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- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- """
- Inspired from here:
- The “Coordinate Transformation Matrix” is a affine transformation matrix. To rotate by an angle α, you need the matrix
- ⎡cos(α) -sin(α) 0⎤
- ⎢sin(α) cos(α) 0⎥
- ⎣ 0 0 1⎦
- """
- import re
- from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
- from math import acos, cos, degrees, radians, sin
- from subprocess import run
- LIST_REG = re.compile(
- r"(?P<name>\w[_\w\s-]+?)\s+id=(?P<id>\d+)\s+\[(master|slave)\s+pointer"
- )
- def rotate(degrees) -> list[float]:
- a = radians(degrees)
- return [
- cos(a),
- -sin(a),
- 0.0,
- sin(a),
- cos(a),
- 0.0,
- 0.0,
- 0.0,
- 1.0,
- ]
- def get_rotation(name):
- proc = run(["xinput", "list-props", name], capture_output=True, encoding="utf8")
- for line in proc.stdout.splitlines():
- if "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" in line:
- matrix = tuple(map(float, line.partition(":")[2].split(",")))
- deg = degrees(acos(matrix[0]))
- return deg
- def get_args() -> Namespace:
- parser = ArgumentParser()
- sub = parser.add_subparsers(title="Commands", dest="command")
- ag_list = sub.add_parser("list", help="Command")
- ag_get = sub.add_parser("get")
- ag_get.add_argument("name", help="Name of the mouse pointer")
- ag_set = sub.add_parser("set")
- ag_reset = sub.add_parser("reset")
- ag_set.add_argument("name", help="Name of the mouse")
- ag_set.add_argument("angle", help="Angle in degrees", type=float)
- return parser.parse_args()
- def list_dev(show=True):
- proc = run(["xinput", "list"], capture_output=True, encoding="utf8")
- devices = {}
- for line in proc.stdout.splitlines():
- if match :=
- name = match["name"]
- dev_id = int(match["id"])
- devices[dev_id] = name
- if not show:
- return devices
- for dev_id, name in sorted(devices.items()):
- rot = get_rotation(str(dev_id)) or 0.0
- print(f"[ {dev_id:3d} ] {name:<30} {rot:0.2f} °")
- def set_prop(name: str | int, angle: float):
- name = str(name)
- transf_matrix = [str(v) for v in rotate(angle)]
- command = [
- "xinput",
- "set-prop",
- name,
- "Coordinate Transformation Matrix",
- *transf_matrix,
- ]
- run(command)
- def main():
- args = get_args()
- match args.command:
- case "list":
- list_dev()
- case "get":
- deg = get_rotation(
- print(f"{deg:.2f} °")
- case "reset":
- for dev_id in list_dev(show=False):
- set_prop(dev_id, 0.0)
- list_dev()
- case "set":
- set_prop(, args.angle)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- try:
- main()
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
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