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- #include <lib/service/listboxservice.h>
- #include <lib/service/service.h>
- #include <lib/base/estring.h>
- #include <lib/gdi/font.h>
- #include <lib/gdi/epng.h>
- #include <lib/dvb/epgcache.h>
- #include <lib/dvb/db.h>
- #include <lib/dvb/pmt.h>
- #include <lib/nav/core.h>
- #include <lib/python/connections.h>
- #include <lib/python/python.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <string>
- #include <regex>
- ePyObject eListboxServiceContent::m_GetPiconNameFunc;
- void eListboxServiceContent::addService(const eServiceReference &service, bool beforeCurrent)
- {
- if (beforeCurrent && m_size)
- m_list.insert(m_cursor, service);
- else
- m_list.push_back(service);
- if (m_size++)
- {
- ++m_cursor_number;
- if (m_listbox)
- m_listbox->entryAdded(cursorResolve(m_cursor_number-1));
- }
- else
- {
- m_cursor = m_list.begin();
- m_cursor_number=0;
- m_listbox->entryAdded(0);
- }
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::removeCurrent()
- {
- if (m_size && m_listbox)
- {
- if (m_cursor_number == --m_size)
- {
- m_list.erase(m_cursor--);
- if (m_size)
- {
- --m_cursor_number;
- m_listbox->entryRemoved(cursorResolve(m_cursor_number+1));
- }
- else
- m_listbox->entryRemoved(cursorResolve(m_cursor_number));
- }
- else
- {
- m_list.erase(m_cursor++);
- m_listbox->entryRemoved(cursorResolve(m_cursor_number));
- }
- }
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::FillFinished()
- {
- m_size = m_list.size();
- cursorHome();
- if (m_listbox)
- m_listbox->entryReset();
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::setRoot(const eServiceReference &root, bool justSet)
- {
- m_list.clear();
- m_cursor = m_list.end();
- m_root = root;
- if (justSet)
- {
- m_lst=0;
- return;
- }
- ASSERT(m_service_center);
- if (m_service_center->list(m_root, m_lst))
- eDebug("[eListboxServiceContent] no list available!");
- else if (m_lst->getContent(m_list))
- eDebug("[eListboxServiceContent] getContent failed");
- FillFinished();
- }
- bool eListboxServiceContent::setCurrent(const eServiceReference &ref)
- {
- int index=0;
- for (list::iterator i(m_list.begin()); i != m_list.end(); ++i, ++index)
- {
- if ( *i == ref )
- {
- m_cursor = i;
- m_cursor_number = index;
- if (m_listbox)
- {
- m_listbox->moveSelectionTo(cursorResolve(index));
- return true;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::getCurrent(eServiceReference &ref)
- {
- if (cursorValid())
- ref = *m_cursor;
- else
- ref = eServiceReference();
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::getPrev(eServiceReference &ref)
- {
- if (cursorValid())
- {
- list::iterator cursor(m_cursor);
- if (cursor == m_list.begin())
- {
- cursor = m_list.end();
- }
- ref = *(--cursor);
- }
- else
- ref = eServiceReference();
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::getNext(eServiceReference &ref)
- {
- if (cursorValid())
- {
- list::iterator cursor(m_cursor);
- cursor++;
- if (cursor == m_list.end())
- {
- cursor = m_list.begin();
- }
- ref = *(cursor);
- }
- else
- ref = eServiceReference();
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::getNextBeginningWithChar(char c)
- {
- // printf("Char: %c\n", c);
- int index=0;
- for (list::iterator i(m_list.begin()); i != m_list.end(); ++i, ++index)
- {
- std::string text;
- ePtr<iStaticServiceInformation> service_info;
- m_service_center->info(*i, service_info);
- service_info->getName(*i, text);
- // printf("%c\n", text.c_str()[0]);
- int idx=0;
- int len=text.length();
- while ( idx <= len )
- {
- char cc = text[idx++];
- if (isprint(cc))
- {
- if (cc == c)
- return index;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::getPrevMarkerPos()
- {
- if (!m_listbox)
- return 0;
- list::iterator i(m_cursor);
- int index = m_cursor_number;
- while (index) // Skip precending markers
- {
- --i;
- --index;
- if (! ((i->flags & eServiceReference::isMarker) && !(i->flags & eServiceReference::isInvisible)))
- break;
- }
- while (index)
- {
- --i;
- --index;
- if ((i->flags & eServiceReference::isMarker) && !(i->flags & eServiceReference::isInvisible))
- break;
- }
- return cursorResolve(index);
