
Ambush Sacrifice Ritual

May 2nd, 2020
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  1. Guest_Dj661654: Wsg y’all
  2. Guest_damered49bd: Hey
  3. Guest_Hannah787706: Heyy
  4. Guest_itsdatgirlprincess: Hi hi community
  5. Guest_Rmmah: Hey
  6. Guest_Dj661654: We bored
  7. Guest_Jazz193306: Oh wtf
  8. Guest_Jazz193306: Who I'm killing today
  9. Guest_Rmmah: Lmaoo
  10. Guest_itsdatgirlprincess: Me first
  11. Guest_Dj661654: πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ
  12. Guest_Dj661654: 😐
  13. Guest_Jazz193306: ZAYDEN SIT TF DOWN
  14. Guest_Jazz193306: U FUCKIN TALL
  15. Guest_Jazz193306: Bitch
  16. Guest_Rmmah: 🀣
  17. Guest_Zayden650294: I mean i was the shortest one
  18. Guest_Zayden650294: So now im da tallest one
  19. Guest_Jazz193306: 🀬🀬🀬
  20. Guest_itsdatgirlprincess: Leave the lul baby alone πŸ₯°πŸ₯Ί
  21. Guest_itsdatgirlprincess: 😭🀣
  22. Guest_Jazz193306: I AIN'T NO BABU
  23. Guest_Jazz193306: Baby*
  24. Guest_Jazz193306: Tf
  25. Guest_Rmmah: Lmfaoo
  26. Guest_damered49bd: She feisty
  27. Guest_Zayden650294: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  28. Guest_Jazz193306: Awww
  29. Guest_damered49bd: Dat cuteπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
  30. Guest_Jazz193306: Zayden a short nigga
  31. Guest_Jazz193306: 😒😬πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
  32. Guest_Zayden650294: If u dont stfu
  33. Guest_itsdatgirlprincess: 🀣🀣
  34. Guest_Jazz193306: Ok ok
  35. Guest_Jazz193306: Just stay short
  36. Guest_Jazz193306: 😌😌
  37. Guest_itsdatgirlprincess: 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
  38. Guest_Jazz193306: Plz
  39. Guest_damered49bd: She looking for kiddieβ€”β€” (/////Zayden)
  40. Guest_Jazz193306: And thank u
  41. Guest_damered49bd: Nvm
  42. Guest_Jazz193306: We're woooooo
  43. Guest_Jazz193306: I can fight zayden
  44. Guest_Zayden650294: Short but high af
  45. Guest_Jazz193306: 🀑
  46. Guest_Jazz193306: He go lose
  47. Guest_Zayden650294: Capp
  48. Guest_Rmmah: Lol
  49. Guest_Zayden650294: Jazz i gave u n ur dad my address n yall never came wtf
  50. Guest_Jazz193306: *pushes zayden in da pool*den pushes da fuck out of him*told u bitch
  51. Guest_Jazz193306: Punches*
  52. Guest_Jazz193306: 😌
  53. Guest_Jazz193306: Yw
  54. Guest_Zayden650294: Remember dis rp
  55. Guest_Jazz193306: 🀬🀬🀬🀬
  56. Guest_Jazz193306: Stfu
  57. Guest_Jazz193306: Bitch
  58. Guest_Jazz193306: Ew
  59. Guest_Jazz193306: DJ
  60. Guest_Dj661654: Ight I’m back
  61. Guest_Rmmah: Ight
  62. Guest_itsdatgirlprincess: Amma go now this some β˜•πŸ΅πŸ€£πŸ˜­
  63. Guest_Jazz193306: Suck
  64. Guest_Jazz193306: Meh
  65. Guest_Jazz193306: Dick
  66. Guest_Jazz193306: Ppl
  67. Guest_Rmmah: Oop
  68. Guest_damered49bd: Suck my left nuts
  69. Guest_damered49bd: And my right one
  70. Guest_damered49bd: :)
  71. Guest_Dj661654: :/
  72. Guest_Dj661654: πŸ’€
  73. Guest_Jazz193306: SUCK MY TIDDIES
  74. Guest_Rmmah: Wtf
  75. Guest_Zayden650294: Was just abt to say dat
  76. Guest_Rmmah: Wtf
  77. Xettaiks: hello
  78. Guest_Jazz193306: πŸ˜™
  79. Guest_Dj661654: Lmao
  80. Guest_Zayden650294: πŸ˜‚πŸ’€
  81. Xettaiks: are you going to sacrifice someone?
  82. Guest_Jazz193306: U on ur period
  83. Guest_Jazz193306: Or sum
  84. Guest_Rmmah: Lmao
  85. Guest_Jazz193306: πŸ™„
  86. Guest_Jazz193306: 😬😬😬😬
  87. Guest_Jazz193306: Ima stfu-----------
  88. Guest_Rmmah: Wtf yall crazy
  89. Guest_damered49bd: Oops
  90. Guest_Jazz193306: 😞
  91. Guest_damered49bd: I’m not crazy I’m brazy
  92. Guest_Dj661654: πŸ’€
  93. Guest_damered49bd: πŸ˜—
  94. Guest_Jazz193306: They on they period
  95. Guest_Jazz193306: πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ά
