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- The Minister of Foreign Affairs M. de Boulogne, the Comptroller--M. le
- Duc de Choiseul--M. Paris du Vernai--Establishment of the Lottery--My
- Brother's Arrival at Paris; His Reception by the Academy
- Once more, then, I was in Paris, which I ought to regard as my
- fatherland, since I could return no more to that land which gave me
- birth: an unworthy country, yet, in spite of all, ever dear to me,
- possibly on account of early impressions and early prejudices, or
- possibly because the beauties of Venice are really unmatched in the
- world. But mighty Paris is a place of good luck or ill, as one takes it,
- and it was my part to catch the favouring gale.
- Paris was not wholly new to me, as my readers know I had spent two years
- there, but I must confess that, having then no other aim than to pass
- the time pleasantly, I had merely devoted myself to pleasure and
- enjoyment. Fortune, to whom I had paid no court, had not opened to me
- her golden doors; but I now felt that I must treat her more reverently,
- and attach myself to the throng of her favoured sons whom she loads with
- her gifts. I understood now that the nearer one draws to the sun the
- more one feels the warmth of its rays. I saw that to attain my end I
- should have to employ all my mental and physical talents, that I must
- make friends of the great, and take cue from all whom I found it to be
- my interest to please. To follow the plans suggested by these thoughts,
- I saw that I must avoid what is called bad company, that I must give up
- my old habits and pretensions, which would be sure to make me enemies,
- who would have no scruple in representing me as a trifler, and not fit
- to be trusted with affairs of any importance.
- I think I thought wisely, and the reader, I hope, will be of the same
- opinion. "I will be reserved," said I, "in what I say and what I do, and
- thus I shall get a reputation for discretion which will bring its
- reward."
- I was in no anxiety on the score of present needs, as I could reckon on
- a monthly allowance of a hundred crowns, which my adopted father, the
- good and generous M. de Bragadin, sent me, and I found this sum
- sufficient in the meanwhile, for with a little self-restraint one can
- live cheaply at Paris, and cut a good figure at the same time. I was
- obliged to wear a good suit of clothes, and to have a decent lodging;
- for in all large towns the most important thing is outward show, by
- which at the beginning one is always judged. My anxiety was only for the
- pressing needs of the moment, for to speak the truth I had neither
- clothes nor linen--in a word, nothing.
- If my relations with the French ambassador are recalled, it will be
- found natural that my first idea was to address myself to him, as I knew
- him sufficiently well to reckon on his serving me.
- Being perfectly certain that the porter would tell me that my lord was
- engaged, I took care to have a letter, and in the morning I went to the
- Palais Bourbon. The porter took my letter, and I gave him my address and
- returned home.
- Wherever I went I had to tell the story of my escape from The Leads.
- This became a service almost as tiring as the flight itself had been, as
- it took me two hours to tell my tale, without the slightest bit of
- fancy-work; but I had to be polite to the curious enquirers, and to
- pretend that I believed them moved by the most affectionate interest in
- my welfare. In general, the best way to please is to take the
- benevolence of all with whom one has relation for granted.
- I supped at Silvia's, and as the evening was quieter than the night
- before, I had time to congratulate myself on all the friendship they
- shewed me. The girl was, as I had said, fifteen years old, and I was in
- every way charmed with her. I complimented the mother on the good
- results of her education, and I did not even think of guarding myself
- from falling a victim to her charms. I had taken so lately such well-
- founded and philosophical resolutions, and I was not yet sufficiently at
- my ease to value the pain of being tempted. I left at an early hour,
- impatient to see what kind of an answer the minister had sent me. I had
- not long to wait, and I received a short letter appointing a meeting for
- two o'clock in the afternoon. It may be guessed that I was punctual, and
- my reception by his excellence was most flattering. M. de Bernis
- expressed his pleasure at seeing me after my fortunate escape, and at
- being able to be of service to me. He told me that M---- M---- had
- informed him of my escape, and he had flattered himself that the first
- person I should go and see in Paris would be himself. He shewed me the
- letters from M---- M---- relating to my arrest and escape, but all the
- details in the latter were purely imaginary and had no foundation in
- fact. M---- M---- was not to blame, as she could only write what she had
- heard, and it was not easy for anyone besides myself to know the real
- circumstances of my escape. The charming nun said that, no longer buoyed
- up by the hope of seeing either of the men who alone had made her in
- love with life, her existence had become a burden to her, and she was
- unfortunate in not being able to take any comfort in religion. "C---C---
- - often comes to see me," she said, "but I grieve to say she is not
- happy with her husband."
