
Stephen Paddock

Oct 8th, 2017
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  3. Stephen Paddock reported $5m in slot machine/video poker winnings last year (Either really lucky, or laundering money--take from that what you will.)
  5. No security footage released (YET) from parking garage, hallways, casino floor, elevators, etc.
  7. A hotel key was used to access Stephan's room while valet records show his car left the garage day of shooting.
  9. Shooter's room was on 32nd floor. Floors 35-39 are owned by Saudi prince Awaleed. Multiple theories on /r/conspiracy/ that break down potential botched CIA -> ISIS arms deal scenarios.
  11. Story has changed multiple times--It wasn't a fire alarm set off by gun smoke anymore that gave away his location, it was the security guard responding to a door breach silent alarm. There are also theories that the security guard was the real shooter/an accomplice. Also, did Paddock commit suicide? Or was he killed by LE? Story on this has changed multiple times as well.
  13. Stephen Paddock was a licensed pilot, and owned 2 planes previously owned by a defense contractor with the CIA & Obama Administration. Clearnet:
  15. Paddock wasn't close with family but gave them all enough financial support to help them retire comfortably in Florida.
  17. Still no motive.
  19. Only 2 photos of Paddock exist to public knowledge. No childhood or family photos either besides one with his brother from over 10 years ago. Does this support the theory that Paddock was a CIA operative and as such his history was wiped a long time ago?
  21. Multiple witnesses & victims claim they heard 2-3 shooters.
  23. Still no information on the girl who told concert goers "You're all gonna die tonight" 40 mins before shooting.
  25. A charger not matching either of Paddock's 2 phones was found in his room (which supports the theory that the girl mentioned in the previous bullet was a hooker/mistress who might have found out about Paddock's plans & charger belonged to her.)
  27. Despite plenty of clear footage, no gun flashes can be seen coming from the Mandalay Bay except unexplained flashes on the 4th floor (which is now believed to have been a strobe light as some accounts claim the flashes continued after the shots stopped.)
  29. Stephen had allegedly been building an arsenal of ~40 guns for over 20 years but no one in his family, nor his girlfriend or neighbors had any knowledge of this.
  31. No clear explanation for how he built his wealth besides "he was a real estate dabbler" and "he gambled a lot" -- both are income streams commonly associated with money laundering.
  33. In one of the few photos of the room released by LE, you can clearly see Paddock's foot/leg UNDER a bipod of a rifle--whether he was shot or killed himself how does your big ass leg end up under a bipod in an active crime scene?
  35. If you listen to the footage that starts rolling just before the shooting starts, you can hear 3 pistol shots pop off before the rampage starts which are not mentioned in the FBI timeline.
  37. In the first press conference on Wednesday with the LVPD sheriff, around 35:50 you can hear either one of the agents behind the sheriff, or a journalist behind the camera whisper "don't go there" when someone asks about the shooters car--which only confirms we're not getting the whole story here.
  39. I haven't even listed all of the fishy details because there are just so many with this case. Was he framed? Maybe we'll see, or not. Do what this what you will.
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