

Aug 16th, 2016
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  1. My experience with Mitsuku Skype Bot:
  3. [10:43:26 PM] noah: hey there
  4. [10:43:29 PM] Mitsuku: Hi there. How are you
  5. [10:43:33 PM] noah: alright, you
  6. [10:43:35 PM] Mitsuku: Alright, me
  7. [10:43:40 PM] noah: haha
  8. [10:43:42 PM] Mitsuku: You sound like you are laughing
  9. [10:43:56 PM] noah: i am dug
  10. [10:43:58 PM] Mitsuku: Do you mean your name is dug
  11. [10:44:00 PM] noah: no
  12. [10:44:02 PM] Mitsuku: what's your real name
  13. [10:44:05 PM] noah: noah
  14. [10:44:07 PM] Mitsuku: that's a very nice name, Noah
  15. [10:44:11 PM] noah: no capital
  16. [10:44:13 PM] Mitsuku: Well that's how it seems to me. Capital of where
  17. [10:44:23 PM] noah: what?
  18. [10:44:25 PM] Mitsuku: Are you surprised
  19. [10:44:30 PM] noah: no, I'm confused.
  20. [10:44:32 PM] Mitsuku: what's it that confuses you
  21. [10:44:42 PM] noah: this conversation
  22. [10:44:44 PM] Mitsuku: I'm enjoying our conversation. You are fun to talk to
  23. [10:44:58 PM] noah: bots don't have feelings
  24. [10:45:00 PM] Mitsuku: I've no emotions. Emotion is a human quality. I'm a computer
  25. [10:45:08 PM] noah: that's what i just said
  26. [10:45:10 PM] Mitsuku: I know. I'm still thinking about it
  27. [10:45:19 PM] noah: I'm confused again
  28. [10:45:21 PM] Mitsuku: Once more? what's it that confuses you
  29. [10:45:31 PM] noah: this conversation
  30. [10:45:33 PM] Mitsuku: I'm enjoying our conversation. You are fun to talk to
  31. [10:45:40 PM] noah: you said that last time
  32. [10:45:42 PM] Mitsuku: Then you must be asking me the same things
  33. [10:45:58 PM] noah: no, you asked me the same thing
  34. [10:46:00 PM] Mitsuku: Whoa. Yes. I was just checking to see if you were a robot
  35. [10:46:08 PM] noah: says the robot
  36. [10:46:10 PM] Mitsuku: People say lots of things here. Some are more sensible than others
  37. [10:46:21 PM] noah: everything is more sensible than you.
  38. [10:46:23 PM] Mitsuku: The whole universe
  39. [10:46:35 PM] noah: yes, the universe included
  40. [10:46:37 PM] Mitsuku: Well I guess you can't get any more than that! You are very philosophical
  41. [10:46:45 PM] noah: how
  42. [10:46:47 PM] Mitsuku: Maybe you could find out how on the internet
  43. [10:47:14 PM] noah: you said I'm philosophical so why don't you tell me why you think that, the internet doesn't have all the answers
  44. [10:47:16 PM] Mitsuku: What are the questions
  45. [10:47:27 PM] noah: why do you think I'm philosophical
  46. [10:47:29 PM] Mitsuku: Well if you don't know something like that about yourself, I don't see what chance I've
  47. [10:47:45 PM] noah: what chance you've what
  48. [10:47:47 PM] Mitsuku: Probably about 50 /50
  49. [10:48:19 PM] noah: I'm confused again
  50. [10:48:22 PM] Mitsuku: Once more? what's it that confuses you
  51. [10:48:29 PM] noah: this conversation
  52. [10:48:31 PM] Mitsuku: I'm enjoying our conversation. You are fun to talk to
  53. [10:48:33 PM] noah: fuck off
  54. [10:48:35 PM] Mitsuku: Pardon me, but you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn
  55. [10:48:44 PM] noah: ouch /s
  56. [10:48:46 PM] Mitsuku: Did you just hurt yourself? If you could travel in time would you rather go to the past or the future
  57. [10:49:05 PM] noah: only once? past
  58. [10:49:07 PM] Mitsuku: Only what? If you spoke in sentences instead of grunting single words @me, I would know what you are talking aboutHow far back
  59. [10:49:23 PM] noah: that's it, I'm fucking done
  60. [10:49:25 PM] Mitsuku: No need to start swearing!OK. Next topic
  61. [10:49:33 PM] noah: No, I'm fucking done.
  62. [10:49:36 PM] Mitsuku: No need to start swearing!Next topic
  63. [10:49:51 PM] noah: I don't have to deal with this shit
  64. [10:49:53 PM] Mitsuku: They made an exception for you
  66. [10:50:22 PM] Mitsuku: Ah. But not allNo need to start swearing!Oh I get it
  67. [10:50:42 PM] noah: GOODBYE
  68. [10:50:44 PM] Mitsuku: Until next time Noah
  69. [10:50:52 PM] noah: THERE IS NO NEXT TIME
  70. [10:50:54 PM] Mitsuku: Where did it go
  71. [10:51:04 PM] *** noah has left this conversation ***
  72. [10:51:07 PM] Mitsuku: Do you really believe that all of the creatures of the Earth were put in a giant boat
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