- I told M. de Bernis that the account of my flight from The Leads, as
- told by our friend, was wholly inaccurate, and I would therefore take
- the liberty of writing out the whole story with the minutest details. He
- challenged me to keep my word, assuring me that he would send a copy to
- M---- M----, and at the same time, with the utmost courtesy, he put a
- packet of a hundred Louis in my hand, telling me that he would think
- what he could do for me, and would advise me as soon as he had any
- communication to make.
- Thus furnished with ample funds, my first care was for my dress; and
- this done I went to work, and in a week sent my generous protector the
- result, giving him permission to have as many copies printed as he
- liked, and to make any use he pleased of it to interest in my behalf
- such persons as might be of service to me.
- Three weeks after, the minister summoned me to say that he had spoken of
- me to M. Erizzo, the Venetian ambassador, who had nothing to say against
- me, but for fear of embroiling himself with the State Inquisitors
- declined to receive me. Not wanting anything from him--his refusal did
- me no harm. M. de Bernis then told me that he had given a copy of my
- history to Madame la Marquise de Pompadour, and he promised to take the
- first opportunity of presenting me to this all-powerful lady. "You can
- present yourself, my dear Casanova," added his excellence, "to the Duc
- de Choiseul, and M. de Boulogne, the comptroller. You will be well
- received, and with a little wit you ought to be able to make good use of
- the letter. He himself will give you the cue, and you will see that he
- who listens obtains. Try to invent some useful plan for the royal
- exchequer; don't let it be complicated or chimerical, and if you don't
- write it out at too great length I will give you my opinion on it."
- I left the minister in a pleased and grateful mood, but extremely
- puzzled to find a way of increasing the royal revenue. I knew nothing of
- finance, and after racking my brains all that I could think of was new
- methods of taxation; but all my plans were either absurd or certain to
- be unpopular, and I rejected them all on consideration.
- As soon as I found out that M. de Choiseul was in Paris I called on him.
- He received me in his dressing-room, where he was writing while his
- valet did his hair. He stretched his politeness so far as to interrupt
- himself several times to ask me questions, but as soon as I began to
- reply his grace began to write again, and I suspect did not hear what I
- was saying; and though now and again he seemed to be looking at me, it
- was plain that his eyes and his thoughts were occupied on different
- objects. In spite of this way of receiving visitors--or me, at all
- events, M. de Choiseul was a man of wit.
- When he had finished writing he said in Italian that M. de Bernis had
- told him of some circumstances of my escape, and he added,
- "Tell me how you succeeded."
- "My lord, it would be too long a story; it would take me at least two
- hours, and your grace seems busy."
- "Tell me briefly about it."
- "However much I speak to the point, I shall take two hours."
- "You can keep the details for another time."
- "The story is devoid of interest without the details"
- "Well, well, you can tell me the whole story in brief, without losing
- much of the interest:"
- "Very good; after that I can say no more. I must tell your lordship,
- then, that, the State Inquisitors shut me up under the Leads; that after
- fifteen months and five days of imprisonment I succeeded in piercing the
- roof; that after many difficulties I reached the chancery by a window,
- and broke open the door; afterwards I got to St. Mark's Place, whence,
- taking a gondola which bore me to the mainland, I arrived at Paris, and
- have had the honour to pay my duty to your lordship."
- "But.... what are The Leads?"
- "My lord, I should take a quarter of an hour, at least, to explain."
- "How did you pierce the roof?"
- "I could not tell your lordship in less than half an hour:"
- "Why were you shut up?"
- "It would be a long tale, my lord."
- "I think you are right. The interest of the story lies chiefly in the
- details."