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::getNextMarkerPos()
- {
- if (!m_listbox)
- return 0;
- list::iterator i(m_cursor);
- int index = m_cursor_number;
- while (index < (m_size-1))
- {
- ++i;
- ++index;
- if ((i->flags & eServiceReference::isMarker) && !(i->flags & eServiceReference::isInvisible))
- break;
- }
- return cursorResolve(index);
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::initMarked()
- {
- m_marked.clear();
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::addMarked(const eServiceReference &ref)
- {
- m_marked.insert(ref);
- if (m_listbox)
- m_listbox->entryChanged(cursorResolve(lookupService(ref)));
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::removeMarked(const eServiceReference &ref)
- {
- m_marked.erase(ref);
- if (m_listbox)
- m_listbox->entryChanged(cursorResolve(lookupService(ref)));
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::isMarked(const eServiceReference &ref)
- {
- return m_marked.find(ref) != m_marked.end();
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::markedQueryStart()
- {
- m_marked_iterator = m_marked.begin();
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::markedQueryNext(eServiceReference &ref)
- {
- if (m_marked_iterator == m_marked.end())
- return -1;
- ref = *m_marked_iterator++;
- return 0;
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::lookupService(const eServiceReference &ref)
- {
- /* shortcut for cursor */
- if (ref == *m_cursor)
- return m_cursor_number;
- /* otherwise, search in the list.. */
- int index = 0;
- for (list::const_iterator i(m_list.begin()); i != m_list.end(); ++i, ++index);
- /* this is ok even when the index was not found. */
- return index;
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::setVisualMode(int mode)
- {
- for (int i=0; i < celElements; ++i)
- {
- m_element_position[i] = eRect();
- m_element_font[i] = 0;
- }
- m_visual_mode = mode;
- if (m_visual_mode == visModeSimple)
- {
- m_element_position[celServiceName] = eRect(ePoint(0, 0), m_itemsize);
- m_element_font[celServiceName] = new gFont("Regular", 23);
- }
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::setElementPosition(int element, eRect where)
- {
- if ((element >= 0) && (element < celElements))
- m_element_position[element] = where;
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::setElementFont(int element, gFont *font)
- {
- if ((element >= 0) && (element < celElements))
- m_element_font[element] = font;
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::setPixmap(int type, ePtr<gPixmap> &pic)
- {
- if ((type >=0) && (type < picElements))
- m_pixmaps[type] = pic;
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::sort()
- {
- if (!m_lst)
- m_service_center->list(m_root, m_lst);
- if (m_lst)
- {
- m_list.sort(iListableServiceCompare(m_lst));
- /* FIXME: is this really required or can we somehow keep the current entry? */
- cursorHome();
- if (m_listbox)
- m_listbox->entryReset();
- }
- }
- DEFINE_REF(eListboxServiceContent);
- eListboxServiceContent::eListboxServiceContent()
- :m_visual_mode(visModeSimple),m_cursor_number(0), m_saved_cursor_number(0), m_size(0), m_current_marked(false),
- m_itemheight(25), m_hide_number_marker(false), m_service_picon_downsize(0), m_servicetype_icon_mode(0),
- m_crypto_icon_mode(0), m_record_indicator_mode(0), m_column_width(0), m_progressbar_height(6), m_progressbar_border_width(2),
- m_nonplayable_margins(10), m_items_distances(8)
- {
- memset(m_color_set, 0, sizeof(m_color_set));
- cursorHome();
- eServiceCenter::getInstance(m_service_center);
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::setColor(int color, gRGB &col)
- {
- if ((color >= 0) && (color < colorElements))
- {
- m_color_set[color] = true;
- m_color[color] = col;
- }
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::swapServices(list::iterator a, list::iterator b)
- {
- std::iter_swap(a, b);
- int temp = a->getChannelNum();
- a->setChannelNum(b->getChannelNum());
- b->setChannelNum(temp);
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::cursorHome()
- {
- if (m_current_marked && m_saved_cursor == m_list.end())
- {
- if (m_cursor_number >= m_size)
- {
- m_cursor_number = m_size-1;
- --m_cursor;
- }
