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- local table_pack, table_sort, table_remove, table_unpack, table_concat, table_insert = table.pack, table.sort, table.remove, table.unpack, table.concat, table.insert
- local globals_realtime, globals_absoluteframetime, globals_tickcount, globals_lastoutgoingcommand, globals_curtime, globals_mapname, globals_tickinterval, globals_framecount, globals_frametime, globals_maxplayers = globals.realtime, globals.absoluteframetime, globals.tickcount, globals.lastoutgoingcommand, globals.curtime, globals.mapname, globals.tickinterval, globals.framecount, globals.frametime, globals.maxplayers
- local table_insert = table.insert
- local table_remove = table.remove
- local globals_realtime = globals.realtime
- local globals_tickcount = globals.tickcount
- local globals_tickinterval = globals.tickinterval
- local globals_frametime = globals.frametime
- local globals_absoluteframetime = globals.absoluteframetime
- local client_draw_text = client.draw_text
- local client_screen_size = client.screen_size
- local ui_get = ui.get
- local ui_set_visible = ui.set_visible
- local math_floor = math.floor
- local math_sqrt = math.sqrt
- local math_min = math.min
- local math_abs = math.abs
- local string_format = string.format
- local label_text = ui.new_label("AA", "Other", " [----Anti-Bruteforce----]")
- local combo = ui.new_combobox("AA", "Other", "\ncombo1", { "-", "Enable"})
- local body_yaw_default = ui.new_slider("AA", "Other", "Body Yaw Reset Value", -180, 180, 60)
- local fake_yaw_default = ui.new_slider("AA", "Other", "Fake Yaw Reset Value", 0, 60, 60)
- local logs_indic = ui.new_checkbox("AA", "Other", "Log")
- local color_logs = ui.new_color_picker("AA", "Other", "Log", 0, 204 , 255, 255)
- local label_text1 = ui.new_label("AA", "Other", "Indicator")
- local combo_indicator = ui.new_multiselect("AA", "Other", "\ncombo2", {"Anti-Bruteforce"})
- --timer
- local reset_timer = ui.new_slider("AA", "Other", "Reset AA after X seconds", 0, 6, 3)
- local reset_time = 0
- local timer_indicator = 0
- --reference
- local _, slider = ui.reference("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Body yaw")
- local slider2 = ui.reference("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Fake yaw limit")
- local bodyyaw, yaw = ui.reference("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Body Yaw")
- local yawbase = ui.reference("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Yaw Base")
- local freestanding_body_yaw = ui.reference("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Freestanding body yaw")
- local angle = 0
- client.set_event_callback("setup_command", function(c)
- if c.chokedcommands == 0 then
- if c.in_use == 1 then
- --angle = 0
- angle = math.min(57, math.abs(entity.get_prop(entity.get_local_player(), "m_flPoseParameter", 11)*120-60))
- else
- angle = math.min(57, math.abs(entity.get_prop(entity.get_local_player(), "m_flPoseParameter", 11)*120-60))
- end
- end
- end)
- local function includes( table, key )
- local state = false
- for i=1, #table do
- if table[i] == key then
- state = true
- break
- end
- end
- return state
- end
- local function contains(table, val)
- for i=1, #table do
- if table[i] == val then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)
- local r, g, b
- local i = math.floor(h * 6);
- local f = h * 6 - i;
- local p = v * (1 - s);
- local q = v * (1 - f * s);
- local t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
- i = i % 6
- if i == 0 then r, g, b = v, t, p
- elseif i == 1 then r, g, b = q, v, p
- elseif i == 2 then r, g, b = p, v, t
- elseif i == 3 then r, g, b = p, q, v
- elseif i == 4 then r, g, b = t, p, v
- elseif i == 5 then r, g, b = v, p, q
- end
- return r * 255, g * 255, b * 255
- end
- local function rgb_rainbow(frequency, rgb_split_ratio)
- local r, g, b, a = hsv_to_rgb(globals.realtime() * frequency, 1, 1, 1)
- r = r * rgb_split_ratio