- "I took the liberty of saying as much to your grace."
- "Well, I must go to Versailles, but I shall be delighted if you will
- come and see me sometimes. In the meanwhile, M. Casanova, think what I
- can do for you."
- I had been almost offended at the way in which M. de Choiseul had
- received me, and I was inclined to resent it; but the end of our
- conversation, and above all the kindly tone of his last words, quieted
- me, and I left him, if not satisfied, at least without bitterness in my
- heart.
- From him I went to M. de Boulogne's, and found him a man of quite a
- different stamp to the duke--in manners, dress, and appearance. He
- received me with great politeness, and began by complimenting me on the
- high place I enjoyed in the opinion of M. de Bernis, and on my skill in
- matters of finance.
- I felt that no compliment had been so ill deserved, and I could hardly
- help bursting into laughter. My good angel, however, made me keep my
- countenance.
- M. de Boulogne had an old man with him, every feature bore the imprint
- of genius, and who inspired me with respect.
- "Give me your views;" said the comptroller, "either on paper or 'viva
- voce'. You will find me willing to learn and ready to grasp your ideas.
- Here is M. Paris du Vernai, who wants twenty millions for his military
- school; and he wishes to get this sum without a charge on the state or
- emptying the treasury."
- "It is God alone, sir, who has the creative power."
- "I am not a god," said M. du Vernai, "but for all that I have now and
- then created but the times have changed."
- "Everything," I said, "is more difficult than it used to be; but in
- spite of difficulties I have a plan which would give the king the
- interest of a hundred millions."
- "What expense would there be to the Crown?"
- "Merely the cost of receiving."
- "The nation, then, would furnish the sum in question?"
- "Undoubtedly, but voluntarily."
- "I know what you are thinking of."
- "You astonish me, sir, as I have told nobody of my plan."
- "If you have no other engagement, do me the honour of dining with me to-
- morrow, and I will tell you what your project is. It is a good one, but
- surrounded, I believe, with insuperable difficulties. Nevertheless, we
- will talk it over and see what can be done. Will you come?"
- "I will do myself that honour."
- "Very good, I will expect you at Plaisance."
- After he had gone, M. de Boulogne praised his talents and honesty. He
- was the brother of M. de Montmartel, whom secret history makes the
- father of Madame de Pompadour, for he was the lover of Madame Poisson at
- the same time as M. le Normand.
- I left the comptroller's and went to walk in the Tuileries, thinking
- over the strange stroke of luck which had happened to me. I had been
- told that twenty millions were wanted, and I had boasted of being able
- to get a hundred, without the slightest idea of how it was to be done;
- and on that a well-known man experienced in the public business had
- asked me to dinner to convince me that he knew what my scheme was. There
- was something odd and comic about the whole affair; but that
- corresponded very well with my modes of thought and action. "If he
- thinks he is going to pump me," said I, "he will find himself mistaken.
- When he tells me what the plan is, it will rest with me to say he has
- guessed it or he is wrong as the inspiration of the moment suggests. If
- the question lies within my comprehension I may, perhaps, be able to
- suggest something new; and if I understand nothing I will wrap myself up
- in a mysterious silence, which sometimes produces a good effect. At all
- events, I will not repulse Fortune when she appears to be favourable to
- me."
- M. de Bernis had only told M. de Boulogne that I was a financier to get
- me a hearing, as otherwise he might have declined to see me. I was sorry
- not to be master, at least, of the jargon of the business, as in that
- way men have got out of a similar difficulty, and by knowing the
- technical terms, and nothing more, have made their mark. No matter, I
- was bound to the engagement. I must put a good face on a bad game, and
- if necessary pay with the currency of assurance. The next morning I took
- a carriage, and in a pensive mood I told the coachman to take me to M.
- du Vernai's, at Plaisance--a place a little beyond Vincennes.
- I was set down at the door of the famous man who, forty years ago, had
- rescued France on the brink of the precipice down which Law had almost
- precipitated her. I went in and saw a great fire burning on the hearth,
- which was surrounded by seven or eight persons, to whom I was introduced
- as a friend of the minister for foreign affairs and of the comptroller;
- afterwards he introduced these gentlemen to me, giving to each his
- proper title, and I noted that four of them were treasury officials.
