                     end)
  2945.                 end)
  2946.                 --[[i.Character.DescendantRemoving:connect(function(d)
  2947.                     pcall(function()
  2948.                         if d:IsA'Humanoid' and Quantum.Players[i.Name].Antikill.Enabled then
  2949.                             i:LoadCharacter()
  2950.                         end
  2951.                     end)
  2952.                 end)]]
  2953.             end
  2954.         end
  2955.         Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Turned antikill on for ',player)
  2956.     end
  2957. end)
  2959. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Anti ban',{'ab','antiban','antib'},1,{'antiban','player','|off'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2960.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','change antiban status') 
  2961.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2962.     for _,i in next, player do
  2963.         if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'off' then
  2964.             Quantum.Players[i.Name].Antiban = false
  2965.             Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Turned antiban off for ',player)
  2966.         else
  2967.             Quantum.Players[i.Name].Antiban = true
  2968.             Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Turned antiban on for ',player)
  2969.         end
  2970.     end
  2971. end)
  2973. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Fake player',{'fp','fplayer','fakeplayer'},1,{'fplayer','player','string/number','|off'},function(args,sender,tags)
  2974.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','change antiban status') 
  2975.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  2976.     if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'off' then
  2977.         for _,i in next, player do
  2978.             pcall(function()
  2979.                 Quantum.Players[i.Name].RespawnExe = {}
  2980.                 i.CharacterAppearance = ''..i.userId
  2981.                 Quantum.Functions.Reload(i)
  2982.             end)
  2983.         end
  2984.         Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Turned off fake player for ',player)
  2985.     else
  2986.         local id = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerAll(Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args,1))
  2987.         local name = Quantum.Functions.UsernameFromID(id)
  2988.         for _,i in next, player do
  2989.             pcall(function()
  2990.                 table.insert(Quantum.Players[i.Name].RespawnExe,string.format('%sname%s|plr|%s%s',Quantum.Players[sender.Name].GLOBAL_prefix,Quantum.Settings.Bet,Quantum.Settings.Bet,name))
  2991.                 i.CharacterAppearance = ''
  2992.                 Quantum.Functions.Reload(i)
  2993.             end)
  2994.         end
  2995.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,string.format('Faked %s as %s.',Quantum.Functions.Unpack(player),name))
  2996.     end
  2997. end)
  2999. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Bubble chat all',{'bcall','bubbleall','bubblechatall'},1,{'bubblechatall','|off','|color(rgb)'},function(none,sender,tags)
  3000.     if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'off' then
  3001.         Quantum.Settings.BubblechatAll = false
  3002.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Turned off bubblechatall.')
  3003.     elseif tags then
  3004.         Quantum.Settings.BubblechatAll = true
  3005.         if tags[1] == 'r' then
  3006.             Quantum.Settings.BubblechatColor = 'Red'
  3007.         elseif tags[1] == 'g' then
  3008.             Quantum.Settings.BubblechatColor = 'Green'
  3009.         elseif tags[1] == 'b' then
  3010.             Quantum.Settings.BubblechatColor = 'Blue'
  3011.         end
  3012.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Turned on bubblechatall.')
