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- --tankmon
- -- Railcraft tank monitoring by Forgotten_Boy
- -- requires OpenPeripherals (OP) at least version 0.1.9, supports new liquid names in OP 0.2.1
- -- with thanks to AmigaLink and Kalmor for the updated liquid names.
- -- Supports iron and steel Railcraft tanks and 15 common liquids.
- --[[
- Setup:
- - Place an Advanced Computer with wireless modem and with tankmon on it adjacent to a tank valve. Run "tankmon".
- - Setup another Advanced Computer with wireless modem and with tankmon on it adjacent to an advanced monitor. Run "tankmon".
- - Your monitor should now show the contents of the tank. Add as many tanks as you like and the server will simply add them to the display.
- - The size of the monitor or locations of the modems don't matter, place them anywhere on the computer. The monitor can be resized while tankmon is running.
- Advanced usage:
- - On the client, you can use tankmon to trigger a redstone signal when the tank reaches a certain threshold (specified as 0 to 100, a percentage). For example:
- tankmon 100 left
- tankmon 0 top
- The first example will send redstone output on the left when the tank is full. The second example will send redstone output on the top when the tank is empty.
- --]]
- -- Variable definitions
- local valve, monitor, screenw, screenh
- local serverID = nil
- local clients = {}
- local args = {...}
- local redlimit, redside, on
- local sides = {"left", "right", "top", "bottom", "front", "back"};
- ----------------------------------------------------
- -- Function definitions
- ----------------------------------------------------
- local liquidColors = {{"Water", },
- {"tile.oilStill", colors.gray, "Oil"},
- {"Creosote Oil", colors.brown},
- {"Essence", colors.lime},
- {"Steam", colors.lightGray},
- {"Honey", colors.yellow},
- {"Ethanol",},
- {"Lava",},
- {"item.fuel", colors.yellow, "Fuel"},
- {"Biomass",},
- {"Fortron", colors.lightBlue},
- {"Sludge",},
- {"Liquid DNA", colors.magenta},
- {"Fruit Juice",},
- {"Seed Oil", colors.yellow},
- {"Liquid Force", colors.yellow},
- {"Oil", colors.gray, "Oil"},
- {"Fuel", colors.yellow, "Fuel"},
- {"uumatter", colors.purple, "UUMatter"},
- {"vegetable", colors.magenta, "Veg"},
- {"deuterium", colors.lightBlue, "Deuterium"},
- --liquid names for OpenPeripherals 0.2.1 by AmigaLink
- {"creosote", colors.brown, "Creosote Oil"},
- {"essence", colors.lime, "Essence"},
- {"steam", colors.lightGray, "Steam"},
- {"honey", colors.yellow, "Honey"},
- {"bioethanol",, "Ethanol"},
- {"lava",, "Lava"},
- {"biomass",, "Biomass"},
- {"fortron", colors.lightBlue, "Fortron"},
- {"sludge",, "Sludge"},
- {"liquiddna", colors.magenta, "Liquid DNA"},
- {"fruitjuice",, "Fruit Juice"},
- {"seedoil", colors.yellow, "Seed Oil"},
- {"xpjuice", colors.lime, "XP Juice"},
- {"liquidforce", colors.yellow, "Liquid Force"},
- {"oil", colors.gray, "Oil"},
- {"fuel", colors.yellow, "Fuel"},
- {"milk", colors.white, "Milk"},
- -- Life Essence suggested by Fyrhtu
- {"life essence",, "Life Essence"}
- }
- local function getLiquidColor(liquid)
- for c, color in pairs (liquidColors) do
- if (liquid == color[1]) then
- return color[2],color[3] or liquid
- end
- end
- return colors.white, liquid;
- end
- local function getDeviceSide(deviceType)
- for i,side in pairs(sides) do
- if (peripheral.isPresent(side)) then
- if (peripheral.getType(side)) == string.lower(deviceType) then
- return side;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function showLevel(count,max,filled,color,label, amt, threshold, signal)
- local screenw, screenh = monitor.getSize()
- max = max + 1
- if (not screenw) then
- return nil;
- -- monitor has been broken
- end
- local starty = screenh - math.floor((screenh * filled))
- local width = math.ceil(screenw / max + .5)
- local offset = math.ceil(width * (count - 1))
- local amtw = string.len(amt)
- local thresholdy = (threshold and ( screenh - ((threshold / 100) * screenh)))
- if (count == max) then
- -- the final column should use up the remaining space. A hack!
- width = screenw - offset
- end
- --truncate the label to the width of the bar.
