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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # dtrx -- Intelligently extract various archive types.
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
- # option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- # with this program; if not, see <>.
- # Python 2.3 string methods: 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rstrip'
- import errno
- import fcntl
- import logging
- import mimetypes
- import optparse
- import os
- import re
- import shutil
- import signal
- import stat
- import string
- import struct
- import subprocess
- import sys
- import tempfile
- import termios
- import textwrap
- import traceback
- import urlparse
- try:
- set
- except NameError:
- from sets import Set as set
- VERSION = "7.1"
- VERSION_BANNER = """dtrx version %s
- Copyright © 2006-2011 Brett Smith <>
- Copyright © 2008 Peter Kelemen <>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Public License for more details.""" % (VERSION,)
- BOMB = 3
- EMPTY = 4
- ONE_ENTRY_FILE = 'file'
- ONE_ENTRY_DIRECTORY = 'directory'
- mimetypes.encodings_map.setdefault('.bz2', 'bzip2')
- mimetypes.encodings_map.setdefault('.lzma', 'lzma')
- mimetypes.encodings_map.setdefault('.xz', 'xz')
- mimetypes.encodings_map.setdefault('.lz', 'lzip')
- mimetypes.types_map.setdefault('.gem', 'application/x-ruby-gem')
- logger = logging.getLogger('dtrx-log')
- class FilenameChecker(object):
- free_func =
- free_args = (os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,)
- free_close = os.close
- def __init__(self, original_name):
- self.original_name = original_name
- def is_free(self, filename):
- try:
- result = self.free_func(filename, *self.free_args)
- except OSError, error:
- if error.errno == errno.EEXIST:
- return False
- raise
- if self.free_close:
- self.free_close(result)
- return True
- def create(self):
- fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=self.original_name + '.',
- dir='.')
- os.close(fd)
- return filename
- def check(self):
- for suffix in [''] + ['.%s' % (x,) for x in range(1, 10)]:
- filename = '%s%s' % (self.original_name, suffix)
- if self.is_free(filename):
- return filename
- return self.create()
- class DirectoryChecker(FilenameChecker):
- free_func = os.mkdir
- free_args = ()
- free_close = None
- def create(self):
- return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=self.original_name + '.', dir='.')
- class ExtractorError(Exception):
- pass
- class ExtractorUnusable(Exception):
- pass
- EXTRACTION_ERRORS = (ExtractorError, ExtractorUnusable, OSError, IOError)
- class BaseExtractor(object):
- decoders = {'bzip2': ['bzcat'], 'gzip': ['zcat'], 'compress': ['zcat'],
- 'lzma': ['lzcat'], 'xz': ['xzcat'], 'lzip': ['lzip', '-cd']}
- name_checker = DirectoryChecker
- def __init__(self, filename, encoding):
- if encoding and (not self.decoders.has_key(encoding)):
- raise ValueError("unrecognized encoding %s" % (encoding,))
- self.filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
- self.encoding = encoding
- self.file_count = 0
- self.included_archives = []
- = None
- self.content_type = None
- self.content_name = None
- self.pipes = []
- self.stderr = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
- self.exit_codes = []
- try:
- self.archive = open(filename, 'r')
- except (IOError, OSError), error:
- raise ExtractorError("could not open %s: %s" %
- (filename, error.strerror))
- if encoding:
- self.pipe(self.decoders[encoding], "decoding")
- self.prepare()
- def pipe(self, command, description="extraction"):
- self.pipes.append((command, description))
- def add_process(self, processes, command, stdin, stdout):
- try:
- processes.append(subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=stdin,
- stdout=stdout,
- stderr=self.stderr))
- except OSError, error:
- if error.errno == errno.ENOENT:
- raise ExtractorUnusable("could not run %s" % (command[0],))
- raise
- def run_pipes(self, final_stdout=None):
- if not self.pipes:
- return
- elif final_stdout is None:
- final_stdout = open('/dev/null', 'w')
- num_pipes = len(self.pipes)
- last_pipe = num_pipes - 1
- processes = []
- for index, command in enumerate([pipe[0] for pipe in self.pipes]):
- if index == 0:
- stdin = self.archive
- else:
- stdin = processes[-1].stdout
- if index == last_pipe:
- stdout = final_stdout
- else:
- stdout = subprocess.PIPE
- self.add_process(processes, command, stdin, stdout)
- self.exit_codes = [pipe.wait() for pipe in processes]
- self.archive.close()
- for index in range(last_pipe):
- processes[index].stdout.close()
- self.archive = final_stdout
- def prepare(self):
- pass
- def check_included_archives(self):
- if (self.content_name is None) or (not self.content_name.endswith('/')):
- self.included_root = './'
- else:
- self.included_root = self.content_name
- start_index = len(self.included_root)
- for path, dirname, filenames in os.walk(self.included_root):
- self.file_count += len(filenames)
- path = path[start_index:]
- for filename in filenames:
- if (ExtractorBuilder.try_by_mimetype(filename) or
- ExtractorBuilder.try_by_extension(filename)):
- self.included_archives.append(os.path.join(path, filename))
- def check_contents(self):
- if not self.contents:
- self.content_type = EMPTY
- elif len(self.contents) == 1:
- if self.basename() == self.contents[0]:
- self.content_type = MATCHING_DIRECTORY
- elif os.path.isdir(self.contents[0]):
- self.content_type = ONE_ENTRY_DIRECTORY
- else:
- self.content_type = ONE_ENTRY_FILE
- self.content_name = self.contents[0]
- if os.path.isdir(self.contents[0]):
- self.content_name += '/'
- else:
- self.content_type = BOMB
- self.check_included_archives()
- def basename(self):
- pieces = os.path.basename(self.filename).split('.')
