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- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- struct List
- {
- int data;
- List *next;
- };
- auto push(List** head_ref, int new_data) -> void {
- List* new_list = new List;
- new_list->data = new_data;
- new_list->next = (*head_ref);
- (*head_ref) = new_list;
- }
- auto push_at_end(List** head_ref, int new_data) -> void {
- List* new_list = new List;
- List *last = *head_ref;
- new_list->data = new_data;
- new_list->next = nullptr;
- if (*head_ref == nullptr)
- {
- *head_ref = new_list;
- return;
- }
- while (last->next != nullptr)
- last = last->next;
- last->next = new_list;
- return;
- }
- auto printList(List *list) -> void {
- while (list != nullptr)
- {
- cout << list->data << " ";
- list = list->next;
- }
- }
- // Задачката от Упражненията 7.1 -- Вариант с глобална променлива:
- // Изкарваш size_t count = 0 извън функцията и пак ще бачка хехе
- // Другото просто го местиш във main и тука пишеш auto count_of_elements(List *head, size_t &count) -> int и пак работи
- auto count_of_elements(List* head) -> int {
- size_t count = 0;
- List* current = head;
- while (current != nullptr)
- {
- count++;
- current = current->next;
- }
- return count;
- }
- auto max_element(List* head) -> int
- {
- // INT_MIN е -32767. Ползваме го за начална стойност на максималният елемент
- int max = INT_MIN;
- while (head != nullptr) {
- if (max < head->data)
- max = head->data;
- head = head->next;
- }
- return max;
- }
- auto most_occuring_element(List* head) -> int {
- List* p = head;
- int total_count = 0, max_count = 0, res = -1;
- while (p != nullptr) {
- int count = 1;
- List* q = p->next;
- while (q != nullptr) {
- if (p->data == q->data)
- count++;
- q = q->next;
- }
- if (count > max_count)
- {
- max_count = count;
- res = p->data;
- }
- p = p->next;
- total_count++;
- }
- if (max_count >= total_count / 2)
- return res;
- return -1; // Няма най-често срещан елемент, който да е над другите(тоест са по равно всичките)
- }
- auto delete_first(List **head_ref, List *del) -> void {
- if (*head_ref == nullptr || del == nullptr)
- return;
- if (*head_ref == del)
- *head_ref = del->next;
- delete del;
- return;
- }
- auto remove_duplicates(List *start) -> void {
- List *ptr1, *ptr2, *dup;
- ptr1 = start;
- while (ptr1 != nullptr && ptr1->next != nullptr)
- {
- ptr2 = ptr1;
- while (ptr2->next != nullptr)
- {
- if (ptr1->data == ptr2->next->data)
- {
- dup = ptr2->next;
- ptr2->next = ptr2->next->next;
- delete dup;
- }
- else
- ptr2 = ptr2->next;
- }
- ptr1 = ptr1->next;
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- List* list = nullptr;
- push_at_end(&list, 6);
- push(&list, 7);
- push(&list, 1);
- push_at_end(&list, 4);
- push(&list, 4);
- push(&list, 4);
- push_at_end(&list, 1);
- push(&list, 1);
- cout << "\nLinked list: ";
- printList(list);
- cout << "\n\nCount of elements: " << count_of_elements(list);
- cout << "\n\nMax element: " << max_element(list);
- if (most_occuring_element(list) != (-1))
- cout << "\n\nMost occuring element: " << most_occuring_element(list);
- else
- cout << "\n\nNo most occurring element!";
- cout << "\n\nLinked list without first element: ";
- delete_first(&list, list);
- printList(list);
- cout << "\n\nList with removed duplicates: ";
- remove_duplicates(list);
- printList(list);
- return 0;
- }
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