
Kalos' Games #spacecopsic 4/29/2017

Apr 29th, 2017
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  1. DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
  2. DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
  3. Lazuli: After the alvali said a number sequence, something in his jacket went off beeping.
  4. Cyril: (Okay, can I try to say the sequence again and attack if that fails?)
  5. Cyril: (If not I'll just vaporize)
  6. Cyril: (Rolling for damage in roll20)
  7. Lily: _still has to put 3d6 of electricity into the avali tho >3>_
  8. Cyril: (Oh right you do that first instead)
  9. Cyril: (It was still your turn)
  10. Cyril: (Also, we're all in roll20)
  11. Cyril: ( <@!Lily> you wanna do your electric? )
  12. Lily: afack
  13. Lily: I might not be able to get into r20
  14. Lily: net right now is being stolen
  15. Cyril: Oh D:
  16. Lily: yeah I'm trying rn
  17. Cyril: (Avali got fried, bomb is still ticking, ghost still active. Miri gonna forcerifle it)
  18. Lily: anyways
  19. Lily: /roll 3d6 electricity
  20. Lily: !roll 3d6 fuck
  21. DiscoDude: <@Lily> rolled 3d6 for 9 [3d6 = 3, 4, 2] fuck
  22. Lily: zipzip
  23. Cyril: (Now he's very dead)
  24. Lily: yeah I can't get r20 to load)
  25. Cyril: (Oh no D: )
  26. Cyril: (Want me to keep you updated? I think we can move your token)
  27. Miri: !groll 11
  28. DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 10 (degree 1; success)
  29. Cyril: (Force-rifle roll to hit the ghost's head)
  30. Miri: !r 8d6
  31. DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 8d6 for 25 [8d6 = 3, 5, 2, 6, 3, 1, 2, 3]
  32. Lazuli: The ghost immediately falls to it's knees and evaporates as it's head is blown into particles.
  33. Cyril: (Ommy: "You pretty much blow off it's fucking head")
  34. Lily: did I manage to knock the avali down with the pounce, I don't remember
  35. Cyril: (I don't think so)
  36. Lily: _clings then_
  37. Lazuli: (I mean, Lotus p much did fucking punch a massive hole in it's chest and it still survived)
  38. Cyril: (But he'd very down now that he's literally dead, and also about to explode, bomb is still going)
  39. Lily: good thing my electricity didn't uh
  40. Cyril: (Set that off? :P )
  41. Lily: too bad it didn't short it out too thouhg :B guess it's sealed
  42. Cyril: (I'm just gonna take off his jacket and throw it up into the elevator hatch then get out)
  43. Cyril: (Lily's turn, what do you wanna do?)
  44. Cyril: (Keith ran into another room to hide from imminent probably-explosion)
  45. Keith: <@!Lily> ...
  46. Keith: Do you run from a live bomb?
  47. Lily: my turn already eh?
  48. Cyril: Yep!
  49. Lily: yeah I sprint the fuck away in a direction that seems idk... logical at a move of 7 but advanced move so I'm still accelerating :B
  50. Cyril: You're safe behind a wall with Keith.
  51. Runi: "Just cut around it."
  52. Cyril: _starts cutting the jacket up with loud knife._
  53. Runi: _has more than once, escape from situations by cutting her way out of buildings._
  54. Cyril: !groll 14 (dexterity roll to cut bomb out)
  55. DiscoDude: <@Cyril> rolled 9 (degree 5; success)
  56. Lazuli: You slice open the jacket and retrieve the bomb...but there are wires going through the jacket to the sleeves, good thing you didn't cut any of them.
