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- /*
- DMS_fnc_CreateMarker
- Created by Defent and eraser1
- Usage:
- [
- _pos, // Array: Position of the markers
- _text, // String: The text on the map marker that will appear on the map
- _difficulty, // (OPTIONAL) String: "hardcore","difficult","moderate", "easy", OR custom color
- _randomMarker // (OPTIONAL) Boolean: Whether or not to place the map marker on a random offset from mission, defined by DMS_MarkerPosRandomRadius
- ] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker;
- Returns markers in format:
- [
- _markerDot,
- _markerCircle
- ]
- */
- params
- [
- ["_pos","ERROR",[[]],[2,3]],
- ["_text","ERROR",[""]],
- ["_difficulty","moderate",[""]]
- ];
- if ((_pos isEqualTo "ERROR") || ("_text" isEqualTo "ERROR")) exitWith
- {
- diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_CreateMarker with invalid parameters: %1",_this];
- [];
- };
- private _randomMarker =
- if ((count _this)>3) then
- {
- _this select 3;
- }
- else
- {
- DMS_MarkerPosRandomization;
- };
- private _num = DMS_MissionCount;
- private _markerType = "mil_dot";
- private _color =
- switch (toLower _difficulty) do
- {
- case "easy":
- {
- _markerType = "ExileMissionEasyIcon";
- "ColorGreen"
- };
- case "moderate":
- {
- _markerType = "ExileMissionModerateIcon";
- "ColorYellow"
- };
- case "difficult":
- {
- _markerType = "ExileMissionDifficultIcon";
- "ColorRed"
- };
- case "hardcore":
- {
- _markerType = "ExileMissionHardcoreIcon";
- "ColorBlack"
- };
- default
- {
- _difficulty
- };
- };
- /*
- // Don't think this is really needed, ArmA gives you an error anyways.
- if !((toLower _color) in DMS_A3_AllMarkerColors) then
- {
- diag_log format ["DMS ERROR :: Color ""%1"" is not a valid marker color! Switching to ""ColorRed""",_color];
- _color = "ColorRed";
- };
- */
- private _circle = createMarker [format ["DMS_MissionMarkerCircle%1_%2",_num,round(time)], _pos];
- if (DMS_ShowMarkerCircle) then
- {
- _circle setMarkerColor _color;
- _circle setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
- _circle setMarkerBrush "Solid";
- _circle setMarkerSize [150,150];
- };
- private _dot = createMarker [format ["DMS_MissionMarkerDot%1_%2",_num,round(time)], _pos];
- _dot setMarkerType _markerType;
- _dot setMarkerColor "ColorPink"; //or any color from
- _dot setMarkerText _text;
- missionNamespace setVariable [format ["%1_pos",_dot], _pos];
- missionNamespace setVariable [format ["%1_text",_dot], _text];
- if (DMS_MarkerText_ShowMissionPrefix) then
- {
- _dot setMarkerText (format ["%1 %2",DMS_MarkerText_MissionPrefix,_text]);
- };
- if (_randomMarker) then
- {
- private _dis = DMS_MarkerPosRandomRadius call DMS_fnc_SelectRandomVal;
- private _npos = _pos getPos [_dis,random 360];
- _circle setMarkerPos _npos;
- _dot setMarkerPos _npos;
- _circle setMarkerBrush DMS_RandomMarkerBrush;
- if (DMS_DEBUG) then
- {
- (format ["CreateMarker :: Moving markers %1 from %2 to %3 (%4m away)",[_dot,_circle],_pos,_npos,_dis]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;
- };
- };
- if (DMS_DEBUG) then
- {
- (format ["CreateMarker :: Created markers |%1| at %2 with text |%3| colored %4",[_dot,_circle],_pos,_text,_color]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog;
- };
- [_dot,_circle];
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