- orig_len = len(pieces)
- extension = '.' + pieces[-1]
- # This is maybe a little more clever than it ought to be.
- # We're trying to be conservative about what remove, but also DTRT
- # in cases like .tar.gz, and also do something reasonable if we
- # encounter some completely off-the-wall extension. So that means:
- # 1. First remove any compression extension.
- # 2. Then remove any commonly known extension that remains.
- # 3. If neither of those did anything, remove anything that looks
- # like it's almost certainly an extension (less than 5 chars).
- if mimetypes.encodings_map.has_key(extension):
- pieces.pop()
- extension = '.' + pieces[-1]
- if (mimetypes.types_map.has_key(extension) or
- mimetypes.common_types.has_key(extension) or
- mimetypes.suffix_map.has_key(extension)):
- pieces.pop()
- if ((orig_len == len(pieces)) and
- (orig_len > 1) and (len(pieces[-1]) < 5)):
- pieces.pop()
- return '.'.join(pieces)
- def get_stderr(self):
-, 0)
- errors =
- self.stderr.close()
- return errors
- def is_fatal_error(self, status):
- return False
- def first_bad_exit_code(self):
- for index, code in enumerate(self.exit_codes):
- if code > 0:
- return index, code
- return None, None
- def check_success(self, got_files):
- error_index, error_code = self.first_bad_exit_code()
- logger.debug("success results: %s %s %s" % (got_files, error_index,
- self.exit_codes))
- if (self.is_fatal_error(error_code) or
- ((not got_files) and (error_code is not None))):
- command = ' '.join(self.pipes[error_index][0])
- raise ExtractorError("%s error: '%s' returned status code %s" %
- (self.pipes[error_index][1], command,
- error_code))
- def extract_archive(self):
- self.pipe(self.extract_pipe)
- self.run_pipes()
- def extract(self):
- try:
- = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='.dtrx-', dir='.')
- except (OSError, IOError), error:
- raise ExtractorError("cannot extract here: %s" % (error.strerror,))
- old_path = os.path.realpath(os.curdir)
- os.chdir(
- try:
-, 0)
- self.extract_archive()
- self.contents = os.listdir('.')
- self.check_contents()
- self.check_success(self.content_type != EMPTY)
- self.archive.close()
- os.chdir(old_path)
- shutil.rmtree(, ignore_errors=True)
- raise
- self.archive.close()
- os.chdir(old_path)
- def get_filenames(self, internal=False):
- if not internal:
- self.pipe(self.list_pipe, "listing")
- processes = []
- stdin = self.archive
- for command in [pipe[0] for pipe in self.pipes]:
- self.add_process(processes, command, stdin, subprocess.PIPE)
- stdin = processes[-1].stdout
- get_output_line = processes[-1].stdout.readline
- while True:
- line = get_output_line()
- if not line:
- break
- yield line.rstrip('\n')
- self.exit_codes = [pipe.wait() for pipe in processes]
- self.archive.close()
- for process in processes:
- process.stdout.close()
- self.check_success(False)
- class CompressionExtractor(BaseExtractor):
- file_type = 'compressed file'
- name_checker = FilenameChecker
- def basename(self):
- pieces = os.path.basename(self.filename).split('.')
- extension = '.' + pieces[-1]
- if mimetypes.encodings_map.has_key(extension):
- pieces.pop()
- return '.'.join(pieces)
- def get_filenames(self):
- # This code used to just immediately yield the basename, under the
- # assumption that that would be the filename. However, if that
- # happens, dtrx -l will report this as a valid result for files with
- # compression extensions, even if those files shouldn't actually be
- # handled this way. So, we call out to the file command to do a quick
- # check and make sure this actually looks like a compressed file.
- if 'compress' not in [match[0] for match in
- ExtractorBuilder.try_by_magic(self.filename)]:
- raise ExtractorError("doesn't look like a compressed file")
- yield self.basename()
- def extract(self):
- self.content_type = ONE_ENTRY_KNOWN
- self.content_name = self.basename()
- self.contents = None
- self.file_count = 1
- self.included_root = './'
- try:
- output_fd, = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='.dtrx-', dir='.')
