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- MCRC=F3154B6F
- MVersion=1.1.1
- ; Default transition animation used for Fade_In
- DefaultAnimateFadeIn(direction,time){
- Global Fade_hwnd1,Fade_hdc1,fadeLyr1CanvasX,fadeLyr1CanvasY,fadeLyr1CanvasW,fadeLyr1CanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd2,Fade_hdc2,fadeLyr2CanvasX,fadeLyr2CanvasY,fadeLyr2CanvasW,fadeLyr2CanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd3Static,Fade_hdc3Static,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasX,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasY,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasW,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd3,Fade_hdc3,fadeLyr3CanvasX,fadeLyr3CanvasY,fadeLyr3CanvasW,fadeLyr3CanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd4,Fade_hdc4,fadeLyr4CanvasX,fadeLyr4CanvasY,fadeLyr4CanvasW,fadeLyr4CanvasH,FadeLayer4AnimFilesAr
- Global Fade_hwnd5,Fade_hdc5,fadeLyr5CanvasX,fadeLyr5CanvasY,fadeLyr5CanvasW,fadeLyr5CanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd6,Fade_hdc6,fadeLyr6CanvasX,fadeLyr6CanvasY,fadeLyr6CanvasW,fadeLyr6CanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd7,Fade_hdc7,fadeLyr7CanvasX,fadeLyr7CanvasY,fadeLyr7CanvasW,fadeLyr7CanvasH
- Log("DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Started, direction is: " . direction)
- startTime := A_TickCount
- If direction = in
- Log("DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Drawing First FadeIn Image.", 1)
- Loop{
- t := ((TimeElapsed := A_TickCount-startTime) < time) ? (If direction="in" ? 255*(timeElapsed/time) : 255*(1-(timeElapsed/time))) : (If direction="in" ? 255 : 0)
- if fadeLyr1CanvasW
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd1, Fade_hdc1, fadeLyr1CanvasX, fadeLyr1CanvasY, fadeLyr1CanvasW, fadeLyr1CanvasH, t) ; to fade in, set transparency to 0 at first
- if fadeLyr2CanvasW
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd2,Fade_hdc2,fadeLyr2CanvasX,fadeLyr2CanvasY,fadeLyr2CanvasW,fadeLyr2CanvasH, t)
- If direction = out
- {
- if fadeLyr3StaticCanvasW
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd3Static, Fade_hdc3Static,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasX,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasY, fadeLyr3StaticCanvasW, fadeLyr3StaticCanvasH, t)
- if fadeLyr3CanvasW
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd3, Fade_hdc3,fadeLyr3CanvasX,fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeLyr3CanvasW, fadeLyr3CanvasH, t)
- if fadeLyr5CanvasW
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd5, Fade_hdc5,fadeLyr5CanvasX,fadeLyr5CanvasY, fadeLyr5CanvasW, fadeLyr5CanvasH, t)
- if fadeLyr6CanvasW
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd6, Fade_hdc6,fadeLyr6CanvasX,fadeLyr6CanvasY, fadeLyr6CanvasW, fadeLyr6CanvasH, t)
- if fadeLyr7CanvasW
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd7, Fade_hdc7,fadeLyr7CanvasX,fadeLyr7CanvasY, fadeLyr7CanvasW, fadeLyr7CanvasH, t)
- If FadeLayer4AnimFilesAr.MaxIndex() > 0 {
- SetTimer, FadeLayer4Anim, Off
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd4, Fade_hdc4,fadeLyr4CanvasX,fadeLyr4CanvasY, fadeLyr4CanvasW, fadeLyr4CanvasH, t)
- }
- }
- If (direction = "in" && t >= 255) or (direction = "out" && t <= 0)
- Break
- }
- Log("DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Ended")
- }
- ; Default transition animation used for Fade_Out
- DefaultAnimateFadeOut(direction,time){
- Global FadeOut_hwnd1, FadeOut_hdc1, fadeOutLyr1CanvasX,fadeOutLyr1CanvasY,fadeOutLyr1CanvasW,fadeOutLyr1CanvasH
- Global fadeOutExtraScreen,FadeOutExtraScreen_ID
- Log("DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Started, direction is: " . direction)
- If fadeOutExtraScreen = true
- { Log("DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Destroying FadeOutBlackScreen",4)
- AnimateWindow(FadeOutExtraScreen_ID, "out", "fade", 100) ; animate FadeOutBlackScreen out quickly
- Gui, FadeOutExtraScreen:Destroy ; destroy the temporary FadeOutBlackScreen
- }
- startTime := A_TickCount
- Loop{
- t := ((TimeElapsed := A_TickCount-startTime) < time) ? (If direction="in" ? 255*(timeElapsed/time) : 255*(1-(timeElapsed/time))) : (If direction="in" ? 255 : 0)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(FadeOut_hwnd1, FadeOut_hdc1, fadeOutLyr1CanvasX,fadeOutLyr1CanvasY,fadeOutLyr1CanvasW,fadeOutLyr1CanvasH, t) ; to fade in, set transparency to 0 at first
- If (direction = "in" && t >= 255) or (direction = "out" && t <= 0)
- Break
- }
- Log("DefaultAnimateFadeOut - Ended")
- }
- ; Legacy fadein animation for use when gdi does not work with an emulator. Jpgs are not supported and will not show on this legacy gui
- LegacyFadeInTransition(direction,time){
- Global Fade_hwnd1,Fade_hdc1,Fade_G1,fadeLyr1CanvasX,fadeLyr1CanvasY,fadeLyr1CanvasW,fadeLyr1CanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd2,Fade_hdc2,fadeLyr2CanvasX,fadeLyr2CanvasY,fadeLyr2CanvasW,fadeLyr2CanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd3Static,Fade_hdc3Static,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasX,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasY,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasW,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd3,Fade_hdc3,fadeLyr3CanvasX,fadeLyr3CanvasY,fadeLyr3CanvasW,fadeLyr3CanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd4,Fade_hdc4,fadeLyr4CanvasX,fadeLyr4CanvasY,fadeLyr4CanvasW,fadeLyr4CanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd5,Fade_hdc5,fadeLyr5CanvasX,fadeLyr5CanvasY,fadeLyr5CanvasW,fadeLyr5CanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd6,Fade_hdc6,fadeLyr6CanvasX,fadeLyr6CanvasY,fadeLyr6CanvasW,fadeLyr6CanvasH
- Global Fade_hwnd7,Fade_hdc7,fadeLyr7CanvasX,fadeLyr7CanvasY,fadeLyr7CanvasW,fadeLyr7CanvasH
- Global fadeLyr1PicW,fadeLyr1PicH,fadeInLyr1File,fadeLyr1Color,fadeLyr1AlignImage
- Log("LegacyFadeInTransition - Started, direction is: " . direction)
- StringTrimLeft,fadeLyr1ColorNoAlpha,fadeLyr1Color,2 ; for legacy gui, we need to trim the alpha from the color as it's not supported
- If direction = in
- { Log("LegacyFadeInTransition - Drawing First FadeIn Image.", 1)
- Gui, Fade_GUI1:Color, %fadeLyr1ColorNoAlpha%
- GetBGPicPosition(fadeLyr1PicXNew,fadeLyr1PicYNew,fadeLyr1PicWNew,fadeLyr1PicHNew,fadeLyr1PicW,fadeLyr1PicH,fadeLyr1AlignImage) ; get the background pic's new position and size
- If (fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Stretch and Lose Aspect")
- Gui, Fade_GUI1:Add, Picture,w%baseScreenWidth% h%baseScreenHeight% x0 y0, %fadeInLyr1File%
- Else If (fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Stretch and Keep Aspect" Or fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Center Width" Or fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Center Height" Or fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Align to Bottom Left" Or fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Align to Bottom Right")
- Gui, Fade_GUI1:Add, Picture,w%fadeLyr1PicWNew% h%fadeLyr1PicHNew% x%fadeLyr1PicXNew% y%fadeLyr1PicYNew%, %fadeInLyr1File%
- Else If (fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Center") ; original image size and aspect
- Gui, Fade_GUI1:Add, Picture,w%fadeLyr1PicW% h%fadeLyr1PicH% x%fadeLyr1PicXNew% y%fadeLyr1PicYNew%, %fadeInLyr1File%
- Else If (fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Align to Top Right") ; place the pic so the top right corner matches the screen's top right corner
- Gui, Fade_GUI1:Add, Picture,w%fadeLyr1PicWNew% h%fadeLyr1PicHNew% x%fadeLyr1PicXNew% y0, %fadeInLyr1File%
- Else ; place the pic so the top left corner matches the screen's top left corner, also the default
- Gui, Fade_GUI1:Add, Picture,w%fadeLyr1PicWNew% h%fadeLyr1PicHNew% x0 y0, %fadeInLyr1File%
- Gui, Fade_GUI1:Show, x0 y0 h%baseScreenHeight% w%baseScreenWidth% Hide
- }
- If direction = out
- { SetTimer, FadeLayer4Anim, Off
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Fade_G2)
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Fade_G3Static)
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Fade_G3)
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Fade_G4)
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Fade_G5)
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Fade_G6)
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Fade_G7)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd2, Fade_hdc2, fadeLyr2CanvasX, fadeLyr2CanvasY, fadeLyr2CanvasW, fadeLyr2CanvasH)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd3Static, Fade_hdc3Static,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasX,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasY, fadeLyr3StaticCanvasW, fadeLyr3StaticCanvasH)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd3, Fade_hdc3, fadeLyr3CanvasX, fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeLyr3CanvasW, fadeLyr3CanvasH)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd4, Fade_hdc4, fadeLyr4CanvasX, fadeLyr4CanvasY, fadeLyr4CanvasW, fadeLyr4CanvasH)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd5, Fade_hdc5, fadeLyr5CanvasX, fadeLyr5CanvasY, fadeLyr5CanvasW, fadeLyr5CanvasH)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd6, Fade_hdc6, fadeLyr6CanvasX, fadeLyr6CanvasY, fadeLyr6CanvasW, fadeLyr6CanvasH)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd7, Fade_hdc7, fadeLyr7CanvasX, fadeLyr7CanvasY, fadeLyr7CanvasW, fadeLyr7CanvasH)
