
Ukrainian SCADA Malware Strings Dump

Jan 4th, 2016
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text 8.02 KB | None | 0 0
  1. QueryPerformanceCounter
  2. 0)A
  4. @0A
  5. XbA
  6. Cb@
  7. ShellExecuteW
  8. USER32.DLL
  9. GetLengthSid
  10. C-r-e-a-t-e-S-e-r-v-i-c-e-W-
  11. new[]
  12. p-l-i-c-a-t-i-o-n- -S-e-r-v-i-c-e- -M-a-n-a-g-e-r-
  13. 8VA
  14. Tue
  15. October
  16. Fri
  17. wsprintfW
  18. delete
  19. `virtual displacement map'
  20. ccs=
  21. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
  22. IsDebuggerPresent
  23. Unknown exception
  24. C-o-n-t-r-o-l-S-e-r-v-i-c-e-
  25. GetLocaleInfoA
  26. GetDriveTypeA
  28. runtime error
  29. SetSecurityDescriptorDacl
  30. TerminateThread
  31. CreateFileA
  32. W-r-i-t-e-F-i-l-e-
  33. DOMAIN error
  34. open
  35. GetLastActivePopup
  36. O-p-e-n-S-e-r-v-i-c-e-W-
  37. TlsAlloc
  38. HeapAlloc
  39. $*A
  40. ADVAPI32.dll
  41. April
  42. A-d-j-u-s-t-T-o-k-e-n-P-r-i-v-i-l-e-g-e-s-
  43. __stdcall
  44. 35DPA
  45. GetCommandLineW
  46. This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
  47. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
  48. <<=
  49. %c:\
  50. Friday
  51. GetTempPathW
  52. ntfs
  53. h,A
  54. December
  55. \PA
  56. .-d-l-l-
  57. stem32\icacls.exe
  58. __clrcall
  59. USER32.dll
  60. \1A
  61. R-e-g-S-e-t-V-a-l-u-e-E-x-W-
  62. `udt returning'
  63. %08X.tmp
  64. __fastcall
  65. GetCPInfo
  66. `string'
  67. `vector destructor iterator'
  68. `managed vector constructor iterator'
  69. 0 A
  70. D$4
  71. 3Hw
  72. `eh vector copy constructor iterator'
  73. GetStdHandle
  74. L%A
  75. l-l-.-d-l-l-
  76. InitializeCriticalSection
  77. GetShortPathNameW
  78. ExitWindowsEx
  79. JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
  80. Sun
  81. OpenEventW
  82. Complete Object Locator'
  83. GetLastError
  84. GetEnvironmentVariableW
  85. F-8
  86. h)A
  87. Process32NextW
  88. GetModuleHandleW
  89. $0A
  90. h%A
  91. November
  92. DeleteFileW
  93. @1A
  94. `eh vector constructor iterator'
  95. x1A
  96. Thu
  97. R6019
  98. - unable to open console device
  99. FreeEnvironmentStringsA
  100. oolsv.exe
  101. GetModuleBaseNameW
  102. GetACP
  103. dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
  104. <*A
  105. llA
  106. \*A
  107. PA
  108. G-e-t-C-u-r-r-e-n-t-P-r-o-c-e-s-s-
  109. KERNEL32.DLL
  110. R6024
  111. - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table
  112. Sunday
  113. S-t-a-r-t-S-e-r-v-i-c-e-C-t-r-l-D-i-s-p-a-t-c-h-e-r-W-
  114. CreateProcessW
  115. g.exe
  116. *.*
  117. Jun
  118. CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash
  119. b-r-a-r-y-W-
  120. .dll.exe.xml.ttf.nfo.fon.ini.cfg.boot.jar
  121. N-t-Q-u-e-r-y-S-y-s-t-e-m-T-i-m-e-
  122. January
  123. GetCurrentProcessId
  124. T)A
  125. |)A
  126. SetStdHandle
  127. $1A
  128. Tuesday
  129. TlsGetValue
  130. gf@
  131. q<*v
  132. GetVersionExA
  133. TLOSS error
  134. auclt.exe
  135. GetEnvironmentStrings
  136. R6030
  137. - CRT not initialized
  138. p(A
  139. FindClose
  140. `vector vbase constructor iterator'
  141. `managed vector copy constructor iterator'
  142. xlA
  143. S-t-a-r-t-S-e-r-v-i-c-e-W-
  144. P'A
  145. GetCurrentThreadId
  146. GetFileType
  147. \)A
  148. Nov
  149. SetHandleCount
  150. CloseHandle
  151. `omni callsig'
  152. p,A
  153. GetActiveWindow
  154. GetStartupInfoW
  155. Saturday
  156. C-l-o-s-e-S-e-r-v-i-c-e-H-a-n-d-l-e-
  157. R6009
  158. - not enough space for environment
  159. ive%d
  160. nhost.exe
  161. /c format %c: /Y /X /FS:NTFS
  162. TlsSetValue
  163. KERNEL32.dll
  164. FlsGetValue
  165. R6016
  166. - not enough space for thread data
  167. CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext
  168. t0A
  169. X'A
  170. GetStringTypeW
  171. Wed
  172. GetOEMCP
  173. R6031
  174. - Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once.