- except (OSError, IOError), error:
- raise ExtractorError("cannot extract here: %s" % (error.strerror,))
- self.run_pipes(output_fd)
- os.close(output_fd)
- try:
- self.check_success(os.stat([stat.ST_SIZE] > 0)
- os.unlink(
- raise
- class TarExtractor(BaseExtractor):
- file_type = 'tar file'
- extract_pipe = ['tar', '-x']
- list_pipe = ['tar', '-t']
- class CpioExtractor(BaseExtractor):
- file_type = 'cpio file'
- extract_pipe = ['cpio', '-i', '--make-directories', '--quiet',
- '--no-absolute-filenames']
- list_pipe = ['cpio', '-t', '--quiet']
- class RPMExtractor(CpioExtractor):
- file_type = 'RPM'
- def prepare(self):
- self.pipe(['rpm2cpio', '-'], "rpm2cpio")
- def basename(self):
- pieces = os.path.basename(self.filename).split('.')
- if len(pieces) == 1:
- return pieces[0]
- elif pieces[-1] != 'rpm':
- return BaseExtractor.basename(self)
- pieces.pop()
- if len(pieces) == 1:
- return pieces[0]
- elif len(pieces[-1]) < 8:
- pieces.pop()
- return '.'.join(pieces)
- def check_contents(self):
- self.check_included_archives()
- self.content_type = BOMB
- class DebExtractor(TarExtractor):
- file_type = 'Debian package'
- data_re = re.compile(r'^data\.tar\.[a-z0-9]+$')
- def prepare(self):
- self.pipe(['ar', 't', self.filename], "finding package data file")
- for filename in self.get_filenames(internal=True):
- if self.data_re.match(filename):
- data_filename = filename
- break
- else:
- raise ExtractorError(".deb contains no data.tar file")
-, 0)
- self.pipes.pop()
- # self.pipes = start_pipes
- encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(data_filename)[1]
- if not encoding:
- raise ExtractorError("data.tar file has unrecognized encoding")
- self.pipe(['ar', 'p', self.filename, data_filename],
- "extracting data.tar from .deb")
- self.pipe(self.decoders[encoding], "decoding data.tar")
- def basename(self):
- pieces = os.path.basename(self.filename).split('_')
- if len(pieces) == 1:
- return pieces[0]
- last_piece = pieces.pop()
- if (len(last_piece) > 10) or (not last_piece.endswith('.deb')):
- return BaseExtractor.basename(self)
- return '_'.join(pieces)
- def check_contents(self):
- self.check_included_archives()
- self.content_type = BOMB
- class DebMetadataExtractor(DebExtractor):
- def prepare(self):
- self.pipe(['ar', 'p', self.filename, 'control.tar.gz'],
- "control.tar.gz extraction")
- self.pipe(['zcat'], "control.tar.gz decompression")
- class GemExtractor(TarExtractor):
- file_type = 'Ruby gem'
- def prepare(self):
- self.pipe(['tar', '-xO', 'data.tar.gz'], "data.tar.gz extraction")
- self.pipe(['zcat'], "data.tar.gz decompression")
- def check_contents(self):
- self.check_included_archives()
- self.content_type = BOMB
- class GemMetadataExtractor(CompressionExtractor):
- file_type = 'Ruby gem'
- def prepare(self):
- self.pipe(['tar', '-xO', 'metadata.gz'], "metadata.gz extraction")
- self.pipe(['zcat'], "metadata.gz decompression")
- def basename(self):
- return os.path.basename(self.filename) + '-metadata.txt'
- class NoPipeExtractor(BaseExtractor):
- # Some extraction tools won't accept the archive from stdin. With
- # these, the piping infrastructure we normally set up generally doesn't
- # work, at least at first. We can still use most of it; we just don't
- # want to seed self.archive with the archive file, since that sucks up
- # memory. So instead we seed it with /dev/null, and specify the
- # filename on the command line as necessary. We also open the actual
- # file with, to make sure we can actually do it (permissions
- # are good, etc.). This class doesn't do anything by itself; it's just
- # meant to be a base class for extractors that rely on these dumb
- # tools.