- }
- AnimateWindow(Fade_hwnd1, direction, "fade", time) ; animate in fadeLayer1
- If direction = in
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd2, Fade_hdc2, fadeLyr2CanvasX, fadeLyr2CanvasY, fadeLyr2CanvasW, fadeLyr2CanvasH)
- ; AnimateWindow(1_ID, direction, "slide bt", time) ; slide
- Log("LegacyFadeInTransition - Ended")
- }
- ; Legacy fadeout animation for use when gdi does not work with an emulator. Jpgs are not supported and will not show on this legacy gui
- LegacyFadeOutTransition(direction,time){
- Global FadeOut_hwnd1, FadeOut_hdc1, fadeOutLyr1CanvasX,fadeOutLyr1CanvasY,fadeOutLyr1CanvasW,fadeOutLyr1CanvasH
- Global fadeOutExtraScreen,FadeOutExtraScreen_ID
- Global lyr1OutPicW,lyr1OutPicH,lyr1OutFile,fadeLyr1Color,fadeLyr1AlignImage
- ;,fadeOutBlackScreenEnabled,FadeOutBlackScreen_ID
- Log("LegacyFadeOutTransition - Started, direction is: " . direction)
- StringTrimLeft,fadeLyr1ColorNoAlpha,fadeLyr1Color,2 ; for legacy gui, we need to trim the alpha from the color as it's not supported
- If direction = in
- {
- Gui, FadeOut_GUI1:Color, %fadeLyr1ColorNoAlpha%
- GetBGPicPosition(fadeLyr1OutPicXNew,fadeLyr1OutPicYNew,fadeLyr1OutPicWNew,fadeLyr1OutPicHNew,lyr1OutPicW,lyr1OutPicH,fadeLyr1AlignImage) ; get the background pic's new position and size
- If (fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Stretch and Lose Aspect")
- Gui, FadeOut_GUI1:Add, Picture,w%baseScreenWidth% h%baseScreenHeight% x0 y0, %lyr1OutFile%
- Else If (fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Stretch and Keep Aspect" Or fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Center Width" Or fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Center Height" Or fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Align to Bottom Left" Or fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Align to Bottom Right")
- Gui, FadeOut_GUI1:Add, Picture,w%fadeLyr1OutPicWNew% h%fadeLyr1OutPicHNew% x%fadeLyr1OutPicXNew% y%fadeLyr1OutPicYNew%, %lyr1OutFile%
- Else If (fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Center") ; original image size and aspect
- Gui, FadeOut_GUI1:Add, Picture,w%lyr1OutPicW% h%lyr1OutPicH% x%fadeLyr1OutPicXNew% y%fadeLyr1OutPicYNew%, %lyr1OutFile%
- Else If (fadeLyr1AlignImage = "Align to Top Right") ; place the pic so the top right corner matches the screen's top right corner
- Gui, FadeOut_GUI1:Add, Picture,w%fadeLyr1OutPicWNew% h%fadeLyr1OutPicHNew% x%fadeLyr1OutPicXNew% y0, %lyr1OutFile%
- Else ; place the pic so the top left corner matches the screen's top left corner, also the default
- Gui, FadeOut_GUI1:Add, Picture,w%fadeLyr1OutPicWNew% h%fadeLyr1OutPicHNew% x0 y0, %lyr1OutFile%
- Gui, FadeOut_GUI1:Show, x0 y0 h%baseScreenHeight% w%baseScreenWidth% Hide
- }
- If fadeOutExtraScreen = true
- { Log("LegacyFadeOutTransition - Destroying FadeOutBlackScreen",4)
- AnimateWindow(FadeOutExtraScreen_ID, "out", "fade", 100) ; animate FadeOutBlackScreen out quickly
- Gui, FadeOutExtraScreen:Destroy ; destroy the temporary FadeOutBlackScreen
- }
- AnimateWindow(FadeOut_hwnd1, direction, "fade", time) ; animate in fadeLayer1
- ; AnimateWindow(out1_ID, direction, "slide bt", time) ; slide
- Log("LegacyFadeOutTransition - Ended")
- }
- ; Bleasby's DefaultFadeAnimation included in HL - you can use it on both layer 3 animation and layer 3 7z animation
- DefaultFadeAnimation:
- ;SetTimer, DetectFadeError, Off
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimation - Started")
- ;====== Begin of menu code
- fadeInActive=1 ; As long as user did not press a key to exit fade, this var will be filled and fade will do its full animation
- ;====== Loading info about layer 3 image
- if fadeLyr3StaticPrefix
- fadeInLyr3StaticFile := GetFadePicFile(fadeLyr3StaticPrefix)
- If FileExist(fadeInLyr3StaticFile) ; If a layer 3 static image exists, let's get its dimensions
- { fadeLyr3StaticPic := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(fadeInLyr3StaticFile)
- Gdip_GetImageDimensions(fadeLyr3StaticPic, fadeLyr3StaticPicW, fadeLyr3StaticPicH)
- ; find Width and Height
- If (fadeLyr3StaticPos = "Stretch and Lose Aspect"){
- fadeLyr3StaticPicW := baseScreenWidth
- fadeLyr3StaticPicH := baseScreenHeight
- fadeLyr3StaticPicPadX := 0 , fadeLyr3StaticPicPadY := 0
- } else if (fadeLyr3StaticPos = "Stretch and Keep Aspect"){
- widthMaxPercent := ( baseScreenWidth / fadeLyr3StaticPicW ) ; get the percentage needed to maximumise the image so it reaches the screen's width
- heightMaxPercent := ( baseScreenHeight / fadeLyr3StaticPicH )
- percentToEnlarge := If (widthMaxPercent < heightMaxPercent) ? widthMaxPercent : heightMaxPercent ; this basicallys says if the width's max reaches the screen's width first, use the width's percentage instead of the height's
- fadeLyr3StaticPicW := Round(fadeLyr3StaticPicW * percentToEnlarge)
- fadeLyr3StaticPicH := Round(fadeLyr3StaticPicH * percentToEnlarge)
- fadeLyr3StaticPicPadX := 0 , fadeLyr3StaticPicPadY := 0
- } else {
- if (!(fadeLyr3StaticW)) and (!(fadeLyr3StaticH)){
- fadeLyr3StaticPicW := Round(fadeLyr3StaticPicW * fadeXScale * fadeLyr3StaticAdjust)
- fadeLyr3StaticPicH := Round(fadeLyr3StaticPicH * fadeYScale * fadeLyr3StaticAdjust)
- } else if (fadeLyr3StaticW) and (!(fadeLyr3StaticH)){
- fadeLyr3StaticPicH := Round( fadeLyr3StaticPicH * (fadeLyr3StaticPicW / Round(fadeLyr3StaticPicW * fadeLyr3StaticAdjust)) )
- fadeLyr3StaticPicW := Round(fadeLyr3StaticW * fadeLyr3StaticAdjust)
- } else if (!(fadeLyr3StaticW)) and (fadeLyr3StaticH){
- fadeLyr3StaticPicW := Round( fadeLyr3StaticPicW * (fadeLyr3StaticPicH / Round(fadeLyr3StaticH * fadeLyr3StaticAdjust)) )
- fadeLyr3StaticPicH := Round(fadeLyr3StaticH * fadeLyr3StaticAdjust)
- } else {
- fadeLyr3StaticPicW := Round(fadeLyr3StaticW * fadeLyr3StaticAdjust)
- fadeLyr3StaticPicH := Round(fadeLyr3StaticH * fadeLyr3StaticAdjust)
- }
- }
- GetFadePicPosition(fadeLyr3StaticPicX,fadeLyr3StaticPicY,fadeLyr3StaticX,fadeLyr3StaticY,fadeLyr3StaticPicW,fadeLyr3StaticPicH,fadeLyr3StaticPos)
- ; figure out what quadrant the layer 3 Static image is in, so we know to apply a + or - pad value so the user does not have to
- If fadeLyr3StaticPos in No Alignment,Center,Top Left Corner
- fadeLyr3StaticPicPadX:=fadeLyr3StaticPicPad, fadeLyr3StaticPicPadY:=fadeLyr3StaticPicPad
- Else If fadeLyr3StaticPos = Top Center
- fadeLyr3StaticPicPadX:=0, fadeLyr3StaticPicPadY:=fadeLyr3StaticPicPad
- Else If fadeLyr3StaticPos = Left Center
- fadeLyr3StaticPicPadX:=fadeLyr3StaticPicPad, fadeLyr3StaticPicPadY:=0
- Else If fadeLyr3StaticPos = Top Right Corner
- fadeLyr3StaticPicPadX:=fadeLyr3StaticPicPad*-1, fadeLyr3StaticPicPadY:=fadeLyr3StaticPicPad
- Else If fadeLyr3StaticPos = Right Center
- fadeLyr3StaticPicPadX:=fadeLyr3StaticPicPad*-1, fadeLyr3StaticPicPadY:=0
- Else If fadeLyr3StaticPos = Bottom Left Corner
- fadeLyr3StaticPicPadX:=fadeLyr3StaticPicPad, fadeLyr3StaticPicPadY:=fadeLyr3StaticPicPad*-1
- Else If fadeLyr3StaticPos = Bottom Center
- fadeLyr3StaticPicPadX:=0, fadeLyr3StaticPicPadY:=fadeLyr3StaticPicPad*-1
- Else If fadeLyr3StaticPos = Bottom Right Corner
- fadeLyr3StaticPicPadX:=fadeLyr3StaticPicPad*-1, fadeLyr3StaticPicPadY:=fadeLyr3StaticPicPad*-1
- fadeLyr3StaticCanvasX := fadeLyr3StaticPicX + fadeLyr3StaticPicPadX , fadeLyr3StaticCanvasY := fadeLyr3StaticPicY + fadeLyr3StaticPicPadY
- fadeLyr3StaticCanvasW := fadeLyr3StaticPicW, fadeLyr3StaticCanvasH := fadeLyr3StaticPicH
- pGraphUpd(Fade_G3Static,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasW,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasH)
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Fade_G3Static, fadeLyr3StaticPic, 0, 0, fadeLyr3StaticPicW, fadeLyr3StaticPicH)
- }
- ;====== Loading info about layer 3 image
- fadeInLyr3File := GetFadePicFile("Layer 3")
- If FileExist(fadeInLyr3File)
- { fadeLyr3Pic := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(fadeInLyr3File)
- Gdip_GetImageDimensions(fadeLyr3Pic, fadeLyr3PicOrigW, fadeLyr3PicOrigH)
- if (!(fadeLyr3W)) and (!(fadeLyr3H)){
- fadeLyr3PicW := Round(fadeLyr3PicOrigW * fadeXScale * fadeLyr3Adjust)
- fadeLyr3PicH := Round(fadeLyr3PicOrigH * fadeYScale * fadeLyr3Adjust)
- } else if (fadeLyr3W) and (!(fadeLyr3H)){
- fadeLyr3PicH := Round( fadeLyr3PicH * (fadeLyr3PicW / Round(fadeLyr3PicW * fadeLyr3Adjust)) )
- fadeLyr3PicW := Round(fadeLyr3W * fadeLyr3Adjust)
- } else if (!(fadeLyr3W)) and (fadeLyr3H){
- fadeLyr3PicW := Round( fadeLyr3PicW * (fadeLyr3PicH / Round(fadeLyr3H * fadeLyr3Adjust)) )
- fadeLyr3PicH := Round(fadeLyr3H * fadeLyr3Adjust)
- } else {