- while (m_cursor_number)
- {
- swapServices(m_cursor--, m_cursor);
- --m_cursor_number;
- if (m_listbox && m_cursor_number)
- m_listbox->entryChanged(cursorResolve(m_cursor_number));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- m_cursor = m_list.begin();
- m_cursor_number = 0;
- while (m_cursor != m_list.end())
- {
- if (!((m_hide_number_marker && (m_cursor->flags & eServiceReference::isNumberedMarker)) || (m_cursor->flags & eServiceReference::isInvisible)))
- break;
- m_cursor++;
- m_cursor_number++;
- }
- }
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::cursorEnd()
- {
- if (m_current_marked && m_saved_cursor == m_list.end())
- {
- while (m_cursor != m_list.end())
- {
- list::iterator prev = m_cursor++;
- ++m_cursor_number;
- if ( prev != m_list.end() && m_cursor != m_list.end() )
- {
- swapServices(m_cursor, prev);
- if ( m_listbox )
- m_listbox->entryChanged(cursorResolve(m_cursor_number));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- m_cursor = m_list.end();
- m_cursor_number = m_size;
- }
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::setCurrentMarked(bool state)
- {
- bool prev = m_current_marked;
- m_current_marked = state;
- if (state != prev && m_listbox)
- {
- m_listbox->entryChanged(cursorResolve(m_cursor_number));
- if (!state)
- {
- if (!m_lst)
- m_service_center->list(m_root, m_lst);
- if (m_lst)
- {
- ePtr<iMutableServiceList> list;
- if (m_lst->startEdit(list))
- eDebug("[eListboxServiceContent] no editable list");
- else
- {
- eServiceReference ref;
- getCurrent(ref);
- if(!ref)
- eDebug("[eListboxServiceContent] no valid service selected");
- else
- {
- int pos = cursorGet();
- eDebugNoNewLineStart("[eListboxServiceContent] move %s to %d ", ref.toString().c_str(), pos);
- if (list->moveService(ref, cursorGet()))
- eDebugNoNewLine("failed\n");
- else
- eDebugNoNewLine("ok\n");
- }
- }
- }
- else
- eDebug("[eListboxServiceContent] no list available!");
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::cursorMove(int count)
- {
- int prev = m_cursor_number, last = m_cursor_number + count;
- if (count > 0)
- {
- while(count && m_cursor != m_list.end())
- {
- list::iterator prev_it = m_cursor++;
- if ( m_current_marked && m_cursor != m_list.end() && m_saved_cursor == m_list.end() )
- {
- swapServices(prev_it, m_cursor);
- if ( m_listbox && prev != m_cursor_number && last != m_cursor_number )
- m_listbox->entryChanged(cursorResolve(m_cursor_number));
- }
- ++m_cursor_number;
- if (!(m_cursor->flags & eServiceReference::isInvisible))
- --count;
- }
- }
- else if (count < 0)
- {
- while (count && m_cursor != m_list.begin())
- {
- list::iterator prev_it = m_cursor--;
- if ( m_current_marked && m_cursor != m_list.end() && prev_it != m_list.end() && m_saved_cursor == m_list.end() )
- {
- swapServices(prev_it, m_cursor);
- if ( m_listbox && prev != m_cursor_number && last != m_cursor_number )
- m_listbox->entryChanged(cursorResolve(m_cursor_number));
- }
- --m_cursor_number;
- if (!(m_cursor->flags & eServiceReference::isInvisible))
- ++count;
- }
- while (m_cursor != m_list.end())
- {
- if (!((m_hide_number_marker && (m_cursor->flags & eServiceReference::isNumberedMarker)) || (m_cursor->flags & eServiceReference::isInvisible)))
- break;
- m_cursor++;
- m_cursor_number++;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::cursorValid()
- {
- return m_cursor != m_list.end();
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::cursorSet(int n)
- {
- cursorHome();
- cursorMove(n);
- return 0;
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::cursorResolve(int cursor_position)
- {
- int m_stripped_cursor = 0;
- int count = 0;
- for (list::iterator i(m_list.begin()); i != m_list.end(); ++i)
- {
- if (count == cursor_position)
- break;
- count++;
- if (i->flags & eServiceReference::isInvisible)
- continue;
- m_stripped_cursor++;
- }
- return m_stripped_cursor;
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::cursorGet()
- {
- return cursorResolve(m_cursor_number);
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::currentCursorSelectable()
- {
- if (cursorValid())
- {
- /* don't allow markers to be selected, unless we're in edit mode (because we want to provide some method to the user to remove a marker) */