- def __init__(self, filename, encoding):
- os.close(, os.O_RDONLY))
- BaseExtractor.__init__(self, '/dev/null', None)
- self.filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
- def extract_archive(self):
- self.extract_pipe = self.extract_command + [self.filename]
- BaseExtractor.extract_archive(self)
- def get_filenames(self):
- self.list_pipe = self.list_command + [self.filename]
- return BaseExtractor.get_filenames(self)
- class ZipExtractor(NoPipeExtractor):
- file_type = 'Zip file'
- extract_command = ['unzip', '-q']
- list_command = ['zipinfo', '-1']
- def is_fatal_error(self, status):
- return status > 1
- class LZHExtractor(ZipExtractor):
- file_type = 'LZH file'
- extract_command = ['lha', 'xq']
- list_command = ['lha', 'l']
- def border_line_file_index(self, line):
- last_space_index = None
- for index, char in enumerate(line):
- if char == ' ':
- last_space_index = index
- elif char != '-':
- return None
- if last_space_index is None:
- return None
- return last_space_index + 1
- def get_filenames(self):
- filenames = NoPipeExtractor.get_filenames(self)
- for line in filenames:
- fn_index = self.border_line_file_index(line)
- if fn_index is not None:
- break
- for line in filenames:
- if self.border_line_file_index(line):
- break
- else:
- yield line[fn_index:]
- self.archive.close()
- class SevenExtractor(NoPipeExtractor):
- file_type = '7z file'
- extract_command = ['7z', 'x']
- list_command = ['7z', 'l']
- border_re = re.compile('^[- ]+$')
- def get_filenames(self):
- fn_index = None
- for line in NoPipeExtractor.get_filenames(self):
- if self.border_re.match(line):
- if fn_index is not None:
- break
- else:
- fn_index = string.rindex(line, ' ') + 1
- elif fn_index is not None:
- yield line[fn_index:]
- self.archive.close()
- class CABExtractor(NoPipeExtractor):
- file_type = 'CAB archive'
- extract_command = ['cabextract', '-q']
- list_command = ['cabextract', '-l']
- border_re = re.compile(r'^[-\+]+$')
- def get_filenames(self):
- fn_index = None
- filenames = NoPipeExtractor.get_filenames(self)
- for line in filenames:
- if self.border_re.match(line):
- break
- for line in filenames:
- try:
- yield line.split(' | ', 2)[2]
- except IndexError:
- break
- self.archive.close()
- class ShieldExtractor(NoPipeExtractor):
- file_type = 'InstallShield archive'
- extract_command = ['unshield', 'x']
- list_command = ['unshield', 'l']
- prefix_re = re.compile(r'^\s+\d+\s+')
- end_re = re.compile(r'^\s+-+\s+-+\s*$')
- def get_filenames(self):
- for line in NoPipeExtractor.get_filenames(self):
- if self.end_re.match(line):
- break
- else:
- match = self.prefix_re.match(line)
- if match:
- yield line[match.end():]
- self.archive.close()
- def basename(self):
- result = NoPipeExtractor.basename(self)
- if result.endswith('.hdr'):
- result = result[:-4]
- return result
- class RarExtractor(NoPipeExtractor):
- file_type = 'RAR archive'
- extract_command = ['unrar', 'x']
- list_command = ['unrar', 'l']
- border_re = re.compile('^-+$')
- def get_filenames(self):
- inside = False
- for line in NoPipeExtractor.get_filenames(self):
- if self.border_re.match(line):
- if inside:
- break
- else:
- inside = True
- elif inside:
- yield line.split(' ')[1]
- self.archive.close()
- class BaseHandler(object):
- def __init__(self, extractor, options):
- self.extractor = extractor
- self.options = options
- = None
- def handle(self):
- command = 'find'
- status =['find',, '-type', 'd',
- '-exec', 'chmod', 'u+rwx', '{}', ';'])
- if status == 0:
- command = 'chmod'
- status =['chmod', '-R', 'u+rwX',
- if status != 0:
- return "%s returned with exit status %s" % (command, status)
- return self.organize()
- def set_target(self, target, checker):
- = checker(target).check()
- if != target:
- logger.warning("extracting %s to %s" %
- (self.extractor.filename,
- # The "where to extract" table, with options and archive types.
- # This dictates the contents of each can_handle method.
- #
- # Flat Overwrite None
- # File basename basename FilenameChecked
- # Match . . tempdir + checked
- # Bomb . basename DirectoryChecked
- class FlatHandler(BaseHandler):
- def can_handle(contents, options):
- return ((options.flat and (contents != ONE_ENTRY_KNOWN)) or
- (options.overwrite and (contents == MATCHING_DIRECTORY)))
- can_handle = staticmethod(can_handle)
- def organize(self):
- = '.'
- for curdir, dirs, filenames in os.walk(,
- topdown=False):
- path_parts = curdir.split(os.sep)
- if path_parts[0] == '.':
- del path_parts[1]
- else:
- del path_parts[0]
- newdir = os.path.join(*path_parts)
- if not os.path.isdir(newdir):
- os.makedirs(newdir)
- for filename in filenames:
- os.rename(os.path.join(curdir, filename),
- os.path.join(newdir, filename))
- os.rmdir(curdir)
- class OverwriteHandler(BaseHandler):
- def can_handle(contents, options):