- fadeLyr3PicW := Round(fadeLyr3W * fadeLyr3Adjust)
- fadeLyr3PicH := Round(fadeLyr3H * fadeLyr3Adjust)
- }
- GetFadePicPosition(fadeLyr3PicX,fadeLyr3PicY,fadeLyr3X,fadeLyr3Y,fadeLyr3PicW,fadeLyr3PicH,fadeLyr3Pos)
- If fadeLyr3Pos in No Alignment,Center,Top Left Corner
- fadeLyr3PicPadX:=fadeLyr3PicPad, fadeLyr3PicPadY:=fadeLyr3PicPad
- Else If fadeLyr3Pos = Top Center
- fadeLyr3PicPadX:=0, fadeLyr3PicPadY:=fadeLyr3PicPad
- Else If fadeLyr3Pos = Left Center
- fadeLyr3PicPadX:=fadeLyr3PicPad, fadeLyr3PicPadY:=0
- Else If fadeLyr3Pos = Top Right Corner
- fadeLyr3PicPadX:=fadeLyr3PicPad*-1, fadeLyr3PicPadY:=fadeLyr3PicPad
- Else If fadeLyr3Pos = Right Center
- fadeLyr3PicPadX:=fadeLyr3PicPad*-1, fadeLyr3PicPadY:=0
- Else If fadeLyr3Pos = Bottom Left Corner
- fadeLyr3PicPadX:=fadeLyr3PicPad, fadeLyr3PicPadY:=fadeLyr3PicPad*-1
- Else If fadeLyr3Pos = Bottom Center
- fadeLyr3PicPadX:=0, fadeLyr3PicPadY:=fadeLyr3PicPad*-1
- Else If fadeLyr3Pos = Bottom Right Corner
- fadeLyr3PicPadX:=fadeLyr3PicPad*-1, fadeLyr3PicPadY:=fadeLyr3PicPad*-1
- fadeLyr3PicX := fadeLyr3PicX+fadeLyr3PicPadX
- fadeLyr3PicY := fadeLyr3PicY+fadeLyr3PicPadY
- }
- ;====== Loading Gif Files
- GifAnimation := GetFadeGifFile("Anim")
- If GifAnimation
- {
- AnimatedGifControl_GetImageDimensions(GifAnimation, GifWidth, GifHeight)
- if (!(fadeLyr4W)) and (!(fadeLyr4H)){
- fadeLyr4PicW := Round(GifWidth * fadeXScale * fadeLyr4Adjust)
- fadeLyr4PicH := Round(GifHeight * fadeYScale * fadeLyr4Adjust)
- } else if (fadeLyr4W) and (!(fadeLyr4H)){
- fadeLyr4PicH := Round( GifHeight * (GifWidth / Round(GifWidth * fadeLyr4Adjust)) )
- fadeLyr4PicW := Round(fadeLyr4W * fadeLyr4Adjust)
- } else if (!(fadeLyr4W)) and (fadeLyr4H){
- fadeLyr4PicW := Round( GifWidth * (GifHeight / Round(fadeLyr4H * fadeLyr4Adjust)) )
- fadeLyr4PicH := Round(fadeLyr4H * fadeLyr4Adjust)
- } else {
- fadeLyr4PicW := Round(fadeLyr4W * fadeLyr4Adjust)
- fadeLyr4PicH := Round(fadeLyr4H * fadeLyr4Adjust)
- }
- If (fadeLyr4Pos = "Above Layer 3 - Left") {
- fadeLyr4PicX := fadeLyr3PicX
- fadeLyr4PicY := fadeLyr3PicY-fadeLyr4PicH
- } Else If (fadeLyr4Pos = "Above Layer 3 - Center") {
- fadeLyr4PicX := fadeLyr3PicX+fadeLyr3PicW/2
- fadeLyr4PicY := fadeLyr3PicY-fadeLyr4PicH
- } Else If (fadeLyr4Pos = "Above Layer 3 - Right") {
- fadeLyr4PicX := fadeLyr3PicX+fadeLyr3PicW-fadeLyr4PicX
- fadeLyr4PicY := fadeLyr3PicY-fadeLyr4PicH
- } Else {
- GetFadePicPosition(fadeLyr4PicX,fadeLyr4PicY,fadeLyr4X,fadeLyr4Y,fadeLyr4PicW,fadeLyr4PicH,fadeLyr4Pos)
- }
- fadeTranspGifColor := % "0x" . fadeTranspGifColor
- Gui, Fade_GifAnim_GUI: +OwnerFade_GUI3 -Caption +LastFound +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
- GifAnim_GUI_ID := WinExist()
- Gui, Fade_GifAnim_GUI: Color, %fadeTranspGifColor%
- WinSet, TransColor, %fadeTranspGifColor% , ahk_id %GifAnim_GUI_ID%
- hAniGif1 := AniGif_CreateControl(GifAnim_GUI_ID, 0, 0, fadeLyr4PicW,fadeLyr4PicH, "center")
- }
- ;====== Loading Layer 4 Animation Files
- If !GifAnimation
- {
- FadeLayer4AnimFilesAr := GetFadeAnimFiles("Layer",4)
- If FadeLayer4AnimFilesAr.MaxIndex() > 0
- {
- For index, value in FadeLayer4AnimFilesAr
- {
- FadeLayer4Anim%a_index%Pic := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(value)
- FadeLayer4AnimTotal := a_index
- }
- Gdip_GetImageDimensions(FadeLayer4Anim1Pic, fadeLyr4PicW, fadeLyr4PicH)
- if (!(fadeLyr4W)) and (!(fadeLyr4H)){
- fadeLyr4PicW := Round(fadeLyr4PicW * fadeLyr4Adjust)
- fadeLyr4PicH := Round(fadeLyr4PicH * fadeLyr4Adjust)
- } else if (fadeLyr4W) and (!(fadeLyr4H)){
- fadeLyr4PicH := Round( fadeLyr4PicH * (fadeLyr4PicW / Round(fadeLyr4PicW * fadeLyr4Adjust)) )
- fadeLyr4PicW := Round(fadeLyr4W * fadeLyr4Adjust)
- } else if (!(fadeLyr4W)) and (fadeLyr4H){
- fadeLyr4PicW := Round( fadeLyr4PicW * (fadeLyr4PicH / Round(fadeLyr4H * fadeLyr4Adjust)) )
- fadeLyr4PicH := Round(fadeLyr4H * fadeLyr4Adjust)
- } else {
- fadeLyr4PicW := Round(fadeLyr4W * fadeLyr4Adjust)
- fadeLyr4PicH := Round(fadeLyr4H * fadeLyr4Adjust)
- }
- If (fadeLyr4Pos = "Above Layer 3 - Left") {
- fadeLyr4PicX := fadeLyr3PicX
- fadeLyr4PicY := fadeLyr3PicY-fadeLyr4PicH
- } Else If (fadeLyr4Pos = "Above Layer 3 - Center") {
- fadeLyr4PicX := fadeLyr3PicX+fadeLyr3PicW/2
- fadeLyr4PicY := fadeLyr3PicY-fadeLyr4PicH
- } Else If (fadeLyr4Pos = "Above Layer 3 - Right") {
- fadeLyr4PicX := fadeLyr3PicX+fadeLyr3PicW-fadeLyr4PicX
- fadeLyr4PicY := fadeLyr3PicY-fadeLyr4PicH
- } Else {
- GetFadePicPosition(fadeLyr4PicX,fadeLyr4PicY,fadeLyr4X,fadeLyr4Y,fadeLyr4PicW,fadeLyr4PicH,fadeLyr4Pos)
- }
- }
- }
- ;Layer 4 padding
- If fadeLyr4PicX < baseScreenWidth//2
- fadeLyr4PicX := fadeLyr4PicX+fadeLyr4PicPad
- Else
- fadeLyr4PicX := fadeLyr4PicX-fadeLyr4PicPad
- If fadeLyr4PicY < baseScreenHeight//2
- fadeLyr4PicX := fadeLyr4PicX+fadeLyr4PicPad
- Else
- fadeLyr4PicX := fadeLyr4PicX-fadeLyr4PicPad
- ;====== Loading Bar options
- If ((fadeLyr3Type = "bar") or (fadeLyr3Type = "ImageAndBar")) and ((fadeBar="true") or ( (fadeBar="7zOnly") and ((found7z="true") and (7zEnabled = "true") and !7zTempRomExists and use7zAnimation)) )
- {
- ;Creating Progress Bar Brushes
- fadeBrushWindow1 := Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect(0, 0, fadeBarWindowW, fadeBarWindowH, 0xff555555, 0xff050505)
- fadeBrushWindow2 := Gdip_BrushCreateHatch(0xff000000, 0x00000000, fadeBarWindowHatchStyle)
- fadeBrushBarBack := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid("0x" . fadeBarBackColor)
- fadeBrushBar := Gdip_BrushCreateHatch(0x00000000, "0x" . fadeBarColor, fadeBarHatchStyle)
- if (fadeBarWindow="Image") {
- fadeLyr3ProgressBarFile := GetFadePicFile("Progress Bar")
- fadeLyr3ProgressBar := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(fadeLyr3ProgressBarFile)
- Gdip_GetImageDimensions(fadeLyr3ProgressBar, fadeBarImageW, fadeBarImageH)
- if (!(fadeBarWindowW)) and (!(fadeBarWindowH)){
- fadeBarWindowW := fadeBarImageW
- fadeBarWindowH := fadeBarImageH
- } else if (fadeBarWindowW) and (!(fadeBarWindowH)){
- fadeBarWindowW := Round(fadeBarImageW*fadeXScale)
- fadeBarWindowH := Round(fadeBarImageH*fadeXScale)
- } else if (!(fadeBarWindowW)) and (fadeBarWindowH){
- fadeBarWindowW := Round(fadeBarImageW*fadeYScale)
- fadeBarWindowH := Round(fadeBarImageH*fadeYScale)
- } else {
- fadeBarWindowW := Round(fadeBarImageW*fadeXScale)
- fadeBarWindowH := Round(fadeBarImageH*fadeYScale)
- }
- }
- fadeBarW := fadeBarWindowW-2*fadeBarWindowM ; controls the bar's width, calculated from the bar window width and margin
- ;Progress Bar
- fadeBarX := fadeBarWindowM ; Relative to window update area
- yBar := (fadeBarWindowH-fadeBarH)//2 ; Relative to window update area
- ; Percentage Text
- Gdip_FontFamilyCreate(fadeFont) ; Creating font family
- ;Acquiring text font size
- Loop, parse, fadeText1Options, %A_Space%
- {
- If (InStr(A_LoopField, "s")=1)
- stringtrimleft, fadeText1Height, A_LoopField, 1
- }
- Loop, parse, fadeText2Options, %A_Space%
- {
- If (InStr(A_LoopField, "s")=1)
- stringtrimleft, fadeText2Height, A_LoopField, 1
- }
- If !fadeText1X
- fadeText1X := fadeBarX ; text1 X is set in relation to the bar X If not set by the user
- If !fadeText1Y
- fadeText1Y := round((fadeBarWindowH-fadeBarH)//2-1.5*fadeText1Height) ; text1 Y calculation If not set by the user
- If !fadeText2X
- fadeText2X := fadeBarWindowW-fadeBarWindowM ; text2 X calculation If not set by the user
- If !fadeText2Y
- fadeText2Y := round((fadeBarWindowH+fadeBarH)//2+0.5*fadeText2Height) ; text2 Y calculation If not set by the user
- ; Window Update Area
- If (fadeLyr3Type = "bar") {
- xTopLeft := If fadeBarWindowX ? fadeBarWindowX : (baseScreenWidth-fadeBarWindowW)//2 ; calculates where the X of the topleft corner of the bar window needs to be
- yTopLeft := If fadeBarWindowY ? fadeBarWindowY : (baseScreenHeight-fadeBarWindowH)//2 ; calculates where the Y of the topleft corner of the bar window needs to be
- } Else {
- xTopLeft := If fadeBarWindowX ? fadeBarWindowX : (baseScreenWidth-fadeBarWindowW)//2+fadeBarXOffset ; calculates where the X of the topleft corner of the bar window needs to be
- yTopLeft := If fadeBarWindowY ? fadeBarWindowY : (baseScreenHeight-fadeBarWindowH)//2+fadeBarYOffset ; calculates where the Y of the topleft corner of the bar window needs to be
- }
- } Else {
- xTopLeft := fadeLyr3PicX
- yTopLeft := fadeLyr3PicY
- }
- ;====== Loading extraction time text info
- If !fadeExtractionTimeTextX
- fadeExtractionTimeTextX := fadeBarWindowM ; text X calculation If not set by the user
- If !fadeExtractionTimeTextY
- fadeExtractionTimeTextY := round((fadeBarWindowH+fadeBarH)//2+0.5*fadeText2Height) ; text Y calculation If not set by the user
- ;====== Redefining Layer 3 to cover image plus bar size
- ; Defining Layer 3 update area
- If ((fadeLyr3Type = "bar") and ((fadeBar="true") or ( (fadeBar="7zOnly") and ((found7z="true") and (7zEnabled = "true") and !7zTempRomExists and use7zAnimation)) )){
- fadeLyr3CanvasX := xTopLeft
- fadeLyr3CanvasY := yTopLeft
- fadeLyr3CanvasW := fadeBarWindowW
- fadeLyr3CanvasH := fadeBarWindowH
