

Mar 3rd, 2010
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  1. 21:53 < mixster> ManFlardin: the semen healed my eyes
  2. 21:53 < ManFlardin> oh
  3. 21:53 < Widget> rarw
  4. 21:53 < Widget> rawr
  5. 21:54 < mixster> read and rewrite/write?
  6. 21:54 < Blumblebee> does Markus' script still work
  7. 21:54 < mixster> randy anal women rawr?
  8. 21:54 < Blumblebee> the 2m/h thing?
  9. 21:55 < mixster> ManFlardin: psst... #mixster
  10. 21:55 < mixster> you be ignoring me there
  11. 21:55 < Widget> if it does it probably only makes like 100k/hr max :p
  12. 21:55 < Blumblebee> Widget: ashully?
  13. 21:55 < Blumblebee> act*
  14. 21:55 < mixster> *actually
  15. 21:55 < Blumblebee> no its actshully
  16. 21:56 < Widget> ashley?
  17. 21:56 < Blumblebee> tisdale?
  18. 21:56 < mixster> Penisville?
  19. 21:56 < Widget> pennsylvania?
  20. 21:56 < mixster> ManFlardin: You are actually just ignoring me now, aren't you :<
  21. 21:57 -!- ManFlardin [~candardin@Rizon-F8A1D978.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has quit [Read error:
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