  3013.     end
  3014. end)
  3016. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Bubble chat',{'bc','bubble','bubblechat'},1,{'bubblechat','player','|off','|color(rgb)'},function(args,sender,tags)
  3017.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','change bubblechat status')  
  3018.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  3019.     if tags and tags[1] == 'o' or tags[1] == 'off' then
  3020.         for _,i in next, player do
  3021.             pcall(function()
  3022.                 Quantum.Players[i.Name].Bubblechat = false
  3023.             end)
  3024.         end
  3025.         Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Turned bubblechat off for ',player)
  3026.     elseif tags then
  3027.         for _,i in next, player do
  3028.             pcall(function()
  3029.                 Quantum.Players[i.Name].Bubblechat = true
  3030.                 if tags[1] == 'r' then
  3031.                     Quantum.Players[i.Name].BubblechatColor = 'Red'
  3032.                 elseif tags[1] == 'g' then
  3033.                     Quantum.Players[i.Name].BubblechatColor = 'Green'
  3034.                 elseif tags[1] == 'b' then
  3035.                     Quantum.Players[i.Name].BubblechatColor = 'Blue'
  3036.                 end
  3037.             end)
  3038.         end
  3039.         Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Turned bubblechat on for ',player)
  3040.     end
  3041. end)
  3043. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Sudo (execute command as another player)',{'sudo'},2,{'sudo','player','command'},function(args,sender,tags)
  3044.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Player','execute command on')
  3045.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Command','execute')
  3046.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  3047.     local newargs = {}
  3048.     for i,v in next, args do
  3049.         if i > 2 then
  3050.             table.insert(newargs,v)
  3051.         end
  3052.     end
  3053.     for _,i in next, player do
  3054.         pcall(function()
  3055.             if Quantum.Functions.CompareRank(sender,i) then
  3056.                 Quantum.Functions.RawExeCmd(true,args[2],newargs,i,tags,Quantum.Functions.GetRank(sender.Name))
  3057.             else
  3058.                 player[_] = nil        
  3059.             end
  3060.         end)
  3061.     end
  3062.     Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Sudo executed as ',player)
  3063. end)
  3065. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Loop command',{'loop'},1,{'loop','times(* for until stopped)','command'},function(args,sender,tags)
  3066.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[1],'Times','loop')
  3067.     Quantum.Functions.Assert(args[2],'Command','loop')
  3068.     local num = 0
  3069.     if args[1] ~= '*' then
  3070.         if not tonumber(args[1]) then
  3071.             error'Times to loop is not a number!'
  3072.         end
  3073.     end
  3074.     local loopargs = {}
  3075.     for i,v in next, args do
  3076.         if i > 2 then
  3077.             table.insert(loopargs,v)
  3078.         end
  3079.     end
  3080.     coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  3081.         while wait(Quantum.Settings.Looptime) do
  3082.             if not Quantum.Settings.Stoploops then
  3083.                 if args[1] == '*' then
  3084.                     pcall(function() Quantum.Functions.RawExeCmd(true,args[2],loopargs,sender,tags) end)
  3085.                 else
  3086.                     pcall(function() Quantum.Functions.RawExeCmd(true,args[2],loopargs,sender,tags) end)
  3087.                     num = num+1
  3088.                     if num >= tonumber(args[1]) then
  3089.                         break
  3090.                     end    
  3091.                 end
  3092.             else
  3093.                 break
  3094.             end
  3095.         end
  3096.     end))
  3097. end)
  3099. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Stop loops',{'stoploops','sloops'},1,{'stoploops'},function(none,sender)
  3100.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Stopping loops...')
  3101.     Quantum.Settings.Stoploops = true
  3102.     wait(Quantum.Settings.Looptime+0.1)
  3103.     Quantum.Settings.Stoploops = false
  3104.     Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Stopped loops!')
  3105. end)
  3107. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Execute on respawn',{'rexe','respawnexe','exer'},3,{'rexe','player','command ("|plr|" = player)','|clear'},function(args,sender,tags)
  3108.     local player = Quantum.Functions.GetPlayerFromString(args[1],sender)
  3109.     if tags and tags[1] == 'c' or tags[1] == 'clear' then
  3110.         for _,i in next, player do
  3111.             Quantum.Players[i.Name].RespawnExe = {}
  3112.         end
  3113.         Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Cleared respawn commands of ',player)
  3114.     else
  3115.         for _,i in next, player do
  3116.             local newtags = {}
  3117.             for _,v in next, tags do
  3118.                 table.insert(newtags,Quantum.Settings.Tag..v)
  3119.             end
  3120.             table.insert(Quantum.Players[i.Name].RespawnExe,Quantum.Settings.Prefix..Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args,1)..Quantum.Settings.Bet..Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(newtags))
  3121.         end
  3122.         Quantum.Functions.Return(sender,'Changed auto respawn commands of ',player)
  3123.     end
  3124. end)
  3126. Quantum.Functions.AddCommand('Execute on respawn all',{'rexeall','respawnexeall','exerall','autoexecuterespawn'},3,{'rexeall','command','|clear'},function(args,sender,tags)
  3127.     if tags and tags[1] == 'c' or tags[1] == 'clear' then
  3128.         Quantum.Tables.RespawnExe = {}
  3129.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Cleared auto respawn commands for all players.')