- } Else If ((fadeLyr3Type = "ImageAndBar") and ((fadeBar="true") or ( (fadeBar="7zOnly") and ((found7z="true") and (7zEnabled = "true") and !7zTempRomExists and use7zAnimation)) )){
- fadeLyr3CanvasX := fadeLyr3PicX < xTopLeft ? fadeLyr3PicX : xTopLeft
- fadeLyr3CanvasY := fadeLyr3PicY < yTopLeft ? fadeLyr3PicY : yTopLeft
- fadeLyr3CanvasW := fadeLyr3PicX+fadeLyr3PicW-fadeLyr3CanvasX > xTopLeft+fadeBarWindowW-fadeLyr3CanvasX ? fadeLyr3PicX+fadeLyr3PicW-fadeLyr3CanvasX : xTopLeft+fadeBarWindowW-fadeLyr3CanvasX
- fadeLyr3CanvasH := fadeLyr3PicY+fadeLyr3PicH-fadeLyr3CanvasY > yTopLeft+fadeBarWindowH-fadeLyr3CanvasY ? fadeLyr3PicY+fadeLyr3PicH-fadeLyr3CanvasY : yTopLeft+fadeBarWindowH-fadeLyr3CanvasY
- } Else { ;(fadeLyr3Type = "image")
- fadeLyr3CanvasX := fadeLyr3PicX
- fadeLyr3CanvasY := fadeLyr3PicY
- fadeLyr3CanvasW := fadeLyr3PicW
- fadeLyr3CanvasH := fadeLyr3PicH
- }
- ;====== Rom Info Text
- romInfoText := [] ; 1,1 - romInfoText ; 1,2 romInfoTextContent ; 1,3 - romInfoTextFormatedContent ; 1,4 - romInfoTextOptions ; 1,5 - romInfoBitmap ; 1,6 - romInfoBitmapX ; 1,7 - romInfoBitmapY ; 1,8 - romInfoBitmapW ; 1,9 - romInfoBitmapH
- clearGameName := gameInfo["Name"].Value
- stringSplit, clearGameName, clearGameName, (
- clearGameName := clearGameName1
- Displacement := 0
- Loop, parse, fadeRomInfoOrder,|,
- {
- romInfoText[A_Index,1] := A_LoopField
- If (romInfoText[A_Index,1] = "Description") {
- descriptionTextIndex := A_Index
- romInfoText[A_Index,2] := gameInfo["Name"].Value
- If (fadeRomInfoDescription="filtered text") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := clearGameName
- } else if (fadeRomInfoDescription="text") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } else if (fadeRomInfoDescription="filtered text with label") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := "Game: " . clearGameName
- } else if (fadeRomInfoDescription="text with label") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := "Game: " . romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- }
- } Else If (romInfoText[A_Index,1] = "SystemName") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,2] := systemName
- If (fadeRomInfoSystemName="text with label") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := "System: " . romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else If (romInfoText[A_Index,1] = "Year") {
- yearTextIndex := A_Index
- romInfoText[A_Index,2] := gameInfo["Year"].Value
- If (fadeRomInfoYear="text with label") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := "Year: " . romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else If (romInfoText[A_Index,1] = "Manufacturer") {
- manufacturerTextIndex := A_Index
- romInfoText[A_Index,2] := gameInfo["Manufacturer"].Value
- If (fadeRomInfoManufacturer="text with label") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := "Manufacturer: " . romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else If (romInfoText[A_Index,1] = "Genre") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,2] := gameInfo["Genre"].Value
- If (fadeRomInfoGenre="text with label") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := "Genre: " . romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else If (romInfoText[A_Index,1] = "Rating") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,2] := gameInfo["Rating"].Value
- If (fadeRomInfoRating="text with label") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := "Rating: " . romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else
- romInfoText[A_Index,3] := romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- }
- }
- ; Resizing text if does not fit the defined width
- Loop, 6
- {
- currentRomInfoTextIndex := A_Index
- currentRomInfoTextType := "fadeRomInfo" . romInfoText[currentRomInfoTextIndex,1]
- if !((%currentRomInfoTextType%="Image")or(%currentRomInfoTextType%="Disabled")){
- RegExMatch(fadeRomInfoText%currentRomInfoTextIndex%Options, "i)W([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", Width)
- if Width
- {
- RegExMatch(fadeRomInfoText%currentRomInfoTextIndex%Options, "i)S([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", Size)
- StringReplace, textOptions, fadeRomInfoText%currentRomInfoTextIndex%Options, %Width%,
- Width := SubStr(Width, 2), FontSize := SubStr(Size, 2)
- textLength := MeasureText(romInfoText[currentRomInfoTextIndex,3],textOptions,fadeFont)
- if (textLength>Width) {
- loop,
- {
- StringReplace, textOptions, textOptions, % "S" . FontSize, % "S" . FontSize-5
- FontSize := FontSize - 5
- textLength := MeasureText(romInfoText[currentRomInfoTextIndex,3],textOptions,fadeFont)
- if (textLength<Width){
- fadeRomInfoText%currentRomInfoTextIndex%Options := RegExReplace(fadeRomInfoText%currentRomInfoTextIndex%Options, "i)S(\d+)(p*)", "s" . FontSize )
- RegExMatch(fadeRomInfoText%currentRomInfoTextIndex%Options, "i)Y([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", YPos)
- fadeRomInfoText%currentRomInfoTextIndex%Options := RegExReplace(fadeRomInfoText%currentRomInfoTextIndex%Options, "i)Y([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", "y" . Round(SubStr(YPos,2)+(5*A_Index)/2) )
- break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ; Handling Rom Info images
- Loop, 6
- {
- currentRomInfoTextType := "fadeRomInfo" . romInfoText[A_Index,1]
- If (%currentRomInfoTextType%="Image") {
- If (romInfoText[A_Index,1] = "Description") {
- If romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- {
- If FileExist(HLMediaPath . "\Wheels\" . systemname . "\" . dbname . "\*.png") {
- fadeRomWheelImageList := []
- Loop, %HLMediaPath%\Wheels\%systemname%\%dbname%\*.png
- fadeRomWheelImageList.Insert(A_LoopFileFullPath)
- Random, RndmFadeRomWheelImage, 1, % fadeRomWheelImageList.MaxIndex()
- fadeRomWheelImage := FadeRomWheelImageList[RndmFadeRomWheelImage]
- imagePointer := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(fadeRomWheelImage)
- } Else If FileExist( frontendPath . "\Media\" . systemName . "\Images\Wheel\" . dbname . ".png") {
- imagePointer := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile( frontendPath . "\Media\" . systemName . "\Images\Wheel\" . dbname . ".png" )
- }
- }
- } Else If (romInfoText[A_Index,1] = "SystemName") {
- If romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- {
- If FileExist(HLMediaPath . "\Wheels\" . systemname . "\_Default\*.png") {
- fadeSystemWheelImageList := []
- Loop, %HLMediaPath%\Wheels\%systemname%\_Default\*.png
- fadeSystemWheelImageList.Insert(A_LoopFileFullPath)
- Random, RndmFadeSystemWheelImage, 1, % fadeSystemWheelImageList.MaxIndex()
- fadeSystemWheelImage := fadeSystemWheelImageList[RndmFadeSystemWheelImage]
- imagePointer := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(fadeSystemWheelImage)
- } Else If FileExist( frontendPath . "\Media\Main Menu\Images\Wheel\" . systemname . ".png") {
- imagePointer := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile( frontendPath . "\Media\Main Menu\Images\Wheel\" . systemname . ".png" )
- }
- }
- } Else {
- If romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- If FileExist( fadeImgPath . "\_Default\" . romInfoText[A_Index,1] . "\" . romInfoText[A_Index,2] . ".png" )
- imagePointer := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile( fadeImgPath . "\_Default\" . romInfoText[A_Index,1] . "\" . romInfoText[A_Index,2] . ".png" )
- }
- If imagePointer
- romInfoText[A_Index,5] := imagePointer
- }
- imagePointer :=
- }
- ;Defining Image W and H of images
- Loop, 6
- {
- currentRomInfoTextType := "fadeRomInfo" . romInfoText[A_Index,1]
- If (%currentRomInfoTextType%="Image") {
- RegExMatch(fadeRomInfoText%A_Index%Options, "i)W([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", UserDefinedW) ; getting w coordinates
- RegExMatch(fadeRomInfoText%A_Index%Options, "i)H([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", UserDefinedH) ; getting h coordinates
- stringtrimLeft, UserDefinedW, UserDefinedW, 1
- stringtrimLeft, UserDefinedH, UserDefinedH, 1
- Gdip_GetImageDimensions(romInfoText[A_Index,5], W, H)
- If ((UserDefinedW) and (UserDefinedH)){
- romInfoText[A_Index,8] := UserDefinedW
- romInfoText[A_Index,9] := UserDefinedH
- } Else If (UserDefinedW) {
- romInfoText[A_Index,8] := UserDefinedW
- romInfoText[A_Index,9] := round(H*UserDefinedW/W)
- } Else If (UserDefinedH) {
- romInfoText[A_Index,9] := UserDefinedH
- romInfoText[A_Index,8] := round(W*UserDefinedH/H)
- } Else {
- romInfoText[A_Index,8] := W
- romInfoText[A_Index,9] := H
- }
- }
- }
- If (fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="User Defined"){
- Loop, 6
- {
- currentRomInfoTextType := "fadeRomInfo" . romInfoText[A_Index,1]
- If ((%currentRomInfoTextType%="Text") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="filtered text") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="filtered text with label") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="text with label"))
- romInfoText[A_Index,4] := fadeRomInfoText%A_Index%Options
