
Avp 2004 13

Dec 22nd, 2024
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  1. Back outside, Klaus spied another figure moving through the whiteness. He drew the Eagle and aimed. "Hold it!" The shape continued to approach, shimmering in the storm. "Quinn?" Still, it came closer. "Identify yourself!" The figure paused, and Klaus squinted against the snow for a better look. He blinked, and his fingers tensed on the trigger. There were two shapes now-dark holes in the storm. "I said, identify yourself!" A third appeared, next to the others. Together they silently advanced on him. If they were friendly, then Klaus figured they would have answered him by now. So he leveled the
  2. crosshairs, targeting the featureless shape in the middle, and squeezed the trigger. ...-Chpt.17 pg.148
  4. The mercenaries reacted as soon as they heard the shot. Before the echo even faded, an MP-5 replaced the screwdriver in Mikkel's hand. At the samovar, the incessant Russian singing ceased as Boris
  5. traded his tin cup for a machine gun. With the second shot, Sven was on his feet. He threw the iron bolt on the stout wooden door and backed away in case someone shot through it. "Mikkel," he hissed, shouldering a Heckler & Koch. "Get on the radio. Now." After an eternity of silence, the door blew open with a deafening crash. Fierce wind and billowing snow saturated the room. Sven aimed his weapon at the door- way, but all he could see was a blur of shimmering white powder. He turned. "Boris! Secure that door." The Russians moved to the threshold and peered into the storm. Through the torrential downfall, Sven saw Boris glance his way and shrug. Nothing.-Chpt.18 pg.150
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