  57. Cyril: _decides to just pull the jacket off later instead. >:I_
  58. Lily: "recover the body if you can?"
  59. Lazuli: You have not identified what bomb it is.
  60. Lily: "you know, for research"
  61. Cyril: (Does anyone have quickdraw:stripping)
  62. Lily: (Rhyme might :3 )
  63. Lazuli: !groll 14
  64. DiscoDude: <@Lazuli> rolled 16 (degree -2; failure)
  65. Cyril: (Okay we got the jacket off)
  66. Cyril: _flings the bomb up into the elevator shaft trapdoor, closes it, and hauls the avali out of there. Pchoo._
  67. Lazuli: After two hole seconds, you hear nothing.
  68. Lily: hole seconds ;3
  69. Lily: also Lily don't do anything halfhearted, when she runs away, she really fucking runs away, so she's... 20 units away after 2 more seconds
  70. Cyril: (Oh, she *keeps* running away)
  71. Lily: who knows how big that bomb is XD
  72. Lazuli: You all feel the air and the smell of chloroform...And Lotus passes out.
  73. Cyril: Cyril just got five feet away and stopped
  74. Cyril: ...OOPS
  75. Lily: probably just best to say, it smells chemically~
  76. Cyril: _quickly puts on filter-mask and filter-skin._
  77. Keith: _Keith has it all built-in_
  78. Cyril: _has both of those in his inventory. Whew._
  79. Lazuli: (Lily, do you have filter lungs?)
  80. Lily: lol no
  81. Lily: but I'm way way away
  82. Lily: advanced move, the moment I started away I was REALLY running away
  83. Lily: so if the cloud of gas goes farther than 27 meters in 3 seconds
  84. Keith: Sleep Gas (TL9)
  85. An advanced sedative, such as an engineered variant of
  86. the heroin molecule, mixed with a skin-penetrating agent.
  87. It causes rapid incapacitation. It is a contact agent that
  88. requires a HT-6 roll to resist. Failure results in unconsciousness
  89. lasting for minutes equal to the margin of failure,
  90. followed by ordinary sleep. $0.50 per dose. LC2.
  91. Keith: It is a contact agent that
  92. requires a HT-6 roll to resist.
  93. Lily: filter lungs would be useless against hat
  94. Cyril: (Does anyone else have a Space Biosuit too? I think we bought those)
  95. Keith: <@!Miri> ?
  96. Lily: oh hey fuck
  97. Lily: I forgot
  98. Lily: I'm wearing that shit
  99. Cyril: (Spaceproof :D )
  100. Lily: so I'm sealed
  101. Runi: (Runi has a biosuit)
  102. Cyril: (Nice.)
  103. Lily: or rather
  104. Lily: I can become sealed
  105. Keith: <@!Lily> has a biosuit
  106. Lily: I wasn't sealed before to pass on electricity lol
  107. Lazuli: You are all p much good...except for Lotus.
  108. Runi: "You should get her out of there. Like... fast."
  110. Lily: _stops running away when she realizes things are not going to explode_
  111. Keith: _Keith tries to filter the air with his lungs, and then breath into Lotus' mouth, so she won't die from overdose._
  112. Lily: 😮 kinky
  113. Cyril: _looks kind of horrified, can't tell why Keith is doing_
  114. Keith: "I was a paramedic, I know what I am doing, don't worry."
  115. Lazuli: Once you all get up to the ground floor, The Alvali...twitches and then gasps. He seems to have the same particles from the black ghost. "...You gotta be fucking kidding me." He says, his wounds are all completely healed.
  116. Cyril: _places lasergauntlet against the avali, just in case. Should they call their employers for this guy, and leave Lotus at the hospital?_