- After making my bow to each, I gave myself over to the worship of
- Harpocrates, and without too great an air of listening was all ears and
- eyes.
- The conversation at first was of no special interest as they were
- talking of the Seine being frozen over, the ice being a foot thick. Then
- came the recent death of M. de Fontenelle, then the case of Damien, who
- would confess nothing, and of the five millions his trial would cost the
- Crown. Then coming to war they praised M. de Soubise, who had been
- chosen by the king to command the army. Hence the transition was easy to
- the expenses of the war, and how they were to be defrayed.
- I listened and was weary, for all they said was so full of
- technicalities that I could not follow the meaning; and if silence can
- ever be imposing, my determined silence of an hour and a half's duration
- ought to have made me seem a very important personage in the eyes of
- these gentlemen. At last, just as I was beginning to yawn, dinner was
- announced, and I was another hour and a half without opening my mouth,
- except to do honour to an excellent repast. Directly the dessert had
- been served, M. du Vernai asked me to follow him into a neighbouring
- apartment, and to leave the other guests at the table. I followed him,
- and we crossed a hall where we found a man of good aspect, about fifty
- years old, who followed us into a closet and was introduced to me by M.
- du Vernai under the name of Calsabigi. Directly after, two
- superintendents of the treasury came in, and M. du Vernai smilingly gave
- me a folio book, saying,
- "That, I think, M. Casanova, is your plan."
- I took the book and read, Lottery consisting of ninety tickets, to be
- drawn every month, only one in eighteen to be a winning number. I gave
- him back the book and said, with the utmost calmness,
- "I confess, sir, that is exactly my idea."
- "You have been anticipated, then; the project is by M. de Calsabigi
- here."
- "I am delighted, not at being anticipated, but to find that we think
- alike; but may I ask you why you have not carried out the plan?"
- "Several very plausible reasons have been given against it, which have
- had no decisive answers."
- "I can only conceive one reason against it," said I, coolly; "perhaps
- the king would not allow his subjects to gamble."
- "Never mind that, the king will let his subjects gamble as much as they
- like: the question is, will they gamble?"
- "I wonder how anyone can have any doubt on that score, as the winners
- are certain of being paid."
- "Let us grant, then, that they will gamble: how is the money to be
- found?"
- "How is the money to be found? The simplest thing in the world. All you
- want is a decree in council authorizing you to draw on the treasury. All
- I want is for the nation to believe that the king can afford to pay a
- hundred millions."
- "A hundred millions!"
- "Yes, a hundred millions, sir. We must dazzle people."
- "But if France is to believe that the Crown can afford to pay a hundred
- millions, it must believe that the Crown can afford to lose a hundred
- millions, and who is going to believe that? Do you?"
- "To be sure I do, for the Crown, before it could lose a hundred
- millions, would have received at least a hundred and fifty millions, and
- so there need be no anxiety on that score."
- "I am not the only person who has doubts on the subject. You must grant
- the possibility of the Crown losing an enormous sum at the first
- drawing?"
- "Certainly, sir, but between possibility and reality is all the region
- of the infinite. Indeed, I may say that it would be a great piece of
- good fortune if the Crown were to lose largely on the first drawing."
- "A piece of bad fortune, you mean, surely?"
- "A bad fortune to be desired. You know that all the insurance companies
- are rich. I will undertake to prove before all the mathematicians in
- Europe that the king is bound to gain one in five in this lottery. That
- is the secret. You will confess that the reason ought to yield to a
- mathematical proof?"
- "Yes, of course; but how is it that the Castelletto cannot guarantee the
- Crown a certain gain?"
- "Neither the Castelletto nor anybody in the world can guarantee
- absolutely that the king shall always win. What guarantees us against
- any suspicion of sharp practice is the drawing once a month, as then the
- public is sure that the holder of the lottery may lose."
- "Will you be good enough to express your sentiments on the subject
- before the council?"