  3130.     else
  3131.         local newtags = {}
  3132.         for _,v in next, tags do
  3133.             table.insert(newtags,Quantum.Settings.Tag..v)
  3134.         end
  3135.         table.insert(Quantum.Tables.RespawnExe,Quantum.Settings.Prefix..Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(args)..Quantum.Settings.Bet..Quantum.Functions.Buildstring(newtags))
  3136.         Quantum.Functions.Tell(sender,'Changed auto respawn commands for all players.')
  3137.     end
  3138. end)
  3140. Quantum.Connections.PlayerAdded = game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(function(plr)
  3141.     ypcall(function()
  3142.         Quantum.Functions.PlayerAdded(plr)
  3143.     end)
  3144. end)
  3146. Quantum.Connections.DescendantRemoving = game.DescendantRemoving:connect(function(descendant)
  3147.     if Quantum.Tables.Unremovable[descendant] and Quantum.Tables.Unremovable[descendant] == 1 then
  3148.         local clone = descendant:Clone()
  3149.         clone.Parent = descendant.Parent
  3150.         Quantum.Functions.Unremovable(clone)
  3151.     end
  3152. end)
  3154. Quantum.Connections.SoundTrack = game.DescendantAdded:connect(function(d)
  3155.     pcall(function()
  3156.         if d:IsA'Sound' then
  3157.             table.insert(Quantum.Tables.Sounds,d)
  3158.         end
  3159.     end)
  3160. end)
  3162. Quantum.Connections.SourceScanner = game.DescendantAdded:connect(function(d)
  3163.     ypcall(function()
  3164.         if d:IsA'LocalScript' and not Quantum.Settings.LocalScriptSource then
  3165.             Quantum.Settings.LocalScriptSource = d
  3166.             Quantum.Functions.TellAdmins'Found LocalScript Source'
  3167.             for _,i in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
  3168.                 if Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(i.Name) then
  3169.                     Quantum.Functions.Cmdbar(i)
  3170.                     Quantum.Functions.Nilsupport(i)
  3171.                 end
  3172.             end
  3173.         elseif d:IsA'Script' and not Quantum.Settings.ScriptSource then
  3174.             Quantum.Settings.ScriptSource = d
  3175.             Quantum.Functions.TellAdmins'Found Script Source'
  3176.         end
  3177.         if Quantum.Settings.LocalScriptSource and Quantum.Settings.ScriptSource then
  3178.             Quantum.Connections.SourceScanner:disconnect()
  3179.         end
  3180.     end)
  3181. end)
  3183. Quantum.Connections.PlayerRemoving = game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(plr)
  3184.     ypcall(function()
  3185.         coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  3186.             if Quantum.Players[plr.Name] and Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antiban == true then
  3187.                 local start = tick()
  3188.                 local m ='Message',workspace)
  3189.                 local h ='Hint',workspace)
  3190.                 game:GetService'RunService'.Heartbeat:connect(function()
  3191.                     ypcall(function()
  3192.                         if m then
  3193.                             m.Text = string.format('[QUANTUM ANTIBAN] '..plr.Name..' was kicked or banned! Shutdown in %.2d seconds!',Quantum.Settings.Antitimer - (tick() - start))
  3194.                         else
  3195.                             m ='Message',workspace)
  3196.                         end
  3197.                         if h then
  3198.                             h.Text = string.format('[QUANTUM ANTIBAN] '..plr.Name..' was kicked or banned! Shutdown in %.2d seconds!',Quantum.Settings.Antitimer - (tick() - start))
  3199.                         else
  3200.                             h ='Hint',workspace)
  3201.                         end
  3202.                     end)
  3203.                 end)
  3204.             end
  3205.         end))
  3206.         local t = {}
  3207.         for i,v in next, Quantum.Players[plr.Name] do
  3208.             if i:sub(1,7) == 'GLOBAL_' then
  3209.                 t[i] = v
  3210.             end
  3211.         end
  3212.         Quantum.Functions.UpdateStorage(t,plr.Name)
  3213.     end)
  3214. end)
  3216. Quantum.Functions.PlayerAdded = function(plr)
  3217.     ypcall(function()
  3218.         if plr:IsA("Player") then
  3219.             plr:WaitForDataReady()
