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- % Start the document
- \begin{document}
- \pagecolor{red!10}
- %\begin{flushleft}
- \begin{landscape}
- \begin {center}
- \section*{Clinica Tikal Futura Dr. Roberto Camposeco.}
- \section*{\textcolor{blue}{Ubicación: 14 Nivel, Torre Sol, Tikal Futura}}
- \section*{\textcolor{blue}{Escala: 1cm :: 100cm}}
- \end{center}
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- [scale=1,line cap=round,decoration={snake,amplitude=.4mm,segment length=2mm,post length=1mm},axes/.style=,
- important line/.style={very thick},
- information text/.style={rounded corners,fill=red!10,inner sep=1ex}]
- \begin{scope}[ultra thick,blue]
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- %Decoraciones
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- \pattern[pattern color=white,pattern=bricks] \corredor;
- \draw node[white, rounded corners,fill=black] at (11,-6.15){\Large{P a s i ll o}};
- \draw node[white, rounded corners,fill=black] at (17,-8){\Large{Clínica}};
- \draw node[white, rounded corners,fill=black] at (5,-9){\Large{Recepción}};
- \fill[red!50!orange!60!black](3,-8.3)to(5.1,-8.3)to(5.1,-8.5)to(3,-8.5) to cycle;
- %Personas
- \draw node[nurse,blue] at (4,-8){};
- \foreach \x in {5,5.5,6,6.5,7,7.5}
- {
- \draw node[rectangle, fill=gray] at (\x,-9.8){};}
- \foreach \y in {-9,-8.5,-8}
- {
- \draw node[rectangle, fill=gray] at (7.5,\y){};}
- %Medidas
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- \draw[-, dashed, gray](2.8,-5.2) to (7.8,-5.2);
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- \draw node[left] at (7.7,-10.45) {$\rightarrow$};
- \draw node[right] at (14.7,-10.45) {$\leftarrow$};
- \draw [-](19,-10.2) to (19,-10.7) node[left] at (19,-10.45) {$\rightarrow$} node at (16.7,-10.45) {4 m};
- \draw node at (6.5,-10.5) {3.06 m};
- \draw[-](3.3,-10.2)to(3.3,-10.7) node[left] at(3.3,-10.45){$\rightarrow$};
- \draw[-](4,-10.2)to(4,-10.7) node[right] at(4,-10.45){$\leftarrow$};
- \draw node at (3.65,-10.45) {\tiny{1.1 m}};
- \end{tikzpicture}
- %\end{flushleft}
- \end{landscape}
- \end{document}
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