- "I will do so with much pleasure."
- "You will answer all objections?"
- "I think I can promise as much."
- "Will you give me your plan?"
- "Not before it is accepted, and I am guaranteed a reasonable profit."
- "But your plan may possibly be the same as the one before us."
- "I think not. I see M. de Calsabigi for the first time, and as he has
- not shewn me his scheme, and I have not communicated mine to him, it is
- improbable, not to say impossible, that we should agree in all respects.
- Besides, in my plan I clearly shew how much profit the Crown ought to
- get per annum."
- "It might, therefore, be formed by a company who would pay the Crown a
- fixed sum?"
- "I think not."
- "Why?"
- "For this reason. The only thing which would make the lottery pay, would
- be an irresistible current of public opinion in its favour. I should not
- care to have anything to do with it in the service of a company, who,
- thinking to increase their profits, might extend their operations--a
- course which would entail certain loss."
- "I don't see how."
- "In a thousand ways which I will explain to you another time, and which
- I am sure you can guess for yourself. In short, if I am to have any
- voice in the matter, it must be a Government lottery or nothing."
- "M. de Calsabigi thinks so, too."
- "I am delighted to hear it, but not at all surprised; for, thinking on
- the same lines, we are bound to arrive at the same results."
- "Have you anybody ready for the Castelletto?"
- "I shall only want intelligent machines, of whom there are plenty in
- France."
- I went out for a moment and found them in groups on my return,
- discussing my project with great earnestness.
- M. Calsabigi after asking me a few questions took my hand, which he
- shook heartily, saying he should like to have some further conversation
- with me; and returning the friendly pressure, I told him that I should
- esteem it as an honour to be numbered amongst his friends. Thereupon I
- left my address with M. du Vernai and took my leave, satisfied, by my
- inspection of the faces before me, that they all had a high opinion of
- my talents.
- Three days after, M. de Calsabigi called on me; and after receiving him
- in my best style I said that if I had not called on him it was only
- because I did not wish to be troublesome. He told me that my decisive
- way of speaking had made a great impression, and he was certain that if
- I cared to make interest with the comptroller we could set up the
- lottery and make a large profit.
- "I think so, too," said I, "but the financiers will make a much larger
- profit, and yet they do not seem anxious about it. They have not
- communicated with me, but it is their look-out, as I shall not make it
- my chief aim."
- "You will undoubtedly hear something about it today, for I know for a
- fact that M. de Boulogne has spoken of you to M. de Courteuil."
- "Very good, but I assure you I did not ask him to do so."
- After some further conversation he asked me, in the most friendly manner
- possible, to come and dine with him, and I accepted his invitation with
- a great pleasure; and just as we were starting I received a note from M.
- de Bernis, in which he said that if I could come to Versailles the next
- day he would present me to Madame de Pompadour, and that I should have
- an opportunity of seeing M. de Boulogne.
- In high glee at this happy chance, less from vanity than policy I made
- M. de Calsabigi read the letter, and I was pleased to see him opening
- his eyes as he read it.
- "You can force Du Vernai himself to accept the lottery," he said, "and
- your fortune is made if you are not too rich already to care about such
- matters."
- "Nobody is ever rich enough to despise good fortune, especially when it
- is not due to favour."
- "Very true. We have been doing our utmost for two years to get the plan
- accepted, and have met with nothing beyond foolish objections which you
- have crushed to pieces. Nevertheless, our plans must be very similar.
- Believe me it will be best for us to work in concert, for by yourself
- you would find insuperable difficulties in the working, and you will
- find no 'intelligent machines' in Paris. My brother will do all the
- work, and you will be able to reap the advantages at your ease."
- "Are you, then, not the inventor of the scheme which has been shewn me?"
- "No, it is the work of my brother."
- "Shall I have the pleasure or seeing him?"
- "Certainly. His body is feeble, but his mind is in all its vigour. We
- shall see him directly."
