

Jul 12th, 2024
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  1. Sexual Activity and Services
  2. TikTok is a place where people can come to discuss or learn about sexuality, sex or reproductive health. We are mindful that certain content may not be appropriate for young people, may be considered offensive by some, or may create the potential for exploitation. We do not allow sexual activity or services.
  6. NOT allowed
  8. Penetrative sex, non-penetrative sex, and oral sex
  9. Physical sexual arousal, including sexual stimulation and physical responses to sexual arousal
  10. Fetish and kink activity
  11. Sexual services, including offering or asking for sexual services (solicitation), sexual chats, imagery, pornography, member exclusive content, and streaming of adult content through a webcam, such as stripping, nude modeling, and masturbation (sexcamming)
  12. Sexual chats, imagery, and pornography
  13. Member exclusive content and streaming of adult content through a webcam, such as stripping, nude modeling, and masturbation (sexcamming)
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