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- \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
- \usepackage[a4paper,lmargin=1cm,rmargin=1cm,bottom=1cm,top=1cm]{geometry}
- %Paquete para Referencias Web
- \usepackage [colorlinks=true,linkcolor=green! 40!blue,citecolor=green!40!blue,filecolor=magenta, urlcolor= green!80!blue!80!black]{hyperref}
- %Paquete de estilo de Referencias
- \urlstyle{same}
- \usepackage{tikz,tikz-3dplot}
- \tikzstyle{point}=[inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, minimum size=2pt,fill=black,shape=circle]
- \begin{document}
- \noindent
- \Large{\textcolor{blue}{Esfera Terrestre:}\\
- \textcolor{red}{Tikz-3D}}\\
- \tdplotsetmaincoords{92}{120}
- %EliminandoNumeracionDeFigura
- \renewcommand{\thefigure}{}
- \begin{figure}[ht!]
- \begin{tikzpicture} [scale=6.5,opacity=0.8, rotate=-10]
- \begin{scope}[tdplot_main_coords]
- \tdplotsphericalsurfaceplot[smooth]{20}{24}{1}{white}{green!50!blue}
- {\draw[color=blue,thick,->] (0,0,1) to (0,0,1.5) node[anchor=south]{Eje terrestre imaginario};}
- {\draw[color=blue,very thick,-,dashed] (0,0,-1) to (0,0,1);}
- {\draw[color=blue, ultra thick,->] (0,0,-1) to (0,0,-1.5);}
- %Circulos Tropicales
- \tdplotsinandcos{\sintheta}{\costeta}{23.5}
- \path[draw, blue,fill=red!20] (0,0, \sintheta ) circle (26*\costheta ) node[below=0.1cm, black, rotate=-9] {\bf{\textcolor{black}{Trópico de Cáncer (23°27' Norte)}}};
- \path[draw, orange, fill=red!20] (0,0,-\sintheta) circle (26*\costheta) node[above, black, rotate=-9] {\bf{\textcolor{black}{Trópico de Capricornio (23°27' Sur)}}};
- \path[draw, green!80!blue!70!black, ultra thick,fill=red!20] (0,0,0) circle (1)node[below, black, rotate=-9] {\bf{\textcolor{black}{ZONA ECUATORIAL}}};
- \draw node at (0,0,0)(O){•};
- \end{scope}
- %Numeracion de latitudes
- \foreach \a in {-72,-54,...,72}
- {
- \tdplotsinandcos{\sintheta}{\costeta}{\a}
- \draw node[blue] at (\costheta,\sintheta,0 ) {$\a$ };
- }
- %Numeracion de longitudes
- \foreach \b in {75,60,...,-75}
- {
- \tdplotsinandcos{\sintheta}{\costeta}{\b}
- \draw node[red,above=0.15cm] at (\sintheta,\costheta,0 ) {$\b$ };
- }
- %Sentido de Rotación
- \tdplotdefinepoints(0,1.2,0)(2,0,0.4)(-9,0,0.4)
- \tdplotdrawpolytopearc[->,ultra thick,red]{0.4}{below=10pt}{Rotación}
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \caption{La esfera terrestre mediante el paquete \texttt{tikz-3D}}
- \end{figure}
- \end{document}
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