- return ((options.flat and (contents == ONE_ENTRY_KNOWN)) or
- (options.overwrite and (contents != MATCHING_DIRECTORY)))
- can_handle = staticmethod(can_handle)
- def organize(self):
- = self.extractor.basename()
- if os.path.isdir(
- shutil.rmtree(
- os.rename(,
- class MatchHandler(BaseHandler):
- def can_handle(contents, options):
- return ((contents == MATCHING_DIRECTORY) or
- ((contents in ONE_ENTRY_UNKNOWN) and
- options.one_entry_policy.ok_for_match()))
- can_handle = staticmethod(can_handle)
- def organize(self):
- source = os.path.join(,
- os.listdir([0])
- if os.path.isdir(source):
- checker = DirectoryChecker
- else:
- checker = FilenameChecker
- if self.options.one_entry_policy == EXTRACT_HERE:
- destination = self.extractor.content_name.rstrip('/')
- else:
- destination = self.extractor.basename()
- self.set_target(destination, checker)
- if os.path.isdir(
- os.rename(source,
- os.rmdir(
- else:
- os.rename(,
- self.extractor.included_root = './'
- class EmptyHandler(object):
- target = ''
- def can_handle(contents, options):
- return contents == EMPTY
- can_handle = staticmethod(can_handle)
- def __init__(self, extractor, options):
- os.rmdir(
- def handle(self): pass
- class BombHandler(BaseHandler):
- def can_handle(contents, options):
- return True
- can_handle = staticmethod(can_handle)
- def organize(self):
- basename = self.extractor.basename()
- self.set_target(basename, self.extractor.name_checker)
- os.rename(,
- class BasePolicy(object):
- try:
- size = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCGWINSZ,
- struct.pack("HHHH", 0, 0, 0, 0))
- width = struct.unpack("HHHH", size)[1]
- except IOError:
- width = 80
- width = width - 1
- choice_wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=width, initial_indent=' * ',
- subsequent_indent=' ',
- break_long_words=False)
- def __init__(self, options):
- self.current_policy = None
- if options.batch:
- self.permanent_policy = self.answers['']
- else:
- self.permanent_policy = None
- def ask_question(self, question):
- question = question + ["You can:"]
- for choice in self.choices:
- question.extend(self.choice_wrapper.wrap(choice))
- while True:
- print "\n".join(question)
- try:
- answer = raw_input(self.prompt)
- except EOFError:
- return self.answers['']
- try:
- return self.answers[answer.lower()]
- except KeyError:
- print
- def wrap(self, question, *args):
- words = question.split()
- for arg in args:
- words[words.index('%s')] = arg
- result = [words.pop(0)]
- for word in words:
- extend = '%s %s' % (result[-1], word)
- if len(extend) > self.width:
- result.append(word)
- else:
- result[-1] = extend
- return result
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- return cmp(self.current_policy, other)
- class OneEntryPolicy(BasePolicy):
- answers = {'h': EXTRACT_HERE, 'i': EXTRACT_WRAP, 'r': EXTRACT_RENAME,
- choice_template = ["extract the %s _I_nside a new directory named %s",
- "extract the %s and _R_ename it %s",
- "extract the %s _H_ere"]
- prompt = "What do you want to do? (I/r/h) "
- def __init__(self, options):
- BasePolicy.__init__(self, options)
- if options.flat:
- default = 'h'
- elif options.one_entry_default is not None:
- default = options.one_entry_default.lower()
- else:
- return
- if 'here'.startswith(default):
- self.permanent_policy = EXTRACT_HERE
- elif 'rename'.startswith(default):
- self.permanent_policy = EXTRACT_RENAME
- elif 'inside'.startswith(default):
- self.permanent_policy = EXTRACT_WRAP
- elif default is not None:
- raise ValueError("bad value %s for default policy" % (default,))
- def prep(self, archive_filename, extractor):
- question = self.wrap(
- "%s contains one %s but its name doesn't match.",
- archive_filename, extractor.content_type)
- question.append(" Expected: " + extractor.basename())
- question.append(" Actual: " + extractor.content_name)
- choice_vars = (extractor.content_type, extractor.basename())
- self.choices = [text % choice_vars[:text.count('%s')]
- for text in self.choice_template]
- self.current_policy = (self.permanent_policy or
- self.ask_question(question))
- def ok_for_match(self):
- return self.current_policy in (EXTRACT_RENAME, EXTRACT_HERE)
- class RecursionPolicy(BasePolicy):
- answers = {'o': RECURSE_ONCE, 'a': RECURSE_ALWAYS, 'n': RECURSE_NOT_NOW,
- choices = ["_A_lways extract included archives during this session",
- "extract included archives this _O_nce",
- "choose _N_ot to extract included archives this once",
- "ne_V_er extract included archives during this session",
- "_L_ist included archives"]
- prompt = "What do you want to do? (a/o/N/v/l) "
- def __init__(self, options):
- BasePolicy.__init__(self, options)
- if options.show_list:
- self.permanent_policy = RECURSE_NEVER
- elif options.recursive:
- self.permanent_policy = RECURSE_ALWAYS
- def prep(self, current_filename, target, extractor):
