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- {$r-,q-}
- // Das Feen Reich!
- // Fus Roh Dah!~
- unit SparseMatrix;
- interface
- uses
- Math, SysUtils;
- type
- sint32 = longint;
- uint32 = longword;
- sint = sint32;
- uint = uint32; pUint = ^uint;
- float = extended;
- PtrUint = uint32; // unsigned integer with same size as pointer
- const
- FloatEps = 1e-17;
- type
- tSMHashValue = type uint32;
- pSMHashRec = ^tSMHashRec;
- tSMHashRec = object
- h: tSMHashValue;
- x, y: uint;
- value: float;
- next: pSMHashRec;
- procedure UpdateHash;
- end;
- tSparseMatrixElemProc = procedure(var x, y: uint; var value: float; param: pointer);
- CSparseMatrix = class
- private
- _nh: uint;
- _h: array of pSMHashRec;
- _sizeX, _sizeY: uint;
- _relocating: boolean;
- procedure _AddHashRec(r: pSMHashRec);
- function _FindHashRec(x, y: uint): pSMHashRec;
- procedure _RemHashRec(x, y: uint);
- procedure _RelocateHash(force: boolean = false);
- function _GetCell(x, y: uint): float;
- procedure _SetCell(x, y: uint; const value: float);
- procedure _SetSizeX(newSizeX: uint);
- procedure _SetSizeY(newSizeY: uint);
- public
- constructor Create(newSizeX, newSizeY: uint); overload;
- constructor Create(m: CSparseMatrix); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ForEach(proc: tSparseMatrixElemProc; param: pointer);
- procedure RemoveCol(x: uint);
- procedure RemoveRow(y: uint);
- procedure SwapRows(y1, y2: uint);
- procedure AddRow(target, row: uint; factor: float);
- function GetMinor(x, y: uint): float;
- function GetAlgebraicComplement(x, y: uint): float;
- function Det: float;
- procedure DoForwardGauss;
- property SizeX: uint read _sizeX write _SetSizeX;
- property SizeY: uint read _sizeY write _SetSizeY;
- property Cells[x, y: uint]: float read _GetCell write _SetCell; default;
- end;
- function SparseMul(a, b: CSparseMatrix): CSparseMatrix;
- implementation
- {function HashUint32(x: uint32): tSMHashValue;
- begin
- x := (x + $7ed55d16) + (x shl 12);
- x := (x xor $c761c23c) xor (x shr 19);
- x := (x + $165667b1) + (x shl 5);
- x := (x + $d3a2646c) xor (x shl 9);
- x := (x + $fd7046c5) + (x shl 3);
- x := (x xor $b55a4f09) xor (x shr 16);
- result := x;
- end;}
- function HashUint32(x: uint32): tSMHashValue;
- begin
- x := x + not (x shl 15);
- x := x xor (x shr 10);
- x := x + (x shl 3);
- x := x xor (x shr 6);
- x := x + not (x shl 11);
- x := x xor (x shr 16);
- result := x;
- end;
- function HashUint32XY(x, y: uint32): tSMHashValue;
- begin
- result := HashUint32(x) xor HashUint32(y);
- end;
- function IsZero(x: float): boolean;
- begin
- result := abs(x) < FloatEps;
- end;
- function NotZero(x: float): boolean;
- begin
- result := abs(x) >= FloatEps;
- end;
- function IsNaN(x: float): boolean;
- begin
- result := x <> x;
- end;
- function IsInf(x: float): boolean;
- begin
- result := x > x;
- end;
- function IsNegInf(x: float): boolean;
- begin
- result := x < x;
- end;
- procedure tSMHashRec.UpdateHash;
- begin
- h := HashUint32XY(x, y);
- end;
- procedure CSparseMatrix._AddHashRec(r: pSMHashRec);
- var
- i: uint;
- begin
- if not Assigned(r) then exit;
- _RemHashRec(r^.x, r^.y);
- i := r^.h mod uint(length(_h));
- r^.next := _h[i];
- _h[i] := r;
- inc(_nh);
- _RelocateHash;
- end;
- function CSparseMatrix._FindHashRec(x, y: uint): pSMHashRec;
- var
- i: uint;
- begin
- i := HashUint32XY(x, y) mod uint(length(_h));