- Else If (%currentRomInfoTextType%="Image") {
- RegExMatch(fadeRomInfoText%A_Index%Options, "i)X([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", UserDefinedX) ; getting x coordinates
- RegExMatch(fadeRomInfoText%A_Index%Options, "i)Y([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", UserDefinedY) ; getting y coordinates
- stringtrimLeft, UserDefinedX, UserDefinedX, 1
- stringtrimLeft, UserDefinedY, UserDefinedY, 1
- romInfoText[A_Index,6] := UserDefinedX
- romInfoText[A_Index,7] := UserDefinedY
- If !UserDefinedX
- romInfoText[A_Index,6] := (baseScreenWidth-romInfoText[A_Index,8])//2
- If !UserDefinedY
- romInfoText[A_Index,7] := (baseScreenHeight-romInfoText[A_Index,9])//2
- }
- }
- } Else {
- Loop, 6
- {
- currentRomInfoTextType := "fadeRomInfo" . romInfoText[A_Index,1]
- If ((%currentRomInfoTextType%="Text") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="filtered text") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="filtered text with label") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="text with label")) { ;parsing text options to remove x, y, W, H
- romInfoText[A_Index,4] := RegExReplace(fadeRomInfoText%A_Index%Options, "i)X([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", " ") ; Removing x
- romInfoText[A_Index,4] := RegExReplace(romInfoText[A_Index,4], "i)Y([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", " ") ; Removing y
- romInfoText[A_Index,4] := RegExReplace(romInfoText[A_Index,4], "i)W([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", " ") ; Removing w
- romInfoText[A_Index,4] := RegExReplace(romInfoText[A_Index,4], "i)H([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", " ") ; Removing h
- romInfoText[A_Index,4] := RegExReplace(romInfoText[A_Index,4], "i)Top|Up|Bottom|Down|vCentre|vCenter", " ") ; Removing Align
- FoundPos := RegExMatch(romInfoText[A_Index,4], "i)S(\d+)(p*)", Size) ; Acquiring rom info font size
- StringTrimLeft, Size , Size,1
- maxromInfoTextSize := maxromInfoTextSize > Size ? maxromInfoTextSize : Size
- }
- }
- If (fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="corners"){
- romInfoText[1,4] := "x" . fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " y" . fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " Left " . romInfoText[1,4]
- romInfoText[1,6] := fadeRomInfoTextMargin
- romInfoText[1,7] := fadeRomInfoTextMargin
- romInfoText[2,4] := "x" . baseScreenWidth-fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " y" . fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " Right " . romInfoText[2,4]
- romInfoText[2,6] := baseScreenWidth-fadeRomInfoTextMargin-romInfoText[2,8]
- romInfoText[2,7] := fadeRomInfoTextMargin
- romInfoText[3,4] := "x" . fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " y" . baseScreenHeight-maxromInfoTextSize-fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " Left " . romInfoText[3,4]
- romInfoText[3,6] := fadeRomInfoTextMargin
- romInfoText[3,7] := baseScreenHeight-fadeRomInfoTextMargin-romInfoText[3,9]
- romInfoText[4,4] := "x" . baseScreenWidth-fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " y" . baseScreenHeight-maxromInfoTextSize-fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " Right " . romInfoText[4,4]
- romInfoText[4,6] := baseScreenWidth-fadeRomInfoTextMargin-romInfoText[4,8]
- romInfoText[4,7] := baseScreenHeight-fadeRomInfoTextMargin-romInfoText[4,9]
- romInfoText[5,4] := "x" . baseScreenWidth//2 . " y" . fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " Center " . romInfoText[5,4]
- romInfoText[5,6] := (baseScreenWidth-romInfoText[5,8])//2
- romInfoText[5,7] := fadeRomInfoTextMargin
- romInfoText[6,4] := "x" . baseScreenWidth//2 . " y" . baseScreenHeight-maxromInfoTextSize-fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " Center " . romInfoText[6,4]
- romInfoText[6,6] := (baseScreenWidth-romInfoText[6,8])//2
- romInfoText[6,7] := baseScreenHeight-fadeRomInfoTextMargin-romInfoText[6,9]
- } Else {
- Loop, 6
- {
- currentRomInfoTextType := "fadeRomInfo" . romInfoText[A_Index,1]
- If ((fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="bottomRight") or (fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="bottomLeft")) {
- If ((%currentRomInfoTextType%="Text") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="filtered text") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="filtered text with label") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="text with label"))
- Displacement := Displacement + (maxromInfoTextSize+10)
- Else If (%currentRomInfoTextType%="Image")
- Displacement := Displacement + ( romInfoText[A_Index,9] +10)
- }
- If (fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="topRight") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,4] := "x" . baseScreenWidth-fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " y" . Displacement+fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " Right " . romInfoText[A_Index,4]
- romInfoText[A_Index,6] := baseScreenWidth-fadeRomInfoTextMargin-romInfoText[A_Index,8]
- romInfoText[A_Index,7] := Displacement+fadeRomInfoTextMargin
- } Else If (fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="topLeft") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,4] := "x" . fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " y" . Displacement+fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " Left " . romInfoText[A_Index,4]
- romInfoText[A_Index,6] := fadeRomInfoTextMargin
- romInfoText[A_Index,7] := Displacement+fadeRomInfoTextMargin
- } Else If (fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="bottomRight") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,4] := "x" . baseScreenWidth-fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " y" . baseScreenHeight-Displacement-fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " Right " . romInfoText[A_Index,4]
- romInfoText[A_Index,6] := baseScreenWidth-fadeRomInfoTextMargin-romInfoText[A_Index,8]
- romInfoText[A_Index,7] := baseScreenHeight-fadeRomInfoTextMargin-Displacement
- } Else If (fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="bottomLeft") {
- romInfoText[A_Index,4] := "x" . fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " y" . baseScreenHeight-Displacement-fadeRomInfoTextMargin . " Left " . romInfoText[A_Index,4]
- romInfoText[A_Index,6] := fadeRomInfoTextMargin
- romInfoText[A_Index,7] := baseScreenHeight-fadeRomInfoTextMargin-Displacement
- }
- If ((fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="topRight") or (fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="topLeft")) {
- If ((%currentRomInfoTextType%="Text") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="filtered text") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="filtered text with label") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="text with label"))
- Displacement := Displacement + (maxromInfoTextSize+10)
- Else If (%currentRomInfoTextType%="Image")
- Displacement := Displacement + ( romInfoText[A_Index,9] +10)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ;====== Statistics Info Text
- If !( (fadeRomInfoTextPlacement=fadestatsInfoTextPlacement) and ((fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="topRight") or (fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="topLeft") or (fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="bottomRight") or (fadeRomInfoTextPlacement="bottomLeft")) )
- Displacement := 0
- If (statisticsEnabled = "true"){
- If ((fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played<>disabled) or (fadeStats_Last_Time_Played<>disabled) or (fadeStats_Average_Time_Played<>disabled) or (fadeStats_Total_Time_Played<>disabled) or (fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time<>disabled) or (fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time<>disabled) ){
- ;Load statistics
- If (!romTable && mgCandidate)
- romTable := CreateRomTable(dbName)
- Totaldiscsofcurrentgame:=romTable.MaxIndex()
- If (Totaldiscsofcurrentgame>1)
- DescriptionNameWithoutDisc := romTable[1,4]
- Else
- DescriptionNameWithoutDisc := gameInfo["Name"].Value
- stringsplit, DescriptionNameSplit, DescriptionNameWithoutDisc, "(", ;Only game description name
- ClearDescriptionName := RegexReplace( DescriptionNameSplit1, "^\s+|\s+$" ) ; Statistics cleared game name
- IniRead, Number_of_Times_Played, % HLDataPath . "\Statistics\" . systemName . ".ini", % dbName, Number_of_Times_Played, 0
- IniRead, Last_Time_Played, % HLDataPath . "\Statistics\" . systemName . ".ini", % dbName, Last_Time_Played, 0
- IniRead, Average_Time_Played, % HLDataPath . "\Statistics\" . systemName . ".ini", % dbName, Average_Time_Played, 0
- IniRead, Total_Time_Played, % HLDataPath . "\Statistics\" . systemName . ".ini", % dbName, Total_Time_Played, 0
- IniRead, System_Total_Played_Time, % HLDataPath . "\Statistics\" . systemName . ".ini", General, System_Total_Played_Time, 0
- IniRead, Total_Global_Played_Time, % HLDataPath . "\Statistics\Global Statistics.ini", General, Total_Global_Played_Time, 0