- if (m_cursor->flags & eServiceReference::isMarker && m_marked.empty())
- return 0;
- else
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::cursorSave()
- {
- m_saved_cursor = m_cursor;
- m_saved_cursor_number = m_cursor_number;
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::cursorRestore()
- {
- m_cursor = m_saved_cursor;
- m_cursor_number = m_saved_cursor_number;
- m_saved_cursor = m_list.end();
- }
- int eListboxServiceContent::size()
- {
- int size = 0;
- for (list::iterator i(m_list.begin()); i != m_list.end(); ++i)
- {
- if (i->flags & eServiceReference::isInvisible)
- continue;
- size++;
- }
- return size;
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::setSize(const eSize &size)
- {
- m_itemsize = size;
- if (m_visual_mode == visModeSimple)
- setVisualMode(m_visual_mode);
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::setGetPiconNameFunc(ePyObject func)
- {
- if (m_GetPiconNameFunc)
- Py_DECREF(m_GetPiconNameFunc);
- m_GetPiconNameFunc = func;
- if (m_GetPiconNameFunc)
- Py_INCREF(m_GetPiconNameFunc);
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::setIgnoreService( const eServiceReference &service )
- {
- m_is_playable_ignore=service;
- if (m_listbox && m_listbox->isVisible())
- m_listbox->invalidate();
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::setItemHeight(int height)
- {
- m_itemheight = height;
- if (m_listbox)
- m_listbox->setItemHeight(height);
- }
- bool eListboxServiceContent::checkServiceIsRecorded(eServiceReference ref,pNavigation::RecordType type)
- {
- std::map<ePtr<iRecordableService>, eServiceReference, std::less<iRecordableService*> > recordedServices;
- recordedServices = eNavigation::getInstance()->getRecordingsServices(type);
- for (std::map<ePtr<iRecordableService>, eServiceReference >::iterator it = recordedServices.begin(); it != recordedServices.end(); ++it)
- {
- if (ref.flags & eServiceReference::isGroup)
- {
- ePtr<iDVBChannelList> db;
- ePtr<eDVBResourceManager> res;
- eDVBResourceManager::getInstance(res);
- res->getChannelList(db);
- eBouquet *bouquet=0;
- db->getBouquet(ref, bouquet);
- for (std::list<eServiceReference>::iterator i(bouquet->m_services.begin()); i != bouquet->m_services.end(); ++i)
- if (*i == it->second)
- return true;
- }
- else if (ref == it->second)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void eListboxServiceContent::paint(gPainter &painter, eWindowStyle &style, const ePoint &offset, int selected)
- {
- painter.clip(eRect(offset, m_itemsize));
- int marked = 0;
- if (m_current_marked && selected)
- marked = 2;
- else if (cursorValid() && isMarked(*m_cursor))
- {
- if (selected)
- marked = 2;
- else
- marked = 1;
- }
- else
- style.setStyle(painter, selected ? eWindowStyle::styleListboxSelected : eWindowStyle::styleListboxNormal);
- eListboxStyle *local_style = 0;
- /* get local listbox style, if present */
- if (m_listbox)
- local_style = m_listbox->getLocalStyle();
- if (marked == 1) // marked
- {
- style.setStyle(painter, eWindowStyle::styleListboxMarked);
- if (m_color_set[markedForeground])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[markedForeground]);
- if (m_color_set[markedBackground])
- painter.setBackgroundColor(m_color[markedBackground]);
- }
- else if (marked == 2) // marked and selected
- {
- style.setStyle(painter, eWindowStyle::styleListboxMarkedAndSelected);
- if (m_color_set[markedForegroundSelected])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[markedForegroundSelected]);
- if (m_color_set[markedBackgroundSelected])
- painter.setBackgroundColor(m_color[markedBackgroundSelected]);
- }
- else if (local_style)
- {
- if (selected)
- {
- /* if we have a local background color set, use that. */
- if (local_style->m_background_color_selected_set)
- painter.setBackgroundColor(local_style->m_background_color_selected);
- /* same for foreground */
- if (local_style->m_foreground_color_selected_set)
- painter.setForegroundColor(local_style->m_foreground_color_selected);
- }
- else
- {
- /* if we have a local background color set, use that. */
- if (local_style->m_background_color_set)
- painter.setBackgroundColor(local_style->m_background_color);