- result := _h[i];
- while (Assigned(result)) and ((result^.x <> x) or (result^.y <> y)) do
- result := result^.next;
- end;
- procedure CSparseMatrix._RemHashRec(x, y: uint);
- var
- r, cur, prev: pSMHashRec;
- i: uint;
- begin
- r := _FindHashRec(x, y);
- if not Assigned(r) then exit;
- i := r^.h mod uint(length(_h));
- prev := nil;
- cur := _h[i];
- while Assigned(cur) do
- begin
- if cur = r then
- begin
- if Assigned(prev) then
- prev^.next := cur^.next
- else
- _h[i] := cur^.next;
- break;
- end;
- prev := cur;
- cur := cur^.next;
- end;
- dispose(r);
- dec(_nh);
- _RelocateHash;
- end;
- procedure CSparseMatrix._RelocateHash(force: boolean = false);
- var
- store, c, t: pSMHashRec;
- i: uint;
- begin
- if (_nh >= uint(length(_h) div 2)) and (_nh <= uint(2*length(_h))) and
- (not force) then
- exit;
- if _relocating then exit;
- _relocating := true;
- store := nil;
- for i := 0 to High(_h) do
- begin
- c := _h[i];
- while Assigned(c) do
- begin
- t := c^.next;
- c^.next := store;
- store := c;
- c := t;
- end;
- end;
- if _nh > 0 then SetLength(_h, _nh) else SetLength(_h, 1);
- for i := 0 to High(_h) do _h[i] := nil;
- _nh := 0;
- while Assigned(store) do
- begin
- t := store;
- store := store^.next;
- _AddHashRec(t);
- end;
- _relocating := false;
- end;
- function CSparseMatrix._GetCell(x, y: uint): float;
- var
- c: pSMHashRec;
- begin
- if (x >= _sizeX) or (y >= _sizeY) then
- begin
- result := 0.0;
- exit;
- end;
- c := _FindHashRec(x, y);
- if Assigned(c) then
- result := c^.value
- else
- result := 0.0;
- end;
- procedure CSparseMatrix._SetCell(x, y: uint; const value: float);
- var
- c: pSMHashRec;
- begin
- if (x >= _sizeX) or (y >= _sizeY) then exit;
- if IsZero(value) then
- _RemHashRec(x, y)
- else
- begin
- new(c);
- c^.x := x;
- c^.y := y;
- c^.value := value;
- c^.UpdateHash;
- _AddHashRec(c);
- end;
- end;
- procedure __elemfits(var x, y: uint; var value: float; param: pointer);
- var
- m: CSparseMatrix absolute param;
- begin
- if (x >= m.SizeX) or (y >= m.SizeY) then value := 0.0;
- end;
- procedure CSparseMatrix._SetSizeX(newSizeX: uint);
- begin
- if _sizeX <> newSizeX then
- begin
- _sizeX := newSizeX;
- ForEach(__elemfits, self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure CSparseMatrix._SetSizeY(newSizeY: uint);
- begin
- if _sizeY <> newSizeY then
- begin
- _sizeY := newSizeY;
- ForEach(__elemfits, self);
- end;
- end;
- constructor CSparseMatrix.Create(newSizeX, newSizeY: uint);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- _relocating := false;
- _nh := 0;
- SetLength(_h, 1);
- _h[0] := nil;
- _sizeX := 0;
- _sizeY := 0;
- SizeX := newSizeX;
- SizeY := newSizeY;
- end;
- procedure __AddElem(var x, y: uint; var value: float; param: pointer);
- begin
- CSparseMatrix(param)[x, y] := value;
- end;
- constructor CSparseMatrix.Create(m: CSparseMatrix);
- begin
- Create(m.SizeX, m.SizeY);
- m.ForEach(__AddElem, self);
- end;
- destructor CSparseMatrix.Destroy;
- var
- c, t: pSMHashRec;
- i: sint;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(_h) do
- begin
- c := _h[i];
- while Assigned(c) do
- begin
- t := c;
- c := c^.next;
- dispose(t);
- end;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure CSparseMatrix.ForEach(proc: tSparseMatrixElemProc; param: pointer);
- var
- i: sint;
- prev, c, t: pSMHashRec;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(_h) do
- begin