  117. Keith: "We don't joke on the job, criminal, except when we do." Keith barks back a retort to the Avali.
  118. Lazuli: "Eh...Fucking feds."
  119. Lily: "Shoot him miri"
  120. Cyril: (Blast him into orbit with the forcerifle, let our employers pick him up there)
  121. Runi: "i'm on the line." she says as she's busy communicating
  122. Keith: _Keith arrests the Avali, if no one else does it._
  123. Cyril: (Is Lotus getting treated? I feel bad for the only person not sealed)
  124. Cyril: (oh my god. After this whole crazy fight, Keith leans in, whispers *"stop criminal scum"*)
  125. Keith: _Keith also has a first-aid kit, if someone else can do the arrest..._
  126. Runi: "neural pacifiers, now."
  127. Cyril: (Keith pacify the guy)
  128. Runi: "Back of the head."
  129. Runi: "Let's drag him out of here. Lotus will be fine if we just leave."
  130. Keith: _Keith arrests the Psion, with a neural pacifier._
  131. Keith: "You've been stopped, Criminal Scum."
  132. Runi: "Front door."
  133. Runi: "back door, I don't give a fuck."
  134. Keith: "Oh my..."
  135. Runi: _walks to the edges of the building, scanning around for cops._
  136. Keith: "So the backdoor is fine with you?~"
  137. Lazuli: There is no sign of cops.
  138. Cyril: _carries the avali out._
  139. Runi: "Ha Ha you're 5."
  140. Keith: "Comparated to you?"
  141. Keith: "Yeah."
  142. Runi: _lets herself fall off the side of the building_
  143. Runi: !roll 2d6
  144. Lily: the dude is not good for retroactive rolls 😛
  145. Runi: yea.
  146. Runi: _catches herself shortly before touching down._
  147. Keith: _Keith carries the Psion as soon as he can to the drop point... Or leaves that job for someone..._
  148. Keith: I suppose we just... *go*
  149. Lily: _sticks with keith. Seems her tacnet has gone down and she's disoriented_
  150. Runi: "Like, quickly, out of here." She stands at the back door, putting her laser rifle on her back and switching her biosuit to cloak-form to help conceal it down her body.
  151. Cyril: _pauses and looks around for a second, uh oh. Quickly scurries after Runi, morphsuit up in armor-ey mode._
  152. Lily: _moves out, quickly_
  153. Keith: _Keith moves out quicly as well... Is Cyril carrying the Psion? Who is carrying Lotus?_
  154. Runi: "W-what?"
  155. Runi: "BRING THEM!"
  156. Cyril: (Okay I'll take Lotus then)
  157. Lily: _looks down at her small body, then over to the taller aliens >.>_
  158. Keith: _Keith carries the Psion, with his ST7_
  159. Runi: "You are now *Leaving Bikini Bottom*"
  160. Lily: _helps? with her st 6?_
  161. Lazuli: (Are y'all gonna come to your superiors?)
  162. Cyril: _can just carry both of the people, with no encumberment, probably the easiest way to go?_
  163. Runi: we're first just going to regroup.
  164. Cyril: _gets to the hospital's backdoor, wherever Runi is. Seems like she knows what they're supposed to do._
  165. Keith: _Keith lets Cyril carry all the people he wanna carry, just like he does on DotA 5 when they play together._
  166. Runi: "That's him?" she looks at the person
  167. Cyril: _holds the unconscious psion up._
  168. Keith: "Should be."
  169. Runi: _sighs, after a moment staring off into space, figuratively "To the ship. Who's ready for a vacation again?"_
  170. Keith: "I."
  171. Cyril: _reroutes to the ship. Wants to stare out into actual-space._
  172. Keith: "The person who is 5 is all onboard the vacation idea, Aunty Runi."
  173. Cyril: _looks back to witness Keith about to be stomped._
  174. Runi: _on the way, starts to explain out loud, turning off the autosend from her implant. "Alright so, in case it isn't obvious yet, our employer isn't saying anything."_
  175. Runi: "Something is wrong at their end, possibly *terribly* wrong."
  176. Cyril: "...Shit."
  177. Lily: "well. That's unfortunate. "
  178. Keith: "Ah. This bodes well. Not."
  179. Runi: "you know when the last time this happened was to me?"
  180. Runi: "9 months ago."
  181. Runi: "So we're going to just chill for a little."
  182. Keith: _Keith is visibly shaken by the memory of the counsil... Being no more._
  183. Cyril: "Should we... Check out the planet where we got the job?"
  184. Runi: "Later. Right now we're leaving."
  185. Lily: _has a broken chillometer that doesn't allow her chill levels to get up past slightly agitated_
  186. Runi: "As for dude-bro-ghost here, We're going to have to conceal him somehow."
  187. Cyril: (Can I turn my morphsuit into a box to carry the unconscious people in)
  188. Runi: "Because the security isn't going to let some people armed to the teeth walk out with someone with a neural pacifier on them."
  189. Cyril: (Perfectly inconspicuous)
  190. Lily: (youd be naked)
  191. Cyril: (I have two)
  192. Cyril: (Spacesuit and actual clothes)
  193. Lily: (make it a suitcase lol. a large suitcase, avali are small it will look normal)
  194. Runi: _stopped walking._
  195. Keith: _Stops_
  196. Keith: "You... Got something?"
  197. Lily: _walk walk walk, wait why did everybody stop?_
  198. Cyril: _immediately begins cooking up ridiculous plans. "Okay, I can take my spacesuit, and shape it into a box... If we find a way to eject them from the station we can go pick them up in the ship later and they'll be fine..."_
