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- margin-top:15px;
- padding:0px 10px;
- overflow-y:auto;
- height:205px;
- text-align:justify;
- }
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- background:#eee;
- color:#222;
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- color:#222;
- border-bottom:2px solid #CDDBEA;
- }
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- padding:10px 0px;
- color:#222;
- border-bottom:2px solid #EBD0D0;
- }
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- left:0;
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- }
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- width:300px;
- height:auto;
- }
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- position:fixed;
- right:15px;
- bottom:5px;
- z-index:1;
- }
- #cake img{
- width:130px;
- height:auto;
- }
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- right: 10px;
- width:25px;
- height:25px;
- top: 5px;
- z-index: 100000;
- }
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- }
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- border: 1px solid #222;
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- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ea quo partem primis. Nam case doctus ei, dolore aliquid no mea. No has novum animal, mei id habeo quaeque offendit. Vis ea nobis lobortis, per omnium definitionem ne. Per id patrioque signiferumque, at esse erroribus quo.
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