- ;Formating stats
- If(Number_of_Times_Played=0)
- Number_of_Times_Played := "Never"
- Else If (Number_of_Times_Played=1)
- Number_of_Times_Played := Number_of_Times_Played . " time"
- Else
- Number_of_Times_Played := Number_of_Times_Played . " times"
- If(Last_Time_Played=0)
- Last_Time_Played := "Never"
- If (Average_Time_Played>0)
- Average_Time_Played := GetTimeString(Average_Time_Played) . " per session"
- Total_Time_Played := GetTimeString(Total_Time_Played)
- System_Total_Played_Time := GetTimeString(System_Total_Played_Time)
- Total_Global_Played_Time := GetTimeString(Total_Global_Played_Time)
- statsInfoText := []
- Loop, parse, fadeStatsInfoOrder,|,
- {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,1] := A_LoopField
- If (statsInfoText[A_Index,1] = "Number_of_Times_Played") {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,2] := Number_of_Times_Played
- If (fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played="text with label") {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,3] := "Times Played: " . statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else
- statsInfoText[A_Index,3] := statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else If (statsInfoText[A_Index,1] = "Last_Time_Played") {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,2] := Last_Time_Played
- If (fadeStats_Last_Time_Played="text with label") {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,3] := "Last Time Played: " . statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else
- statsInfoText[A_Index,3] := statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else If (statsInfoText[A_Index,1] = "Average_Time_Played") {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,2] := Average_Time_Played
- If (fadeStats_Average_Time_Played="text with label") {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,3] := "Average Time Played: " . statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else
- statsInfoText[A_Index,3] := statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else If (statsInfoText[A_Index,1] = "Total_Time_Played") {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,2] := Total_Time_Played
- If (fadeStats_Total_Time_Played="text with label") {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,3] := "Total Time Played: " . statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else
- statsInfoText[A_Index,3] := statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else If (statsInfoText[A_Index,1] = "System_Total_Played_Time") {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,2] := System_Total_Played_Time
- If (fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time="text with label") {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,3] := "System Total Played Time: " . statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else
- statsInfoText[A_Index,3] := statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else If (statsInfoText[A_Index,1] = "Total_Global_Played_Time") {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,2] := Total_Global_Played_Time
- If (fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time="text with label") {
- statsInfoText[A_Index,3] := "Total Global Played Time: " . statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- } Else
- statsInfoText[A_Index,3] := statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- }
- }
- If (fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement="User Defined"){
- Loop, 6
- {
- currentStatsInfoTextType := "fadeStats_" . statsInfoText[A_Index,1]
- If ((%currentStatsInfoTextType%="Text") or (%currentStatsInfoTextType%="text with label"))
- statsInfoText[A_Index,4] := fadeStatsInfoText%A_Index%Options
- }
- } Else {
- Loop, 6
- {
- currentStatsInfoTextType := "fadeStats_" . statsInfoText[A_Index,1]
- If ((%currentStatsInfoTextType%="Text") or (%currentStatsInfoTextType%="text with label")) { ;parsing text options to remove x, y, W, H
- statsInfoText[A_Index,4] := RegExReplace(fadeStatsInfoText%A_Index%Options, "i)X([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", " ") ; Removing x
- statsInfoText[A_Index,4] := RegExReplace(statsInfoText[A_Index,4], "i)Y([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", " ") ; Removing y
- statsInfoText[A_Index,4] := RegExReplace(statsInfoText[A_Index,4], "i)W([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", " ") ; Removing w
- statsInfoText[A_Index,4] := RegExReplace(statsInfoText[A_Index,4], "i)H([\-\d\.]+)(p*)", " ") ; Removing h
- statsInfoText[A_Index,4] := RegExReplace(statsInfoText[A_Index,4], "i)Top|Up|Bottom|Down|vCentre|vCenter", " ") ; Removing Align
- FoundPos := RegExMatch(statsInfoText[A_Index,4], "i)S(\d+)(p*)", Size) ; Acquiring stats info font size
- StringTrimLeft, Size , Size,1
- maxStatsInfoTextSize := maxStatsInfoTextSize > Size ? maxStatsInfoTextSize : Size
- }
- }
- If (fadestatsInfoTextPlacement="corners"){
- statsInfoText[1,4] := "x" . fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " y" . fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " Left " . statsInfoText[1,4]
- statsInfoText[2,4] := "x" . baseScreenWidth-fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " y" . fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " Right " . statsInfoText[2,4]
- statsInfoText[3,4] := "x" . fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " y" . baseScreenHeight-maxstatsInfoTextSize-fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " Left " . statsInfoText[3,4]
- statsInfoText[4,4] := "x" . baseScreenWidth-fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " y" . baseScreenHeight-maxstatsInfoTextSize-fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " Right " . statsInfoText[4,4]
- statsInfoText[5,4] := "x" . baseScreenWidth//2 . " y" . fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " Center " . statsInfoText[5,4]
- statsInfoText[6,4] := "x" . baseScreenWidth//2 . " y" . baseScreenHeight-maxstatsInfoTextSize-fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " Center " . statsInfoText[6,4]
- } Else {
- Loop, 6
- {
- If ((fadestatsInfoTextPlacement="bottomRight") or (fadestatsInfoTextPlacement="bottomLeft")) {
- if statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- Displacement := Displacement + (maxstatsInfoTextSize+10)
- else if (A_Index=1)
- Displacement := (maxstatsInfoTextSize+10)
- }
- If (fadestatsInfoTextPlacement="topRight")
- statsInfoText[A_Index,4] := "x" . baseScreenWidth-fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " y" . Displacement+fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " Right " . statsInfoText[A_Index,4]
- Else If (fadestatsInfoTextPlacement="topLeft")
- statsInfoText[A_Index,4] := "x" . fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " y" . Displacement+fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " Left " . statsInfoText[A_Index,4]
- Else If (fadestatsInfoTextPlacement="bottomRight")
- statsInfoText[A_Index,4] := "x" . baseScreenWidth-fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " y" . baseScreenHeight-Displacement-fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " Right " . statsInfoText[A_Index,4]
- Else If (fadestatsInfoTextPlacement="bottomLeft")
- statsInfoText[A_Index,4] := "x" . fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " y" . baseScreenHeight-Displacement-fadeStatsInfoTextMargin . " Left " . statsInfoText[A_Index,4]
- If ((fadestatsInfoTextPlacement="topRight") or (fadestatsInfoTextPlacement="topLeft")) {
- if statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- Displacement := Displacement + (maxstatsInfoTextSize+10)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ;====== Defining Drawing areas
- pGraphUpd(Fade_G3,fadeLyr3CanvasW,fadeLyr3CanvasH)
- fadeLyr4CanvasX := round(fadeLyr4PicX) , fadeLyr4CanvasY := round(fadeLyr4PicY)
- fadeLyr4CanvasW := round(fadeLyr4PicW), fadeLyr4CanvasH := round(fadeLyr4PicH)
- pGraphUpd(Fade_G4,fadeLyr4CanvasW,fadeLyr4CanvasH)
- fadeLyr5CanvasX := 0 , fadeLyr5CanvasY := 0
- fadeLyr5CanvasW := baseScreenWidth, fadeLyr5CanvasH := baseScreenHeight
- pGraphUpd(Fade_G5,fadeLyr5CanvasW,fadeLyr5CanvasH)
- ;====== Drawing Layer 3 Static
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd3Static, Fade_hdc3Static,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasX,fadeLyr3StaticCanvasY, fadeLyr3StaticCanvasW, fadeLyr3StaticCanvasH)
- ;====== Drawing text info
- Loop, 6
- {
- currentRomInfoTextType := "fadeRomInfo" . romInfoText[A_Index,1]
- If ((%currentRomInfoTextType%="Text") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="filtered text") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="filtered text with label") or (%currentRomInfoTextType%="text with label")) {
- If romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Fade_G5, romInfoText[A_Index,3], romInfoText[A_Index,4], fadeFont, 0, 0)
- } Else If (%currentRomInfoTextType%="Image") {
- If romInfoText[A_Index,2]