  199. Runi: "hey kids- you know what we have to do?"
  200. Cyril: _quirks his head to the side like a dog. ???_
  201. Keith: "Uh..."
  202. Keith: _places his hand on his force gun_
  203. Runi: _walks over to take the psion from Cyril._
  204. Miri: "Notta clue."
  205. Runi: _gently puts him down against a wall, leaving the neural pacifier on him._
  206. Keith: "Use WORDS!"
  207. Cyril: "I swear if you cut his head off"
  208. Lily: >.>
  209. Lily: not a bad idea
  210. Cyril: "...That'd work actually"
  211. Lily: if we can keep it stable
  212. Cyril: "Why didn't I think of that"
  213. Lily: "You just did"
  214. Runi: "no, I'm not killing this guy.."
  215. Miri: "Are we...*really* doing that?"
  216. Runi: _'s eyes aren't even looking at him._
  217. Cyril: "Hey, we can put him back together later."
  218. Lily: "He's a murderer anywys"
  219. Cyril: _starts going through his junk, probably has something to stabilize a head..._
  220. Keith: "This is the reason why we should use words, y'know..."
  221. Lily: "I'm not going to just let him go"
  222. Runi: _pauses- crashing her arms and scratching her chin._
  223. Runi: "Someone's pink and fluffy and very terrifying."
  224. Runi: "Also red all over."
  225. Miri: "Eh?"
  226. Runi: "A psion you kids caught is coming to kill us."
  227. Keith: "Ah."
  228. Miri: "Wait. *Wait.*"
  229. Keith: "I knew he would come to us."
  230. Runi: "they also killed everyone else."
  231. Miri: *"...Him?!?"*
  232. Lily: "that pushover?"
  233. Miri: "Oh...shhhhhhit."
  234. Keith: "Didn't expect it to be this soon."
  235. Runi: "so, this guy's staying here."
  236. Cyril: _holds up a vial of ascepaline. Maybe this would work? Clearly not focused on the conversation any more._
  237. Runi: "We're not employees of anyone anymore."
  238. Miri: "Cyril! *Cyril?* Pay attention! We're *fucked!*"
  239. Cyril: "...Whuh?"
  240. Keith: "I don't think we can just leave this guy."
  241. Miri: _shakes Cyril by the shoulder._
  242. Miri: "*Ommy* is coming for us. The psycho pink thing."
  243. Cyril: _puts the ascepaline back. Takes out pounds and pounds of tangler._
  244. Runi: _looked aside. "We're going to go to the rim and hide. I have to call my kids- my real ones."_
  245. Keith: "Are you sure you want to leave traces, if you are this afraid?"
  246. Miri: "What's so funny? That...*thing* coulda *killed* us the last time!"
  247. Runi: "Either this psion can tell I'm going to do this, and there's no sense in hiding, and I get to say goodbye."
  248. Runi: "or he can't, and I get to tell my kids I'll see them in a few years of hiding."
  249. Keith: "Hm... You make a good point."
  250. Lazuli: All of you each get a notification . . .
  251. Runi: "A facility made to hold psions was powerless. No one else-"
  252. Runi: "What's this." She looks to nothing, to read it
  253. Lily: "Runi. You're way overdramatic. We put this guy down once. I don't know how they must have fucked up, but we can do it again."
  254. Lazuli: It's a short video but it's . . . DOM waving at the camera . . .
  255. Cyril: "...What the fuck"
  256. Runi: "Who's this douchebag?"
  257. Keith: "Um... A *dead* friend."
  258. Cyril: "Oh. Right. Shapeshifter."
  259. Lily: "It's probably ommy, he can look like anything"
  260. Cyril: "Ommy killed him."
  261. Cyril: (How exactly did we fight psioncat the last time?)
  262. Runi: "Yea they mentioned something about taking DNA from a bunch of people."
  263. Lazuli: And then it shapeshifts to the real one, with a small floating ball next to him.
  264. Lazuli:
  265. Lazuli: And then the clip ends.
  266. Runi: "ooh, yea that's the shot."
  267. Keith: "Doesn't look pink, but whatever."
  268. Runi: "Presumably, they have our number from raiding the databases of our employer,"
  269. Runi: "So we have to go get those changed- say goodbye to your hypernet besties now."
  270. Keith: "So. You wanna call your kids first?"
  271. Lily: "Runi... chill. LEts just go put him down."
  272. Runi: _'s feathers are in fact, awfully ruffled._
  273. Lily: "we are better and stronger now, while he was languishing in a prison. He probably just tricked them, because they're stupid. We aren't stupid though, we can handle this."