  3220.             if plr.AccountAge < Quantum.Settings.RestrictAge then
  3221.                 Quantum.Functions.Kick(plr)
  3222.                 Quantum.Functions.TellAdmins(plr.Name..' tried to join, but their age is too low.')
  3223.             end
  3224.             for _,i in next, Quantum.Tables.GroupRanked do
  3225.                 for k,v in next, i do
  3226.                     if plr:IsInGroup(k) and plr:GetRankInGroup(k) >= v.GroupRank then
  3227.                         if Quantum.Players[plr.Name] ~= nil and Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Rank < v.AdminRank then
  3228.                             Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Rank = v.AdminRank
  3229.                         elseif Quantum.Players[plr.Name] == nil then
  3230.                             Quantum.Functions.AddPlayer(plr.Name,v.AdminRank)
  3231.                         end
  3232.                     end
  3233.                 end
  3234.             end
  3235.             if Quantum.Functions.GetRank(plr.Name) then
  3236.                 if Quantum.Functions.GetStorage(plr.Name) then
  3237.                     for i,v in next, Quantum.Functions.GetStorage(plr.Name) do
  3238.                         Quantum.Players[plr.Name][i] = v
  3239.                     end
  3240.                 end
  3241.             end
  3242.             if not Quantum.Functions.GetRank(plr.Name) then
  3243.                 Quantum.Functions.AddPlayer(plr.Name)
  3244.             elseif Quantum.Functions.GetRank(plr.Name) == -2 then
  3245.                 Quantum.Functions.Crash(plr)
  3246.                 Quantum.Functions.TellAdmins(plr.Name..' tried to join and is being crashed.')
  3247.             elseif Quantum.Functions.GetRank(plr.Name) == -1 then
  3248.                 Quantum.Functions.Kick(plr)
  3249.                 Quantum.Functions.TellAdmins(plr.Name..' tried to join but is banned.')
  3250.             elseif Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Muted == true then
  3251.                 Quantum.Functions.Mute(plr)
  3252.                 Quantum.Functions.TellAdmins(plr.Name..' joined and is muted.')
  3253.             elseif Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(plr.Name) then
  3254.                 Quantum.Functions.Tell(plr,'You\'re an admin! Your rank is '..Quantum.Functions.GetRank(plr.Name)..'. Your prefix is "'..Quantum.Players[plr.Name].GLOBAL_prefix..'", the bet is "'..Quantum.Settings.Bet..'" and the tag seperator is "'..Quantum.Settings.Tag..'".') 
  3255.                 if Quantum.Settings.AutoAntiban then
  3256.                     Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antiban = true
  3257.                 end
  3258.                 if Quantum.Settings.AutoAntilocal then
  3259.                     Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antilocal = true
  3260.                     plr.Character.DescendantAdded:connect(function(descendant)
  3261.                         ypcall(function()
  3262.                             if descendant:IsA'LocalScript' and Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antilocal then
  3263.                                 if Quantum.Settings.Place == "oxcool" then
  3264.                                     local info = descendant:FindFirstChild'Info'.Value
  3265.                                     if not Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(Quantum.Functions.GetInfo(info)[1]) then
  3266.                                         descendant.Disabled = true
  3267.                                         wait()
  3268.                                         descendant:Destroy()
  3269.                                         print('Disabled script '..Quantum.Functions.GetInfo(info)[2]..' inserted by '..Quantum.Functions.GetInfo(info)[1]..' into Character.')