- /* same for foreground */
- if (local_style->m_foreground_color_set)
- painter.setForegroundColor(local_style->m_foreground_color);
- }
- }
- if (!local_style || !local_style->m_transparent_background)
- /* if we have no transparent background */
- {
- /* blit background picture, if available (otherwise, clear only) */
- if (local_style && local_style->m_background)
- painter.blit(local_style->m_background, offset, eRect(), 0);
- else
- painter.clear();
- } else
- {
- if (local_style->m_background)
- painter.blit(local_style->m_background, offset, eRect(), gPainter::BT_ALPHABLEND);
- else if (selected && !local_style->m_selection)
- painter.clear();
- }
- if (cursorValid())
- {
- /* get service information */
- ePtr<iStaticServiceInformation> service_info;
- m_service_center->info(*m_cursor, service_info);
- eServiceReference ref = *m_cursor;
- bool isMarker = ref.flags & eServiceReference::isMarker;
- bool isPlayable = !(ref.flags & eServiceReference::isDirectory || isMarker);
- bool isRecorded = m_record_indicator_mode && isPlayable && checkServiceIsRecorded(ref,pNavigation::RecordType(pNavigation::isRealRecording|pNavigation::isUnknownRecording));
- bool isStreamed = m_record_indicator_mode && isPlayable && checkServiceIsRecorded(ref,pNavigation::isStreaming);
- bool isPseudoRecorded = m_record_indicator_mode && isPlayable && checkServiceIsRecorded(ref,pNavigation::isPseudoRecording);
- ePtr<eServiceEvent> evt;
- bool serviceAvail = true;
- bool serviceFallback = false;
- int isplayable_value;
- if (!marked && isPlayable && service_info && m_is_playable_ignore.valid())
- {
- isplayable_value = service_info->isPlayable(*m_cursor, m_is_playable_ignore);
- if (isplayable_value == 0) // service unavailable
- {
- if (m_color_set[serviceNotAvail])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[serviceNotAvail]);
- else
- painter.setForegroundColor(gRGB(0xbbbbbb));
- serviceAvail = false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (isplayable_value == 2) // fallback receiver service
- {
- if (m_color_set[serviceItemFallback])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[serviceItemFallback]);
- serviceFallback = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (m_record_indicator_mode == 3 && isPseudoRecorded)
- {
- if (m_color_set[servicePseudoRecorded])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[servicePseudoRecorded]);
- else
- painter.setForegroundColor(gRGB(0x41b1ec));
- }
- if (m_record_indicator_mode == 3 && isStreamed)
- {
- if (m_color_set[serviceStreamed])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[serviceStreamed]);
- else
- painter.setForegroundColor(gRGB(0xf56712));
- }
- if (m_record_indicator_mode == 3 && isRecorded)
- {
- if (m_color_set[serviceRecordingColor])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[serviceRecordingColor]);
- else if (m_color_set[serviceRecorded])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[serviceRecorded]);
- else
- painter.setForegroundColor(gRGB(0xb40431));
- }
- if (selected && local_style && local_style->m_selection)
- painter.blit(local_style->m_selection, offset, eRect(), gPainter::BT_ALPHABLEND);
- int xoffset=0; // used as offset when painting the folder/marker symbol or the serviceevent progress
- time_t now = time(0);
- for (int e = 0; e != celServiceTypePixmap; ++e)
- {
- if (m_element_font[e])
- {
- int flags=gPainter::RT_VALIGN_CENTER;
- int yoffs = 0;
- eRect area = m_element_position[e];
- std::string text = "<n/a>";
- switch (e)
- {
- case celServiceNumber:
- {
- if (area.width() <= 0)
- continue; // no point in going on if we won't paint anything
- if( m_cursor->getChannelNum() == 0 )
- continue;
- char buffer[15];
- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", m_cursor->getChannelNum() );
- text = buffer;
- flags|=gPainter::RT_HALIGN_RIGHT;
- if (isPlayable && serviceFallback && selected && m_color_set[serviceSelectedFallback])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[serviceSelectedFallback]);
- break;
- }
- case celServiceName:
- {
- if (service_info)
- service_info->getName(*m_cursor, text);
- if (!isPlayable)
- {
