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- function split(sourceString,splittingChar,index)
- results={}
- currentWord=""
- for i=1,string.len(sourceString) do
- letter=string.sub(sourceString,i,i)
- if letter==splittingChar then
- results[#results+1]=currentWord
- currentWord=""
- else
- currentWord=currentWord..letter
- end
- end
- results[#results+1]=currentWord
- return results[index]
- end
- function getSplits(sourceString,splittingChar)
- results={}
- currentWord=""
- for i=1,string.len(sourceString) do
- letter=string.sub(sourceString,i,i)
- if letter==splittingChar then
- results[#results+1]=currentWord
- currentWord=""
- else
- currentWord=currentWord..letter
- end
- end
- results[#results+1]=currentWord
- return results
- end
- if fs.exists("event")==false then"pastebin get CGn8AsPe event") end
- if os.loadAPI("event")==false then error("Failed to load event API") end
- local timers = {}
- function setTimer(func,timeOut,count,...)
- local id = os.startTimer(timeOut)
- timers[id] = {func = func, args = { ... }, timeOut = timeOut, count = count, executed = 0, id = id }
- return id
- end
- function handleTimers(timer)
- if timers[timer] == nil then return end
- local tableTimer = timers[timer]
- tableTimer.func(table.unpack(table.args or {}))
- tableTimer.executed = tableTimer.executed + 1
- if tableTimer.executed < tableTimer.count or tableTimer.count == 0 then
- timers[os.startTimer(tableTimer.timeOut)] = tableTimer
- end
- timers[timer] = nil
- end
- event.addHandler("timer",handleTimers)
- function killTimer(id)
- for i,timer in pairs(timers) do
- if == id then
- timers[i] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- local isReading = false
- local readCache = ""
- local readPos = { x = 0, y = y }
- function read(length)
- isReading = true
- readCache = ""
- event.addHandler("key",handleReadKey)
- event.addHandler("char",handleReadChar)
- event.addHandler("paste",handleReadPaste)
- readPos.x, readPos.y = term.getCursorPos()
- readPos.length = length or term.getSize()
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- writeReadString()
- while isReading do
- event.handleCCEvents()
- end
- cancelRead()
- return readCache
- end
- function handleReadKey(key,held)
- if key == keys.backspace then
- readCache = string.sub(readCache,0,string.len(readCache) - 1 )
- elseif key == keys.enter then
- isReading = false
- end
- writeReadString()
- end
- function handleReadChar(typedLetter)
- readCache = readCache .. typedLetter
- writeReadString()
- end
- function handleReadPaste(pastedString)
- readCache = readCache .. pastedString
- writeReadString()
- end
- function getReadString()
- return readCache
- end
- function writeReadString()
- event.trigger("onReadUpdate",readCache)
- term.setCursorPos(readPos.x,readPos.y)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- term.setTextColor(
- local readCache = readCache
- if string.len(readCache) > readPos.length then
- readCache = string.sub(readCache,string.len(readCache) - readPos.length +1, string.len(readCache) +1 )
- end
- term.write(readCache)
- if string.len(readCache) - 1 < readPos.length then
- local x,y = term.getCursorPos()
- for i=string.len(readCache), readPos.length do
- term.write(" ")
- end
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- end
- end
- function cancelRead()
- isReading = false
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- event.removeHandler("key",handleReadKey)
- event.removeHandler("char",handleReadChar)
- event.removeHandler("paste",handleReadPaste)
- return readCache
- end
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