white lies english

May 10th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. My opinion about white lies:
  3. In my opinion you should tell white lies, and lies in general, only if you want to achive something important through them,
  4. without lying to yourself or cheating using the lie. Even if white lies are used to create a "fantastic world" for our
  5. children(like saying that Santa Clause is real) or to be more polite(for example is ok to tell a white lie if someone brings you a gift that you don't really like and that people have a bad financial situation),
  6. I think that in our society they are more dangerous than real lies.
  7. For example a white lie can be dangerous when you are to scared or shamed, because it destroys your self confidence.
  8. For example if a friend/girlfriend wants to go to a comedy movie, but you like horror movies and you tell him that this is ok, well this is bad
  9. because you are too scared to lose him/her and by doing this you will not generate esteem that tells you: "I can hang out with
  10. someone else/find a new girlfriend", plus you will lose time because you will not enjoy the movie. Or you can tell lies that can
  11. make you to think that the life is easy or to procrastinate(like saying that all humans have the same value like if you are doing
  12. nothing with your life you are equal with an entrepreneur for example). Real lies should be used more, even the Holy Bible says that is not
  13. a sin to lie to save a life for example, I think that this can be extended. For example if you are at math&cs profile, but you want to
  14. become a good designer i think it's ok to lie your teacher that you felt sick and couldn't solve your linear algebra homework, when
  15. in reality you just focused on your job.
  16. In conclusion being a slave and trying to please everyone is much worse than prioritizing your needs and close peoples' mouth if is needed.
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