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Fade_G5, romInfoText[A_Index,5], romInfoText[A_Index,6], romInfoText[A_Index,7], romInfoText[A_Index,8], romInfoText[A_Index,9])
- }
- }
- ; Drawing Statistics text info
- If (statisticsEnabled = "true"){
- Loop, 6
- {
- currentStatsInfoTextType := "fadeStats_" . statsInfoText[A_Index,1]
- If ((%currentStatsInfoTextType%="Text") or (%currentStatsInfoTextType%="text with label"))
- If statsInfoText[A_Index,2]
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Fade_G5, statsInfoText[A_Index,3], statsInfoText[A_Index,4], fadeFont, 0, 0)
- }
- }
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd5, Fade_hdc5,fadeLyr5CanvasX,fadeLyr5CanvasY, fadeLyr5CanvasW, fadeLyr5CanvasH)
- ;====== drawing animated gif
- If GifAnimation
- SetTimer, FadeLayer4Anim, -1
- Else If (FadeLayer4AnimFilesAr.MaxIndex() > 0)
- SetTimer, FadeLayer4Anim, %fadeLyr4FPS%
- ;====== Defining Progress Bar Update for non 7z
- timeToMax := fadeLyr3Speed / fadeLyr3Repeat ; calculate how long layer 3 needs to take to show 100% of the image
- ; update fadeInExitDelay value to assure that the fadeLyr3 animation finishes before exiting fade
- If (((fadeLyr3Type = "Image") or (fadeLyr3Type = "ImageAndBar")) and (fadeInLyr3File) and (fadeLyr3Repeat))
- if (fadeLyr3Speed>fadeInDelay+fadeInExitDelay)
- fadeInExitDelay := fadeInExitDelay + fadeLyr3Speed-(fadeInDelay+fadeInExitDelay)
- ;Defining Progress Bar Update Time
- If ((fadeLyr3Type = "bar") or (fadeLyr3Type = "ImageAndBar")) and (fadeBar="true")
- progressBarTimeToMax := if (fadeBarNon7zProgressTime) ? fadeBarNon7zProgressTime : (fadeInDelay+fadeInExitDelay)
- ;======checking for extraction and loading sound
- If ((found7z="true" and 7zEnabled = "true" and !7zTempRomExists and use7zAnimation) or (hlmode="fade7z")) and (7zSounds = "true") {
- If not (fadeLyr3Type = image and fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress = false) {
- If FileExist( HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\" . dbName . "\7z extracting.mp3")
- extractionSound := HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\" . dbName . "\7z extracting.mp3"
- Else If FileExist( HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\_Default\7z extracting.mp3")
- extractionSound := HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\_Default\7z extracting.mp3"
- Else If FileExist( HLMediaPath . "\Fade\_Default\7z extracting.mp3")
- extractionSound := HLMediaPath . "\Fade\_Default\7z extracting.mp3"
- If extractionSound {
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimation - Playing " . extractionSound)
- SoundPlay, %extractionSound%
- }
- }
- } else {
- If FileExist( HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\" . dbName . "\loading.mp3")
- loadingSound := HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\" . dbName . "\loading.mp3"
- Else If FileExist( HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\_Default\loading.mp3")
- loadingSound := HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\_Default\loading.mp3"
- Else If FileExist( HLMediaPath . "\Fade\_Default\loading.mp3")
- loadingSound := HLMediaPath . "\Fade\_Default\loading.mp3"
- If loadingSound {
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimation - Playing " . loadingSound)
- SoundPlay, %loadingSound%
- }
- }
- ;==== Create timer to update layer 3
- SetTimer, _DefaultFadeAnimationLoop, 50
- startTime := A_TickCount
- layer3startTime := A_TickCount
- If fadeInActive
- GoSub, FadeInDelay ; This must always be at the end of all animation functions. It's a simple timer that will force the GUI to stay up the defined amount of delay If the animation was shorter then said delay.
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimation - Ended")
- Return
- _DefaultFadeAnimationLoop:
- if (!fadeInActive or fadeInExitComplete) {
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - " . (If fadeInExitComplete ? "FadeInExit completed" : "FadeIn is no longer active") . ", stopping DefaultFadeAnimationLoop",4)
- SetTimer, _DefaultFadeAnimationLoop, Off
- }
- if AnimationLoopFinished {
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - AnimationLoop has finished",4)
- SetTimer, _DefaultFadeAnimationLoop, Off
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd3, Fade_hdc3,fadeLyr3CanvasX,fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeLyr3CanvasW, fadeLyr3CanvasH)
- ; stopping extraction sound and checking for complete sound
- If ((found7z="true" and 7zEnabled = "true" and !7zTempRomExists and use7zAnimation) or (hlmode="fade7z")) and (7zSounds = "true") {
- If extractionSound
- SoundPlay, blank.mp3 ; playing non existent file to stop extraction sound.
- If FileExist( HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\" . dbName . "\7z complete.mp3")
- completeSound := HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\" . dbName . "\7z complete.mp3"
- Else If FileExist( HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\_Default\7z complete.mp3")
- completeSound := HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\_Default\7z complete.mp3"
- Else If FileExist( HLMediaPath . "\Fade\_Default\7z complete.mp3")
- completeSound := HLMediaPath . "\Fade\_Default\7z complete.mp3"
- If completeSound {
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - Playing " . completeSound)
- SoundPlay, %completeSound%
- }
- } else {
- If loadingSound
- SoundPlay, blank.mp3 ; playing non existent file to stop extraction sound.
- If FileExist( HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\" . dbName . "\loading complete.mp3")
- loadingSound := HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\" . dbName . "\loading complete.mp3"
- Else If FileExist( HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\_Default\loading complete.mp3")
- loadingSound := HLMediaPath . "\Fade\" . SystemName . "\_Default\loading complete.mp3"
- Else If FileExist( HLMediaPath . "\Fade\_Default\loading complete.mp3")
- loadingSound := HLMediaPath . "\Fade\_Default\loading complete.mp3"
- If loadingSound {
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - Playing " . loadingSound)
- SoundPlay, %loadingSound%
- }
- }
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - Ended",4)
- }
- ;====== Begin of animation Loop
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Fade_G3)
- ;====== Updating 7z extraction info
- If (((found7z="true") and (7zEnabled = "true") and !(7zTempRomExists) and (use7zAnimation)) and !(hlmode="fade7z")) {
- If not (fadeLyr3Type = image and fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress = false) {
- romExPercentageAndFile := COM_Invoke(HLObject, "getExtractionSize", 7zRomPath, 0) ; Get the current file being extracted and size of the 7z Extract Path - (Extraction Size\Progress (0=Accurate Method, 1=Fast Detection Method))
- Loop, Parse, romExPercentageAndFile, | ; StringSplit oddly doesn't work for some unknown reason, must resort to a parsing Loop instead
- {
- If A_Index = 1
- {
- romExCurSize := A_LoopField ; Store bytes extracted
- romExPercentage := (A_LoopField / romExSize) * 100 ; Calculate percentage extracted
- } Else If A_Index = 2
- romExFile := A_LoopField
- }
- layer3Percentage := romExPercentage
- }
- } else { ; to be used for drawing the progress bar on non 7z fade or in hlmode "fade"
- timeElapsed := A_TickCount - startTime
- layer3TimeElapsed := A_TickCount - layer3startTime
- romExPercentage := (timeElapsed < progressBarTimeToMax) ? Round((timeElapsed / progressBarTimeToMax)*100) : 100
- if !fadeLyr3Drawn
- layer3Percentage := (layer3TimeElapsed < timeToMax) ? Round((layer3TimeElapsed / timeToMax)*100) : 100
- }
- ;====== Drawing layer 3 image
- If (fadeLyr3Type = "Image") or (fadeLyr3Type = "ImageAndBar")
- {
- IfExist, % fadeInLyr3File
- {
- If fadeLyr3Repeat != 0 ; Only Loop animation If user does not want a static image
- {
- if fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Fade_G3, fadeLyr3Pic, fadeLyr3PicX-fadeLyr3CanvasX, fadeLyr3PicY-fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeLyr3PicW, fadeLyr3PicH, , , , , fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency/100) ; draw layer 3 image with transparency
- If (found7z="true") and (7zEnabled = "true") and (fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress="true") and !7zTempRomExists and use7zAnimation {
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Fade_G3, fadeLyr3Pic, fadeLyr3PicX-fadeLyr3CanvasX, fadeLyr3PicY-fadeLyr3CanvasY, round(fadeLyr3PicW*layer3Percentage/100), fadeLyr3PicH, 0, 0, Round(fadeLyr3PicOrigW*layer3Percentage/100), fadeLyr3PicOrigH) ; draw layer 3 image onto screen on layer 3 and adjust the size If set
- If (layer3Percentage >= 100){
- If 7zEnded
- fadeLyr3Drawn := true
- 7zEnded=1 ; Often on small archives, 7z.exe ends so fast, it doesn't give us the chance to show 100% completion. By looping a 2nd time after 7z.exe is closed, the 2nd Loop after 7zEnded, sets the percentage to 100%.
