
intel delray beach

Nov 18th, 2016
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  1. Loading Linux 2.6.30 ...
  2. Loading initial ramdisk ...
  3. Unknown boot option `net.ifnames=0': ignoring
  4. 0000:02:00.0: 0000:02:00.0: Failed to initialize MSI-X interrupts. Falling back to MSI interrupts.
  5. 0000:02:00.0: 0000:02:00.0: Failed to initialize MSI interrupts. Falling back to legacy interrupts.
  6. 0000:03:00.0: 0000:03:00.0: Failed to initialize MSI-X interrupts. Falling back to MSI interrupts.
  7. 0000:03:00.0: 0000:03:00.0: Failed to initialize MSI interrupts. Falling back to legacy interrupts.
  8. 0000:04:00.0: 0000:04:00.0: Failed to initialize MSI-X interrupts. Falling back to MSI interrupts.
  9. 0000:04:00.0: 0000:04:00.0: Failed to initialize MSI interrupts. Falling back to legacy interrupts.
  10. Starting linuxrc ...
  11. mount: Mounting /dev/root.old on / failed: Invalid argument
  12. Starting rc.S ...
  13. Wed Apr 21 00:00:00 UTC 2010
  14. Starting mdev.
  15. ACTION not set... assume add
  16. Creating a new /dev/null
  17. ACTION not set... assume add
  18. /usbflash/encrypted.upg and/or /usbflash/password.enc unreadable
  19. rm: cannot remove `/var/run/fwu-usb': No such file or directory
  20. ACTION not set... assume add
  21. ACTION not set... assume add
  22. ACTION not set... assume add
  23. ACTION not set... assume add
  24. ACTION not set... assume add
  25. mount: Mounting /dev/sdb1 on /usbflash failed: Invalid argument
  26. failed to mount /dev/sdb1 /usbflash
  27. Running /etc/rc.d/rc.modules:
  28. Detecting non-volatile storage device
  29. Using ropot device storage on device '/dev/sda1'
  30. Using non-volatile storage on device '/dev/sda2'
  31. Using DLNA storage on device '/dev/sda3'
  32. Using 4Home storage on device '/dev/sda4'
  33. Checking filesystem on non-volatile storage
  34. fsck.ext2: while determining whether /dev/sda2 is mounted.
  35. /dev/sda2 was not cleanly unmounted, check forced.
  36. /dev/sda2: 23/2621440 files (13.0% non-contiguous), 176995/10485760 blocks
  37. Checking filesystem on DLNA Media Server storage
  38. fsck.ext2: while determining whether /dev/sda3 is mounted.
  39. /dev/sda3 was not cleanly unmounted, check forced.
  40. /dev/sda3: 15/2621440 files (6.7% non-contiguous), 176808/10485760 blocks
  41. Creating U4EA GPIO, RESET, WANTYPE and HWID device file
  42. Creating GoSQ and VqmQ device files
  43. Enable GosQ. Initially upstream only
  44. Apr 21 00:00:43 localhost syslogd started: BusyBox v1.2.2
  45. rc.S System boot: start of logging.
  46. 46.08 0.26 Local startup:
  47. !!! Detected Delray Beach Board: re-ordering ethernet devices
  48. 50.12 0.26 RDB
  49. Try to reload RDB using /flash/dbfile.1
  50. Doing rdb reload from prefered file /flash/dbfile.1
  51. Sync Database
  52. rdb-init done
  53. 51.77 0.26 Logging
  54. 51.81 0.26 Booting
  55. Firmware Image: 3.1.78~20100421_1913~R~E~P~en_US~VINS20ZT
  56. 51.87 0.26 LAN Ethernet
  57. Rule set enabled
  58. 52.33 0.26 WLAN
  59. 52.35 0.26 Zero Setup
  60. 52.38 0.26 Minimal firewall
  61. 52.47 0.26 QoS
  62. 52.47 0.26 ERROR: invalid wantype specified.
  63. 52.48 0.26 TR-069 client
  64. 52.60 0.26 Virtual servers
  65. 90.11 0.26 Web UI
  66. 90.89 0.26 Alarms
  67. 90.90 0.26 VoIP
  68. 90.91 0.26 Enabling VoIP Hardware
  69. 90.91 0.26 Starting VoIP
  70. 90.92 0.26 NTP
  71. 90.93 0.26 VPN
  72. 90.97 0.26 Firewall reconfigure
  73. 92.62 0.26 Lanleds - early start
  74. 92.63 0.26 Intel Delray Beach Startup
  75. Delray Beach Startup File: hello world !!!
  76. Delray USB Startup: No USB Storage devices are inserted
  77. Delray HDD Startup: starting: /tmp/delray.hdd:/etc/rc.Delray...
  78. *** If you wish to set a unique serial number, add one
  79. *** into '/flash/.keep/serialnum.txt' and reboot.
  80. Starting inetd.
  81. rc.S Completed. returning to inittab.
  82. *** running Fedora-11 binaries from delray chroot ***
  83. localhost login:
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