- area.setWidth(area.width() + m_element_position[celServiceEventProgressbar].width() + m_nonplayable_margins);
- if (m_element_position[celServiceEventProgressbar].left() == 0)
- area.setLeft(0);
- if (m_element_position[celServiceNumber].width() && m_element_position[celServiceEventProgressbar].left() == m_element_position[celServiceNumber].width() + m_nonplayable_margins)
- area.setLeft(m_element_position[celServiceNumber].width() + m_nonplayable_margins);
- }
- if (!(m_record_indicator_mode == 3 && isRecorded) && isPlayable && serviceFallback && selected && m_color_set[serviceSelectedFallback])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[serviceSelectedFallback]);
- break;
- }
- case celServiceInfo:
- {
- if ( isPlayable && service_info && !service_info->getEvent(*m_cursor, evt) )
- {
- std::string name = evt->getEventName();
- if (name.empty())
- continue;
- text = evt->getEventName();
- if (serviceAvail)
- {
- if (!selected)
- {
- if (serviceFallback && m_color_set[eventForegroundFallback]) // fallback receiver
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[eventForegroundFallback]);
- else if(m_color_set[serviceDescriptionColor])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[serviceDescriptionColor]);
- else if(m_color_set[eventForeground]) //serviceDescriptionColor
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[eventForeground]);
- else //default color (Tulip Tree)
- painter.setForegroundColor(gRGB(0xe7b53f));
- }
- else
- {
- if (serviceFallback && m_color_set[eventForegroundSelectedFallback])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[eventForegroundSelectedFallback]);
- else if(m_color_set[serviceDescriptionColorSelected])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[serviceDescriptionColorSelected]);
- else if(m_color_set[eventForeground]) //serviceDescriptionColor
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[eventForegroundSelected]);
- else //default color (Tulip Tree)
- painter.setForegroundColor(gRGB(0xe7b53f));
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- continue;
- }
- case celServiceEventProgressbar:
- {
- if (area.width() > 0 && isPlayable && service_info && !service_info->getEvent(*m_cursor, evt))
- {
- char buffer[15];
- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d %%", (int)(100 * (now - evt->getBeginTime()) / evt->getDuration()));
- text = buffer;
- flags|=gPainter::RT_HALIGN_RIGHT;
- break;
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- eRect tmp = area;
- int xoffs = 0;
- ePtr<gPixmap> piconPixmap;
- if (e == celServiceName)
- {
- //picon stuff
- if (isPlayable && PyCallable_Check(m_GetPiconNameFunc))
- {
- ePyObject pArgs = PyTuple_New(1);
- PyTuple_SET_ITEM(pArgs, 0, PyString_FromString(ref.toString().c_str()));
- ePyObject pRet = PyObject_CallObject(m_GetPiconNameFunc, pArgs);
- Py_DECREF(pArgs);
- if (pRet)
- {
- if (PyString_Check(pRet))
- {
- std::string piconFilename = PyString_AS_STRING(pRet);
- if (!piconFilename.empty())
- loadPNG(piconPixmap, piconFilename.c_str());
- }
- Py_DECREF(pRet);
- }
- }
- xoffs = xoffset;
- tmp.setWidth(((!isPlayable || m_column_width == -1 || (!piconPixmap && !m_column_width)) ? tmp.width() : m_column_width) - xoffs);
- }
- eTextPara *para = new eTextPara(tmp);
- para->setFont(m_element_font[e]);
- //std::string text = text;
- std::regex rgx("\| \d+\+$");text = std::regex_replace(text, rgx, "", std::regex_constants::format_first_only);
- para->renderString(text.c_str());
- if (e == celServiceName)
- {
- eRect bbox = para->getBoundBox();
- int servicenameWidth = ((!isPlayable || m_column_width == -1 || (!piconPixmap && !m_column_width)) ? bbox.width() : m_column_width);
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setLeft(area.left() + servicenameWidth + m_items_distances + xoffs);
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setTop(;
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setWidth(area.width() - (servicenameWidth + m_items_distances + xoffs));
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setHeight(area.height());
- if (isPlayable)
- {
- //picon stuff
- if (PyCallable_Check(m_GetPiconNameFunc) and (m_column_width || piconPixmap))
- {
- eRect area = m_element_position[celServiceInfo];