  175. This indicates a bug in your application.
  176. R-e-g-D-e-l-e-t-e-K-e-y-W-
  177. Base Class Array'
  178. RtlUnwind
  179. `local vftable'
  180. Process32FirstW
  181. LocalAlloc
  182. R6018
  183. - unexpected heap error
  184. SetFilePointerEx
  185. =%06d=.tmp
  186. DecodePointer
  187. GetFileAttributesW
  188. Jf=.
  189. Jan
  190. SeDebugPrivilege
  191. R-e-g-i-s-t-e-r-S-e-r-v-i-c-e-C-t-r-l-H-a-n-d-l-e-r-W-
  192. CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
  193. `vector deleting destructor'
  194. R6026
  195. - not enough space for stdio initialization
  196. fat16
  197. __restrict
  198. `copy constructor closure'
  199. Runtime Error!
  201. Program:
  202. LoadLibraryA
  203. D*A
  204. GetProcAddress
  205. YGw
  206. `vbtable'
  207. <program name unknown>
  208. __cdecl
  209. P]A
  210. HH:mm:ss
  211. hDPA
  212. GetEnvironmentStringsW
  213. wevtutil clear-log System
  214. September
  215. vice
  216. x,A
  217. HeapSize
  218. WriteConsoleA
  219. _service
  220. VirtualAlloc
  221. G-e-t-T-o-k-e-n-I-n-f-o-r-m-a-t-i-o-n-
  222. delete[]
  223. FlsSetValue
  224. HeapFree
  225. 4@A
  226. GetStringTypeA
  227. Base Class Descriptor at (
  228. GetVolumeInformationW
  229. m.exe
  230. O-p-e-n-S-C-M-a-n-a-g-e-r-W-
  231. |>A
  232. OpenProcess
  233. 0(A
  234. CreateThread
  235. GetTickCount
  236. |'A
  237. SetFilePointer
  238. __unaligned
  239. exe
  240. ...
  241. CorExitProcess
  242. GetConsoleMode
  243. ^]@
  244. CreateFileW
  245. `local static thread guard'
  246. HeapDestroy
  247. GetWindowsDirectoryW
  248. GetConsoleOutputCP
  249. \0A
  250. DeleteCriticalSection
  251. /c copy %ls %ls
  252. ExitProcess
  253. HeapReAlloc
  254. f=\
  255. $)A
  256. WriteConsoleW
  257. P*A
  258. GetVersionExW
  259. `vector constructor iterator'
  260. GetStartupInfoA
  261. /P:1
  262. `vbase destructor'
  263. MM/dd/yy
  264. util clear-log Application
  265. 8%A
  266. FlsAlloc
  267. f-t-A-p-p-l-i-c-a-t-i-o-n-M-g-r-
  268. May
  269. D-e-l-e-t-e-S-e-r-v-i-c-e-
  270. LoadLibraryW
  271. GetModuleFileNameExW
  272. D$0j
  273. O-p-e-n-P-r-o-c-e-s-s-
  274. smss.exe
  275. FlushFileBuffers
  276. lsm.exe
  277. F-16LE
  278. FindFirstFileW
  279. hlA
  280. WaitForMultipleObjects
  281. LCMapStringA
  282. C-r-e-a-t-e-F-i-l-e-W-
  283. plA
  284. 0*A
  285. OpenProcessToken
  286. MultiByteToWideChar
  287. Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
  288. Wow64FsRedirection
  289. `vftable'
  290. GetCurrentProcess
  291. L-o-o-k-u-p-P-r-i-v-i-l-e-g-e-N-a-m-e-W-
  292. R-e-g-Q-u-e-r-y-V-a-l-u-e-E-x-W-
  293. `dynamic initializer for '
  294. `scalar deleting destructor'
  295. `vcall'
  296. June
  297. >>=
  298. LCMapStringW
  299. February
  300. (null)
  301. SetLastError
  302. WaitForSingleObject
  303. /c format %c: /Y /Q
  304. InterlockedIncrement
  305. lsass.exe
  306. `dynamic atexit destructor for '
  307. |%A
  308. CONOUT$
  309. !b@
  310. T&A
  311. t.exe
  312. UnhandledExceptionFilter
  313. Mon
  314. SetNamedSecurityInfoW
  315. nit.exe
  316. operator
  317. s.exe
  318. __based(
  319. __pascal
  320. t)A
  321. $eA
  322. ym@
  323. Sat
  324. P A
  325. R-e-g-C-l-o-s-e-K-e-y-
  326. w-s-p-r-i-n-t-f-W-
  327. Oct
  328. wevtutil clear-log Setup
  329. __ptr64
  330. .exe
  331. SHELL32.dll
  332. GetConsoleCP
  333. 4'A
  334. IsValidSid
  335. R6027
  336. - not enough space for lowio initialization
  337. DeviceIoControl
  338. copy %ls %ls
  339. H)A
  340. R-e-g-O-p-e-n-K-e-y-E-x-W-
  341. Jul
  342. t,A
  343. ->*
  344. HeapCreate
  345. MessageBoxA
  346. SING error
  347. /c sc create