- archive_count = len(extractor.included_archives)
- if ((self.permanent_policy is not None) or
- ((archive_count * 10) <= extractor.file_count)):
- self.current_policy = self.permanent_policy or RECURSE_NOT_NOW
- return
- question = self.wrap(
- "%s contains %s other archive file(s), out of %s file(s) total.",
- current_filename, archive_count, extractor.file_count)
- if target == '.':
- target = ''
- included_root = extractor.included_root
- if included_root == './':
- included_root = ''
- while True:
- self.current_policy = self.ask_question(question)
- if self.current_policy != RECURSE_LIST:
- break
- print ("\n%s\n" %
- '\n'.join([os.path.join(target, included_root, filename)
- for filename in extractor.included_archives]))
- if self.current_policy in (RECURSE_ALWAYS, RECURSE_NEVER):
- self.permanent_policy = self.current_policy
- def ok_to_recurse(self):
- return self.current_policy in (RECURSE_ALWAYS, RECURSE_ONCE)
- class ExtractorBuilder(object):
- extractor_map = {'tar': {'extractors': (TarExtractor,),
- 'mimetypes': ('x-tar',),
- 'extensions': ('tar',),
- 'magic': ('POSIX tar archive',)},
- 'zip': {'extractors': (ZipExtractor, SevenExtractor),
- 'mimetypes': ('zip',),
- 'extensions': ('zip',),
- 'magic': ('(Zip|ZIP self-extracting) archive',)},
- 'lzh': {'extractors': (LZHExtractor,),
- 'mimetypes': ('x-lzh', 'x-lzh-compressed'),
- 'extensions': ('lzh', 'lha'),
- 'magic': ('LHa [\d\.\?]+ archive',)},
- 'rpm': {'extractors': (RPMExtractor,),
- 'mimetypes': ('x-redhat-package-manager', 'x-rpm'),
- 'extensions': ('rpm',),
- 'magic': ('RPM',)},
- 'deb': {'extractors': (DebExtractor,),
- 'metadata': (DebMetadataExtractor,),
- 'mimetypes': ('x-debian-package',),
- 'extensions': ('deb',),
- 'magic': ('Debian binary package',)},
- 'cpio': {'extractors': (CpioExtractor,),
- 'mimetypes': ('x-cpio',),
- 'extensions': ('cpio',),
- 'magic': ('cpio archive',)},
- 'gem': {'extractors': (GemExtractor,),
- 'metadata': (GemMetadataExtractor,),
- 'mimetypes': ('x-ruby-gem',),
- 'extensions': ('gem',)},
- '7z': {'extractors': (SevenExtractor,),
- 'mimetypes': ('x-7z-compressed',),
- 'extensions': ('7z',),
- 'magic': ('7-zip archive',)},
- 'cab': {'extractors': (CABExtractor,),
- 'mimetypes': ('x-cab',),
- 'extensions': ('cab',),
- 'magic': ('Microsoft Cabinet Archive',)},
- 'rar': {'extractors': (RarExtractor,),
- 'mimetypes': ('rar',),
- 'extensions': ('rar',),
- 'magic': ('RAR archive',)},
- 'shield': {'extractors': (ShieldExtractor,),
- 'mimetypes': ('x-cab',),
- 'extensions': ('cab', 'hdr'),
- 'magic': ('InstallShield CAB',)},
- 'msi': {'extractors': (SevenExtractor,),
- 'mimetypes': ('x-msi', 'x-ole-storage'),
- 'extensions': ('msi',),
- 'magic': ('Application: Windows Installer',)},
- 'compress': {'extractors': (CompressionExtractor,)}
- }
- mimetype_map = {}
- magic_mime_map = {}
- extension_map = {}
- for ext_name, ext_info in extractor_map.items():
- for mimetype in ext_info.get('mimetypes', ()):
- if '/' not in mimetype:
- mimetype = 'application/' + mimetype
- mimetype_map[mimetype] = ext_name
- for magic_re in ext_info.get('magic', ()):
- magic_mime_map[re.compile(magic_re)] = ext_name
- for extension in ext_info.get('extensions', ()):
- extension_map.setdefault(extension, []).append((ext_name, None))
- for mapping in (('tar', 'bzip2', 'tar.bz2', 'tbz2', 'tb2', 'tbz'),
- ('tar', 'gzip', 'tar.gz', 'tgz'),
- ('tar', 'lzma', 'tar.lzma', 'tlz'),
- ('tar', 'xz', 'tar.xz'),
- ('tar', 'lz', 'tar.lz'),
- ('tar', 'compress', 'tar.Z', 'taz'),
- ('compress', 'gzip', 'Z', 'gz'),
- ('compress', 'bzip2', 'bz2'),
- ('compress', 'lzma', 'lzma'),
- ('compress', 'xz', 'xz')):
- for extension in mapping[2:]:
- extension_map.setdefault(extension, []).append(mapping[:2])
- magic_encoding_map = {}
- for mapping in (('bzip2', 'bzip2 compressed'),
- ('gzip', 'gzip compressed'),
- ('lzma', 'LZMA compressed'),
- ('lzip', 'lzip compressed'),
- ('xz', 'xz compressed')):
- for pattern in mapping[1:]:
- magic_encoding_map[re.compile(pattern)] = mapping[0]
- def __init__(self, filename, options):
- self.filename = filename
- self.options = options
- def build_extractor(self, archive_type, encoding):
- type_info = self.extractor_map[archive_type]
- if self.options.metadata and type_info.has_key('metadata'):
- extractors = type_info['metadata']
- else:
- extractors = type_info['extractors']
- for extractor in extractors:
- yield extractor(self.filename, encoding)
- def get_extractor(self):
- tried_types = set()
- # As smart as it is, the magic test can't go first, because at least
- # on my system it just recognizes gem files as tar files. I guess
- # it's possible for the opposite problem to occur -- where the mimetype
- # or extension suggests something less than ideal -- but it seems less
- # likely so I'm sticking with this.
