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- name: TheBob
- game: Kingdom Hearts 2
- description: Generated by for Kingdom Hearts 2
- Kingdom Hearts 2:
- progression_balancing: '60'
- accessibility: full
- LevelDepth: level_99_sanity
- Sora_Level_EXP: '7'
- Valor_Form_EXP: '3'
- Wisdom_Form_EXP: '3'
- Limit_Form_EXP: '3'
- Master_Form_EXP: '3'
- Final_Form_EXP: '3'
- Summon_EXP: '5'
- Schmovement: level_1
- RandomGrowth: '0'
- AntiForm: 'false'
- Promise_Charm: 'false'
- Goal: hitlist
- FinalXemnas: 'true'
- LuckyEmblemsAmount: '40'
- LuckyEmblemsRequired: '35'
- BountyAmount: '14'
- BountyRequired: '7'
- BountyStartingHintToggle: 'false'
- Keyblade_Minimum: '2'
- Keyblade_Maximum: '8'
- WeaponSlotStartHint: 'false'
- FightLogic: normal
- FinalFormLogic: light_and_darkness
- AutoFormLogic: 'false'
- DonaldGoofyStatsanity: 'true'
- FillerItemsLocal: 'true'
- Visitlocking: first_and_second_visit_locking
- RandomVisitLockingItem: '2'
- SuperBosses: 'true'
- Cups: no_cups
- SummonLevelLocationToggle: 'false'
- AtlanticaToggle: 'false'
- CorSkipToggle: 'false'
- local_items:
- - Growth
- - Abas Chain
- - Ability Ring
- - Acrisius
- - Acrisius+
- - Aegis Chain
- - Aquamarine Ring
- - Auto Final
- - Auto Limit
- - Auto Master
- - Auto Summon
- - Auto Valor
- - Auto Wisdom
- - Blizzaga Armlet
- - Blizzagun Armlet
- - Blizzara Armlet
- - Blizzard Armlet
- - Buster Band
- - Champion Belt
- - Chaos Anklet
- - Cosmic Arts
- - Cosmic Belt
- - Cosmic Chain
- - Cosmic Ring
- - Dark Anklet
- - Diamond Ring
- - Divine Bandana
- - Draw Ring
- - Elixir
- - Elven Bandana
- - Engineer's Ring
- - Ether
- - Executive's Ring
- - Expert's Ring
- - Fencer Earring
- - Fira Bangle
- - Firaga Bangle
- - Firagun Bangle
- - Fire Bangle
- - Full Bloom
- - Gaia Belt
- - Garnet Ring
- - Gold Ring
- - Hero's Crest
- - Hi-Potion
- - Mage Earring
- - Master's Ring
- - Megalixir
- - Midnight Anklet
- - Moon Amulet
- - Mythril Ring
- - Orichalcum Ring
- - Petite Ribbon
- - Platinum Ring
- - Potion
- - Power Band
- - Protect Belt
- - Ribbon
- - Sardonyx Ring
- - Shadow Anklet
- - Shadow Archive
- - Shock Charm
- - Silver Ring
- - Skill Ring
- - Skillful Ring
- - Slayer Earring
- - Soldier Earring
- - Star Charm
- - Technician's Ring
- - Tent
- - Thundaga Trinket
- - Thundagun Trinket
- - Thundara Trinket
- - Thunder Trinket
- - Tourmaline Ring
- exclude_locations:
- - Level 71
- - Level 72
- - Level 73
- - Level 74
- - Level 75
- - Level 76
- - Level 77
- - Level 78
- - Level 79
- - Level 80
- - Level 81
- - Level 82
- - Level 83
- - Level 84
- - Level 85
- - Level 86
- - Level 87
- - Level 88
- - Level 89
- - Level 90
- - Level 91
- - Level 92
- - Level 93
- - Level 94
- - Level 95
- - Level 96
- - Level 97
- - Level 98
- - Level 99
- CustomItemPoolQuantity:
- Aerial Dodge: 4
- Anti Form: 1
- Battlefields of War: 2
- Beast's Claw: 2
- Blizzard Element: 3
- Bone Fist: 2
- Chicken Little: 1
- Cure Element: 3
- Disney Castle Key: 2
- Dodge Roll: 4
- Final Form: 1
- Fire Element: 3
- Genie: 1
- Glide: 4
- High Jump: 4
- Ice Cream: 3
- Identity Disk: 2
- Limit Form: 1
- Magnet Element: 3
- Master Form: 1
- Membership Card: 2
- Namine Sketches: 1
- Peter Pan: 1
- Promise Charm: 1
- Proof of Connection: 1
- Proof of Nonexistence: 1
- Proof of Peace: 1
- Proud Fang: 2
- Quick Run: 4
- Reflect Element: 3
- Scimitar: 2
- Skill and Crossbones: 2
- Stitch: 1
- Sword of the Ancestor: 2
- Thunder Element: 3
- Torn Page: 5
- Valor Form: 1
- Way to the Dawn: 2
- Wisdom Form: 1
- start_inventory:
- Torn Page: 1
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