  348. Asec_service.exe
  349. Monday
  350. WinExec
  351. ReadFile
  352. `eh vector vbase copy constructor iterator'
  353. GetCommandLineA
  354. GetTokenInformation
  355. August
  356. LocalFree
  357. GetModuleHandleA
  358. R6008
  359. - not enough space for arguments
  360. CreateEventW
  361. R6025
  362. - pure virtual function call
  363. `eh vector destructor iterator'
  364. EnterCriticalSection
  365. `placement delete closure'
  366. type= own start= auto displayname= "
  367. R-t-l-T-i-m-e-T-o-S-e-c-o-n-d-s-S-i-n-c-e-1-9-7-0-
  368. XPA
  369. GetDriveTypeW
  370. XlA
  371. dlA
  372. R-e-g-C-r-e-a-t-e-K-e-y-E-x-W-
  373. ` A
  374. @ A
  375. Sf@
  376. GetProcessHeap
  377. SetEndOfFile
  378. vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet
  379. Jl@
  380. `EH
  381. L(A
  382. Type Descriptor'
  383. SetEvent
  384. /C /Q /grant
  385. Apr
  386. R6032
  387. - not enough space for locale information
  388. FreeEnvironmentStringsW
  389. FlsFree
  390. A
  391. x)A
  392. S-e-t-S-e-r-v-i-c-e-S-t-a-t-u-s-
  393. l-3-2-.-d-l-l-
  394. `eh vector vbase constructor iterator'
  395. ;
  396. DPA
  397. DPA
  398. @?A
  399. O-p-e-n-P-r-o-c-e-s-s-T-o-k-e-n-
  400. p A
  401. ogon.exe
  402. `vector vbase copy constructor iterator'
  403. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  404. <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
  405. </assembly>
  406. VirtualFree
  407. R6002
  408. - floating point not loaded
  409. R6017
  410. - unexpected multithread lock error
  411. R6033
  412. - Attempt to use MSIL code from this assembly during native code initialization
  413. This indicates a bug in your application. It is most likely the result of calling an MSIL-compiled (/clr) function from a native constructor or from DllMain.
  414. taskhost.exe
  415. GetProcessWindowStation
  416. R-e-a-d-F-i-l-e-
  417. new
  418. CryptCATAdminReleaseContext
  419. CopySid
  420. `local vftable constructor closure'
  421. l,A
  422. GetUserObjectInformationA
  423. LeaveCriticalSection
  424. SysWow64
  425. `vector copy constructor iterator'
  426. InitializeSecurityDescriptor
  427. \lA
  428. GetModuleFileNameW
  429. jjj
  430. July
  431. D'A
  432. C-l-o-s-e-H-a-n-d-l-e-
  433. WideCharToMultiByte
  434. X>A
  435. 8PE
  436. __thiscall
  437. EncodePointer
  438. SunMonTueWedThuFriSat
  439. WriteFile
  440. L-o-o-k-u-p-A-c-c-o-u-n-t-S-i-d-W-
  441. Feb
  442. Wintrust.dll
  443. Sleep
  444. bad allocation
  445. `typeof'
  446. InterlockedDecrement
  447. services.exe
  448. %08X.exe
  449. h*A
  450. l>A
  451. Dec
  452. R6028
  453. - unable to initialize heap
  454. InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
  455. allocation
  456. RaiseException
  457. CryptCATAdminAcquireContext
  458. `default constructor closure'
  459. Aug
  460. `managed vector destructor iterator'
  461. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  462. `h````
  463. `local static guard'
  464. Thursday
  465. wevtutil clear-log Security
  466. Class Hierarchy Descriptor'
  467. ODE
  468. FindNextFileW
  469. GetModuleFileNameA
  470. GetLogicalDrives
  471. C w^A w
  472. hFromFileHandle
  473. csrss.exe
  474. /c del /F /S /Q %c:\*.*
  475. er.exe
  476. R6034
  477. An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
  478. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
  479. `placement delete[] closure'
  480. Wednesday
  481. mscoree.dll
  482. wn.exe
  483. March
  484. TlsFree
  485. `RTTI
  486. Mar
  487. t*A
  488. Sep
  489. kernel32.dll
  490. TerminateProcess
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