- /* PIcons are usually about 100:60. Make it a
- * bit wider in case the icons are diffently
- * shaped, and to add a bit of margin between
- * icon and text. */
- const int iconWidth = (area.height() + m_service_picon_downsize * 2) * 1.67 + m_items_distances;
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setLeft(area.left() + iconWidth);
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setWidth(area.width() - iconWidth);
- area = m_element_position[celServiceName];
- xoffs += iconWidth;
- if (piconPixmap)
- {
- area.moveBy(offset);
- painter.clip(area);
- painter.blitScale(piconPixmap,
- eRect(area.left(), - m_service_picon_downsize, iconWidth, area.height() + m_service_picon_downsize * 2),
- area,
- painter.clippop();
- }
- }
- //service type marker stuff
- if (m_servicetype_icon_mode)
- {
- int orbpos = m_cursor->getUnsignedData(4) >> 16;
- const char *filename = ref.path.c_str();
- ePtr<gPixmap> &pixmap =
- (m_cursor->flags & eServiceReference::isGroup) ? m_pixmaps[picServiceGroup] :
- (strstr(filename, "://")) ? m_pixmaps[picStream] :
- (orbpos == 0xFFFF) ? m_pixmaps[picDVB_C] :
- (orbpos == 0xEEEE) ? m_pixmaps[picDVB_T] : m_pixmaps[picDVB_S];
- if (pixmap)
- {
- eSize pixmap_size = pixmap->size();
- eRect area = m_element_position[celServiceInfo];
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setLeft(area.left() + pixmap_size.width() + m_items_distances);
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setWidth(area.width() - pixmap_size.width() - m_items_distances);
- int offs = 0;
- if (m_servicetype_icon_mode == 1)
- {
- area = m_element_position[celServiceName];
- offs = xoffs;
- xoffs += pixmap_size.width() + m_items_distances;
- }
- else if (m_crypto_icon_mode == 1 && m_pixmaps[picCrypto])
- offs = offs + m_pixmaps[picCrypto]->size().width() + m_items_distances;
- int correction = (area.height() - pixmap_size.height()) / 2;
- area.moveBy(offset);
- painter.clip(area);
- painter.blit(pixmap, ePoint(area.left() + offs, offset.y() + correction), area, gPainter::BT_ALPHABLEND);
- painter.clippop();
- }
- }
- //crypto icon stuff
- if (m_crypto_icon_mode && m_pixmaps[picCrypto])
- {
- eSize pixmap_size = m_pixmaps[picCrypto]->size();
- eRect area = m_element_position[celServiceInfo];
- int offs = 0;
- if (m_crypto_icon_mode == 1)
- {
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setLeft(area.left() + pixmap_size.width() + m_items_distances);
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setWidth(area.width() - pixmap_size.width() - m_items_distances);
- area = m_element_position[celServiceName];
- offs = xoffs;
- xoffs += pixmap_size.width() + m_items_distances;
- }
- int correction = (area.height() - pixmap_size.height()) / 2;
- area.moveBy(offset);
- if (service_info && service_info->isCrypted())
- {
- if (m_crypto_icon_mode == 2)
- {
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setLeft(area.left() + pixmap_size.width() + m_items_distances);
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setWidth(area.width() - pixmap_size.width() - m_items_distances);
- }
- painter.clip(area);
- painter.blit(m_pixmaps[picCrypto], ePoint(area.left() + offs, offset.y() + correction), area, gPainter::BT_ALPHABLEND);
- painter.clippop();
- }
- }
- //record icon stuff
- if (isRecorded && m_record_indicator_mode < 3 && m_pixmaps[picRecord])
- {
- eSize pixmap_size = m_pixmaps[picRecord]->size();
- eRect area = m_element_position[celServiceInfo];
- int offs = 0;
- if (m_record_indicator_mode == 1)
- {
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setLeft(area.left() + pixmap_size.width() + m_items_distances);
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setWidth(area.width() - pixmap_size.width() - m_items_distances);
- area = m_element_position[celServiceName];
- offs = xoffs;
- xoffs += pixmap_size.width() + m_items_distances;
- }
- int correction = (area.height() - pixmap_size.height()) / 2;
- area.moveBy(offset);
- if (m_record_indicator_mode == 2)
- {
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setLeft(area.left() + pixmap_size.width() + m_items_distances);
- m_element_position[celServiceInfo].setWidth(area.width() - pixmap_size.width() - m_items_distances);