  3270.                                     end
  3271.                                 elseif Quantum.Settings.Place == "anti" then
  3272.                                     local info = descendant:FindFirstChild'Owner'.Value.Name
  3273.                                     if not Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(info) then
  3274.                                         descendant.Disabled = true
  3275.                                         wait()
  3276.                                         descendant:Destroy()
  3277.                                         print('Disabled script '..descendant.Name..' inserted by '' into Character.')
  3278.                                     end
  3279.                                 else
  3280.                                     descendant.Disabled = true
  3281.                                     wait()
  3282.                                     descendant:Destroy()
  3283.                                     print('Disabled script '..descendant.Name..' inserted into Character.')
  3284.                                 end
  3285.                             end
  3286.                         end)
  3287.                     end)
  3288.                 end    
  3289.                 Quantum.Functions.Cmdbar(plr)
  3290.                 if Quantum.Settings.LocalScriptSource then
  3291.                     Quantum.Functions.Nilsupport(plr)
  3292.                 end
  3293.             end
  3294.             if Quantum.Settings.PrivateServer.Regular then
  3295.                 if not Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(plr.Name) then
  3296.                     Quantum.Functions.Kick(plr)
  3297.                 end
  3298.             end
  3299.             if Quantum.Settings.PrivateServer.Auto then
  3300.                 if Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(plr.Name) then
  3301.                     plr:LoadCharacter()
  3302.                 end
  3303.             end
  3304.             plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  3305.                 ypcall(function()
  3306.                     Quantum.Functions.Chatted(plr,msg)
  3307.                     if msg:sub(1,3) ~= '/e ' and msg:sub(1,7) ~= '/emote ' then
  3308.                         if Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Bubblechat or Quantum.Settings.BubblechatAll then
  3309.                             if not Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Bubblechat then
  3310.                                 game:GetService'Chat':Chat(plr.Character.Head,msg,Enum.ChatColor[Quantum.Settings.BubblechatColor])
  3311.                             else
  3312.                                 game:GetService'Chat':Chat(plr.Character.Head,msg,Enum.ChatColor[Quantum.Players[plr.Name].BubblechatColor])
  3313.                             end
  3314.                         end
  3315.                     end
  3316.                 end)
  3317.             end)
  3318.             plr.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char)
  3319.                 ypcall(function()
  3320.                     Quantum.Functions.CharacterAdded(char)
  3321.                 end)
  3322.             end)
  3323.             plr.DescendantAdded:connect(function(descendant)
  3324.                 ypcall(function()
  3325.                     Quantum.Functions.DescendantAdded(descendant,plr)
  3326.                 end)
  3327.             end)
  3328.             if Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Enabled then
  3329.                 ypcall(function()
  3330.                     plr.Character.Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
  3331.                         ypcall(function()
  3332.                             if Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Enabled then
  3333.                                 plr:LoadCharacter()
  3334.                             end
  3335.                         end)
  3336.                     end)
  3337.                     plr.Character.DescendantRemoving:connect(function(d)
  3338.                         ypcall(function()
  3339.                             if d:IsA'Humanoid' and Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Enabled then
  3340.                                 plr:LoadCharacter()
  3341.                             end
  3342.                         end)
  3343.                     end)
  3344.                     if Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Humanoid then
  3345.                         Quantum.Functions.GetHumanoid(plr.Character).Name = 'RHumanoid'
  3346.                     end
  3347.                     pcall(function() Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Routine = nil end)
  3348.                     Quantum.Functions.GetAntikill(plr)
  3349.                 end)
  3350.             end
  3351.         end
  3352.     end)
  3353. end
  3355. Quantum.Functions.DescendantAdded = function(descendant,plr)
  3356.     pcall(function()
  3357.         if descendant:IsA'LocalScript' and Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antilocal then
  3358.             if Quantum.Settings.Place == "oxcool" then
  3359.                 local info = descendant:FindFirstChild'Info'.Value
  3360.                 if not Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(Quantum.Functions.GetInfo(info)[1]) then
  3361.                     descendant.Disabled = true
  3362.                     wait()
  3363.                     descendant:Destroy()
  3364.                     print('Disabled script '..Quantum.Functions.GetInfo(info)[2]..' inserted by '..Quantum.Functions.GetInfo(info)[1]..' into '..descendant.Parent.Name..'.')