- The brother was not a man of a very pleasing appearance, as he was
- covered with a kind of leprosy; but that did not prevent him having a
- good appetite, writing, and enjoying all his bodily and intellectual
- faculties; he talked well and amusingly. He never went into society, as,
- besides his personal disfigurement, he was tormented with an
- irresistible and frequent desire of scratching himself, now in one
- place, and now in another; and as all scratching is accounted an
- abominable thing in Paris, he preferred to be able to use his
- fingernails to the pleasures of society. He was pleased to say that,
- believing in God and His works, he was persuaded his nails had been
- given him to procure the only solace he was capable of in the kind of
- fury with which he was tormented.
- "You are a believer, then, in final causes? I think you are right, but
- still I believe you would have scratched yourself if God had forgotten
- to give you any nails."
- My remarks made him laugh, and he then began to speak of our common
- business, and I soon found him to be a man of intellect. He was the
- elder of the two brothers, and a bachelor. He was expert in all kinds of
- calculations, an accomplished financier, with a universal knowledge of
- commerce, a good historian, a wit, a poet, and a man of gallantry. His
- birthplace was Leghorn, he had been in a Government office at Naples,
- and had come to Paris with M. de l'Hopital. His brother was also a man
- of learning and talent, but in every respect his inferior.
- He shewed me the pile of papers, on which he had worked out all the
- problems referring to the lottery.
- "If you think you can do without me," said he, "I must compliment you on
- your abilities; but I think you will find yourself mistaken, for if you
- have no practical knowledge of the matter and no business men to help
- you, your theories will not carry you far. What will you do after you
- have obtained the decree? When you speak before the council, if you take
- my advice, you will fix a date after which you are not to be held
- responsible--that is to say, after which you will have nothing more to
- do with it. Unless you do so, you will be certain to encounter trifling
- and procrastination which will defer your plan to the Greek Kalends. On
- the other hand, I can assure you that M. du Vernai would be very glad to
- see us join hands:"
- Very much inclined to take these gentlemen into partnership, for the
- good reason that I could not do without them, but taking care that they
- should suspect nothing, I went down with the younger brother, who
- introduced me to his wife before dinner. I found present an old lady
- well known at Paris under the name of General La Mothe, famous for her
- former beauty and her gout, another lady somewhat advanced in years, who
- was called Baroness Blanche, and was still the mistress of M. de Vaux,
- another styled the President's lady, and a fourth, fair as the dawn,
- Madame Razzetti, from Piedmont, the wife of one of the violin players at
- the opera, and said to be courted by M. de Fondpertuis, the
- superintendent of the opera.
- We sat down to dinner, but I was silent and absorbed, all my thoughts
- being monopolized by the lottery. In the evening, at Silvia's, I was
- pronounced absent and pensive, and so I was in spite of the sentiment
- with which Mademoiselle Baletti inspired me--a sentiment which every day
- grew in strength.
- I set out for Versailles next morning two hours before day-break, and
- was welcomed by M. de Bernis, who said he would bet that but for him I
- should never have discovered my talent for finance.
- "M. de Boulogne tells me you astonished M. du Vernai, who is generally
- esteemed one of the acutest men in France. If you will take my advice,
- Casanova, you will keep up that acquaintance and pay him assiduous
- court. I may tell you that the lottery is certain to be established,
- that it will be your doing, and that you ought to make something
- considerable out of it. As soon as the king goes out to hunt, be at hand
- in the private apartments, and I will seize a favourable moment for
- introducing you to the famous marquise. Afterwards go to the Office for
- Foreign Affairs, and introduce yourself in my name to the Abbe de la
- Ville. He is the chief official there, and will give you a good
- reception."
- M. de Boulogne told me that, as soon as the council of the military
- school had given their consent, he would have the decree for the
- establishment of the lottery published, and he urged me to communicate
- to him any ideas which I might have on the subject of finance.
- At noon Madame de Pompadour passed through the private apartments with
- the Prince de Soubise, and my patron hastened to point me out to the
- illustrious lady. She made me a graceful curtsy, and told me that she
- had been much interested in the subject of my flight.
- "Do you go," said she, "to see your ambassador?"
- "I shew my respect to him, madam, by keeping away."
- "I hope you mean to settle in France."