  274. Runi: "Fact is, we can't go after this person. by the time we go to find them they can be anywhere."
  275. Lazuli: another clip . . . This time it's a video of a stone being lifted up by a giant black mass with yellow lines, and then it blows up and implodes in on itself, and then back at the camera is that same smile.
  276. Runi: "But we know they're after us."
  277. Runi: _chuckled.for a moment_
  278. Lazuli:
  279. Runi: "You know what? suddenly I'm less afraid."
  280. Cyril: _is distracted again, putting something in the front lining of his suit. Being a government agent comes with perks._
  281. Keith: _Keith sends a message to his family. He says this: "I quit the cop job in favor of a job I thought would be better, help more people and pay better. That was a mistake. I will either disappear for a long time, or disappear forever. I might... I might die... Goodbye."_
  282. Runi: "if they're trying to intimidate us this much..."
  283. Keith: "I mean."
  284. Keith: "He always seemed the kind of person that wanted to compensate for *something*."
  285. Runi: "We still have work to do. they'l be coming for us. "
  286. Runi: "We gotta come prep'd."
  287. Keith: "I don't think we should leave the psion behind."
  288. Cyril: _takes a second to send his message, too, to friends back at home. "I'm either gonna die or I'll have the coolest video you've ever seen real soon. Wish me luck."_
  289. Runi: "What should we do with this man, Keith?"
  290. Cyril: "So. Should we wait for them here? Or try to get off this station, and get supplies somewhere else? I assume they can fly through space or something, wouldn't want to meet them in our ship."
  291. Lily: "Do we... have like... stasis pods?"
  292. Keith: _Keith frowns slightly "Yeah, a bit hard to deal with him. For some reason all the psions we've found so far were unkillable... So that's crossed off..."_
  293. Lily: "I thought our ship was going to be decked out with those, lets throw this bozo in and track down the changeling"
  294. Runi: "my original plan was to go to a colony world. -they pay you to live at those sometimes- Also, not too many people around."
  295. Cyril: "We can contain them. Psions have always reappeared wherever they're killed, right? Throw them in a reactor or engine chamber. Won't heal through that."
  296. Keith: "Yeah, like we have access to that."
  297. Keith: "We can babrely carry his ass around."
  298. Miri: "I got...I got no one I wanna contact."
  299. Runi: "A giant fusion reactor isn't too hard to find. every star system has one."
  300. Cyril: "The changeling, I mean. We can contain them. Our ship's engines can probably fry them."
  301. Cyril: "If we manage to escape, maybe we can even find out where they were being held before, figure out what they were doing. Could at least use the stuff to fight with."