- label = string.sub(label, 1, math.max((width - 1), 0))
- if (thresholdy and thresholdy < 1) then
- thresholdy = 1
- else
- if (thresholdy and thresholdy > screenh) then
- thresholdy = screenh
- end
- end
- term.redirect(monitor)
- for c=starty, screenh + 1, 1 do
- for line=0, width, 1 do
- paintutils.drawPixel(line + offset, c, color)
- end
- end
- if (thresholdy) then
- local thresholdColor = color
- for line=0, width, 1 do
- thresholdColor = color
- if (signal) then
- thresholdColor =
- else
- -- makes a dotted line when there is no redstone signal
- if (line % 2 == 0) then
- thresholdColor =
- end
- end
- paintutils.drawPixel(line + offset, thresholdy, thresholdColor)
- end
- end
- monitor.setBackgroundColor(color)
- if (color == colors.white) then
- monitor.setTextColor(
- end
- labely = math.min((starty + 1), screenh - 1)
- monitor.setCursorPos(offset + 1, labely)
- write(label)
- if (amtw <= width) then
- amty = math.min(labely + 1, screenh)
- monitor.setCursorPos(offset + 1, amty)
- write(amt)
- end
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- -- term.restore()
- end
- local function tankStats(tank)
- if(tank) then
- local amt = tank["contents"]["amount"]
- local size = tank["capacity"]
- local filled = (amt and 1 / (size / amt)) or 0
- return amt, size, filled
- else
- return nil;
- end
- end
- local function tableCount(t)
- local total=0
- for k,v in pairs (t) do
- total = total + 1
- end
- return total
- end
- local function updateDisplay()
- local total = tableCount(clients)
- local count = 1
- monitor.setBackgroundColor(
- monitor.setTextScale(.5)
- monitor.clear()
- for ix,client in pairs (clients) do
- local tank = client[1]
- local threshold = client[2]
- local signalOn = client[3]
- local amt,size,filled = tankStats(tank)
- local kind = tank["contents"]["name"]
- local color,name = getLiquidColor(kind)
- local unit = ""
- local amount = math.max(amt or 0, 0)
- if (amount > 1000000) then
- unit="M"
- amount=string.format("%.2f", math.floor(amt / 1000) / 1000)
- else
- if(amount > 0) then
- unit="K"
- amount=string.format("%.2f", amt / 1000)
- else
- amount = ""
- end
- end
- amount = amount..unit
- showLevel(count, total, filled, color, name or "Empty", amount, threshold, signalOn)
- count = count + 1
- end
- return nil;
- end
- local function broadcast ()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("_____________ tankmon Server started __________")
- print("Broadcasting that tank display is available...")
- print("Hold Ctrl+T to Terminate.")
- while true do
- rednet.broadcast(os.getComputerID())
- term.setCursorPos(1, 5)
- term.clearLine()
- write("Connected tankmon clients: " .. tostring(tableCount(clients)))
- sleep(7)
- end
- end
- local function receive()
- while true do
- local senderID, message, distance = rednet.receive()
- if (message) then
- local data = textutils.unserialize(message)
- clients[senderID] = data
- end
- end
- end
- local function display()
- while true do
- updateDisplay()
- sleep(1.5)
- end
- end
- local function connect()
- print("Looking for a tankmon server in wireless Rednet range...")
- while true do
- local senderID, message, distance = rednet.receive()
- serverID = senderID
- print("Connected to server " .. tostring(serverID))
- sleep(3)
- end
- end
- local function publishTank()
- while true do
- if serverID then
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("** Sending out tank information **")
- local tank = valve.getTankInfo()[1]
- -- establish whether redstone signal should be sent
- local amt,size,pctFilled = tankStats(tank)
- on = false
- local filled = pctFilled * 100
- if (filled and redlimit and redlimit==0 and filled==0) then
- on = true
- else
- if(filled and redlimit and filled <= redlimit) then
- on=true
- end
- end
- if(redside) then
- rs.setOutput(redside, on)
- end
- -- use rednet to update the server with this tank's info.
- local info = {tank, redlimit, on}
- if (redlimit and redside) then
- print("Redstone threshold: " .. tostring(redlimit))
- print("Redstone output side: " .. redside)
- print("Redstone signal on: " .. tostring(on))
- print("")
- end
- term.clearLine()
- write("** Tank contains: " .. tostring(amt))
- rednet.send(serverID, textutils.serialize(info), false)
- end
- sleep(math.random(1,5))
- end
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- --the Main
- ---------------------------------------
- local modemSide = getDeviceSide("modem");
- if (modemSide) then
- local modem = peripheral.wrap(modemSide)
- else
- error("A wireless modem must be attached to this computer.")
- end
- local tankSide = getDeviceSide("iron_tank_valve");
- local tankSide2 = getDeviceSide("steel_tank_valve");
- local tankSide3 = getDeviceSide("rcsteeltankvalvetile");
- local tankSide4 = getDeviceSide("rcirontankvalvetile");
- local finalside = tankSide or tankSide2 or tankSide3 or tankSide4
- local screenSide = getDeviceSide("monitor");
- if (finalside and screenSide) then
- error("Either a screen or a tank valve can be connected, not both.")
- end
- if finalside then
- valve = peripheral.wrap(finalside )
- end
- if (screenSide) then
- monitor = peripheral.wrap(screenSide)
- if(not monitor.isColor()) then
- error("The attached monitor must be Advanced. Get some gold!")
- end
- screenw, screenh = monitor.getSize()
- monitor.clear()
- end
- if (valve) then
- -- client mode
- redlimit = args[1]
- redside = args[2]
- if (redlimit and not redside) then
- print("A threshold and redstone side must both be present.")
- print("e.g. tankmon 100 top")
- error()
- end
- if (redlimit) then
- redlimit = tonumber(redlimit)
- print("")
- print("Tank will send redstone signal at or below " .. tostring(redlimit) .. "% on side " .. redside)
- end
- -- clear outstanding redstone signals.
- for i,side in pairs(sides) do
- rs.setOutput(side, false)
- end
- parallel.waitForAll(connect, publishTank)
- else
- -- server mode
- parallel.waitForAll(broadcast, receive, display)
- end
- rednet.close(modemSide)
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