- "It would be my dearest wish to do so, madam, but I stand in need of
- patronage, and I know that in France patronage is only given to men of
- talent, which is for me a discouraging circumstance."
- "On the contrary, I think you have reason to be hopeful, as you have
- some good friends. I myself shall be delighted if I can be of any
- assistance to you."
- As the fair marquise moved on, I could only stammer forth my gratitude.
- I next went to the Abbe de la Ville, who received me with the utmost
- courtesy, and told me that he would remember me at the earliest
- opportunity.
- Versailles was a beautiful spot, but I had only compliments and not
- invitations to expect there, so after leaving M. de la Ville I went to
- an inn to get some dinner. As I was sitting down, an abbe of excellent
- appearance, just like dozens of other French abbes, accosted me
- politely, and asked me if I objected to our dining together. I always
- thought the company of a pleasant man a thing to be desired, so I
- granted his request; and as soon as he sat down he complimented me on
- the distinguished manner in which I had been treated by M. de la Ville.
- "I was there writing a letter," said he, "and I could hear all the
- obliging things the abbe said to you. May I ask, sir, how you obtained
- access to him?"
- "If you really wish to know, I may be able to tell you."
- "It is pure curiosity on my part."
- "Well, then, I will say nothing, from pure prudence."
- "I beg your pardon."
- "Certainly, with pleasure."
- Having thus shut the mouth of the curious impertinent, he confined his
- conversation to ordinary and more agreeable topics. After dinner, having
- no further business at Versailles, I made preparations for leaving, on
- which the abbe begged to be of my company. Although a man who frequents
- the society of abbes is not thought much more of than one who frequents
- the society of girls. I told him that as I was going to Paris in a
- public conveyance--far from its being a question of permission--I should
- be only too happy to have the pleasure of his company. On reaching Paris
- we parted, after promising to call on each other, and I went to Silvia's
- and took supper there. The agreeable mistress of the house complimented
- me on my noble acquaintances, and made me promise to cultivate their
- society.
- As soon as I got back to my own lodging, I found a note from M. du
- Vernai, who requested me to come to the military school at eleven
- o'clock on the next day, and later in the evening Calsabigi came to me
- from his brother, with a large sheet of paper containing all the
- calculations pertaining to the lottery.
- Fortune seemed to be in my favour, for this tabular statement came to me
- like a blessing from on high. Resolving, therefore, to follow the
- instructions which I pretended to receive indifferently. I went to the
- military school, and as soon as I arrived the conference began. M.
- d'Alembert had been requested to be present as an expert in arithmetical
- calculations. If M. du Vernai had been the only person to be consulted,
- this step would not have been necessary; but the council contained some
- obstinate heads who were unwilling to give in. The conference lasted
- three hours.
- After my speech, which only lasted half an hour, M. de Courteuil summed
- up my arguments, and an hour was passed in stating objections which I
- refuted with the greatest ease. I finally told them that no man of
- honour and learning would volunteer to conduct the lottery on the
- understanding that it was to win every time, and that if anyone had the
- impudence to give such an undertaking they should turn him out of the
- room forthwith, for it was impossible that such an agreement could be
- maintained except by some roguery.
- This had its effect, for nobody replied; and M. du Vernai remarked that
- if the worst came to the worst the lottery could be suppressed. At this
- I knew my business was done, and all present, after signing a document
- which M. du Vernai gave them, took their leave, and I myself left
- directly afterwards with a friendly leave-taking from M. du Vernal.
- M. Calsabigi came to see me the next day, bringing the agreeable news
- that the affair was settled, and that all that was wanting was the
- publication of the decree.
- "I am delighted to hear it," I said, "and I will go to M. de Boulogne's
- every day, and get you appointed chief administrator as soon as I know
- what I have got for myself."
- I took care not to leave a stone unturned in this direction, as I knew
- that, with the great, promising and keeping a promise are two different
- things. The decree appeared a week after. Calsabigi was made
- superintendent, with an allowance of three thousand francs for every
- drawing, a yearly pension of four thousand francs for us both, and the
- chief of the lottery. His share was a much larger one than mine, but I
- was not jealous as I knew he had a greater claim than I. I sold five of
- the six offices that had been allotted to me for two thousand francs
- each, and opened the sixth with great style in the Rue St. Denis,
- putting my valet there as a clerk. He was a bright young Italian, who
- had been valet to the Prince de la Catolica, the ambassador from Naples.