- }
- } Else {
- If (t1 < 100 and fadeLyr3DrawnTimes<fadeLyr3Repeat) {
- t1 := ((timeElapsed := A_TickCount - layer3startTime) < timeToMax) ? timeElapsed / timeToMax : 100
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Fade_G3, fadeLyr3Pic, fadeLyr3PicX-fadeLyr3CanvasX, fadeLyr3PicY-fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeLyr3PicW*t1, fadeLyr3PicH, 0, 0, fadeLyr3PicOrigW*t1, fadeLyr3PicOrigH) ; draw layer 3 image onto screen on layer 3 and adjust the size If set
- } Else {
- layer3startTime := A_TickCount ; reset on each Loop
- fadeLyr3DrawnTimes++
- t1 := 0
- If (fadeLyr3DrawnTimes>=fadeLyr3Repeat) {
- fadeLyr3Drawn := true
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Fade_G3, fadeLyr3Pic, fadeLyr3PicX-fadeLyr3CanvasX, fadeLyr3PicY-fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeLyr3PicW, fadeLyr3PicH) ; draw layer 3 image onto screen on layer 3 and adjust the size If set
- }
- }
- }
- } Else If !fadeLyr3Drawn { ; If fadeLyr3Repeat is set to 0 (a static image), just show it, rather then animate
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Fade_G3, fadeLyr3Pic, fadeLyr3PicX-fadeLyr3CanvasX, fadeLyr3PicY-fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeLyr3PicW, fadeLyr3PicH) ; draw layer 3 image onto screen on layer 3 and adjust the size If set
- fadeLyr3Drawn := true
- }
- } Else {
- fadeLyr3Drawn := true
- }
- } Else {
- fadeLyr3Drawn := true
- }
- ;====== Drawing Bar
- If ((fadeLyr3Type = "bar") or (fadeLyr3Type = "ImageAndBar")) and ((fadeBar="true") or ( (fadeBar="7zOnly") and ((found7z="true") and (7zEnabled = "true") and !7zTempRomExists and use7zAnimation)) )
- {
- ; Bar Window
- if (fadeBarWindow="Image") {
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Fade_G3, fadeLyr3ProgressBar, xTopLeft-fadeLyr3CanvasX, yTopLeft-fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeBarWindowW, fadeBarWindowH)
- } else if (fadeBarWindow="GDI") {
- Gdip_Alt_FillRoundedRectangle(Fade_G3, fadeBrushWindow1, xTopLeft-fadeLyr3CanvasX, yTopLeft-fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeBarWindowW, fadeBarWindowH, fadeBarWindowR)
- Gdip_Alt_FillRoundedRectangle(Fade_G3, fadeBrushWindow2, xTopLeft-fadeLyr3CanvasX, yTopLeft-fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeBarWindowW, fadeBarWindowH, fadeBarWindowR)
- }
- ; Bar Background
- If (fadeBarBack = "true")
- Gdip_Alt_FillRoundedRectangle(Fade_G3, fadeBrushBarBack, xTopLeft+fadeBarX-fadeLyr3CanvasX, yTopLeft+yBar-fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeBarW, fadeBarH, fadeBarR)
- ; Progress Bar
- percentage := romExPercentage
- If percentage > 100
- percentage := 100
- If(fadeBarW*percentage/100<3*fadeBarR) ; avoiding glitch in rounded rectangle drawing when they are too small
- currentRBar := fadeBarR * ((fadeBarW*percentage/100)/(3*fadeBarR))
- Else
- currentRBar := fadeBarR
- If (fadeBarPercentageText = "true")
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Fade_G3, round(percentage) . "%", "x" round(xTopLeft+fadeText1X+fadeBarW*percentage/100)-fadeLyr3CanvasX " y" yTopLeft+fadeText1Y-fadeLyr3CanvasY . " " . fadeText1Options, fadeFont, 0, 0)
- If percentage < 100
- {
- If (fadeBarInfoText = "true")
- {
- if (found7z="true") and (7zEnabled = "true") and !7zTempRomExists and use7zAnimation
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Fade_G3, fadeText1, "x" xTopLeft+fadeText2X-fadeLyr3CanvasX " y" yTopLeft+fadeText2Y-fadeLyr3CanvasY . " " . fadeText1Options, fadeFont, 0, 0)
- else
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Fade_G3, fadeText3, "x" xTopLeft+fadeText2X-fadeLyr3CanvasX " y" yTopLeft+fadeText2Y-fadeLyr3CanvasY . " " . fadeText1Options, fadeFont, 0, 0)
- }
- If !(fadeExtractionTime="Disabled") {
- extractionElapsedTime := (A_TickCount - startTime)//1000
- if ((fadeExtractionTime="Remaining Time") or (fadeExtractionTime="Labeled Remaining Time")){
- if (timerUpdate + 250 < A_TickCount) {
- timerUpdate := A_TickCount
- tempExtractionRemainingTime := extractionElapsedTime *(100 / percentage - 1)
- extractionRemainingTime := ((tempExtractionRemainingTime - extractionRemainingTime) > 0 and (tempExtractionRemainingTime - extractionRemainingTime) < 6) ? extractionRemainingTime : tempExtractionRemainingTime
- extractionTimeText := (fadeExtractionTime="Labeled Remaining Time") ? "Remaining Time: " . GetTimeString(round(extractionRemainingTime)) : GetTimeString(round(extractionRemainingTime))
- if (stabilityThreshold<4)
- {
- diff := (prevExtractionRemainingTime - extractionRemainingTime)
- if (diff > 0)
- stabilityThreshold++
- else if (diff < 0)
- stabilityThreshold:=0
- extractionTimeText := "Calculating..."
- }
- prevExtractionRemainingTime := extractionRemainingTime
- }
- } else
- extractionTimeText := (fadeExtractionTime="Labeled Elapsed Time") ? "Elapsed Time: " . GetTimeString(extractionElapsedTime) : GetTimeString(extractionElapsedTime)
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Fade_G3, extractionTimeText, "x" xTopLeft+fadeExtractionTimeTextX-fadeLyr3CanvasX " y" yTopLeft+fadeExtractionTimeTextY-fadeLyr3CanvasY . " " . fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions, fadeFont, 0, 0)
- }
- } Else { ; bar is at 100%
- finishedBar:= 1
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - Progress bar reached 100%",4)
- If (fadeBarInfoText = "true")
- {
- if (found7z="true") and (7zEnabled = "true") and !7zTempRomExists and use7zAnimation
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Fade_G3, fadeText2, "x" xTopLeft+fadeText2X-fadeLyr3CanvasX " y" yTopLeft+fadeText2Y-fadeLyr3CanvasY . " " . fadeText2Options, fadeFont, 0, 0)
- else
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Fade_G3, fadeText4, "x" xTopLeft+fadeText2X-fadeLyr3CanvasX " y" yTopLeft+fadeText2Y-fadeLyr3CanvasY . " " . fadeText2Options, fadeFont, 0, 0)
- }
- }
- Gdip_Alt_FillRoundedRectangle(Fade_G3, fadeBrushBar, xTopLeft+fadeBarX-fadeLyr3CanvasX, yTopLeft+yBar-fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeBarW*percentage/100, fadeBarH,currentRBar)
- Process, Exist, 7z.exe ; This breaks out of 7z.exe If it's no longer running. Sometimes an extraction was very quick or there was an error and we don't want to be stuck in an infinite Loop
- If (!ErrorLevel and fadeLyr3Drawn) ; bar is at 100% or 7z is already closed or user interrupted fade, so break out
- If (((found7z="true") and (7zEnabled = "true") and !(7zTempRomExists) and (use7zAnimation)) and !(hlmode="fade7z")) {
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - 7z already finished or user interrupted fade, so animation loop is finished.",4)
- AnimationLoopFinished := true
- }
- If (fadeLyr3Drawn and (finishedBar or !fadeInActive)) {
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - Fade Layer 3 is drawn and " . (If finishedBar ? "Extraction bar is at 100%" : "FadeIn is not active") . " so animation loop is finished.",4)
- AnimationLoopFinished := true
- }
- } Else {
- If fadeLyr3Drawn {
- Log("DefaultFadeAnimationLoop - Fade Layer 3 is drawn so animation loop is finished.",4)
- AnimationLoopFinished := true
- }
- }
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd3, Fade_hdc3,fadeLyr3CanvasX,fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeLyr3CanvasW, fadeLyr3CanvasH)
- Return
- ; Simple Hello World Fade Code Tutorial
- HelloWorldCustomFadeAnimation:
- ;====== Initializing Fade Code
- fadeInActive=1
- ;====== Start Loop to draw Hello World text and update 7z extraction percentage If necessary
- Loop {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Fade_G3)
- ; Updating 7z extraction info
- If (found7z="true") and (7zEnabled = "true") and !7zTempRomExists {
- SetFormat, Float, 3 ; don't want to show decimal places in the percentage
- romExPercentageAndFile := COM_Invoke(HLObject, "getExtractionSize", 7zRomPath, 0) ; Get the current file being extracted and size of the 7z Extract Path - (Extraction Size\Progress (0=Accurate Method, 1=Fast Detection Method))
- Loop, Parse, romExPercentageAndFile, | ; StringSplit oddly doesn't work for some unknown reason, must resort to a parsing Loop instead
- {
- If A_Index = 1
- {
- romExCurSize := A_LoopField ; Store bytes extracted
- romExPercentage := (A_LoopField / romExSize) * 100 ; Calculate percentage extracted
- } Else If A_Index = 2
- romExFile := A_LoopField
- }
- }
- ; Defining text to be shown
- FadeOutputText = Hello World
- If (found7z="true") and (7zEnabled = "true") and !7zTempRomExists
- FadeOutputText := % "Hello World`n Extracting file: " . romExFile . "`nPercentage Extracted: " . romExPercentage . "%"
- ; Calculating the text position centered at the screen
- fadeLyr3CanvasW := MeasureText(FadeOutputText, "s40 Bold","Arial")+20 ; Length of the text
- fadeLyr3CanvasH := 40 ; Font Size
- If (found7z="true") and (7zEnabled = "true") and !7zTempRomExists
- fadeLyr3CanvasH := 140
- fadeLyr3CanvasX := (baseScreenWidth-fadeLyr3CanvasW)//2
- fadeLyr3CanvasY := (baseScreenHeight-fadeLyr3CanvasH)//2
- ; Creating the GDI+ text element
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Fade_G3, FadeOutputText, "x" fadeLyr3CanvasW//2 " y0 Bold Center cFFffffff r4 s40", "Arial", 0, 0)
- ; Showing the Hello World text
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Fade_hwnd3, Fade_hdc3,fadeLyr3CanvasX,fadeLyr3CanvasY, fadeLyr3CanvasW, fadeLyr3CanvasH)
- ; Breaking animation Loop
- Process, Exist, 7z.exe ; This breaks out of 7z.exe If it's no longer running. Sometimes an extraction was very quick or there was an error and we don't want to be stuck in an infinite Loop
- If (!ErrorLevel or (romExPercentage >= 100) or !fadeInActive) ; bar is at 100% or 7z is already closed or user interrupted fade, so break out
- Break
- }
- ; Assuring that fade remains active for the amount of time defined at the fade delay variable
- If fadeInActive
- GoSub, FadeInDelay
- Return
- ; Blank animation which can be used with legacy transition
- NoAnimation:
- Log("NoAnimation - No Animation selected for Fade")
- GoSub, FadeInDelay ; This must always be at the end of all animation functions. It's a simple timer that will force the GUI to stay up the defined amount of delay If the animation was shorter then said delay.
- Return
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;------------------------------------------------------------ USER CUSTOM ANIMATIONS AND TRANSITIONS BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------------------------------------
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MyFirstAnimation:
- Log("MyFirstAnimation - Started")
- Log("MyFirstAnimation - Ended")
- Return
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