  3365.                 end
  3366.             elseif Quantum.Settings.Place == "anti" then
  3367.                 local info = descendant:FindFirstChild'Owner'.Value.Name
  3368.                 if not Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(info) then
  3369.                     descendant.Disabled = true
  3370.                     wait()
  3371.                     descendant:Destroy()
  3372.                     print('Disabled script '..descendant.Name..' inserted by '' into '..descendant.Parent.Name..'.')
  3373.                 end
  3374.             else
  3375.                 descendant.Disabled = true
  3376.                 wait()
  3377.                 descendant:Destroy()
  3378.                 print('Disabled script '..descendant.Name..' inserted into '..descendant.Parent.Name..'.')
  3379.             end
  3380.         end
  3381.     end)
  3382. end
  3384. Quantum.Functions.CharacterAdded = function(char)
  3385.     ypcall(function()
  3386.         local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
  3387.         Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Ready = false
  3388.         if Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Spawnlocation then
  3389.             spawn(function()           
  3390.                 ypcall(function()
  3391.                     plr.Character:WaitForChild'Body Colors'
  3392.                     plr.Character.Torso.CFrame = Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Spawnlocation
  3393.                     Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Ready = true
  3394.                 end)
  3395.             end)
  3396.         end
  3397.         if Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(plr.Name) then
  3398.             Quantum.Functions.Cmdbar(plr)
  3399.         end
  3400.         char.DescendantAdded:connect(function(descendant)
  3401.             ypcall(function()
  3402.                 if descendant:IsA'LocalScript' and Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antilocal then
  3403.                     if Quantum.Settings.Place == "oxcool" then
  3404.                         local info = descendant:FindFirstChild'Info'.Value
  3405.                         if not Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(Quantum.Functions.GetInfo(info)[1]) then
  3406.                             descendant.Disabled = true
  3407.                             wait()
  3408.                             descendant:Destroy()
  3409.                             print('Disabled script '..Quantum.Functions.GetInfo(info)[2]..' inserted by '..Quantum.Functions.GetInfo(info)[1]..' into Character.')                     
  3410.                         end
  3411.                     elseif Quantum.Settings.Place == "anti" then
  3412.                         local info = descendant:FindFirstChild'Owner'.Value.Name
  3413.                         if not Quantum.Functions.IsAdmin(info) then
  3414.                             descendant.Disabled = true
  3415.                             wait()
  3416.                             descendant:Destroy()
  3417.                             print('Disabled script '..descendant.Name..' inserted by '' into Character.')
  3418.                         end
  3419.                     else
  3420.                         descendant.Disabled = true
  3421.                         wait()
  3422.                         descendant:Destroy()
  3423.                         print('Disabled script '..descendant.Name..' inserted into Character.')
