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- {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
- module Forth (ForthError (..), ForthState, evalText, toList, emptyState) where
- import Data.Char (isDigit, isLetter)
- import Data.Functor (($>))
- import Data.Map (Map, empty, insert)
- import Data.Text (Text, pack, toLower)
- import Text.Parsec
- import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
- import Prelude hiding (drop)
- data ForthError
- = DivisionByZero
- | StackUnderflow
- | InvalidWord
- | UnknownWord Text
- deriving (Show, Eq)
- data Command = Command
- { runCommand :: ForthState -> Either ForthError ForthState,
- name :: String
- }
- instance Show Command where
- show :: Command -> String
- show cmd = "<command " ++ name cmd ++ " >"
- data ForthState = ForthState [Int] (Map String Command)
- emptyState :: ForthState
- emptyState = ForthState [] empty
- evalText :: Text -> ForthState -> Either ForthError ForthState
- evalText text' stack = undefined
- where
- text = toLower text'
- cmds = parse parseForthS "useless.log" text
- toList :: ForthState -> [Int]
- toList (ForthState xs _) = xs
- parseForthS :: Parser [Command]
- parseForthS = spaces *> (parseForth `sepEndBy` spaces)
- parseForth :: Parser Command
- parseForth =
- try (push <$> many1 (satisfy isDigit))
- <|> try (char '+' $> Command add "add")
- <|> try (char '-' $> Command sub "sub")
- <|> try (char '*' $> Command mul "mul")
- <|> try (char '/' $> Command di "div")
- <|> try (string "dup" $> Command dup "dup")
- <|> try (string "drop" $> Command drop "drop")
- <|> try (string "swap" $> Command swap "swap")
- <|> try (string "over" $> Command over "over")
- <|> try
- ( between
- (char ':' <* spaces)
- (char ';')
- ( liftA2
- define
- -- identifier
- (many1 $ satisfy isLetter)
- -- expressions
- parseForthS
- )
- )
- <|> (noop <$> many1 (satisfy (/= ' ')))
- where
- push x = Command body "push"
- where
- body (ForthState s m) = Right $ ForthState (read x : s) m
- add (ForthState (x : y : xs) m) = Right $ ForthState (y + x : xs) m
- add _ = Left StackUnderflow
- sub (ForthState (x : y : xs) m) = Right $ ForthState (y - x : xs) m
- sub _ = Left StackUnderflow
- mul (ForthState (x : y : xs) m) = Right $ ForthState (y * x : xs) m
- mul _ = Left StackUnderflow
- di (ForthState (x : y : xs) m)
- | x /= 0 = Right $ ForthState ((y `div` x) : xs) m -- TODO: may be broken
- | otherwise = Left DivisionByZero
- di _ = Left StackUnderflow
- dup (ForthState (x : xs) m) = Right $ ForthState (x : x : xs) m
- dup _ = Left StackUnderflow
- drop (ForthState (_ : xs) m) = Right $ ForthState xs m
- drop _ = Left StackUnderflow
- swap (ForthState (x : y : xs) m) = Right $ ForthState (y : x : xs) m
- swap _ = Left StackUnderflow
- over (ForthState (x : y : xs) m) = Right $ ForthState (y : x : y : xs) m
- over _ = Left StackUnderflow
- define :: String -> [Command] -> Command
- define w expressinos = Command (\(ForthState xs m) -> Right $ ForthState xs $ insert w body m) "define-command"
- where
- body = Command eff "define-body"
- eff fs = foldl app (Right fs) expressinos
- app :: Either ForthError ForthState -> Command -> Either ForthError ForthState
- app (Right fs@(ForthState _ _)) cmd = runCommand cmd fs
- app (Left fe) _ = Left fe
- noop x = Command (\_ -> Left $ UnknownWord $ pack x) "noop"
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