- for func_name in ('mimetype', 'extension', 'magic'):
- logger.debug("getting extractors by %s" % (func_name,))
- extractor_types = \
- getattr(self, 'try_by_' + func_name)(self.filename)
- logger.debug("done getting extractors")
- for ext_args in extractor_types:
- if ext_args in tried_types:
- continue
- tried_types.add(ext_args)
- logger.debug("trying %s extractor from %s" %
- (ext_args, func_name))
- for extractor in self.build_extractor(*ext_args):
- yield extractor
- def try_by_mimetype(cls, filename):
- mimetype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
- try:
- return [(cls.mimetype_map[mimetype], encoding)]
- except KeyError:
- if encoding:
- return [('compress', encoding)]
- return []
- try_by_mimetype = classmethod(try_by_mimetype)
- def magic_map_matches(cls, output, magic_map):
- return [result for regexp, result in magic_map.items()
- if]
- magic_map_matches = classmethod(magic_map_matches)
- def try_by_magic(cls, filename):
- process = subprocess.Popen(['file', '-z', filename],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- status = process.wait()
- if status != 0:
- return []
- output = process.stdout.readline()
- process.stdout.close()
- if output.startswith('%s: ' % filename):
- output = output[len(filename) + 2:]
- mimes = cls.magic_map_matches(output, cls.magic_mime_map)
- encodings = cls.magic_map_matches(output, cls.magic_encoding_map)
- if mimes and not encodings:
- encodings = [None]
- elif encodings and not mimes:
- mimes = ['compress']
- return [(m, e) for m in mimes for e in encodings]
- try_by_magic = classmethod(try_by_magic)
- def try_by_extension(cls, filename):
- parts = filename.split('.')[-2:]
- results = []
- while parts:
- results.extend(cls.extension_map.get('.'.join(parts), []))
- del parts[0]
- return results
- try_by_extension = classmethod(try_by_extension)
- class BaseAction(object):
- def __init__(self, options, filenames):
- self.options = options
- self.filenames = filenames
- = None
- self.do_print = False
- def report(self, function, *args):
- try:
- error = function(*args)
- except EXTRACTION_ERRORS, exception:
- error = str(exception)
- logger.debug(''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))
- return error
- def show_filename(self, filename):
- if len(self.filenames) < 2:
- return
- elif self.do_print:
- print
- else:
- self.do_print = True
- print "%s:" % (filename,)
- class ExtractionAction(BaseAction):
- handlers = [FlatHandler, OverwriteHandler, MatchHandler, EmptyHandler,
- BombHandler]
- def get_handler(self, extractor):
- if extractor.content_type in ONE_ENTRY_UNKNOWN:
- self.options.one_entry_policy.prep(self.current_filename,
- extractor)
- for handler in self.handlers:
- if handler.can_handle(extractor.content_type, self.options):
- logger.debug("using %s handler" % (handler.__name__,))
- self.current_handler = handler(extractor, self.options)
- break
- def show_extraction(self, extractor):
- if self.options.log_level > logging.INFO:
- return
- self.show_filename(self.current_filename)
- if extractor.contents is None:
- print
- return
- def reverser(x, y):
- return cmp(y, x)
- if == '.':
- filenames = extractor.contents
- filenames.sort(reverser)
- else:
- filenames = []
- pathjoin = os.path.join
- isdir = os.path.isdir
- while filenames:
- filename = filenames.pop()
- if isdir(filename):
- print "%s/" % (filename,)
- new_filenames = os.listdir(filename)
- new_filenames.sort(reverser)
- filenames.extend([pathjoin(filename, new_filename)
- for new_filename in new_filenames])
- else:
- print filename
- def run(self, filename, extractor):
- self.current_filename = filename
- error = ( or
-, extractor) or
- or
-, extractor))
- if not error:
- =
- return error
- class ListAction(BaseAction):
- def list_filenames(self, extractor, filename):
- # We get a line first to make sure there's not going to be some
- # basic error before we show what filename we're listing.
- filename_lister = extractor.get_filenames()
- try:
- first_line =
- except StopIteration:
- self.show_filename(filename)
- else:
- self.did_list = True
- self.show_filename(filename)
- print first_line
- for line in filename_lister:
- print line
- def run(self, filename, extractor):
- self.did_list = False
- error =, extractor, filename)
- if error and self.did_list:
- logger.error("lister failed: ignore above listing for %s" %
- (filename,))
- return error
- class ExtractorApplication(object):
- def __init__(self, arguments):
- for signal_num in (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM):
- signal.signal(signal_num, self.abort)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
- self.parse_options(arguments)
- self.setup_logger()
- self.successes = []
- self.failures = []
- def clean_destination(self, dest_name):
- try:
- os.unlink(dest_name)
- except OSError, error:
- if error.errno == errno.EISDIR:
- shutil.rmtree(dest_name, ignore_errors=True)
- def abort(self, signal_num, frame):
- signal.signal(signal_num, signal.SIG_IGN)
- print
- logger.debug("traceback:\n" +
- ''.join(traceback.format_stack(frame)).rstrip())
- logger.debug("got signal %s" % (signal_num,))
- try:
- basename =
- except AttributeError:
- basename = None
- if basename is not None:
- logger.debug("cleaning up %s" % (basename,))
- clean_targets = set([os.path.realpath('.')])