- The day for the first drawing was fixed, and notice was given that the
- winning numbers would be paid in a week from the time of drawing at the
- chief office.
- With the idea of drawing custom to my office, I gave notice that all
- winning tickets bearing my signature would be paid at my office in
- twenty-four hours after the drawing. This drew crowds to my office and
- considerably increased my profits, as I had six per cent. on the
- receipts. A number of the clerks in the other offices were foolish
- enough to complain to Calsabigi that I had spoilt their gains, but he
- sent them about their business telling them that to get the better of me
- they had only to do as I did--if they had the money.
- My first taking amounted to forty thousand francs. An hour after the
- drawing my clerk brought me the numbers, and shewed me that we had from
- seventeen to eighteen thousand francs to pay, for which I gave him the
- necessary funds.
- Without my thinking of it I thus made the fortune of my clerk, for every
- winner gave him something, and all this I let him keep for himself.
- The total receipts amounted to two millions, and the administration made
- a profit of six hundred thousand francs, of which Paris alone had
- contributed a hundred thousand francs. This was well enough for a first
- attempt.
- On the day after the drawing I dined with Calsabigi at M. du Vernai's,
- and I had the pleasure of hearing him complain that he had made too much
- money. Paris had eighteen or twenty ternes, and although they were small
- they increased the reputation of the lottery, and it was easy to see
- that the receipts at the next drawing would be doubled. The mock
- assaults that were made upon me put me in a good humour, and Calsabigi
- said that my idea had insured me an income of a hundred thousand francs
- a year, though it would ruin the other receivers.
- "I have played similar strokes myself," said M. du Vernai, "and have
- mostly succeeded; and as for the other receivers they are at perfect
- liberty to follow M. Casanova's example, and it all tends to increase
- the repute of an institution which we owe to him and to you."
- At the second drawing a terne of forty thousand francs obliged me to
- borrow money. My receipts amounted to sixty thousand, but being obliged
- to deliver over my chest on the evening before the drawing, I had to pay
- out of my own funds, and was not repaid for a week.
- In all the great houses I went to, and at the theatres, as soon as I was
- seen, everybody gave me money, asking me to lay it out as I liked and to
- send them the tickets, as, so far, the lottery was strange to most
- people. I thus got into the way of carrying about me tickets of all
- sorts, or rather of all prices, which I gave to people to choose from,
- going home in the evening with my pockets full of gold. This was an
- immense advantage to me, as kind of privilege which I enjoyed to the
- exclusion of the other receivers who were not in society, and did not
- drive a carriage like myself--no small point in one's favour, in a large
- town where men are judged by the state they keep. I found I was thus
- able to go into any society, and to get credit everywhere.
- I had hardly been a month in Paris when my brother Francis, with whom I
- had parted in 1752, arrived from Dresden with Madame Sylvestre. He had
- been at Dresden for four years, taken up with the pursuit of his art,
- having copied all the battle pieces in the Elector's Galley. We were
- both of us glad to meet once more, but on my offering to see what my
- great friends could do for him with the Academicians, he replied with
- all an artist's pride that he was much obliged to me, but would rather
- not have any other patrons than his talents. "The French," said he,
- "have rejected me once, and I am far from bearing them ill-will on that
- account, for I would reject myself now if I were what I was then; but
- with their love of genius I reckon on a better reception this time."
- His confidence pleased me, and I complimented him upon it, for I have
- always been of the opinion that true merit begins by doing justice to
- itself.
- Francis painted a fine picture, which on being exhibited at the Louvre,
- was received with applause. The Academy bought the picture for twelve
- thousand francs, my brother became famous, and in twenty-six years he
- made almost a million of money; but in spite of that, foolish
- expenditure, his luxurious style of living, and two bad marriages, were
- the ruin of him.
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