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- #include <netdb.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #define MAX 80
- #define PORT 8080
- #define SA struct sockaddr
- struct timeval timeout;
- void func(int sockfd, int nf, int ws)
- {
- char buff[MAX];
- int ack, i = 0, n, k, w1 = 0, w2 = ws - 1, j, flag = 0, count_ack = 0;
- if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char *)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)) < 0)
- perror("setsockopt(SO_RCVTIMEO) failed");
- for (i = 0; i < nf && i <= w2; i++)
- {
- bzero(buff, sizeof(buff));
- snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d", i);
- k = send(sockfd, buff, sizeof(buff), 0);
- printf("Frame %d sent\n", i);
- }
- while (1)
- {
- if (count_ack == nf)
- {
- strcpy(buff, "Exit");
- k = send(sockfd, buff, sizeof(buff), 0);
- break;
- }
- if (w2 - w1 != ws - 1 && flag == 0 && i != nf)
- {
- bzero(buff, sizeof(buff));
- snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d", i);
- k = send(sockfd, buff, sizeof(buff), 0);
- printf("Frame %d sent\n", i);
- w2++;
- i++;
- }
- flag = 0;
- bzero(buff, sizeof(buff));
- n = recv(sockfd, buff, MAX, 0);
- ack = atoi(buff);
- if (n > 0)
- {
- if (ack + 1 == nf)
- {
- printf("Acknowledgement received: %d\n", ack);
- count_ack++;
- bzero(buff, sizeof(buff));
- /*strcpy(buff, "Exit");
- k = send(sockfd, buff, sizeof(buff), 0);
- break;*/
- }
- else if (ack == -1)
- {
- printf("Acknowledgement not received for %d\nResending frame\n", w1);
- bzero(buff, sizeof(buff));
- snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d", w1);
- k = send(sockfd, buff, sizeof(buff), 0);
- printf("Frame sent: %d\n", w1);
- }
- else
- {
- w1++;
- printf("Acknowledgement received: %d\n", ack);
- count_ack++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void main()
- {
- int sockfd, connfd, f, w;
- struct sockaddr_in servaddr, cli;
- sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (sockfd == -1)
- {
- printf("Socket creation failed\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- else
- printf("Socket successfully created\n");
- bzero(&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
- servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
- servaddr.sin_port = htons(PORT);
- timeout.tv_sec = 3;
- timeout.tv_usec = 0;
- if (connect(sockfd, (SA *)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)) != 0)
- {
- printf("Connection with the server failed\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- else
- printf("Connected to the server\n");
- printf("Enter the number of frames: ");
- scanf("%d", &f);
- printf("Enter the window size: ");
- scanf("%d", &w);
- func(sockfd, f, w);
- close(sockfd);
- }
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