- g = g * rgb_split_ratio
- b = b * rgb_split_ratio
- return r, g, b
- end
- local function GetClosestPoint(A, B, P)
- local a_to_p = { P[1] - A[1], P[2] - A[2] }
- local a_to_b = { B[1] - A[1], B[2] - A[2] }
- local atb2 = a_to_b[1]^2 + a_to_b[2]^2
- local atp_dot_atb = a_to_p[1]*a_to_b[1] + a_to_p[2]*a_to_b[2]
- local t = atp_dot_atb / atb2
- return { A[1] + a_to_b[1]*t, A[2] + a_to_b[2]*t }
- end
- local should_swap = false
- local it = 0
- local angles = { 60, 20, -60 }
- client.set_event_callback("bullet_impact", function(c)
- if ui.get(combo) == "Enable" and entity.is_alive(entity.get_local_player()) then
- local ent = client.userid_to_entindex(c.userid)
- if not entity.is_dormant(ent) and entity.is_enemy(ent) then
- local ent_shoot = { entity.get_prop(ent, "m_vecOrigin") }
- ent_shoot[3] = ent_shoot[3] + entity.get_prop(ent, "m_vecViewOffset[2]")
- local player_head = { entity.hitbox_position(entity.get_local_player(), 0) }
- local closest = GetClosestPoint(ent_shoot, { c.x, c.y, c.z }, player_head)
- local delta = { player_head[1]-closest[1], player_head[2]-closest[2] }
- local delta_2d = math.sqrt(delta[1]^2+delta[2]^2)
- if math.abs(delta_2d) < 40 then
- it = it + 1
- should_swap = true
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- local function on_prestart() -- reset angles when round restart
- if ui.get(logs_indic) and ui.get(combo) == "Anti-Bruteforce" then
- local r_bg, g_bg, b_bg, a_bg = ui.get(color_logs)
- client.color_log(r_bg, g_bg , b_bg, "[Anti-Bruteforce] Reset angles...")
- end
- reset_time = -1
- timer_indicator = -1
- if ui.get(combo) == "Anti-Bruteforce" then
- ui.set(slider, ui.get(body_yaw_default))
- ui.set(slider2, ui.get(fake_yaw_default))
- end
- end
- local function indicator(c)
- local screen = {client.screen_size()}
- local center = {screen[1]/2, screen[2]/2}
- local speed = 45
- if should_swap == true then
- timer_indicator = globals.curtime() + ui.get(reset_timer)
- end
- --Set Static bodyyaw and freestanding
- if ui.get(combo) == "Enable" then
- ui.set(bodyyaw, "Static")
- ui.set(freestanding_body_yaw, true)
- end
- --Reset angles after X seconds
- if ui.get(combo) == "Enable" and globals.curtime() > timer_indicator then
- ui.set(slider, ui.get(body_yaw_default))
- ui.set(slider2, ui.get(fake_yaw_default))
- end
- --Anti-Bruteforce indicator
- if includes(ui.get(combo_indicator), "Anti-Bruteforce") and ui.get(combo) == "Enable" and entity.is_alive(entity.get_local_player()) and globals.curtime() < timer_indicator then
- local r2, g2, b2 = rgb_rainbow(speed / 100, 1)
- renderer.text(center[1], center[2] + 25, r2, g2, b2, 255, "cb", 0, "ANTI-BRUTEFORCE" )
- elseif includes(ui.get(combo_indicator), "Anti-Bruteforce") and ui.get(combo) == "Enable" and entity.is_alive(entity.get_local_player()) and globals.curtime() > timer_indicator then
- renderer.text(center[1], center[2] + 25, 217, 217, 217, 255, "cb", 0, "ANTI-BRUTEFORCE" )
- end
- end
- client.set_event_callback("round_prestart", on_prestart)
- client.set_event_callback("paint", indicator)
- client.set_event_callback("paint", function() --Indicator
- if ui.get(combo) and should_swap then
- local table = {"-60","60", "20","-20","30","-30"} -- random bodyyaw value
- local value2 = math.random(1,#table)
- local picked_value2 = table[value2]
- local table = {"17","7","58","42","35"} -- random fakeyaw value
- local value3 = math.random(1,#table)
- local picked_value3 = table[value3]
- local actualbodyyaw = picked_value2
- local actualfakeyaw = picked_value3
- if ui.get(logs_indic) and should_swap then
- local r_bg, g_bg, b_bg, a_bg = ui.get(color_logs)
- client.color_log(r_bg, g_bg , b_bg, "[Anti-Bruteforce] ", 'Set body Y: ', actualbodyyaw, '° and fake Y: ', actualfakeyaw,'°')
- end
- if ui.get(combo) == "Enable" then
- ui.set(slider, actualbodyyaw)
- ui.set(slider2, actualfakeyaw)
- end
- should_swap = false
- end
- end)
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