

Aug 17th, 2015
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  1. iris melissa dy:    faisal, why did you gave me $1,550?
  2. Faisal: iris we always take care of you when you go out of your way .. especially when khurram has to leave on short notice
  3. iris melissa dy:    i see. i wasn't expecting that.
  4. Faisal: :)
  5. iris melissa dy:    thanks
  6. Faisal: please dont mention it
  7. we do the best we can in whatever measure we can manage.. any time we can manage it, we do it through funds.. other times its other ways :)
  8. iris melissa dy:    your mum is worried about khurram though... me too am worried about him. 
  9. Faisal: well he's dealing with a lot right now
  10. but he's a strong fellow
  11. God gave him his gifts
  12. and Khurram knows how to honor them :)
  13. so don't worry too much
  14. iris melissa dy:    i see. i dont see him smile and laugh anymore
  15. Faisal: he'll get through it
  16. iris melissa dy:    i hope he'll get out from this phase soon
  17. Faisal: yup. as with all things in life.
  18. even this shall pass
  19. :)
  20. iris melissa dy:    okay. i miss teasing with my brother. i dont bother him as much coz he'll get irritated easily these days.
  21. Faisal: nawww.. you can tease all you want
  22. he knows how to keep things separate
  23. iris melissa dy:    no.. he is too serious
  24. im afraid
  25. Faisal: haha.. naww.. that's just your unchecked fears
  26. all you do is .. communicate with him
  27. you see what happens if you just assume ... in Suhani :D
  28. iris melissa dy:    no worries. hope danielle will make him smile.  ☺
  29. Faisal: hahaha ! she'll make everyone smile !
  30. iris melissa dy:    yup!
  31. Faisal: relationships like those matter more than anything in the outside world
  32. taxes, politics, bills.. they are all never ending
  33. so we must seize upon any chance to truly enjoy the gifts of life
  34. iris melissa dy:    i see. i understand... and my mindset before is work hard today and save so that i could retire early.. but then, they are neverending so now ill just keep it easy.
  35. lol
  36. Faisal: see if that's actually true for you
  37. don't just believe because it sounds good
  38. your conscience will guide you :D
  39. and if i may
  40. i will share my own learnings on work ethic
  41. i have learned to work smarter rather than harder
  42. i learned there are no guarantees anyone will live long enough until some far off date of retirment
  43. iris melissa dy:    yeah. i honestly dont know what will happen tmw faisal... i just wanna be happy today and plan for exciting positive stuff that i will do tmw.
  44. Faisal: yes.. that's it
  45. be happy right now.
  46. and when you have to work
  47. enjoy what you do because its your way of honoring the gifts God gave you
  48. when you really feel a deep passion about your craft
  49. its not about "hard work"
  50. iris melissa dy:    yeah. i think that's the key...
  51. Faisal: the outside world will say oh she works too hard
  52. but you wont feel any of it
  53. in fact, time will fly so fast
  54. because you really are INTO what you do
  55. no one is like this every day but
  56. if you are like this most days
  57. then having a short phase like khurram
  58. it will just pass
  59. iris melissa dy:    i see.
  60. Faisal: and the gifts of relationship are such
  61. being with people who aren't constantly planning to harvest you , farm you, possess you
  62. being with people who themselves live a light hearted life .. simple one
  63. you will find it enjoyable to be around such folks.. could be any one
  64. iris melissa dy:    yes. that is true faisal.
  65. Faisal: i try to live as much of truth i can Iris
  66. living any other way just doesn't suit me :D
  67. at the end of the day, it's all gifts from God
  68. iris melissa dy:    i wish others find me light hearted too that people want to hang around with and not avoid.
  69. Faisal: that can only happen when you listen to the voice of God in your conscience :)
  70. the you are not burdened by the traps of temptation, worry,
  71. there is no strings you put on others, nor do you let others put a leash on you
  72. iris melissa dy:    i am practicing. thanks for the knowledge you are sharing faisal. you totally make sense to me.. my past questions when i was young got answered by you so thank you./
  73. im knocking on my landlords door. im gonna talk to him.
  74. take care.
  75. Faisal: : ))))
  76. have a wonderful rest of your night
  77. be in peace and with God :)
  78. iris melissa dy:    OMG faisal
  79. my land lords lived in davao for 8 hyears
  80. The father started the DOLE pineapple company there.
  81. i got excited.
  82. Faisal: : )))))
  83. it's a small world, isn't it
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