- if hasattr(self, 'current_directory'):
- clean_targets.add(os.path.realpath(self.current_directory))
- for directory in clean_targets:
- self.clean_destination(os.path.join(directory, basename))
- sys.exit(1)
- def parse_options(self, arguments):
- parser = optparse.OptionParser(
- usage="%prog [options] archive [archive2 ...]",
- description="Intelligent archive extractor",
- )
- parser.add_option('-l', '-t', '--list', '--table', dest='show_list',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help="list contents of archives on standard output")
- parser.add_option('-m', '--metadata', dest='metadata',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help="extract metadata from a .deb/.gem")
- parser.add_option('-r', '--recursive', dest='recursive',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help="extract archives contained in the ones listed")
- parser.add_option('--one', '--one-entry', dest='one_entry_default',
- default=None,
- help=("specify extraction policy for one-entry " +
- "archives: inside/rename/here"))
- parser.add_option('-n', '--noninteractive', dest='batch',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help="don't ask how to handle special cases")
- parser.add_option('-o', '--overwrite', dest='overwrite',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help="overwrite any existing target output")
- parser.add_option('-f', '--flat', '--no-directory', dest='flat',
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help="extract everything to the current directory")
- parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose',
- action='count', default=0,
- help="be verbose/print debugging information")
- parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet',
- action='count', default=3,
- help="suppress warning/error messages")
- self.options, filenames = parser.parse_args(arguments)
- if not filenames:
- parser.error("you did not list any archives")
- # This makes WARNING is the default.
- self.options.log_level = (10 * (self.options.quiet -
- self.options.verbose))
- try:
- self.options.one_entry_policy = OneEntryPolicy(self.options)
- except ValueError:
- parser.error("invalid value for --one-entry option")
- self.options.recursion_policy = RecursionPolicy(self.options)
- self.archives = {os.path.realpath(os.curdir): filenames}
- def setup_logger(self):
- logging.getLogger().setLevel(self.options.log_level)
- handler = logging.StreamHandler()
- handler.setLevel(self.options.log_level)
- formatter = logging.Formatter("dtrx: %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
- handler.setFormatter(formatter)
- logger.addHandler(handler)
- logger.debug("logger is set up")
- def recurse(self, filename, extractor, action):
- self.options.recursion_policy.prep(filename,, extractor)
- if self.options.recursion_policy.ok_to_recurse():
- for filename in extractor.included_archives:
- logger.debug("recursing with %s archive" %
- (extractor.content_type,))
- tail_path, basename = os.path.split(filename)
- path_args = [self.current_directory, extractor.included_root,
- tail_path]
- logger.debug("included root: %s" % (extractor.included_root,))
- logger.debug("tail path: %s" % (tail_path,))
- if os.path.isdir(
- logger.debug("action target: %s" % (,))
- path_args.insert(1,
- directory = os.path.join(*path_args)
- self.archives.setdefault(directory, []).append(basename)
- def check_file(self, filename):
- try:
- result = os.stat(filename)
- except OSError, error:
- return error.strerror
- if stat.S_ISDIR(result.st_mode):
- return "cannot work with a directory"
- def show_stderr(self, logger_func, stderr):
- if stderr:
- logger_func("Error output from this process:\n" +
- stderr.rstrip('\n'))
- def try_extractors(self, filename, builder):
- errors = []
- for extractor in builder:
- self.current_extractor = extractor # For the abort() method.
- error =, extractor)
- if error:
- errors.append((extractor.file_type, extractor.encoding, error,
- extractor.get_stderr()))
- if is not None:
- self.clean_destination(
- else:
- self.show_stderr(logger.warn, extractor.get_stderr())
- self.recurse(filename, extractor, self.action)
- return
- logger.error("could not handle %s" % (filename,))
- if not errors:
- logger.error("not a known archive type")
- return True
- for file_type, encoding, error, stderr in errors:
- message = ["treating as", file_type, "failed:", error]
- if encoding:
- message.insert(1, "%s-encoded" % (encoding,))
- logger.error(' '.join(message))
- self.show_stderr(logger.error, stderr)
- return True
- def download(self, filename):
- url = filename.lower()
- for protocol in 'http', 'https', 'ftp':
- if url.startswith(protocol + '://'):
- break
- else:
- return filename, None
- # FIXME: This can fail if there's already a file in the directory
- # that matches the basename of the URL.
- status =['wget', '-c', filename],
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- if status != 0:
- return None, "wget returned status code %s" % (status,)
- return os.path.basename(urlparse.urlparse(filename)[2]), None
- def run(self):
- if self.options.show_list:
- action = ListAction
- else:
- action = ExtractionAction
- self.action = action(self.options, self.archives.values()[0])
- while self.archives:
- self.current_directory, self.filenames = self.archives.popitem()
- os.chdir(self.current_directory)
- for filename in self.filenames:
- filename, error =
- if not error:
- builder = ExtractorBuilder(filename, self.options)
- error = (self.check_file(filename) or
- self.try_extractors(filename,
- builder.get_extractor()))
- if error:
- if error != True:
- logger.error("%s: %s" % (filename, error))
- self.failures.append(filename)
- else:
- self.successes.append(filename)
- self.options.one_entry_policy.permanent_policy = EXTRACT_WRAP
- if self.failures:
- return 1
- return 0
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- app = ExtractorApplication(sys.argv[1:])
- sys.exit(
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