  3424.                     end
  3425.                 end
  3426.             end)
  3427.         end)
  3428.         --[[if Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Enabled then
  3429.             char.DescendantRemoving:connect(function(d)
  3430.                 ypcall(function()
  3431.                     if d:IsA'Humanoid' and Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Enabled then
  3432.                         plr:LoadCharacter()
  3433.                     end
  3434.                 end)
  3435.             end)
  3436.         end]]
  3437.         if Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Enabled then
  3438.             char.Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
  3439.                 ypcall(function()
  3440.                     if Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Enabled then
  3441.                         plr:LoadCharacter()
  3442.                     end
  3443.                 end)
  3444.             end)
  3445.             wait(0.1)
  3446.             if Quantum.Players[plr.Name].Antikill.Humanoid then
  3447.                 char.Humanoid.Name = 'RHumanoid'
  3448.             end
  3449.         end
  3450.         wait()
  3451.         if #Quantum.Players[plr.Name].RespawnExe > 0 then
  3452.             for _,i in next, Quantum.Players[plr.Name].RespawnExe do
  3453.                 Quantum.Functions.ExeCmd(i:gsub('|plr|',plr.Name),root)
  3454.             end
  3455.         end
  3456.         if #Quantum.Tables.RespawnExe > 0 then
  3457.             for _,i in next, Quantum.Tables.RespawnExe do
  3458.                 Quantum.Functions.ExeCmd(i:gsub('|plr|',plr.Name),root)
  3459.             end
  3460.         end
  3461.     end)
  3462. end
  3464. Quantum.Functions.Chatted = function(plr,msg)
  3465.     pcall(function()
  3466.         for _,i in next, Quantum.Tables.Blacklist do
  3467.             if msg:lower():find(i:lower()) then
  3468.                 Quantum.Functions.Kick(plr)
  3469.                 Quantum.Functions.TellAdmins(plr..' used blacklisted phrase and has been kicked.')
  3470.             end
  3471.         end
  3472.         table.insert(Quantum.Tables.Superlogs,'['..plr.Name..'] '..msg)
  3473.         if msg:sub(1,3) == '/e ' or msg:sub(1,7) == '/emote ' then
  3474.             table.insert(Quantum.Tables.Logs,'['..plr.Name..'] '..msg)
  3475.         end
  3476.         if msg:sub(1,3) == '/e ' then
  3477.             msg = msg:sub(4)
  3478.         elseif msg:sub(1,7) == '/emote ' then
  3479.             msg = msg:sub(8)
  3480.         end
  3481.         if msg:sub(1,string.len(Quantum.Players[plr.Name].GLOBAL_prefix)) == Quantum.Players[plr.Name].GLOBAL_prefix then
  3482.             Quantum.Functions.ExeCmd(msg,plr)
  3483.             table.insert(Quantum.Tables.Logs,'['..plr.Name..'] '..msg)
  3484.         end
  3485.     end)
  3486. end
  3488. Quantum.Functions.PacketReceive = function(...)
  3489.     local signal = {...}
  3490.     pcall(function()
  3491.         Quantum.Functions.Chatted(signal[1],signal[2])
  3492.     end)
  3493. end
  3495. Quantum.Functions.SendPacket = function(player,packet)
  3496.     Quantum.Settings.Remote:FireClient(player,packet..'['..Quantum.Settings.SECURITY_CODE..']')
  3497. end
  3499. Quantum.Functions.ConnectRemote = function()
  3500.     pcall(function() Quantum.Settings.Remote:Destroy() end)
  3501.     Quantum.Settings.Remote ='RemoteEvent',game.ReplicatedStorage)
  3502.     Quantum.Settings.Remote.Name = "QuantumRemoteAccess"..Quantum.Settings.SECURITY_CODE
  3503.     game.ReplicatedStorage.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child)
  3504.         pcall(function()
  3505.             if child == Quantum.Settings.Remote then
  3506.                 Quantum.Functions.ConnectRemote()
  3507.             end
  3508.         end)
  3509.     end)
  3510.     Quantum.Settings.Remote.Changed:connect(function()
  3511.         pcall(function()
  3512.             Quantum.Functions.ConnectRemote()
  3513.         end)
  3514.     end)
  3515.     Quantum.Settings.Remote.OnServerEvent:connect(function(...)
  3516.         Quantum.Functions.PacketReceive(...)
  3517.     end)
  3518. end
  3520. Quantum.Functions.ConnectRemote()
  3522. for _,i in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
  3523.     ypcall(function()
  3524.         Quantum.Functions.PlayerAdded(i)
  3525.     end)
  3526. end
  3528. print'Quantum Loaded'
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