  96. Guest_damered49bd: I’m ugly too
  97. Guest_Jazz193306: U ain't utly
  98. Guest_Jazz193306: Ugly*
  99. Guest_Jazz193306: For 1
  100. Xettaiks: why am I here?
  101. Guest_Dj661654: Idk
  102. Guest_Jazz193306: For 2 u on ur periodt or sum
  103. Guest_Rmmah: Nah im the uglyest one here
  104. Guest_Jazz193306: AND U HERE BC WE BORED
  105. Guest_Jazz193306: Nah
  106. Xettaiks: lol
  107. Guest_Jazz193306: I'm the ugliest
  108. Guest_Jazz193306: πŸ™ƒβ˜»
  109. Guest_Zayden650294: Atleadt u know
  110. Guest_Rmmah: Nah
  111. Guest_damered49bd: U just need lashes
  112. Guest_damered49bd: :)
  113. Guest_Zayden650294: Atleast*
  114. Xettaiks: I'm not gonna entertainment
  115. Guest_Rmmah: Thanks
  116. Xettaiks: lol
  117. Guest_Jazz193306: Da damn
  118. Guest_Rmmah: Ik im ugly yall anit gotta say nun
  119. Guest_damered49bd: Ouuu
  120. Guest_Jazz193306: U pretty
  121. Guest_Jazz193306: Asf
  122. Guest_damered49bd: I wanna match u
  123. Guest_Rmmah: Hm no
  124. Guest_Dj661654: Zayden got dat fit too
  125. Guest_Jazz193306: Mhm yea
  126. Guest_Rmmah: Who?
  127. Guest_Jazz193306: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  128. Guest_Rmmah: DJ there ur twin xD
  129. Guest_Jazz193306: Fr
  130. Guest_Rmmah: Im slow
  131. Guest_Dj661654: Lmao
  132. Guest_Jazz193306: ;D
  133. Guest_Rmmah: .
  134. Guest_Jazz193306: I'm sad
  135. Guest_Dj661654: Tuff
  136. Guest_Zayden650294: We dc jazz
  137. Guest_Rmmah: Fr
  138. Guest_Jazz193306: πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
  139. Guest_Dj661654: πŸ’€
  140. Guest_Jazz193306: FUCK YALL BITCHES
  141. Guest_Dj661654: Cool
  142. Guest_damered49bd: Ouuu
  143. Guest_Dj661654: Right back at u
  144. Guest_damered49bd: Me and jazz match
  145. Guest_Rmmah: Fuck u to
  146. Guest_damered49bd: πŸ˜—
  147. Guest_Rmmah: Hm
  148. Xettaiks: hi Rammah
  149. Guest_damered49bd: Don’t fuck herπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  150. Guest_Jazz193306: Hehehehehehehehe
  151. Guest_Jazz193306: πŸ™ƒβ˜»
  152. Guest_Dj661654: πŸ’€πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ
  153. Guest_Rmmah: Ima go im ugly ash
  154. Xettaiks: Hi everyone
  155. Guest_Jazz193306: Wsg
  156. Guest_damered49bd: Yasss
  157. Guest_Rmmah: Hello
  158. Guest_damered49bd: πŸ‘‹πŸΎ
  159. Guest_Dj661654: Hello
  160. Guest_Zayden650294: Ikfyl she cryin
  161. Guest_Jazz193306: Add me ppl
  162. Guest_Rmmah: If u leave then all yall gobe leave in 10 seconds
  163. Guest_Dj661654: Sadly I already did
  164. Guest_damered49bd: I did
  165. Guest_Jazz193306: OUUUUY
  166. Guest_Rmmah: I leave*
  167. Guest_Dj661654: Jk
  168. Guest_damered49bd: Add me bck
  169. Guest_Jazz193306: I WANNA FIGHT ZAYDEN (//////His profile says he's 16)
  170. Guest_Jazz193306: So bad
  171. Guest_Jazz193306: Wanna beat his ass
  172. Guest_Rmmah: Oop
  173. Guest_Jazz193306: Until he bleed
  174. Guest_Rmmah: And i oop
  175. Guest_Jazz193306: Guess
  176. Guest_Jazz193306: Can I tell yall sum
  177. Guest_damered49bd: Wtf
  178. Guest_Dj661654: Lmao
  179. Guest_Rmmah: Everyone left
  180. Guest_Dj661654: I’m bout to die of boredom ✌🏽
  181. Guest_Dj661654: Yup
  182. Guest_Rmmah: Im leaving to
  183. *Q: Xettaiks: did Jazz bring us in here to kill one of us
  184. Guest_Dj661654: No
  185. Guest_Rmmah: No
  186. Guest_Dj661654: Stfu plz (Telling me to STFU)
  187. Guest_Dj661654: And bye
  188. *A: Guest_Rmmah: DJ and i did
  191. (Ambush Murder invite, from DJ and Rmmah and Jazz.)
  193. Update:* I just found out that ItsDatGirlPrincess was tricked by Rmmah to invite her friends and she invited her friends to murder one of us.
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