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- // raw_socket.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "winsock2.h"
- #include "ws2tcpip.h" //IP_HDRINCL is here
- #include "conio.h"
- #pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib") //winsock 2.2 library
- typedef struct ip_hdr
- {
- unsigned char ip_header_len:4; // 4-bit header length (in 32-bit words) normally=5 (Means 20 Bytes may be 24 also)
- unsigned char ip_version :4; // 4-bit IPv4 version
- unsigned char ip_tos; // IP type of service
- unsigned short ip_total_length; // Total length
- unsigned short ip_id; // Unique identifier
- unsigned char ip_frag_offset :5; // Fragment offset field
- unsigned char ip_more_fragment :1;
- unsigned char ip_dont_fragment :1;
- unsigned char ip_reserved_zero :1;
- unsigned char ip_frag_offset1; //fragment offset
- unsigned char ip_ttl; // Time to live
- unsigned char ip_protocol; // Protocol(TCP,UDP etc)
- unsigned short ip_checksum; // IP checksum
- unsigned int ip_srcaddr; // Source address
- unsigned int ip_destaddr; // Source address
- // TCP header
- typedef struct tcp_header
- {
- unsigned short source_port; // source port
- unsigned short dest_port; // destination port
- unsigned int sequence; // sequence number - 32 bits
- unsigned int acknowledge; // acknowledgement number - 32 bits
- unsigned char ns :1; //Nonce Sum Flag Added in RFC 3540.
- unsigned char reserved_part1:3; //according to rfc
- unsigned char data_offset:4; /*The number of 32-bit words in the TCP header.
- This indicates where the data begins.
- The length of the TCP header is always a multiple
- of 32 bits.*/
- unsigned char fin :1; //Finish Flag
- unsigned char syn :1; //Synchronise Flag
- unsigned char rst :1; //Reset Flag
- unsigned char psh :1; //Push Flag
- unsigned char ack :1; //Acknowledgement Flag
- unsigned char urg :1; //Urgent Flag
- unsigned char ecn :1; //ECN-Echo Flag
- unsigned char cwr :1; //Congestion Window Reduced Flag
- ////////////////////////////////
- unsigned short window; // window
- unsigned short checksum; // checksum
- unsigned short urgent_pointer; // urgent pointer
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- char host[100]="";
- char buf[1000],*data=NULL;
- char source_ip[20]=""; //buf is the complete packet
- int k=1;
- IPV4_HDR *v4hdr=NULL;
- TCP_HDR *tcphdr=NULL;
- int payload=512 , optval;
- hostent *server;
- //Initialise Winsock
- WSADATA wsock;
- printf("\nInitialising Winsock...");
- if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsock) != 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"WSAStartup() failed");
- }
- printf("Initialised successfully.");
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Create Raw TCP Packet
- printf("\nCreating Raw TCP Socket...");
- {
- printf("Creation of raw socket failed.");
- return 0;
- }
- printf("Raw TCP Socket Created successfully.");
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Put Socket in RAW Mode.
- printf("\nSetting the socket in RAW mode...");
- if(setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *)&optval, sizeof(optval))==SOCKET_ERROR)
- {
- printf("failed to set socket in raw mode.");
- return 0;
- }
- printf("Successful.");
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Target Hostname
- //printf("\nEnter hostname : ");
- //gets(host);
- printf("\nResolving Hostname...");
- if((server=gethostbyname(host))==0)
- {
- printf("Unable to resolve.");
- return 0;
- }
- dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
- dest.sin_port = htons(50000); //your destination port
- memcpy(&dest.sin_addr.s_addr,server->h_addr,server->h_length);
- printf("Resolved.");
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*printf("\nEnter Source IP : ");
- gets(source_ip);
- */
- v4hdr = (IPV4_HDR *)buf; //lets point to the ip header portion
- v4hdr->ip_version=4;
- v4hdr->ip_header_len=5;
- v4hdr->ip_tos = 0;
- v4hdr->ip_total_length = htons ( sizeof(IPV4_HDR) + sizeof(TCP_HDR) + payload );
- v4hdr->ip_id = htons(2);
- v4hdr->ip_frag_offset = 0;
- v4hdr->ip_frag_offset1 = 0;
- v4hdr->ip_reserved_zero = 0;
- v4hdr->ip_dont_fragment = 1;
- v4hdr->ip_more_fragment = 0;
- v4hdr->ip_ttl = 8;
- v4hdr->ip_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
- v4hdr->ip_srcaddr = inet_addr(source_ip);
- v4hdr->ip_destaddr = inet_addr(inet_ntoa(dest.sin_addr));
- v4hdr->ip_checksum = 0;
- tcphdr = (TCP_HDR *)&buf[sizeof(IPV4_HDR)]; //get the pointer to the tcp header in the packet
- tcphdr->source_port = htons(1234);
- tcphdr->dest_port = htons(50000);
- tcphdr->cwr=0;
- tcphdr->ecn=1;
- tcphdr->urg=0;
- tcphdr->ack=0;
- tcphdr->psh=0;
- tcphdr->rst=1;
- tcphdr->syn=0;
- tcphdr->fin=0;
- tcphdr->ns=1;
- tcphdr->checksum = 0;
- // Initialize the TCP payload to some rubbish
- data = &buf[sizeof(IPV4_HDR) + sizeof(TCP_HDR)];
- memset(data, '^', payload);
- printf("\nSending packet...\n");
- // u_long One = 1;
- // ioctlsocket(s,FIONBIO,&One);
- // bind(s, (SOCKADDR *)&sa, sizeof(sa));
- while(!_kbhit())
- {
- printf(" %d packets send\r",k++);
- if((sendto(s , buf , sizeof(IPV4_HDR)+sizeof(TCP_HDR) + payload, 0,
- (SOCKADDR *)&dest, sizeof(dest)))==SOCKET_ERROR)
- {
- printf("Error sending Packet : %d",WSAGetLastError());
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- //libpcap или libnet.
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