- }
- painter.clip(area);
- painter.blit(m_pixmaps[picRecord], ePoint(area.left() + offs, offset.y() + correction), area, gPainter::BT_ALPHABLEND);
- painter.clippop();
- }
- }
- }
- if (flags & gPainter::RT_HALIGN_RIGHT)
- para->realign(eTextPara::dirRight);
- else if (flags & gPainter::RT_HALIGN_CENTER)
- para->realign(eTextPara::dirCenter);
- else if (flags & gPainter::RT_HALIGN_BLOCK)
- para->realign(eTextPara::dirBlock);
- if (flags & gPainter::RT_VALIGN_CENTER)
- {
- eRect bbox = para->getBoundBox();
- yoffs = (area.height() - bbox.height()) / 2 -;
- }
- painter.renderPara(para, offset+ePoint(xoffs, yoffs));
- }
- else if ((e == celFolderPixmap && m_cursor->flags & eServiceReference::isDirectory) ||
- (e == celMarkerPixmap && m_cursor->flags & eServiceReference::isMarker &&
- !(m_cursor->flags & eServiceReference::isNumberedMarker)))
- {
- ePtr<gPixmap> &pixmap =
- (e == celFolderPixmap) ? m_pixmaps[picFolder] : m_pixmaps[picMarker];
- if (pixmap)
- {
- eSize pixmap_size = pixmap->size();
- eRect area = m_element_position[e == celFolderPixmap ? celServiceName: celServiceNumber];
- int correction = (area.height() - pixmap_size.height()) / 2;
- if (e == celFolderPixmap)
- if (m_element_position[celServiceEventProgressbar].left() == 0)
- area.setLeft(0);
- xoffset = pixmap_size.width() + m_items_distances;
- area.moveBy(offset);
- painter.clip(area);
- painter.blit(pixmap, ePoint(area.left(), offset.y() + correction), area, gPainter::BT_ALPHABLEND);
- painter.clippop();
- }
- }
- }
- if (selected && (!local_style || !local_style->m_selection))
- style.drawFrame(painter, eRect(offset, m_itemsize), eWindowStyle::frameListboxEntry);
- eRect area = m_element_position[celServiceEventProgressbar];
- if (area.width() > 0 && evt && !m_element_font[celServiceEventProgressbar])
- {
- int pb_xpos = area.left();
- int pb_ypos = offset.y() + (m_itemsize.height() - m_progressbar_height - 2 * m_progressbar_border_width) / 2;
- int pb_width = area.width()- 2 * m_progressbar_border_width;
- gRGB ProgressbarBorderColor = 0xdfdfdf;
- int evt_done = pb_width * (now - evt->getBeginTime()) / evt->getDuration();
- // the progress data...
- eRect tmp = eRect(pb_xpos + m_progressbar_border_width, pb_ypos + m_progressbar_border_width, evt_done, m_progressbar_height);
- ePtr<gPixmap> &pixmap = m_pixmaps[picServiceEventProgressbar];
- if (pixmap) {
- painter.clip(tmp);
- painter.blit(pixmap, ePoint(pb_xpos + m_progressbar_border_width, pb_ypos + m_progressbar_border_width), tmp, gPainter::BT_ALPHABLEND);
- painter.clippop();
- }
- else {
- if (!selected && m_color_set[serviceEventProgressbarColor])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[serviceEventProgressbarColor]);
- else if (selected && m_color_set[serviceEventProgressbarColorSelected])
- painter.setForegroundColor(m_color[serviceEventProgressbarColorSelected]);
- painter.fill(tmp);
- }
- // the progressbar border
- if (!selected) {
- if (m_color_set[serviceEventProgressbarBorderColor])
- ProgressbarBorderColor = m_color[serviceEventProgressbarBorderColor];
- else if (m_color_set[eventborderForeground])
- ProgressbarBorderColor = m_color[eventborderForeground];
- }
- else { /* !selected */
- if (m_color_set[serviceEventProgressbarBorderColorSelected])
- ProgressbarBorderColor = m_color[serviceEventProgressbarBorderColorSelected];
- else if (m_color_set[eventborderForegroundSelected])
- ProgressbarBorderColor = m_color[eventborderForegroundSelected];
- }
- painter.setForegroundColor(ProgressbarBorderColor);
- painter.fill(eRect(pb_xpos, pb_ypos, pb_width + 2 * m_progressbar_border_width, m_progressbar_border_width));
- painter.fill(eRect(pb_xpos, pb_ypos + m_progressbar_border_width + m_progressbar_height, pb_width + 2 * m_progressbar_border_width, m_progressbar_border_width));
- painter.fill(eRect(pb_xpos, pb_ypos + m_progressbar_border_width, m_progressbar_border_width, m_progressbar_height));
- painter.fill(eRect(pb_xpos + m_progressbar_border_width + pb_width, pb_ypos + m_progressbar_border_width, m_progressbar_border_width, m_progressbar_height));
- }
- }
- painter.clippop();
- }
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