  302. Cyril: _isn't interested in running. Has too much stuff on the internet to leave behind! >:I_
  303. Keith: "Ommy? Ah, that guy... We'll just have a trip to near a sun. If we get a hold on him."
  304. Lily: "Why are we eh... why are we going to kill him? Seems like a waste."
  305. Cyril: "They're coming to kill us."
  306. Lily: "Lets just capture and sell him to someone more uh... competent"
  307. Keith: "Cyril spent hours..."
  308. Runi: "They killed the most competend psi-holders I've ever known."
  309. Lily: "so?"
  310. Keith: "These were the most competent."
  311. Cyril: (Wait, what'd I spend hours doing)
  312. Runi: "Well, no, that's not true."
  313. Runi: "Most competent was the council.."
  314. Keith: ( <@!Cyril> , searching)
  315. Cyril: (Ohh.)
  316. Lily: "we captured them once."
  317. Keith: "Hah. Yes, the council... God forbid, why did it had to fall?"
  318. Runi: "becauss they deigned to defy cosmic horrors or something I don't know. It's all so fucked."
  319. Runi: "You know what else is fucked?"
  320. Keith: "Us?"
  321. Runi: _goes back on the tacnet/local group 'call'_
  322. Cyril: "Really, we should get to the ship right now if we're gonna leave, why are we standing around here?"
  323. Runi: _streams them the video feed- it appears to be of a packaging plant/facility of some sort._
  324. Cyril: "Gotta get better equipment."
  325. Runi: "This look familiar?"
  326. Keith: "Hah... "
  327. Miri: "...if our options are 'die running' or 'die fighting'...I'll pick the latter."
  328. Miri: She says this with much more bravado than she's feeling.
  329. Keith: "Familiar..."
  330. Runi: A guy picks up the camera, and looks at it, "Hey uh...Did any of you leave this camera here?"
  331. The workers shrug and say no.
  332. Lily: "I mean, you can die if you want but yall are way more worried than you should be"
  333. Runi: _takes a seat, up against wierd stando guy slumped on a wall_
  334. Runi: "Guess where that is."
  335. Keith: "The place... Where we captured the psion?"
  336. Runi: "No. This is where they were taken in."
  337. Runi: "This is the research facility."
  338. Cyril: _squints. Doesn't look like much of a place for psion research._
  339. Runi: "The [IP address] is the same"
  340. Runi: "This is that place. It's different."
  341. Runi: "Same camera, Same stream."
  342. Cyril: "...The place changed?"
  343. Runi: "same local time, too."
  344. Runi: "just before this happened."
  345. Runi: "It all faded into a black hole- singularity, quasar, whatever."
  346. Runi: "Now it's back. And it's this."
  347. Cyril: _squints harder. >:I_
  348. Cyril: "So... The research place used to be there, it got smashed, and now it reappeared as a factory? With the camera still there?"
  349. Keith: "So... Some sort of... Alternate reality of sorts came into our reality? Or did it swap places with another place?"
  350. Keith: "By the way, escaping into an alternate reality sounds real good right now, if impossible."
  351. Runi: "We don't actually have a ship right?"
  352. Runi: "I'd want to see what hyperspace looks like, right there."
  353. Keith: "I think it is still being built...? Who was keeping track of that?"
  354. Cyril: (Dangit do we not have the ship)
  355. Cyril: (That's an important ship)
  356. Runi: "BLuh."
  357. Runi: "I got 10k in my bank about. Might be able to charter a small ship."
  358. Cyril: "...I still have most of the loan"
  359. Keith: "Huh, rolling in the cash."
  360. Runi: "Life savings. Not a lot."
  361. Cyril: (We really need the ship lol)
  362. Runi: "One of you has a receipt."
  363. Runi: "We go to the yard."
  364. Runi: "we grab it, we go."
  365. Cyril: (I think I probably have the receipt since I got the money in my character sheet for some reason? Let's go there)
  366. Keith: "I believe Cyril does."
  367. Cyril: _looks up a map. Leads everyone on a mad dash to the shipyard._
  368. Runi: _stands up again, brushing off her cloak, and picks up guy_
  369. Keith: _Follows with the rest of the group_
  370. Runi: "Cyril, if you would."
  371. Cyril: _carries psionguy too._
  372. Runi: _takes the group to the smaller end of the shipyard_
  373. Runi: _will personally get passage by talking with a captain at a bar or whatever._
  374. Runi: *Stellar Rogers, where are you...*
  375. Lazuli: And as you all pass to the shipyard he stands there, his head tilted and smiling, blocking the way.
  376. Runi: 'he' as in
  377. Runi: ommy?
  378. Lazuli: yep
  379. Lazuli: "Well these are all nice and all but I like my games...hard reseted."
  380. Runi: _grabs guy_
  381. Lily: _quickdraws_
  382. Runi: _removes neural pacifier_
  383. Runi: _pushes forward._
  384. Cyril: (Okay I have something here)
  385. Cyril: (Is Ommy close enough to hug)
  386. Keith: "What."
  387. Cyril: (Because there's a reason I was asking if we could get lower-LC things)
  388. Runi: does cyril have neurolash
  389. Cyril: (Something better)
  390. Cyril: (Seriously am I in hugging range)
  391. Miri: "Fuck fuck fuck fuck *fuck...*"
  392. Lazuli: All of you suddendly freeze in as the mass stands over you and holds out its thumb and slowly presses down. "Bon voyage~" You all feel weightless, loss of senses, numbing sensation, and then...darkness.
  393. Cyril: (Okay I guess I can't do anything)
  394. Cyril: (I had twenty 100mm force warheads in the front of my suit)
  395. Runi: Now
  396. Cyril: (Was gonna deliver the Last Hug)
  397. Runi: here's the real question
  398. Runi: Did the guy survive the resetti
  399. Cyril: (Dang cutscenes >:I!)
  400. Miri: "No no no no *no!*"
  401. Lazuli: You all, wake up.
  402. Miri: _blinks._
  403. Lily: wake up where
  404. Runi: YOULL SEE
  405. Cyril: (We've been transported to an alternate universe or something??? Basically that psion cat cheated)
  406. Keith: !end
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