- prev := nil;
- c := _h[i];
- while Assigned(c) do
- begin
- t := c;
- c := c^.next;
- proc(t^.x, t^.y, t^.value, param);
- if NotZero(t^.value) then
- begin
- t^.UpdateHash;
- prev := t;
- end else
- begin
- if Assigned(prev) then
- prev^.next := c
- else
- _h[i] := c;
- dispose(t);
- dec(_nh);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- _RelocateHash(true);
- end;
- procedure __RemCol(var x, y: uint; var value: float; param: pointer);
- begin
- if x = PtrUint(param) then value := 0.0 else
- if x > PtrUint(param) then dec(x);
- end;
- procedure __RemRow(var x, y: uint; var value: float; param: pointer);
- begin
- if y = PtrUint(param) then value := 0.0 else
- if y > PtrUint(param) then dec(y);
- end;
- procedure CSparseMatrix.RemoveCol(x: uint);
- begin
- if x >= _sizeX then exit;
- ForEach(__RemCol, pointer(PtrUint(x)));
- SizeX := SizeX - 1;
- end;
- procedure CSparseMatrix.RemoveRow(y: uint);
- begin
- if y >= _sizeX then exit;
- ForEach(__RemRow, pointer(PtrUint(y)));
- SizeY := SizeY - 1;
- end;
- procedure CSparseMatrix.SwapRows(y1, y2: uint);
- var
- t: float;
- i: sint;
- begin
- if (y1 >= _sizeY) or (y2 >= _sizeY) or (y1 = y2) then exit;
- for i := 0 to _sizeX-1 do
- begin
- t := self[i, y1];
- self[i, y1] := self[i, y2];
- self[i, y2] := t;
- end;
- end;
- procedure CSparseMatrix.AddRow(target, row: uint; factor: float);
- var
- i: sint;
- begin
- if (target >= _sizeY) or (row >= _sizeY) then exit;
- for i := 0 to _sizeX-1 do
- self[i, target] := self[i, target] + self[i, row] * factor;
- end;
- function CSparseMatrix.GetMinor(x, y: uint): float;
- var
- tm: CSparseMatrix;
- begin
- if (x >= _sizeX) or (y >= _sizeY) or (_sizeX <> _sizeY) or (_sizeX <= 1) then
- begin
- result := NaN;
- exit;
- end;
- // terrible! :D
- tm := CSparseMatrix.Create(self);
- tm.RemoveCol(x);
- tm.RemoveRow(y);
- result := tm.Det;
- tm.Free;
- end;
- function CSparseMatrix.GetAlgebraicComplement(x, y: uint): float;
- begin
- result := GetMinor(x, y);
- if (not IsNaN(result)) and odd(x + y) then result := -result;
- end;
- function CSparseMatrix.Det: float;
- var
- i: sint;
- v: float;
- begin
- if (_sizeX <> _sizeY) or (_sizeX = 0) then
- begin
- result := NaN;
- exit;
- end;
- if _sizeX = 1 then
- begin
- result := self[0, 0];
- exit;
- end;
- result := 0.0;
- for i := 0 to _sizeX-1 do
- begin
- v := self[i, 0];
- if NotZero(v) then
- result := result + v * GetAlgebraicComplement(i, 0);
- end;
- end;
- procedure CSparseMatrix.DoForwardGauss;
- var
- i, j, sy, firstnonzero: sint;
- x: float;
- begin
- sy := 0;
- for i := 0 to _sizeX-1 do
- begin
- firstnonzero := -1;
- for j := sy to _sizeY-1 do
- if NotZero(self[i, j]) then
- begin
- firstnonzero := j;
- break;
- end;
- if firstnonzero = -1 then continue;
- SwapRows(sy, firstnonzero);
- x := self[i, sy];
- for j := sy+1 to _sizeY-1 do
- AddRow(j, sy, -self[i, j] / x);
- inc(sy);
- end;
- end;
- function SparseMul(a, b: CSparseMatrix): CSparseMatrix;
- var
- x, y, k: sint;
- v: float;
- begin
- if a.SizeX <> b.SizeY then
- begin
- result := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- result := CSparseMatrix.Create(b.SizeX, a.SizeY);
- for x := 0 to result.SizeX-1 do
- for y := 0 to result.SizeY-1 do
- begin
- v := 0.0;
- for k := 0 to a.SizeX-1 do
- v := v + a[k, y] * b[x, k];
- result[x, y] := v;
- end;
- end;
- end.
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