

Jan 30th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Hotfix for a bunch of problems 0.20 introduced.
  2. any false game bans should have been reverted.
  4. + Retextured Trijicon SRS-02. Now available in 5 colors.
  5. + glock automatic conversion
  6. + ENSURE the player is ready when in the spectator menu
  7. + HK416A5 Upper and the two quad rail handguards have more textures.
  8. + last stand reduces remaining game time
  9. + damaging players by shooting their weapons was disabled
  10. + announcement when last stand starts
  11. + wind should play in shipment now
  13. - flashlights have hitboxes now
  14. - shooting range is fix
  15. - fixed glock aim sensitivity after switching from a scope
  16. - fixed hitlog not showing up when you die
  17. - alt+F to toggle UI fixed
  18. - NVG was removed correctly this time
  19. - Fixed UI overlap caused by pressing "switch" in loadout editor.
  20. - ticket counts for the defending team are now always the same per map
  21. - fixed the f1 grenade being controlled exclusively via the human mind
  23. - Nerfed both M4A1 magwells.
  24. - Nerfed CQR PGS spacers.
  25. - Nerfed Magpul XTM panels and handstops.
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