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  1. Saturday 24th of March 2018 11:59:47 PM CDT
  3. AMONGUS.txt-----------------------------------------------------------
  5. I know there are articles among the first ammendents, that allow the
  6. United States to sue a state, should it amend it's common law, (esp. their
  7. bill of rights.) As the 2nd amendment, describes a right for individual
  8. states, not individual persons, I believe that the federal government
  9. could sue the states for negligence, esp. the negligence of the officers
  10. of the milita. WHY? Because of the 2nd ammendment!
  11. NO ONE has the right to be negligent -- IT's the LAW.
  13. What would they do?
  14. MANY things. the procurement of firearms
  15. There were many milita, you didn't choose the militia, the militia
  16. chose you! They choose, one did not get to choose the militia
  17. most convenient for oneself.
  18. AND it WASNT done with a ONE bloody post CARD! EITHER!
  21. If U consider that sometimes congress is spelled with an F,
  22. and why the 2nd ammendment is in the bill rights. It means
  23. it was deprived from us, somehow.
  24. To bare arms means to deprive arms, THE British did NOT allow
  25. the americans loyal to them this right, INSTEAD they used the
  26. HESSIANS and americans were slaughtered.
  28. SO, why did the states not maintain an ability to deprive
  29. someone of their ARMS, before they slaughter americans?
  30. Where's the person who should be held accountable, the individual
  31. militia officer. One can still have a sword in Virginia today.
  32. SO, if the one lost the means to have a firearm, esp. one of those
  33. early rifles, with the special rifled barrel, one could still defend
  34. themselves with a weapon, and know they have a right to use it. And, since
  35. the militia officer could procure your gun, before you paid the last
  36. payment to the gun smith, and so deprive you of it, it's good that
  37. we have the right in Virginia, and other rights, like shift-weapons
  38. in the home.
  40. WHY would the smith, handcraft a gun, hand make a gun for you.
  41. if you HATE AMERICA, HATED OBAMA, and still hate the goverment.
  42. Wouldn't he lose a lot of business? Especially, return business;
  43. the return customer.
  45. So, I believe they still can sue a state, to make it
  46. bring forth its militia's officers! SO, that WE THE PEOPLE
  47. should know both who we should blame and, who should be held
  48. accountable! EVEN today!
  50. DONT REPEAL THE 2nd. ammendment until you exercise this RIGHT!
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